Chapter 27

Once Upon a Trainee


[Hyosung's POV]
I wondered how long I had been  out here for.
I really was regretting throwing my phone into the pond which I still remained, sat infront of.
I let out a heavy sigh.
It was getting cold as I groaned for not having the common sense to wear something more than my plain white t-shirt and grey loose pants.
"You sound upset" A sudden voice spoke up from behind me, making me jump in surprise.
Turning around, I came face to face with Choi Minho.
"Minho" I said softly as Minnho quickly took the spot nex tot me on the bench I currently sat on.
"Everyone is out looking for you. They're all worried about you" Minho informed me as I sighed.
"Everybody?" I asked as Minho bit my lower lip before shrugging his shoulders.
"Okay, maybe not everybody" Minho sighed, looking out into the pond infront of us.
I knew Jonghyun wasn't out looking for me.
"Jonghyun is busy with Taemin after all" I mumbled as Minho heaved out a sigh.
"Actually Taemin was the one that told us about you being missing as he was leaving the dorm. Key, Onew and I tagged along" He explained as I rubbed my arms to try warm myself up a bit.
"And Key was the one that called reinforcements. Changmin and Yunho, Super Junior. He was even going to go as far to call out Infinite, since he's close to Woohyun but Onew managed to talk him out of that" Minho rolled his eyes as I laughed slightly.
"I'm fine. You didn't have to worry. I'm just annoyed, frustrated and pissed off" I shrugged my shoulder as Minho smiled slightly.
"Sounds fun. You know, Aeri and Sunghee are also out looking for you. They couldn't get in touch with you by phone" Minho said as I shrugged my shoulder.
"That might have something to do with me throwing my phone into the pond" I said, pointing to the pond infront of us.
"Yeah, that's probably why" Minho laughed as I turned to look up at him seriously.
Even when he was sat down, he still seemed to be taller than me.
"You said Taemin was the first to come look for me. Did Jon-"
"Jonghyun is kind of busy searching for the mysterious Hyoko" Minho explained as my mouth fell open slightly.
"You mean he's blew me off to" I asked as Minho laughed and nodded his head in reply.
"Your disguise really fooled him and he's beating his brains out trying to figure out how to find you" Minho smiled as I glared down at the grass below my feet.
"But what if Hyoko wasn't me? What if it was a completely different girl all together? It's nice to know how quickly he would throw me asiide like that" I seethed in anger as Minho shook his head while ruffling up my hair.
"Don't be too hard on him. In his own mind he probably thinks he's doing the right thing by staying behind to find Hyoko. He even approached Johnny from Johnny's Entertainment but was told it was only for guys and that they had never heard of a Hyoko working under their company" Minho sighed as I smirked.
"Serves him right"
"Don't you think you should tell him you're Hyoko?" He asked as I shook my head quickly.
"I don't want him to know. It'll make things more confusing and awkward between the two of us. That means that you can't tell him either" II said, looking at Minho right in the eyes to prove to him that I was being serious.
Suddenly, Minho's phone started ringing from his jeans pocket.
Minho sighed as he pulled it out and answered the call.
"Hello?...Ah Yunho hyung, could you tell everyone that I've found her...Yeah, she's at the pond that's close by to Aeri's housing estate...Yeah, I go it. See you soon"
Minho hung up the phone call and looked at me.
"You weren't joking when you said Key had called them?"
"This is Key we're talking about. You actually doubted me when I said that?" Minho asked which made me smile slightly.
After a few seconds of sitting in silence, I eventually decided to speak up again.
"I've decided that I'm going to quit SM Entertainment" I said softly as I felt Minho look at me in shock.
"What? But why?" He asked as I bit my lower lip.
"I'ts not worth it. I've been a trainee for 3 years now and I'm still no better than I was before I started. Now my Unnies are going to debut right before my very eyes even though they don't deserve it and the plan that thought up didn't work so I might as well give up while I'm behind" I huffed as Minho suddenly laughed.
Of all the thing he could he replied to me during that moment, he chose to laugh at my words.
"What's so funny?" I asked in annoyance.
"Nothing. It's just I got to see what I would have sounded like all the times I said that very same sentence back in my trainee days" Minho sighed as I pouted slightly.
"That's different" I said, looking down at my feet.
"How so?"
