Chapter 18

Once Upon a Trainee


[Hyosung's POV]
Why do I always end up like this?
How could I let this happen to begin with?
One moment I'm being shouted at for being 'late' by Umma and the next moment, Shinhae and Shinwoo appear and begin spazzing over SHINee's Jonghyun standing at their door step.
I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised when all three of them insisted that Jonghyun stay for dinner, after Shinhae and Shinsoo had informed Umma as to who Kim Jonghyun actually was.
Jonghyun had no say in the matter once Umma realized he was an idol under SM Entertainment and was literally dragged through into our dinning room where Appa was busying himself around the kitchen, piling plates with food for the family and our special guest.
Now all I could do was sit at the dinner table beside my Appa, staring down at my food with disinterest as Shinsoo and Shinhae animatedly talked to Jonghyun simultaniously after Umma had made sure that he was sat inbetween her two biological daughters.
"So, Jonghyun-ah, I hope you'll watch out for my wo girls when they debut. I had a meeting with Lee Sooman this afternoon and it shouldn't be too long before they themselves step into the world of idols" Umma beamed at the two with pride.
"What? I thought your meeting was in a few weeks time. Why so soon?" I found myself questioning outloud.
Umma looked in my direction as if only noticing my presence for the first time ever.
"Sooman had a free schedule and called Umma while we were busy training to arrange the meeting to be brought forward to today"Shinhae smirked slightly then turned her full attention back to Jonghyun hho appeared to be uncomfortable sat in between the two spawns of the devil.
Poor boy, he'll be eaten alive before long.
"Jonghyun, Don't you have to get back to the recording studio to meet the others?" I asked in my most serious voice.
Jonghyun looked up at me as I sent him a secret meaningful look before he clicked onto my intentions.
"Yeah, I don't mean to be disrespectful and I really wish I could stay but I really have to get back to the studio. I hope you all understand?" Jonghyun said as he stood up onto his feet.
"Oh, of course we understand Jonghyun-ah. Allow my daughters to walk you to the front door" Umma said, urging SHinhae and Shinsoo to stand up.
I guess I was slightly deluded when I found myself getting up from my seat until Umma shot me warning glance.
"Hyosung dear, you stay and wash the dishes. I think we're all finished here" Umma said before walking out of the room, following Shinhae and Shinsoo as they accompanied Jonghyun to the door.
"Do you need any help?" Appa asked as I shook my head, collecting the plates that were almost completely empty now, around the table.
"It's fine, I can do it myself" I said softly as Appa sighed and nodded his head slowly.
He knew I wasn't in the mood for any form of interaction now.
Once I had finished washing up, I walked into the living room to see everyone sat there but Jonghyun.
Thankful that Jonghyun had taken the oppertunity to go home early, I made my way up to stairs and into my bedroom.
Switching my bedroom light on, I walked across the room to my bed and flopped down onto it.
Staring up at the ceiling above me the words I had been thinking all night and probably for the last three years were spoken from my mouth.
"I'd give anything to be an only child again"
At that moment, a tapping noise was heard against my bedroom window.
Sitting up, I walked towards the glass window that had a view of our houses side garden where a tree stood proud and reached up to just above my window.
Opening my window, I looked down at the green grass to see a familiar figure stood there, looking up at me.
Recognizing the figure was easy, I smiled.
"I thought you had already left?" I called to him but not so loud that my family would be able to hear me from downstairs.
Without saying bye to you? Never" Jonghyun smiled as I rolled my eyes at his cheesy line.
"If my Unnies see you, they'll only drag you back inside" I replied.
"Then I better not get caught" Jonhhyun smirked at me as I raised my eyebrows at him curously.
At that moment Jonghyun did and run up at the tree and before I knew it, I found Jonghyun balancing on one of the strong branches that was at level with my bedroom window.
"Are you insane? Get down or you could break soemthing" I hsised as Jonghyun smirked once again.
"Is that worry I hear in your voice for me? Aw, Hyosung. I never knew you cared so much" Jonghyun teased as I glared at him playfully.
"I'm worried about the tree. You might break a branch" I said in my dullest voice.
Jonghyun's smirk turn into a full pout that would even make Taemin envious.
"Only joking" I laughed as his pout quickly turned into a smile.
"And I'm sorry about my family. I honestly thought they were going to be out" I sighed as Jonghyun shrugged his shoulder.
"It's okay. Dealing with fangirls is easy, dealing with Umma's however, it's a whole other story. She treats you so different from Shinhae and Shinsoo" Jonghyun pointed out as I sighed.
"What can I say? She hates me"
"I'm sure she doesn't hate you"
"You really don't know my Umma do you?"
"I guess not and after tonight, I have a feeling that I won't ever want to" He grinned as I laughed and nodded my head.
If only I had that option myself.
"Anyway, I better get going. I'll see you tomorrow" Jonghyun smiled before beginning to make his way down the tree.
"Don't sound so sure" I called after him as I watched Jonghyun's feet meet the grass nwo that he was safely back on the ground.
"But I am sure. See you then" He called, waving up at me before running off before Shinhae and Shinsoo could work out that Jonghyun was still on the premesis.
