The New Girl (Kaiminzy)

Kaiminzy & Taeminzy Drabbles


A/N: Forgive me if I got the terms and procedures wrong about ballet. If there was any fault in writing about it, do inform me to correct it. 


Kai stepped into his ballet class in the Grand Royale Academy of Dance. He is the ever so tardy student but apparently, everyone in the school is. It is always a competition, in fact, everyday is a challenge among students to stay on top. 'To be the best of the best' is the motto of the school and that is also the principles that is being incorporated in each student's mindset. Nobody was ever seen slacking as everybody strives to move forward and weave their way to the top. Not only in terms of dance but everybody also portrays a character deem fit to be in the school through their dressing. Their clothes are never those that represent the streets but one of those with class. In other words, students of the school live and breathe the name of Grand Royale. They live up to the reputation of the dance academy which of course earns the best certificate of graduation for fellow dance students. 


Kai was warming up at the barre when the Dean of Dance came in with a girl hidden behind him. Even from the looks of how she dress, she seems out of place. Her baggy pants with high tops and fitting sleeveless top are common outfits of the streets.  In fact, just as she step in with her head bend low, he already heard murmurs from other dancers in the room. He does not have to ask to know that she is under the scrutiny of others for her dressing right now. However, something about her caught his attention, it was not the looks since she seems average, her short hair isn't a bother considering that there are other dancers especially in the contemporary and hip hop class and it definitely wasn't her dressing since he knows well enough that she will be an outcast if she doesn't keep up with the school standards or at least the standards that the students are proud of. There was some air of rebellion around her that fascinates him. She definitely isn't the type that would enter this school.


"Class, I would like you to welcome your new student. Her name is Gong Minzy. She has just return to Korea after a transfer from Japan and is currently enrolling in Grand Royale so please treat her well. Do show her around our school compounds and get her comfortable. Minzy, if you need any kind of help, do not hesitate to approach us. We will guide you the best way we can in this academy. I hope through this school, you will have a fruitful development in dance and be successful as our past students. All the best to you." the dean ended his speech before leaving her in the room by herself.


"Minzy-shi, you can place your bag at the corner of the room and do your warm up there with Kai at the barre before joining the rest." the dance teacher instructed her. 


Kai saw Minzy bow to the class and the dance teacher before carrying out what she was told. He expected her to have a change of clothes as baggy pants are not exactly the kind of outfit one would wear for ballet. That is already against the dance etiquette but somehow the girl casually stretch in front of him like it did not matter. What was more surprising was that their dance instructor does not seem to mind at all that she is the only one who was without tights. Probably because she was still new so Kai decided to tell her about it.


"Hey, you're not gonna change your outfit?"


"Do I have to?" her husky voice struck him for moment that he almost missed out on her sarcasm.


"Well, it's proper dance etiquette."


"I know but I don't want to." Minzy said and he frowned, if it was anything, he hate girls that are rude.


"You're bound to get some scolding from the dance teacher at this rate you know." Kai retorts.


"Look, I know what I'm doing ok? I wouldn't have dance in this if I haven't passed my intermediate Checchetti exams."


"Then why are you here if you're that good?" Kai said with sudden interest.


Not many people can pass the Checchetti examinations especially , it was one of the toughest and it is definitely the dreams of many with their strict training so to see a girl being able to pass through that and still stick to Grand Royale is just pure amazing.


"Aren't you probing into my life too much?"


"Oh.. I'm sorry. It's just great to meet someone who..."


"Save it, I don't see why I should even tell you any part of me. I'm here for a reason." Minzy said before walking away to join the class.


Kai was dumbstruck. Did the girl just shut him off? She was not only rude to him but arrogant as well. She is definitely going into his hate list or so he thought. After that first lesson, he realized that she seems to be given the exception to wear her casual baggy clothes by the dance instructor who seems to not be affected by her presence. Then again, her movements were of her own without even imitating the movements of the dance teacher. In fact, she just internalize the basic principles and the rest was her own dance interpretation. She had been the example of the class a couple of times and have grown to be one of the competitors in the ballet class itself. The number of students that hated on her increase as well not only for her rebellion but also the fact that she ace in dance. Kai however, despite the hate, actually admired her for her dance sans her attitude. 


Since she is always alone in school, it does not seem to bother her that she has no friends at all. She was always alone and after lessons she tends to be in an empty dance studio all by herself. Since curiosity got the best of him, Kai decides to ditch his friends and stay behind in school one day, just to see what does she do by herself after school hours. After all, everyone in the ballet dance class gets to qualify for the International Ballet Competition that will take place in 4 months, where the best judges gathers to look at the potential ballet dancers of tomorrow. So routines and and techniques are well checked to ensure that they pass the qualifying rounds. Since Minzy is one of the best students despite her late entrance, she could have been hiding some other skills that might be of advantage to the competitions.


