Chapter 28

Once Upon a Trainee


Two weeks had passed since the night of the party.
Nothing much had changed, my unnies were still planning to debut, Jonghyun was still too consumed in finding Hyoko that he had failed to realize the lack of the real me in his life...Minho on the other hand had become almost like a surrogate for Jonghyun in my life.
"Tired Honey?" Appa asked, looking at me with concern as I stood behind the counter of the Bakery.
I guess I had losy my self awareness again, something that had been happening a lot lately.
"I'm fine" I forced a smile onto my face, Appa seemed unconvinced but he didn't push any further with his questioning.
"You've been picking up a lot of shifts here lately. Why not take the day off and hang out with your friends?" Appa asked as I softly sighed and shook my head.
I was probably being more of a hinderance to Appa right now but working was the only way I could stop myself from thinking about everything that was bothering me right now.
For example, why hadn't Jonghyun called me since the party?
It had been two week and he had not called once, not even to see if I was okay after the night I apparently tried to "Run Away".
At least, that's what Onew thought I had tried to do.
Stupid Onew.
Without Jonghyun around though, it seemed a bit lonely even when I was surrounded by the other members of SHINee or my own two best friends.
Minho especially tried to spend most of his free time with me.
We had become a lot closer on account that he was the only member of the group that knew of what had really gone down the night of the party.
As much as I liked having him keep me company however, I still couldn't stop my mind from wondering about Jonghyun.
As for Onew and Sunghee and their early morning hug scenario?
They are still insisting that they are just friends and that Onew simply hugged Sunghee to comfort her in her time of need.
Something that nobody really believes but we humour them for their own sanity.
"Hello? Earth to Hyosung!~" I suddenly became aware of the chimming of a familiar voice.
Becoming aware of my surroundings once again, I noticed that there were two familiar faces infront of me.
Those faces belonging to Minho and Yunho.
"Are you okay?" Minho asked as I scratched the back of my head awkwardly and nodde my head in reply.
He didn't look convinced though.
"I'm fine, really. What are you both doing here?" I asked, forcing a small smile onto my face.
"Onew heard from Sunghee that you were working here today so Yunho thought it would be a good idea to come visit" Minho informed me happily as a real smile appeared on my lips this time.
"And Changmin wanted me to pick him up some cake since he's got a packed schedule today" Yunho added as I laughed and indicated to the selection of cakes that were displayed inside the glass case infront of me.
"Since it's Changmin then it's on the house" I said which caused Yunho to shake his head almost instantly.
"Obviously you're not aware of how much Changmin actually eats. He'd eat this whole bakery if you'd let him" Yunho said which made me laugh.
"She's laughing at my words when I'm being deadly serious" Yunho muttered to Minho as he shook his head and turned to me as Yunho went on to look at the cakes.
It only took Yunho around 5 minutes to pick out the 5 cake slices that he thought Changmin might like.
After placing them in a carboard box that had the bakery's name printed on it, I smiled at the two members infront of me.
"Well, it was nice of you both to come visit"
"Are you sure you're okay with giving me these for free?" Yunho asked as I nodded my head.
"It'll only come out of my pay check and I'm putting in a lot of hours lately so I can spare a bit of money for Changmin's sake" I smiled as Yunho laughed and shook his head.
"Changmin's gonna wish you were his Cinderella after this" 
At Yunho's words, my jaw slackened slightly as Yunho quickly covered his mouth, almost to fein surprise.
"Oops, should I not have said that?"
"Thanks a lot Hyung. I knew I shouldn't have told you" Minho hissed as Yunho shrugged his shoulders in defence.
"Everyone is going to find out eventually anyway. Secrets like this are never kept for long. I still can't believe I didn't recognize you myself. So you're the Hyoko that Jonghyun has been searching for" Yunho smirked leaning in closer to get a better look at me as if he had never seen me before.
"I can't believe you told him!" I snapped out loud at Minho.
"I can't believe he didn't tell us!" Another voice shouted out from behind Minho and Yunho, making me jump slightly in surprise.
I stepped to the side so I was able to see the entrance to the bakery, only to find Taemin and Onew stood there, both looking at the three of us in utter shock.
So it was easy to say that I was busted.
"Y-You're Hyoko? The girl Jonghyun Hyung is still trying to find and is constantly making me get up early hours of the morning to help him?" Taemin asked in a stern voice which I had never heard Taemin use mefore.
Yunho mimed a "Sorry" to me as I bit my lower lip.
I couldn't believe that Minho had told Yunho and by doing so, now Taemin and Onew knew the truth as well.
This was all Minho's fault.
"Um...Yes. I was, I mean I am Hyoko" I admited in defeat, realizing there was nothing else I could do but confess the truth.
Surprisingly however, Taemin's face lit up with happiness upon hearing my words.
"This is great. Now you can tell him you're really Hyoko and I can go back to getting a decent amount of sleep every night" Taein beamed happily as I slowly shook my head at his words.
His smile faultered.
"I'm sorry Taemin but I can't tell him and neither can any of you guys" I said as Taein's smile was literally not exhistent anymore.
"Why not? Jonghyun is really stressed out over Hyoko...I mean, you" Onew corrected himself.
"He can't know. I don't want him to. Right now, the way Jonghyun is treating me makes me not want to tell him. Since he met "Hyoko" he's treated me like I don't exist so I don't want him to know about this. Promise you won't tell him" I asked of them, softly yet seriously.
"But I need sleep. To be honest I don't know how much longer I can take of Jonghyun's searching" Taemin pouted slightly as I looked to the floor, feeling slightly builty that Taemin ahd to suffer because of Jonghyun's new found obsession of finding Hyoko.
After a few seconds however, I heard Taemin heave a sigh of defeat.
