Choking Hazard

To Be With Minho

Hey there guys! So I have started my JoonMir fanfic. It's called Suffering In Silence if anyone's interested. But it's got nothing to do with this story. Also, I'm still just as dedicated to this story. Well, this one comes first because it's my ideal fantasy. Also, this is happy, whereas my new one is kind of depressing... But it shall have a happy ending!

Alex/your point of view

"Good morning, Key-oppa!" He still looks half-asleep. Poor guy.

"What are you-nrgh-doing up so early?" Key asks through a spectacular yawn.

"I woke up really early. No need to worry though! I made myself useful and made lunch for us! I hope you like cheese sandwiches..."

Key's cracked into a brilliant wide smile and is running towards me. Ow! He's enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug. Ow, ow, ow, put me down! I can't breathe!

"Umm, Key, I think you're killing her." Ah, Onew to the rescue.

"Sorry, I was just very happy! Thank you! You're too kind!"

"Oh, no. You're the kind ones for letting me stay in your home. In fact, you really do make it feel like home! So it's me that should be thanking you."

"Well, in that case, you don't ever need to leave!" Say whut?!

"Umm, Key???" What the hell is this diva on about?!

"You can stay here and live with us! You can marry Minho and have children and stay in Korea forever!" OMFG!!!!! I'm choking on thin air. Well, more like on Key's words. But, seriously, you can't come out with things like that!

"Alex-ah, are you ok? Do you want a drink of water?" Onew's rushing around the kitchen sink, while Key's trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry, it was just a joke. I didn't think you'd take it so seriously."

I guzzle down the water that Onew presented to me, and finally stop choking up my precious oxygen. So, maybe I did overreact a little. But Key still can't go round saying things like that! What if someone thought that me and Minho were dating because of something that Key said. It's a nice thought, but I wouldn't want something like that to ruin his career. Plus, it's not true, and I can't live with a lie.

"Alex-ah, are you alright? I heard choking sounds from my bedroom." Minho is standing in the doorway in his pyjamas. He looks incredibly worried. He's too sweet!

"Minho-oppa, I'm fine. Key just...startled me." OH! Minho's appeared at my side, with one hand round my waist and one hand clasping mine. He's leading me to the sofa, rubbing my back. Although, it feels nice, I should probably tell him that I really am fine.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine. Really I am."

"Sorry, I was just worried. I'm going to go have a shower, we'll need to get ready to go soon. Onew-hyung, can you wake up Taemin?"

Onew and Minho disappear from the room, leaving me and Key alone. The sofa dips down slightly next to me. Key's put an arm round my shoulder and is pulling me close to his chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. I can feel his heart beating proudly.

"Sweetie, I can see how much you care about him and how much he cares about you. You are both perfect for each other. I've never seen anyone more perfect for each other than you two. Well, except me and JJong perhaps..."


"Jonghyun. We call him JJong for short. Or dino head if he's being stupid. But you two need to tell each other what you feel."

"Key, how can I? I'm only here for two months. After the two months, I have to go back home. Home to my horribly boring life. My boring, tiring school, with my non-existant love and social lives. If there was any way that I could stay here with you, then I would. But I can't think of any way. I need to go home and pass my A-levels, get into university, and get a good job." Tears are rolling swiftly off my face now, but it upsets me so much to think I've found my soul mate and I have to let him go. But does he really like me as much as I like him?

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Shineelovingshawol #1
Chapter 62: This story is just so good! I love how sweet minho is! Ahhh my ultimate bias!
kpopluver98 #2
your story is so cute~ ♥♥
Zelo_Biased #3
Yayy its awesome! And jongkey is in it automatically. Makes it episcopal and on chapter 18 I LOVE MUSE its one of the few bands I listen to in english
Cuteeeee story! <3
New reader here! I'm only at chapter 3, but I love it. This may also be because my name's Alexandra too.^^
That is so cute
sooo good !!! (=^.^=)
Once again, once I started, I had to finish in the same day. Great work ^^
Lol I'm jealous of a fictional character xD I love Minho out of all the Kpop stars but a happy ending always makes me feel awesome <3 love this story