So here he was in school, heading to the place where he thought he would find her. It doesn't take long to locate her since there was only a certain type of music that fills the hallway at the moment. Much to his surprise, there wasn't any classical music coming out from the room but rather spitting raps and hardcore beats that even the hip hop dance classes do not use. Even if they do, it is always the clean version since reputation of the school comes first. So to hear the hallway be filled with such music seems new to Kai. Following the echo in the hall, it lead him to a dance studio where he first met her. 


Hiding in the shadows, he saw her dance something so different from the elegance she show in ballet. The popping and locking moves seems to be that of such precision that it makes him gape in awe at such movements. Even the moves in hip hop classes aren't this vigorous and the flow she shows is beyond the restrictions of the school. Not only were her movements so fluid, the y expression she showed through the mirror with the occassional smirks and winks just gain herself a fanboy in him. As Kai watch her, somehow, the inner hate he initally had for her seems to disappear and replace with admirations but it was that one particular move that got his heart beating so hard that he was caught red handed for spying. Well, more like because he tripped and fell into the room. Can you blame a young man for getting a shock after watching a girl bending herself and moving her ily in circular motion following the beat, what more when that fine piece of meat was directed at his face. 


"What the hell are you doing here?"




"You know what, forget it, if you want to tell on me, go ahead. The better it is." Minzy look at him at him with indifference as she walks to the player and stop the music. 


Kai was still blushing and speechless from being found out that he started noticing things about Minzy that he did not before. That skin hugging jeans and sleeveless top with that pink bra that falls off her shoulders with her hair stuck to her face, all of it screams and seduction to him. Before he could even comprehend whatever that was going on, he held on to her shoulder when she bumped her sweaty body on him as she walk out.




"What do you want? Make fun of me and degrade me like other kids?" she said as she face him with an bored expression.


"What makes you think I'd do that?"


"Well, well, comes from a guy who hates my gut when I shove it up your that I'm a eltist in ballet."


"Fine, I admit it was a mistake of mine but I'm curious as well so entertain me." ! why did he say that? his mouth definitely works faster than his brain.


"Sorry? Entertain you? I'm not here to humour anyone." 


"Well, I..." Be damn... why is he even stuttering?


"I have no time to entertain you. See you and your little posse tomorrow. I'm sure you will have a good time talking about finding me out here." Minzy said with a nonchalant attitude and walk away.


If he have not find her that night, he would have not found out about that fine piece of but that information aside, he has been trying to get to know her by visiting her almost every night. Somehow, she still fascinates him despite the months she was in school. What made it curious was who exactly is she and what is her purpose of being in Grand Royale? Though she ignore his presence, he made a bold move by staying in the room instead of watching from outside. As days past, he finds himself finding the beat of the music flow through his body as he too, started doing moves he never thought he could. Slowly from watching, he started dancing to her moves as well, silently at the back. 


Within 2 months, he was already finding joy in hip hop music more so than his ballet that he too find it shocking. Slowly, he started making another bold move by challenging her to dance and probably it was the passion of dance that flows around her that she could sense the challenge. Without exchanging words, they started battling one another and it was only 2 weeks after his love for hip hop, that he saw Minzy got comfortable in her own zone as she showed him her first genuine laugh when he was unable to keep up with her. It was that moment when he realize, he fell for her. It has nothing to do with beauty nor talent but simply her breathtaking smile that took him away. 


When it was close to the International Ballet Competition, there were in a way acquainted but instead of words, it was through movements and suddenly Kai felt that he was introduced to a new world of dance. However, one night when he was looking for her in the usual studio, he heard some arguments. Though he did not meant to eavesdrop, he could not help but watch the shocking scene in front of him. The Dean of Dance was inside confronting Minzy, he thought that she would get into trouble until he heard something which was probably kept from anyone in school.


"You lied samchon! You said you will help me get out of this. I know that once I get to that stage during the competition, I'm never turning back. How could I be so stupid to not know about it!"


"Minzy...  don't you realize that your path is secure in ballet?"


"No! I told you, I want out! I'm sick of this elegance acrobatic moves where everything has to be uptight. I was forced into this since young. Which part of this is secure?"


"It's not like I have a choice either Minzy, your parents especially your omma request this of me. You know how persistent she is."


"You gave in to omma so much! She may be your younger sister but you yourself know well what it feels like to be dancing freestyle as compared to something like ballet. This whole ballet business is driving me insane!"


"Minzy, don't make me regret introducing you secretly to hip hop. I adore you and dote on you a lot but you know that your omma..."