I smiled and shut my bedroom window again before deciding to turn in for the night.
After school the next day, Sunghee, Aeri, and I walked to trainee class together.
"So their meeting got pushed forward and now thye might be debuting sooner than we originally thought?" Sunghee asked in annoyance after I had told her about Umma's meeting with Sooman yesterday.
I nodded in reply as Sunghee sighed in frustration, Aeri didn't look any better.
"Calm down Sunghee. There's got to be something we can do" Aeri reassured, patting Sunghee on her shoulder comfortingly.
After a few seconnds of silent brain storming for any ideas, I head a sigh of annoyance.
"I got nothing"
"Same" Aeri spoke up as we both looked to Sunghee.
She looked at the two of us before a small smile crossed her lips.
"Yesterday, I was thinking about this after hearing you talking to Key. It got me thinking and since you both don't have any ideas. This might be our only chance..." Sunghee said, referring to me as I tilted my head to the side.
"You have an idea?" Aeri questioned, the sound of hope evident in her voice.
Sunghee seemed like she was about to tell us her grand plan when Aeri and I noticed Onew appear behind her before he placed his hands infront of her eyes and said "Guess who?" In a voice that was definately more high pitched than his usual voice.
"Onew" Sunghee smiled as Onew pouted and pulled away from Sunghee.
"How'd you know it was me?"
"Instinct, I guess" She smiled before turning back to Aeri and I.
"I'll explain later. How about we go to my place after training?" She asked as Both Aeri and I nodded out heads in understanding.
Although it might have felt like there was nothing we could do to make our situation any better when it came to debuting, and 9 times out of 10, Sunghee's plans failed.
Who knows? One of these days one of those crazy schemes of her's might actually work.
"Hey!" Two voices suddenly rang in my ears, making me jump forward in shock only to find out it was Jonghyun and Taemin behind me.
"Alright! The Dynamic Duo strike again" Taemin grinned, high fiving Jonghyun as I glared at them slightly.
"Did we scare you?" Jonghyun smriked at me as I chose to ignore his question completely.
"Sorry about them. Taemin and Jonghyun Hyung have been like this all day" Minho appeared beside them with a small smile on his fae directed at me.
I watched as Taemin tried to carefully sneak up on Onew who was talking to Aeri and Sunghee a few feet away from us.
Just as he was about to reach out for Onew's pant's leg, Onew spun around and glared down at him in annoyance.
"Don't even think about it" He hissed out which forced Taemin to retreat behind Jonghyun in panic.
"I told you already Taemin, Onew isn't our target today. He's too aware of us now"
"I was going to say, that was pretty sharp for Onew" I commented, folding my arms.
"He wasn't at first but after 4 years of these two pairing up to terrorize the rest f us, he kind of got used to it. They're not always like this, thank god" Minho explained as I nodded my head in understanding.
Sunghee had her days just like this.
"It's lucky that you, Sunghee and Aeri are girls. When Jonghyun and Taemin are like this, they tend to like to pants people. Key and I tried to monitor how much time they were spending with Super Junior but we were too late by then. Like Sunbaes like Hoobaes" Minho shrugged his shoulders simply.
As I laughed, I noticed Minho's watch on his wrist which made my eyes round in shock. 
Grabbing his wrist just to make sure I wasn't seeing things, I turned to Sunghee and Aeri in panic.
"Crap! We're late" I shouted, quickly running to Sunghee and Aeri who both had just realized where we were supposed to be right now.
"We've got to go. See you guys next time" I called, running past the guys to make my way to trainee class as fast as humanly possible.
"Bye" I heard Aeri Shout as she set off running as well.
We ran until we ran out of breath but we appeared to have covered a lot of ground during our panic and weren't that far from SM building anymore until Aeri noticed something that I had not.
"Hyosung? Where's Sunghee?" She questioned as I turned around to look at my surroundings to see my best friend was nowhere in sight.
Face palming myself because of Sunghee's lack of concentration when Onew was around, Aeri pulled out her phone and gave Sunghee a ring who we both knew still remained by Onew's side, talking to him happily without notice of what time it was.
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OMG!!!!! I remember this used to be on Winglin but it was starring with Donghae like yeeeears ago! Hahahhahahaha

Wow, I remember I used to read ALL of your stories back there b/c they were all so good. :D But, yeah, I was a big fan of your fics back in Winglin c: huhuhuhu
Shiningshawol91 #2
Chapter 28: New reader! haha but I guess I'm pretty far into the story! LOVE IT!! If I was HyoSung I would have fallen for MinHo instead of Jjong keke <333333333333
ShawolMBLFT #3
Chapter 37: Awesome! And the ending was just really awesome I usually hate how most fanfics have such crappy endings but I just really loved how this one ends ;)
greentealover1315 #4
Chapter 37: That was...AMAZING!!
Chapter 37: awwww I am sad that the story ended but I really liked the ending. Thank you so much for such a great story.
Chapter 36: eeeek soooooo excited!!!!! update soon!~
Chapter 36: uhhh shes running away now. Tsk tsk tsk the more she runs the badder it gets. I think she should just get her ___ up and finally talk to jonghyun or they will never will be able to sort it out.