Chapter 35

Once Upon a Trainee


Lee Sooman was very intimidating.
I never thought he would be from the countless photos I had seen of him online but in person, it was an entirely different feeling.
First impressions were usually the msot important and the minute I stepped into Sooman's office, I began to get a scary vibe from the guy.
There I sat, in between Jonghyun and Minho with a desk position in front of us with Lee Sooman sat in a big leather chair behind it.
I tried to act as if I wasn't aware of the glare he was shooting at both Jonghyun and Minho.
The feeling of wanting the floor to open up and swallow me whole came over me just from the look on Sooman's face.
Luckily for me though, I was apparently invisible to him right now as his whole focus was on the two SHINee member's in the room.
"So? Are either of you going to offer me an explanation for what is plastered on the front of every newspaper in this country today?" Sooman asked, suddenly puling out an issue of the local paper with blown up photo of the three of us printed on the front page.
I placed it on his desk, allowing us to see it although in my opinion, I think I've seen enough of it by now.
It was hard to avoid the damn thing when I was making my way here.
I glanced at Minho and Jonghyun, the two of them seeming to have no answer for their boss.
"Well?..." Sooman asked, slightly raising his voice this time.
 glanced once again at the two sat beside me to see they still had nothing to say.
Figuring we could be here all day if Jonghyun and Minho didn't work up the courage to talk to their boss about this whole thing, I gathered enough courage for myself to speak up.
"Um, could I please say something?" I asked, standing up from my seat between the two boys.
Sooman's eyes instantly darted to me, as if he was only noticing my presence for the first time since I stepped foot inside his office.
"Hyosung, that might not be-" Minho began, only to be interrupted by Sooman who raised his hand towards Minho.
"Let the young lady speak" He ordered as Minho instantly returned to being mute once again.
"Well, you want an explanation, right? I asked as Sooman nodded his head in reply.
"I don't think any of us can give you one. At least, not a reasonable one. Sir, Minho and Jonghyun are young and I know that they should know better but sometimes even if you know you're doing the wrong thing, you can't stop your actions. You've probably known Minho and Jonghyun a lot longer than I have and I even I know by now that these two aren't the type of people to physically fight in the middle of a public place. For something like this to happen, you have got to know there must be a reason behind it" I said, feeling slightly short of breath from talking to Sooman face to face.
Sooman looked at me with a serious expression on his face before nodding his head slightly.
"I understand" He finally said as I found myself letting out a sigh of relief.
A breath I had not even realized I had been holding.
"So what is your excuse in this whole situation?" Sooman asked as I felt myself suddenly tense up all over again.
So I had managed to clear Jonghyun and Minho's name but now I had to figure out how to clear my own without getting into too much trouble.
"Innocent bystander?" I mumbled, almost as if I were asking if I had spoken the answer Sooman had been wanting me to say.
"Hyosung had nothing to do with it" Minho said, resting his hand on my shoulder.
I looked at him as he smiled slightly at me before looking back to Sooman.
"We met Hyosung a while ago. She's a trainee here and we all went to have a fun day out since we had a free schedule. Once thing led to another and ended up angering Jonghyun Hyung and that how the fight broke out. Some of the things I said to Jonghyun Hyung, he had every right to hit me but Hyosung had nothing to do with it. Like she said, she was just an innocent bystander that was with the wrong people at the wrong time" Minho explained as Sooman looked to Jonghyun who remained silent.
"Is that true Jonghyun?" He asked as Jonghyun glanced up and nodded his head slightly, still not speaking a word.
"Very well, now that I know what basically happened, it makes it a lot more easy for the four of us to sort this whole mess out" Sooman sighed as both Minho and I sat down in our seats once again. 
"What do you mean  Sir?" I asked softly.
I thought we just had to explain ourselves to Sooman and then wait for everything to settle down and go away.
"Well, this has caused a lot of fans discomfort, Especially Shawol's and some Elf's and Cassie's who found out that Super Junior and Dong Bang Shin Ki members were at the amusement park with SHINee at the time" Sooman shrugged his shoulders slightly.
"What do you suggest we do about it?" Minho asked.
Sooman thought about Minho's question for a minute.
"I've got it. Our SMTown concert is in the procedures of being planned and the venue is still un-decided" Sooman informed us.
"I thought it was just going to held at a stadium like any other time" Jonghyun spoke up questioningly.