"Fine, I won't tell him but you owe me for this" Taemin groaned as I looked up and sent a beaming smile his way.
"Thank you"
"Yah, what about us? We're keeping the secret as well?" Onew grinned happily as I laughed and nodded my head.
"All of you, thank you"
"Now let's get down to business. What are the chances that I can finish off the whole of that cake within half an hour?" Onew asked pointing to one of the larger cakes that was on display.
"Probably around the same percent of chance that Manager Hyung will kill you if he finds out" Minho sighed with folded arms which made Yunho and I laugh.
[Jonghyun's POV]
"Taemin, are you even listening to me?" I snapped, glaring at what looked like a knocked out Taemin on my bedroom floor.
"Hmmm" Was all I heard from him which made me roll my eyes in annoyance.
"I can't believe it. It's like she's vanished from the universe and all I have to prove to anyone that she existed is a stupid CD that I don't even know which voice is hers" I hissed in annoyance.
I swear, SHINee may have promoted Sherlock but I was no Mr Holmes when it came to investigating.
"So here's a thought...Why not give up already?" Taemin mumbled with his arm resting over his eyes.
"Because I'm Kim Jonghyun and I never quit until I find the person I'm looking for"
"Then here's another suggestion. Why don't you stop being a wise and think about it carefully. Maybe you're missing what was once, right infront of your eyes" Taemin suddenly snapped before standing up and storming out of my room in anger.
I looked at  my bedroom door that he had just slammed shut before I shouted "If you damage my door, you're paying for a new one".
I sighed, looking back at the CD that sat in it's case beside me.
And what dd he mean when he said "right infront of my eyes"?
And that wise remark was completely uncalled for.
At that moment, there came a knock at my bedroom door.
"Come in" I sighed, thinking it was Taemin who ahd come back to apologize.
It wasn't however, what I had thought to be Taemin turned out to be Onew.
"Are you okay?" He asked curiously as I heaved a sigh.
"I don't know. I'm stressed out over the whole Hyoko search and now Taemin is snapping at me for no reason what-so-ever. I'm just running out of ideas on how to find Hyoko" I said in a defeated voice that I never knew I had.
I hated to admit it but I was close to hitting a dead end.
"Have you ever thought Taemin might have a reason to be angry at you?" Onew asked as I shook my head.
Okay, I had been distrupting his sleeping pattern lately but it would be worth it in the end.
Besides, he was my friend.
He should understand how much I needed his help to find Hyoko and how happy I'll be when I find her again.
"Here" Onew said, kneeling down next to me with a small white box in his hand.
"Minho, Taemine, Yunho Hyung and I went to visit Hyosung at the bakery today. She gave us some free cakes to bring home for you and Key" Onew explained, openign the box as he did so.
"...You still remember who Hyosung is, right?"
"Of course I remember" I snapped as Onew simply laughed at my defencive tone.
"Just checking. You haven't spent much time with her since the party" He pointed out as I sighed and nodded in agreement.
"She and Minho are becoming really good friend. They seem to be really close now. More than they have ever been before at least" Onew laughed slightly as I slightly glared at him.
What was his point in all of this?
"I'm actually starting to think that maybe Minho is slightly interested in Hyosung in a more than a friend kind of way" Onew shrugged his shoulders as I looked at him seriously.
"How do you know? Did he say something to you about it?" I asked as Onew looked at me and smiled.
"He didn't say it directly but you know Minho, his feelings are obvious through his actions more than words. I'm not so sure about Hyosung's feelings toward him however" Onew informed me as I found myself biting my bottom lip.
"Make sure nothing happens between the two of them. The last thing I want is Hyosung getting hurt over jealous fans" I instructed Onew as he shrugged his shoulders once again.
"But Minho is our friend. If he likes Hyosung, shouldn't we support him and trust that he'll protect Hyosung from any anti-fans she might gain?" Onew asked as I felt my body temperature rising, or maybe Taemin had just cranked up the heatign in my room to spite me.
"I don't want him and Hyosung getting into any sort of relationship that could end up destroying our friendship with her" I hissed.
"But if Hyosung and Minho do start dating each other, how would that effect your relationship with both of them? Besides, at the end of the day it's their lives and their decision to make, it have nothing to do with any of us" Onew said, looking at me seriously.
As if he expected me to accept this nonsense he was spewing from his stupid mouth.
"Of course it concerns me" I snapped which made Onew back off a little bit.
"You sound angry" 
I stayed silent.
"...I'll leave you alone to think about things. Eat the cake, It's from Hyosung after all" Onew said before turning on his heel and walking out of my bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
I heaved a heavy sighed and tilted my head back, my back resting against the wall behind me.
Minho and Hyosung?
Hyosung and Minho?
The two names just didn't sound right together.
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OMG!!!!! I remember this used to be on Winglin but it was starring with Donghae like yeeeears ago! Hahahhahahaha

Wow, I remember I used to read ALL of your stories back there b/c they were all so good. :D But, yeah, I was a big fan of your fics back in Winglin c: huhuhuhu
Shiningshawol91 #2
Chapter 28: New reader! haha but I guess I'm pretty far into the story! LOVE IT!! If I was HyoSung I would have fallen for MinHo instead of Jjong keke <333333333333
ShawolMBLFT #3
Chapter 37: Awesome! And the ending was just really awesome I usually hate how most fanfics have such crappy endings but I just really loved how this one ends ;)
greentealover1315 #4
Chapter 37: That was...AMAZING!!
Chapter 37: awwww I am sad that the story ended but I really liked the ending. Thank you so much for such a great story.
Chapter 36: eeeek soooooo excited!!!!! update soon!~
Chapter 36: uhhh shes running away now. Tsk tsk tsk the more she runs the badder it gets. I think she should just get her ___ up and finally talk to jonghyun or they will never will be able to sort it out.