A new life in Korea

Tired of being alone, sick of being single

Andrea is looking for a huge change in scenery. She is tired of her life in the USA and a job opportunity has caused her to start her life over in Seoul, South Korea. She has always been a fan of k-pop and k-dramas and knows a lot about the culture. She has become pretty fluent in the Korean language so she is confident in her decision to move. She is most looking forward to getting away from her creepy ex-boyfriends and hopes that maybe a fresh start in Korea will also result in her finding true love.

Andrea moves into a rooftop house overlooking the city lights and says a quick prayer of thanks and asks for help in meeting the right person. She makes friends with her neighbors and they begin talking about auditions for a new reality dating show that will take place tomorrow. Andrea stays up all night thinking about the show and if she should audition for it. Could this be her chance to find love? "I don't really know anyone here in Seoul anyway so it would be nice to at least meet people." she thinks out loud.  "I'll do it!"

The next day she gets up and finds her cutest dress, shoes and accessories. Her new friend Dara comes over and does her makeup and hair. Her younger brother Cheondung is watching and tells Andrea that if he was a little older he would date her himself. Andrea blushes and gets on the bus to MBC studios. There is a long line of single, young, pretty, girls waiting to audition for the show like her. Andrea estimates about 2,000 girls have shown up and wonders how she will ever make it through. 


"Yah! Get back here Taeyang!" yells GD from down the hall at MBC. "Why did I ever agree to this? I can't do this. The girls will find out it's me they are going to date and they will just go crazy and not even care about getting to know the real me." says Taeyang with a sigh. "Hyung, I have an idea. I know you really want to meet a girl and have her fall in love with the real you, so why don't you wear a disguise so they don't know it's you." chimes in Seungri. "Wow, this kid is on to something, it's worth a shot" says TOP. Taeyang thinks about it and then calls over the stylist and makeup artists. "Can you make me look completely different?" 

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_gdragonnnnn #1
Chapter 26: Awww seungri and TOP! TOP with his binguness and seungri with his childishness :b
Chapter 25: :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
Chapter 24: merp merp merp i loves it... ugh but finally, it took forever for him so say it! haha
Chapter 24: Sorry it took me so long to update! I've been busy as an administrator on an MBLAQ project online. I hope you enjoyed the update :)
Chapter 23: rawr! so good! ahh )
Pamela71410 #6
Chapter 22: How bout dara? ;p I kinda ship them together
Chapter 22: Awwww now that taeyang found his girl he wants to help s... ugh so cute :)
_gdragonnnnn #8
Is it Dara? XD
Chapter 22: It looks like GD wants to find a girl too! Who do you think he should date?