"It just is. You have the talent, so much so that Oppa and Sooman saw that in you and debuted you"
"You really think I've always been like this? During my trainee day I was the quiet awkward one in the corner. I always wanted to be a soccer player but my Appa told me to find a job that I was more likely to get"
"So you went from a soccer player to an idol? Minho, have you always been so abitious?" I questioned as he sent me a slight glare.
"There's also Key. He traveled from the country side every day, leaving his halmoni behind to be what he is today. Taemin had to leave his parents at such a young age because he debuted at such a young age. Do you honestly think we've had it easy?" Minho asked as I shook my head slowly.
"Each and every one of SM Entertainment trainee's have had their ups and downs. in the end though, it was all worth it. Everyone who had debuted has been through a time when they doubted their future in this industry and they same to think they should just give up but  then they stuck with it and became the people that they had always wanted to be and you're no different. It's the same for Sunghee and Aeri aswell" Minho said as I smiled slightly at his encouraging speech.
"He's right, I never thought I'd debut because of my weight but I debuted because of my rapping skills, not because of how I look" Said a voice from behind us.
Both Minho and I turned around to see the members of Super Junior, Yunho and Changmin, and my two best friends.
I looked to Shindong who had been the one to speak about what had him doubting himself back in his trainee days.
"And people always thought I was too feminine to debut when I was a trainee but I showed them when I debuted how manly I really could be. It takes a strong person to debut and survive in the music industry" Heechul said as Sungmin nodded in agreement while standing beside him.
"Back when Dong Bang Shin Ki were being formed, each member went through auditions and competitions to be selected as a member. Even though the  of us aren't together now, we were all lucky that we survived for so long and are still surviving even after what has happened" Yunho spoke up this time.
"See Hyosung. all of these guys have been through different dilemmas to become what they are today but in the end, it was all worth it, right?" Sunghee asked, lookign tot he guys for comfirmation.
"So what do you say? Are you going to stick with it like we all did or are you going to give up because of... you know" Minho asked, making sure to whisper his last two words so the guys wouldn't know what Sunghee, Aeri and I had actually done tonight.
"I guess...I don't really have a choice since you're all ganging up on me" I pouted as Aeri and Sunghee laughed and same to join Minho and I on the bench, only to pull me up from out of my seat so they could envelope me in between the two for a group hug.
"We'll make it sooner or later. We just have to stick together and make sure to cheer each other on" Aeri smiled as I nodded in agreement, hugging the both of them back.
"And at least one good thing came out of tonight" Key spoke up as everyone looked to him curiously.
"I managed to take a photo of Onew Hyung hugging Sunghee" Key smirked, pulling out his phone as Sunghee's jaw doppred to the floor alogn with Onew's.
"Really?" Aeri smirked as I grinned.
"I should go missing more often" I suggested making Aeri laugh as Sunghee turned a shade of red.
"Let us see!" The two of us shouted out, running to Key as the other guys tried to take a look at the photo, leaving Onew and Sunghee standing to the side, both as red as cherries.
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OMG!!!!! I remember this used to be on Winglin but it was starring with Donghae like yeeeears ago! Hahahhahahaha

Wow, I remember I used to read ALL of your stories back there b/c they were all so good. :D But, yeah, I was a big fan of your fics back in Winglin c: huhuhuhu
Shiningshawol91 #2
Chapter 28: New reader! haha but I guess I'm pretty far into the story! LOVE IT!! If I was HyoSung I would have fallen for MinHo instead of Jjong keke <333333333333
ShawolMBLFT #3
Chapter 37: Awesome! And the ending was just really awesome I usually hate how most fanfics have such crappy endings but I just really loved how this one ends ;)
greentealover1315 #4
Chapter 37: That was...AMAZING!!
Chapter 37: awwww I am sad that the story ended but I really liked the ending. Thank you so much for such a great story.
Chapter 36: eeeek soooooo excited!!!!! update soon!~
Chapter 36: uhhh shes running away now. Tsk tsk tsk the more she runs the badder it gets. I think she should just get her ___ up and finally talk to jonghyun or they will never will be able to sort it out.