"Stop talking about omma! I swear, I'm gonna screw up that competition! I don't ing care! I had enough! I'm gonna have it my way whether she likes it or not! I don't care if she is cutting off my cards or taking away my luxury. You know well enough I don't need all that." 




"No samchon, I shall show her what is the world like outside ballet. You were restricted too but I shall live the dream for you. The one that we were forbid upon but this time, I don't care if you're gonna help me or not! I'm standing up on my own." Minzy said before walking out of the room.


It was just unfortunate that Kai overheard the whole conversation which probably explains why Minzy was an elitist, her family are dancers in this field. When Minzy walk out with tears in her eyes, Kai could not help but feel sorry for her. When she walk pass him without acknowledging his presence, he pulled her wrist and drag her through the bunch of studios to the rooftop which he normally go when he wants to de-stress. She didn't protest at his tugging and when they finally reach their destination, he pulled her into a hug. 


The cold and strong Minzy disappeared as she limp her body on his while she cried her heart out. It was a cold night at it too and since Minzy was only a cardigan to cover over, Kai took off his knitted scarf and wrap over her neck. When she stopped crying, nothing accompanied them but peaceful silence. Fortunately, due to the dance they had with each other for the past weeks, the silent was comfortable.


"Thank you." Minzy's husky voice pierce through the silence.


"No problem. Though, if you ever intend to run away, you're welcome to stay with me. My omma and noonas will love to have you around" Kai said casually.


"Don't you think it is too early to judge what I'll do? The competition has not even pass yet."


"But you have already made up your mind. It makes no different. What I'll tell you from experience is, break the stage and show your true inner self. Whatever are the judges decision, you know that you are doing what you love, even if it is against the principles you grow up with."


"Why are you doing this for me? Why are you helping me? You know the trouble that it will bring you right?"


"You will know in time why I do what I do. Ballet is not just a dance, to me it's life but if I ever had to end it, there are other hobbies that I can take up too so my life is not entirely the end if you get what I mean." Kai smiled to her sincerely as she laid her head on his shoulder.


"You're the coolest guy ever though I apologise since I never had a nice thought about you."


"Gwencana, what matters is now. Who cares if we start on a bad note?" Kai shrugs.


That night, they stayed together at the rooftop just accompanying each other. When the day of the competition comes, Kai who had already done his piece was waiting for Minzy in the crowd as he nervously waits for her turn to be on stage. He was thankful his piece was done smoothly and nothing else matters more now than Minzy. There were a couple of dancers before it was her turn but somehow, as if they know her status, she was given the loudest claps among all contestants. 


Her piece began smoothly as people in awe were heard praising her softly throughout  the hall but then suddenly, the music switch up to the song that Kai usually heard. He smiled at that when she saw her busting her moves. Suddenly those people who gave her compliments started to talk bad about her etiquette and dance but that did not stop Minzy from moving and flowing with the beats. When she ended, the hall was so silent that Kai felt pressured to clap. However, he saw the Dean stood up and clap enthusiastically by himself before being joined with a couple of others. 


Kai did not stay to clap for her but rather ran out of the hall to where she is. He knew she must been felt humiliated by the ballet dance students and probably even think she embarrass herself so he fasten his speed to head to the backstage and was in time to see her exit. He saw her gave him a sad smile but he did what he had done best by hugging her tightly before pulling her hands forcefully out of the examination theatre.


"Let's go." Kai urged her.


"Go where?" Minzy said with tear streaked eyes.


"To celebrate because you just did what you do best on stage. Even if they look down on you, you know you have much more to show beyond this school. I believe you'll go far."


"Oh yeah? How would you know?"


I just know. Come on!" Kai pulled her but felt her being hesitant.


"But Kai... Your results."


"You think I care at this moment? Which part of my other hobbies can replace ballet don't you understand?" Kai said lightly.


He saw her smile and that was when he knew, that she deserves more than what she was treated and he is going to show her the path just like how she showed him the new world of hip hop. She at least deserve that. So he pulled her out of Grand Royale as they ran away to celebrate Minzy's bravery together. At that time, Kai finally understood the fascination he first had of this new girl. It was love. 

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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 62: YES!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 62: i really want to see kai and taemin reaction of minzy in MAMA 2015
Chapter 62: I really need kai or taemin reaction over 2ne1 perform on mama T.T
Chapter 62: That cheap trick but get me feel happy.
Seul-Tae #5
Chapter 21: Thats good
andrea13 #6
I wish there was a sequel to clueless my favorite
Chapter 25: wow kai that is scary ><
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 61: Ooohhh I wouldn't mind Jongin giving me chocolate donut kisses as well lol
choezna #9
Chapter 60: aigoo, their daughter is so adorable...