Lunch and Onew's "Condition"

To Be With Minho

AN: I've got two things to point out here. Firstly, I couldn't find a Seoul Restaurant I wanted to use-so this is made up, which is why it has no name. Also, this is set in late September, so it's not cold. In fact, it's supposed to be hot and sunny. Just thought I'd clear that up before people get confused... Also, there is a lot of JongKey going on, because I've become a JongKey ... I've seen so many videos of them that it must be real!! XD

We left the Namdaemun Market at about eleven, and we're now waiting for Onew outside a Korean restaurant-which I can't pronounce the name of. It's just gone quarter-past twelve-we've been waiting for half-an-hour! I'm starting to get really hungry. I need some food...Food is my one weakness. They're all gonna be in for a big surprise when they see how much I can eat!

A muscular hand has appeared on my shoulder, and it's cupping my shoulder in a rather comforting way...I turn my head to see who it is, and I'm desperately trying to keep calm as I stare into Minho's gorgeous, dark eyes.

"Onew's not normally late like this, but I'm sure he'll be here soon."

I'm trying my hardest to tear away from Minho's calming, deep eyes, but I'm melting in them. He's staring back at me. He probably thinks I'm being stupid. I finally manage to break my stare as a taxi stops in front of us. A handsome man with very pale brown hair steps out. His hair blows around his face as a slight cool breeze passes by. This would be the point where I put a jacket on-if I'd thought to bring one... I shiver slightly and Minho, who's still got his hand cupping my shoulder, smiles down at me.

"Are you cold? We can go inside and have lunch now that Onew has arrived." His hand leaves my shoulder and is motioning for me to go in the restaurant, where Key and Jonghyun have already entered ahead of us.

Inside it's a very posh, western style restaurant. It's filled with lots of mahogany tables and chairs, as well as some private booths towards the back of the restaurants. The booths have some coloured glass screens separating them. They also have some long mahogany tables in them, but instead of wooden chairs, they have some navy blue sofas. The walls of the restaurant are painted white with a navy blue border at the top and bottom. The large windows let in lots of sun light and are framed with navy blue curtains as well. The radio is playing in the background and I recognise the song.

"Isn't this Brown Eyed Girls?" All the boys turn to look at me. They each look thoroughly impressed.

"Yeah, Abracadabra," Jonghyun gives Key a coy smile before continuing. "You should see Key do the dance."

"Umm, maybe..." I vaguely remember the video on youtube and as good-looking as Key is, I don't really want to see him 'strutting his stuff' like the BEG girls.

A waiter approaches us and Key says something to him in Korean. I assume it's probably 'table for six please'. The waiter leads us off to the back of the restaurant. Minho's walking right behind me, making me feel quite uncomfortable. I should probably try to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. The waiter stops by one of the booths. There's a large table in the middle, with two sofas either side. Onew, Key and Jonghyun pile in on one sofa. Taemin takes a seat on the far end of the second sofa. As I sit down next to him, I can clearly see Jonghyun's hand resting just above Key's knee. Aww, that's so cute! Minho sits down beside me, and I can't help but flush at the close proximity of our bodies.

There are four menus placed on the table, and the waiter mumbles something in Korean to Key, before making a swift exit. Taemin, Minho, Onew and Jonghyun each pick up a menu. Jonghyun shares his with Key, and Taemin is trying to share his with me.

"Uhh, Taemin, I don't know how to read Korean."

Taemin looks slightly crestfallen and everyone else is trying their hardest not to laugh at him. Bless him! He was just trying to be kind...

"Is there anythin in particular you would like?" Minho's stopped looking at his menu to ask me what I want to eat. But I don't know the name of any Korean food. How do I answer without sounding like a total ?

"Umm, not really. I'll have whatever you're having." Minho looks unphased by my answer, whilst Key's eyebrows have raised several inches. I didn't mean it to sound flirty! I really didn't!

"ACHOOOO!!" Onew sneezed loudly into his hands, startling all of us. He looks up at us apologetically. "Sorry, I must have a cold of my umma, sorry I mean mother." He smiles gently, showing a set of perfect, white teeth.

"I think this is the perfect time for introductions," Key chirps up. "Alex, this is Lee Jinki, but his stage name is Onew, so that's what we call him. Onew-hyung, this is Alex. She's the foreign exchange student from England, who's staying with Minho."

"Hi! What's it like in England? Does everybody speak really posh and drink tea?"

WHAT?! Silence has fallen everyone. It wouldn't surprise me if some tumbleweed just rolls by...But seriously, what kind of question is that?!

"You'll have to excuse his Onew Condition..." Key flashed a gleaming white smile at me as he spoke. He's pretending to beat up Onew, which is very amusing. "Aigoo!" He slaps Onew round the head before settling back in his seat.

The waiter has appeared at the table again. He's holding a pen and paper, ready to take down everyone's order. It sounds like Jonghyun and Key are having exactly the same. The waiter takes down Onew and Taemin's orders, and now he's looking at me. Minho says something to him in Korean, before disclosing his own order. The waiter bows, and leaves again, this time not looking as flushed as before.

"What did you say to him?" I'm curious to know exactly what Minho said about me.

"I told the waiter you're visiting Korea for the first time, and that you would have the same as me." I guess that's not too bad. At least I've got my knight in shining armour, Minho, to help me if this ever happens again...

So, this chapter is going to be split into two parts because it's so long. I'll try to get part two up as quickly as possible.

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Shineelovingshawol #1
Chapter 62: This story is just so good! I love how sweet minho is! Ahhh my ultimate bias!
kpopluver98 #2
your story is so cute~ ♥♥
Zelo_Biased #3
Yayy its awesome! And jongkey is in it automatically. Makes it episcopal and on chapter 18 I LOVE MUSE its one of the few bands I listen to in english
Cuteeeee story! <3
New reader here! I'm only at chapter 3, but I love it. This may also be because my name's Alexandra too.^^
That is so cute
sooo good !!! (=^.^=)
Once again, once I started, I had to finish in the same day. Great work ^^
Lol I'm jealous of a fictional character xD I love Minho out of all the Kpop stars but a happy ending always makes me feel awesome <3 love this story