"Yes but the planning committee feels that it would be a good idea to have a change of environment. An amusement park would be the perfect place, it has plenty of land for a stage to be set up and still have enough room for the fans" Sooman nodded his head happily.
Seriously, Lee Sooman was smiling from ear to ear because of his own idea.
"It should be easy to book the place since it will bring a lot of business to the park as well" Sooman nodded once again.
"What about Hyosung? A lot of people are wondering who she is and how she is connected to us"  Jonghyun asked another question and I hated to admit it but Jonghyun was right to point that out.
How could we explain to the fans how I was connected to SHINee and what I was doing with them at the amusement park?
This whole situation had obviously brought a whole lot of unwanted attention.
"Minho, you said she is a trainee under SM Entertainment, right?" Sooman asked as Minho and I nodded in reply.
"We'll tell the media that you all were taking a look around the park for me, just to see if it was suitable to host SM Town there" Sooman shrugged his shoulders.
"But that still doesn't explain to the fans who Hyosung is" 
"Not everything have to be a lie. She's a trainee under our company so she'll just be a back up dancer for the concert. That way, she had a reason for why she was at the amusement park with you guys" 
"And the reason for the fight?" I asked.
"It's been very hot lately, we can pass the fight of as an effect from heat "
I blinked at Sooman's answer.
"Heat stoke? Are you serious?" I found myself questioning Sooman.
"Hyosung, no matter what. If a fan wants to believe something then they will. They will more likely want to believe that the fight was due to heat rather than believe that there may be friction between their Oppa's" Sooman informed me as I nodded my head slowly in understanding.
I guess what Sooman was saying did kind of make sense.
"I was also informed that another girl was with you at the park yesterday-"
"Actually there was two, one just didn't arrive until later" I spoke up.
I know Aeri technically hadn't arrived until after we had left but if Sunghee and I were going to be apart of the SM Town concert, Aeri would have to be involved as well.
"Ah, two other girls were there. Informed them that they will be taking part in this as well" Sooman advised as I nodded my head in understanding.
"Why do I get the feeling you've been through this before?" I asked curiously as to why Sooman seemed so calm now.
Sooman suddenly chuckled in reply to my question before he shrugged his shoulders slightly.
"When you've been going what I do for as long as I have, you learn how to get through all the scandals the media throw at you" Sooman said.
"I'll arrange a statement to be give to the press on your behalf" Sooman said, directing his words towards Minho and Jonghyun before turning to me.
"Hyosung, you better keep a low profile until the concert date. Minho, you will assist Taemin and Eunhyuk to teach the dance steps for the dances the three girls will be assigned to learn for the concert" Sooman instructed Minho who nodded his head in understanding.
"Now, Minho and Hyosung. You're both excused. I believe Jonghyun has something to discuss with me private" Sooman said as Jonghyun nodded his head.
Standing up from our seats once again, Minho and I bowed to Sooman before leaving his office for Jonghyun and him to discuss whatever it was that Jonghyun had to say to Sooman.
It had been two weeks when I collapsed onto my knee, beside Sunghee and Aeri in our usual dance studio.
 I hadn't heard anything from Jonghyun since then and Minho didn't ever bring him up when I talked to him.
Maybe it was because all Minho talked about with me recently was the torture he was putting me and my two friends through daily. Or as he liked to call it "dance practice".
Taemin and Eunhyuk were known for being the dance machines in their respective groups but Minho had turned out to be a bigger slave driver than Oppa.
I was beginning to miss Oppa's teaching style after the past two weeks training with Choi Minho.
 "I can not believe you dragged us down with you" Sunghee panted next to me as I rolled my eyes.
"Don't give me that. When I told you about us being back dancers, you were completely psyched and now you're blaming me as if it's a bad thing"
"That was before I knew Minho's teaching style. Seriously, Taemin! Can't you control your Hyung?" Sunghee called as Taemin helplessly shrugged his shoulders.
So much for Taemin, the kid hadn't even broken into a sweat yet.
"I guess I'm used to it. Minho has no need to give me a hard time. It's probably best that you three get used to this anyway because it's a daily occurrence once you debut" Taemin smiled as I grabbed my water bottle and unscrewed the top off of it.
"That's if we ever debut. Right now I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing" Aeri replied on behalf of Sunghee, me and herself.
I nodded my head in agreement before taking a gulp of my water.
