
Tired of being alone, sick of being single

Andrea and Taeyang walked hand in hand back to the van. GD drove up in his car and pulled out an umbrella to meet them. "Taeyang, we are gonna be late for our photoshoot! We have to go now!" says GD. He then glances over at Andrea and does a double take at her see through wet t-shirt. Andrea notices and covers up her chest. "Hey, watch where you're looking!" she says playfully and then give him a soft punch on the arm. "I'm sorry. I am a man you know." he says and then blushes. Taeyang coughs to break up the cute interaction but GD continues. "You should come see us practice for your next date. I bet you would love our studio and you can see Taeyang in his element." "Hmmmm, that's actually a good idea. I'll talk to the producer about it." he says and then gives Andrea a sweet goodbye kiss.

Andrea is dropped off at home and immediately changes out of her wet clothes into pajamas. A knock is heard on the door and she peeks to see Dara, Cheondung, and Mir. She invites them and Dara says, "I wanted to see how your date went and these two would not let me come up without them." Andrea laughs at their cuteness and invites them inside. She makes tea and sets out snacks that Mir devours almost instantly. "Hey! Those were supposed to be for everyone!" she scolds Mir. Mir apologizes and then tries to act cute to make up for it. Andrea then begins talking about her date and the amazing sky dive that she went on. Dara listens with wide eyes and amazement while Cheondung begins to shift awkwardly in his seat. "....and then it started to rain and we were kissing like our plane was going down!" said Andrea. Cheondung abruptly gets up and says he needs to use the bathroom. "Andrea, I think my brother has a crush on you." whispers Dara so that Mir can't hear. "I like Unni too!"  says Mir who obviously hears what she said anyway. "Oh really? How do you know?" she asks Dara. "I overheard him writing a song called "Angel upstairs" and it sounds like he was talking about you. He is auditioning for J.Tune Camp in a few days and has been writing and dancing like crazy." Cheondung comes out of the bathroom and Mir says, "Yeah! Hyung and I are trying out together. I'm pretty good a rapping so I think I can get in." Andrea looks surprised and says, " I didn't know you both had so many talents. Good luck at your audition! Fighting!" Cheondung blushes and then pokes at his sister annoyed that she shared his plans. 

Taeyang completes all this dates and hands out flowers to the remaining girls. One was eliminated again and she leaves the studio bursting with tears. "This is really hard. I hate hurting girls' feelings." says Taeyang who talks with the producer. He then asks if the next date could be held at YG so he could show his dates his job. The producer thought it was a great idea and encouraged Taeyang to ask the Bigbang members to make formal appearances this time in order to increase ratings. Taeyang said he would try but couldn't guarantee that they would all be there due to different schedules. He then meets Andrea briefly backstage before she leaves to tell her about the next date. "Wow, I would love to go to YG! That reminds me, do you know of a company called J. Tune Camp?" she asks. "Yes, they haven't been around long but I heard they are auditioning for a new boy band. It seems like they are sprouting up everywhere lately. Why do you ask?" he says. "I have 2 friends who are trying out and was just curious if you had any advice or heard anything about the company." Taeyang thinks for a minute remembering back to his training days and says, "Tell them that they have to be unique, look good, and being to train all hours of the day. Personality helps too." he gives her a quick goodbye kiss and Andrea can't wait to share his advice to her friends Cheondung and Mir.

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_gdragonnnnn #1
Chapter 26: Awww seungri and TOP! TOP with his binguness and seungri with his childishness :b
Chapter 25: :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
Chapter 24: merp merp merp i loves it... ugh but finally, it took forever for him so say it! haha
Chapter 24: Sorry it took me so long to update! I've been busy as an administrator on an MBLAQ project online. I hope you enjoyed the update :)
Chapter 23: rawr! so good! ahh )
Pamela71410 #6
Chapter 22: How bout dara? ;p I kinda ship them together
Chapter 22: Awwww now that taeyang found his girl he wants to help s... ugh so cute :)
_gdragonnnnn #8
Is it Dara? XD
Chapter 22: It looks like GD wants to find a girl too! Who do you think he should date?