Christmas Morning (Kaiminzy)

Kaiminzy & Taeminzy Drabbles

The little noise outside her bedroom door woke her from her sleep. She looks over to Jongin who was sound asleep and let out a small sigh before she got distracted from the sound of someone trying to open her door. As she gets up slowly from her bed, she noticed that it was snowing outside and she let out a smile before heading to the door. Outside her bedroom door, a little twinkle could be seen in the huge eyes of her son who was staring back at her and holding his little Christmas toy. She squat to his level and greet her son with a peck on the forehead. That action started the ball rolling as he blabbers to her about ‘Santa’ giving him the present he wanted because he was being a good boy and he was telling her on how he loves it. Minji could not help but giggle at his excitement.  It continues on before the little boy realized that his appa was still asleep. Minji caught him staring at the sleeping man behind her before she offers her hand to him.

“Do you want to tell appa about it as well?”

The little boy nods his head enthusiastically and Minji pats his head. Standing up, she walks with her son hand in hand towards the bed and carries him to the bed where her beloved husband was still snoring the Christmas morning away. Her little angel jumped on the bed calling out ‘appa’ endlessly. Jongin groans and squint one of his eyes to look at his son who by then tripped and fall on top of his chest. Her husband let out a loud ‘oof’ while holding on to his son to prevent him from falling. Minji’s heart almost stopped but thankful that her husband managed to catch him. Still holding his son, Jongin sat up and ruffle the little child’s hair as he repeat his story to his appa. Minji shakes her head before joining her husband in bed again. Leaning her head on his shoulders, she listened to her son blabbers about the toy as they waste the morning away entertaining him. 

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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 62: YES!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 62: i really want to see kai and taemin reaction of minzy in MAMA 2015
Chapter 62: I really need kai or taemin reaction over 2ne1 perform on mama T.T
Chapter 62: That cheap trick but get me feel happy.
Seul-Tae #5
Chapter 21: Thats good
andrea13 #6
I wish there was a sequel to clueless my favorite
Chapter 25: wow kai that is scary ><
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 61: Ooohhh I wouldn't mind Jongin giving me chocolate donut kisses as well lol
choezna #9
Chapter 60: aigoo, their daughter is so adorable...