Chapter 17

Once Upon a Trainee


[Hyosung's POV]
"Yes! I beat your high score!" Minhee squiled in happiness as I sat there in shock, wondering how this child could possibly beat me at 'Just Dance'?
It didn't make sense, I was an SM Entertainment trainee while she was just a simple 10 year old who had never played Just Dance in her life, until tonight that is.
"I want a re-match" I proclaimed, standing up onto my feet, refusing to accept this as the end.
"Me too!" Minji, Minhee's 8 years old younger sister shouted out as well, having two left feet when it came to dancing, she was out during our first round.
"Don't you think it's getting late, didn't Umma tell you to have us in bed by 8?" Minhee questioned, her hands placed on her hips as she acted the oldest one out of the three of us.
A smirk appeared on my face as I raised my eyebrows, feining shock.
"So you want to go to bed?" I asked, folding my arms as Minji quickly shook her head.
Minhee thought about my question for a few seconds before looking back up to me with a smirk of her own held on her lips.
"Bring on the re-match" She cried out in joy, making me and Minji laugh at her enthusiasm.
At that moment, a knock was heard at the front door that made us all freeze.
My eye's widdened in horror, only two people would come here at this time of the night.
"That must be your parents! Get to bed! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill" I hissed as the girls ran out of the living room and up the stairs to their bedroom while I frantically turned the game off and turned the channel over to MTV.
I quickly ran to the door to unlock it.
Opening the door, I came face to face with people more frightening than Minhee's and Minji's parents.
The people on the other side fo the front door happened to be my friends.
"What are you guy's doing here?" I asked, stepping back to let them file into the living room.
Following them into the living room myself after shutting the door behind me, I folded my arms, waiting for an explination.
"The real question here is, what are you doing here?" Sunghee shot back as I frowned.
"I asked you first" I said simply as it was her turn to frown this time.
"Ae you meeting a guy here?" Sunghee asked as Aeri face palmed herself over Sunghee's blunt questioning.
"What? Is that what you both thought? That I was meeting a guy behind your backs?" I asked, feeling offended voer my friends lack of faith in me.
I had already explained to them earier today that if I was meeting a guy then I would come right out and tell them.
"Hyosung? Is Umma and Appa back?" I heard Minhee call from the bottom of the stairs.
Turning to look at the source of the voice, I watched as Minhee's eyes widden at the sight of 5 certain people standing in the middle of her living room.
slowly dropped open before she scrambled back up stairs calling for her younger sister.
"What was that?" Sunghee asked when both Minhee and Minji came running back down the stairs with paper and crayons in their hands.
Minji ran to Taemin and with a big toothy grin, she asked him for his autograph, holding out her paper and crayons in excitement with Minhee right behind her.
Taemin simply laughed and bent down to their small height before taking their paper and crayons and signing his autograph for them.
Minji and Minhee quickly made their way around the SHINee members getting each autograph and even a hug from Minho and Key.
It was then that I noticed Sunghee's questioning gaze directed at me.
"I'm babysitting" I shrugging, indicating to the two giggling girls as Sunghee slowly nodded her head, taking in the information.
"That's the big secret? You're baby sitting? Why couldn't you just tell us? Do you have any idea how long Sunghee had us hiding outside?" Aeri asked as Sunghee nodded along to her voice in agreement.
"Because I've never had to babysit anyone before and I knew that Sunghee would want to know why I suddenly need to take on another job" I explained, sitting down on the couch behind me with Sunghee and Aeri quickly takign the spaces on either side of me.
"Well of course I'd be curious. But you hiding things from me made me more curious" Sunghee admited as I smiled slightly at her.
"So why do you suddenly have to take on another job?" Aeri asked as I sighed.
I had known that I wouldn't be able to avoid this question.
"I told you that Sooman is planning on debuting Shinhae and Shinsoo in the near future. Since they need all new outfits, especially for the charity party that SM is throwing, money has been been a little tight for Appa. I didn't want to have to ask him for money when he's trying so hard to save up for Shinhae and Shinsoo as well as payign the bills for everything else. So I decided that the only way I could make a little more money would be the get a second job" I explained as Sunghee sigh, understanding my circumstances at home.