"Okay guys, enough chit chat. On to the next dance routine" Minho clapped his hands to grab all of our attention.
Eunhyuk remained by His iPhone docking station from which we were using for music.
"Give us a minute to catch out breath" Sunghee spoke up, almost sounding as if she was begging him.
Well, she was already on her knees to begin with.
Minho looked to me as I smiled at him.
He quickly rolled his eyes before nodding in defeat.
"Fine" He said, sitting down on the laminated flooring of the dance studio, beside me.
"So how is the preparations for the concert going? The tickets went on sale last week, right?" Aeri asked.
"How do you know all this?" Minho asked in curiosity.
"I know because I had to buy a ticket for my Umma and my boyfriend"
"Your boyfriend?" Sunghee and I asked in unison.
"Yeah. I told him about me being a dancer for some performances during the concert and he told me to get him a ticket and he'll make sure to be here for the day. He really wants to support me and it'll be nice to see him in person after all this time" Aeri grinned as Sunghee and I smiled, happy for our friend.
"Well the amusement park is booked for the concert and the stage is in the process of being set up" Minho said as the three of us nodded out heads in understanding.
"Hyosung, how's your Appa?" Aeri suddenly asked as I shrugged my shoulders.
"He's okay I guess. He's spending as much time as he can at the Bakery. Probably to keep him mind off of things like Umma" 
I noticed Minho's confused expression at that point and decided  to explain things to him in simple terms.
"I guess I didn't tell you or any of the other guys. Umma left my Appa. He's a single man again" 
"More like a free man. Hyosung, tell your Appa that he's always welcome to hit to town with Super Junior. We'll make sure he has a good time" Eunhyuk spoke up as Sunghee laughed.
"Now that's a sight I would pay to see"
"Are you kidding me? Eunhyuk, you'd probably get my Appa drunk and then forget all about him and have my Appa wake up in some random place with no clue how he got there and how to get home" I shook my head as Eunhyuk began to act insulted from my words.
"I wouldn't forget about him. Sure, I'll admit to the drunk part but I'd make sure he gets home to you in one piece" Eunhyuk defended himself as I laughed.
"I don't want my Appa partying with Super Junior. It'd be too weird" I shivered just from the thought of my Appa hitting the dance floor of a night club with the Super Junior members.
"By the way, I read the statement SM Entertainment made regarding your fight with Jonghyun. Can someone explain to me how heat could cause a person to punch another?" Sunghee spoke up, changing the subject for my benefit although it wasn't moved onto a great topic.
"It's a good enough excuse" Minho shrugged his shoulders.
"The girls in my school are buying it" Aeri also said as Sunghee rolled her eyes.
"Besides, weirder things have happened" Taemin smiled.
"I agree, like me becoming a backup dancer at SMTown concert"
"And Umma thinking she can do better than my Appa. Maybe I should stop calling her Umma though" I said as Sunghee nodded her head in agreement.
"Okay, I think that's enough of a break. We're going to be going over the routine for Super Junior's 'SPY'" Minho smiled, standing up and walking towards Eunhyuk who was most likely going to take the reigns in teaching us the dance steps.
"Do Super Junior even need back up dancers?" Aeri asked as I shrugged my shoulders and got up onto my feet before helping my two friends up onto their's.
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OMG!!!!! I remember this used to be on Winglin but it was starring with Donghae like yeeeears ago! Hahahhahahaha

Wow, I remember I used to read ALL of your stories back there b/c they were all so good. :D But, yeah, I was a big fan of your fics back in Winglin c: huhuhuhu
Shiningshawol91 #2
Chapter 28: New reader! haha but I guess I'm pretty far into the story! LOVE IT!! If I was HyoSung I would have fallen for MinHo instead of Jjong keke <333333333333
ShawolMBLFT #3
Chapter 37: Awesome! And the ending was just really awesome I usually hate how most fanfics have such crappy endings but I just really loved how this one ends ;)
greentealover1315 #4
Chapter 37: That was...AMAZING!!
Chapter 37: awwww I am sad that the story ended but I really liked the ending. Thank you so much for such a great story.
Chapter 36: eeeek soooooo excited!!!!! update soon!~
Chapter 36: uhhh shes running away now. Tsk tsk tsk the more she runs the badder it gets. I think she should just get her ___ up and finally talk to jonghyun or they will never will be able to sort it out.