Namdaemun Market

To Be With Minho

Quick AN: All conversions I found on the internet, if they're wrong-blame the web! Thanks xx

Namdaemun Market is the biggest market place ever! It's filled with crowds of busy people, bustling about between small stores and stalls dotted about all over. There were lots of stalls selling pretty clothes and accessories. There was a stall near-by that was selling hand-made gifts and souvenirs. There was a significant smell of rice hanging in the air, as there were several food stores dotted around. Key, Jonghyun and Taemin had stopped in front of a clothing store a few feet in front of us. Minho's turned to look at me again, but this time he's smiling. He's smiling a serene smile and holding out his arm.

"Shall we?" I s my arm underneath Minho's and we're walking towards the others, arm-in-arm. Key's smiling at us, as we get closer. I can feel myself smiling, because this really is one of the happiest moments I've ever experienced.

Key's already started looking at items and trying them on. He's found a square, black and white chequered scarf, and he's modelling it for Jonghyun and Taemin. Taemin and Jonghyun are both clapping as Key strikes several poses. As Minho and I come up to the stall, we all go in different directions. I'm straight at the dresses, looking at a short, flowery-patterned, summer dress. The only problem is, I don't know which is my size...

Taemin's coming over to me. I think's he's spotted that I need some help... Am I really that hopeless?

"Hey, do you need any help?" Taemin's smiling gently, so I feel a little more relaxed.

"Yes actually. Could you help me find the right size? I'm quite small, UK size 8..." Taemin's flicking through the dresses to try and find the right size for me. Looking at him right now, he's a good foot taller than me, which is helpful, as I was standing on tiptoes to reach the dresses.

"Here, try size 55. It should fit. You can try it on in there. Then you can come and show us!" Taemin's pointing to a small booth with a red curtain. It's a lot smaller than what I'm used to in England, but I should fit. I draw the curtain just as Taemin calls Key, Jonghyun and Minho across, which means I can't take too long. I quickly get rid of my jeans and t-shirt, placing them on a small hand rail at the side of the changing booth. I pull the dress on over my head, but I can't do it up at the back. This is going to be embarrassing...

As I'm exiting the changing booth, holding the back of my dress with both hands, the boys are staring at me, confused about why I have my hands behind my back. I approach them slowly, aware that my cheeks are probably bright red again.

"Hey can one of you guys zip up the dress?" I turn around to show them what I mean. Someone steps forward and places a soft, warm hand on my back whilst zipping up the dress. I turn around to face the boys again to find that it was Minho! He's standing right in front of my face; he hasn't moved from zipping up the dress. He looks down at me and smiles sweetly.

"You look lovely." I think my cheeks will explode from how red and very hot they are! Wow, this is amazing. Coming to Korea was officially the best decision of my (and my head of Post 16's) life! Otherwise I would've never met such lovely, kind, amazing people. And quite possibly, dare I think it, fallen in love with someone so amazing, so quickly! Wait, am I falling in love? Yes, I think I am. I think I'm falling in love with Minho!

"Th-thank you." I can barely speak because I'm so flustered! I think I should make a quick escape into the changing booth to get changed, and moreover, calm down. I quickly pull on my jeans and t-shirt again and hurry outside to find Key, Jonghyun and Taemin waiting for me. Minho has disappeared though...

"You looked really nice in that. I would've said it before, but you ran off before I could open my mouth." Key's smiling brightly at me. I feel like a fool though now, for running off so quickly.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see what it looked like in the mirror." Lame excuse, but I doubt they'll say anything. "How much is it anyway?"

Before I can look, Jonghyun's already got the price tag in his hand. "19,500 Won. Not a bad price then..." 19,500 Won...I think that's about £11. It sounds like a lot though!

"Ummm, can you help me sort out my money... I got it converted before I left, but I don't know what each note is." I take a selection of various coloured bits of paper from my pocket.

Key laughs at me lightly. He takes the stash of notes and pulls out two green ones. "Here. The green ones are worth 10,000 Won each. So you should get 500 Won change. That's a small coin with 500 written on it."

I pay for the dress at the counter-Key was right. I've got a small, silver coin with 500 written on it in change. I walk back to join Key, Jonghyun and Taemin, and this time Minho's with them.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving!" Taemin's stomach gives a tremendous roar just to emphasise his words.

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Shineelovingshawol #1
Chapter 62: This story is just so good! I love how sweet minho is! Ahhh my ultimate bias!
kpopluver98 #2
your story is so cute~ ♥♥
Zelo_Biased #3
Yayy its awesome! And jongkey is in it automatically. Makes it episcopal and on chapter 18 I LOVE MUSE its one of the few bands I listen to in english
Cuteeeee story! <3
New reader here! I'm only at chapter 3, but I love it. This may also be because my name's Alexandra too.^^
That is so cute
sooo good !!! (=^.^=)
Once again, once I started, I had to finish in the same day. Great work ^^
Lol I'm jealous of a fictional character xD I love Minho out of all the Kpop stars but a happy ending always makes me feel awesome <3 love this story