"I still don't understand why you couldn't just tell us"
"I guess I didn't want to tell anyone in case you both took pity on me" I shugged my shoulders as Sunghee suddenly laughed.
"Have I ever taken pity on you before?" She asked as I thought about our past together, only to come back to one conclusion.
"I don't think so..."
"A lot of people struggle with money, it's part of life but the good thing about it is you're making your own money which is more than I can say for Shinhae and Shinsoo. They don't even help out at the bakery which is makes the income that keeps those two fed"
"Sunghee was really worried about you Hyosung. She even had us stood outside of this house fo 4 hours"Aeri smiled softly at me, placing her hand on my shoulder.
"Hyosung Unnie, you didn't telll us that you're friends with SHINee" Minji said, holding onto Onew's hand, content with the situations.
Onew on the other hand seemed to have frozen on the spot from the contact with the little girl, much to the amusement of the other members.
"It must have slipped my mind" I said, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.
"We forgive you. None of our other babysitters before you ever brought famous people to meet us" Minhee sighed as I smiled and nodded my head.
"So who's your favourite member?" Minho asked, crouching down to Minji's height, the competetivness already evident in his eyes.
""Onew of course, he's my future husband" Minji squiled happily, making us all laugh with the exception of Sunghee.
"And what about you?" Minho asked, turning to Minhee who was his one last chance to win.
"Jonghyun Oppa" Minhee answered, blushing slightly.
I smiled and stood up to walk towards Minhee and Minho.
"Good choice" I smiled, giving her a high five.
"Hyosung Unnie, is your favourite member Jonghyun as well?" Minhee questioned as I looked to Minho who seemed to be upset that he wasn't picked by either of the two girls.
Heaving a sigh, I shook my head and lopped my arm through Minho's.
"My favourite is Minho"  I smiled, pointing to Minho who's frowned had suddenly turned upside down into a full smile.
At that moment, the front door swung opena dn in walked Minhee's and Minji's parents.
"What is happening in he-" Mr Kim said, in mid-scolding after seeing my friends and his daughters stood in the middle of his living room.
That is, until Mrs Kim cut him off upon realizing who five of my friends happened to be.
"Oh my gosh Yeobo. SHINee are stood in my living room!" She squiled slightly, almost reminding me of a teenage fangirl.
"Umma, Hyosung is friends with SHINee" Minhee called out, running over to her Umma and giving her a hug.
Mrs Kim smiled down at her daughter before looking back up to meet my gaze.
"Please could I have a private word with you for a second?" She asked as I nodded slowly before following her out of the living room and into the kitchen.
Turning on her heel to face me, a bright smile appeared on Mrs Kim's face again.
"Is that true? Are you good friends with the SHINee members?" She asked quietly, the excitment still sounding out in each word that was spoken.
I nodded my head slowly, not being able to grasp thee excitment that Mrs Kim was so obviously feeling right now.
Was she a Shawol?
"Would you be able to get me their autograph? If you can then I'll double what I was going to pay you for your services tonight" Mrs Kim beamed as a smile crossed my face.
I guess Mrs Kim was a shawol afterall.
"Sure, I'll get it and give it to you next week? Same time, same place?" I asked as Mrs Kim nodded in joy.
I grinned and turned to walk back into the living room with Mrs Kim right behind me as I told my friends that it was time that we leave.
After saying their goodbyes to Minhee and Minji, we left to make our way home.
[Jonghyun's POV]
"My favourite is Minho" I kept replaying Hyosung's words in my head as I walked her home alone.
Onew and Minho had offered to walk Sunghee home, while Key and Taemin were in charge of getting Aeri home safe.
All I could think about was if Hyosung really meant those words or was she just saying that because they were kids?
And if she really did mean it when what was that kiss all about?
Was it just a friendly kiss?
I looked to my side to see Hyosung walking happily beside me in silence.
Suddenly she turned to me with a smile on her face.
"Can you give me your autograph?" She suddenly asked out of nowhere, her question had caught me slightly off guard.
She had seen me how many times since we met and she suddenly decides now to ask for an autograph?
She had weird timing.
Catching onto my puzzled expression, she suddenly laughed and shook her head.
"It's not for me but Mrs Kim. She asked me to get her an autograph. Apparently she's a bigger shawol than her daughters" Hyosug explained as I nodded my head slowly in understanding.
"Okay, no problem but I don't have a pen or paper on me right now. Can I give you it tomorrow?" I asked as Hyosung nodded her head and went back to walking beside me in silence.
"So...How are things going with your Umma?" I asked the first question that came to mind just so we could have a conersation instead of staying in silence for the remainder of the walk to her house.
"Same as usual. It's my night off tonight though" She said as I tilted my head to the side in curiosity.
"Night off?"
"My Umma is sleeping at her Umma's with my two Unnies tonight"
"She still sleeps at her Umma's house?" I asked in disbelief.
A person my age sleeping at their parents house from time to time was okay but for a woman in their 40's...Was I the only one who thought that sounded a bit strange?
"Yeah, once a week and every week. I tihnk it's a family tradition or something" Hyosung shrugged her shoulder as I laughed.
"So when we get to your house, it'll be just you?" I asked.
"Depends, my Appa might be home" She said as I smiled.
"You seem close to your Appa"
"He's the only real family I have left. My real Umma walked out on me and Appa when I was younger, I don't really miss her all that much though. Sometimes I wonder if my Appa is really over her though. I guess I can't blame the guy if he isn't, they were together for a long time before they had me" She explained.
"It must have been hard for you, growing up without a woman figure in your life"
"I don't know about that. My Appa is a great cook and gave me enough love that a normal kid would recieve from both parents" Hyosung laughed before turning to look at me again.
"Tell me about your Appa" 
My smile slightly faultered.
"You don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable" Hyosung spoke up again as she saw my smile fall.
"It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that there's not much to tell. My Appa and I don't really see eye to eye much. He and I aren't close because he's never supported me or my career" I confessed as Hyosung looked up at me and smiled slightly.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be. I mean, I'm really close to my Umma and sisters because of it. They all support me, as long as I have them then I'm good" I explained with a smile on my lips, pushing my Appa's opinions to the back of my mind.
"And I'll support you too" 
"I thought you were Minho's fan~" I teased as Hyosung rolled her eyes at me.
"I knew you were bothered by that" She shot back, making me laugh in the process.
"We're here" She said making me notice that we had reached her house already.
I walked her to the front door and waited for her to open the door before I could leave.
"Thanks for walking me home Jonghyun" She smiled as I nodded my head, not really knowing what to say at this moment in time.
Was she waiting for something?
A kiss?
"It's about time you got home! Where have you been young lady?!" A voice bellowed as the front door opened on it's own to reveal the woman known as Hyosung's Umma glaring at the two of us.
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OMG!!!!! I remember this used to be on Winglin but it was starring with Donghae like yeeeears ago! Hahahhahahaha

Wow, I remember I used to read ALL of your stories back there b/c they were all so good. :D But, yeah, I was a big fan of your fics back in Winglin c: huhuhuhu
Shiningshawol91 #2
Chapter 28: New reader! haha but I guess I'm pretty far into the story! LOVE IT!! If I was HyoSung I would have fallen for MinHo instead of Jjong keke <333333333333
ShawolMBLFT #3
Chapter 37: Awesome! And the ending was just really awesome I usually hate how most fanfics have such crappy endings but I just really loved how this one ends ;)
greentealover1315 #4
Chapter 37: That was...AMAZING!!
Chapter 37: awwww I am sad that the story ended but I really liked the ending. Thank you so much for such a great story.
Chapter 36: eeeek soooooo excited!!!!! update soon!~
Chapter 36: uhhh shes running away now. Tsk tsk tsk the more she runs the badder it gets. I think she should just get her ___ up and finally talk to jonghyun or they will never will be able to sort it out.