Spin the Bottle (Part 1)

Dream Gay
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Narrator's POV 

The bottle slows down its pace and after 10 seconds and anxiety, it stopped…pointing at Chanri.

“Ooohhh…” everyone uttered. Chanri bit her lip as she stared at the bottle.

Freaking bottle, why does it have to be me first? she thought to herself.

“Now, who wants to ask Chanri a question?” Joonmyeon initiated. They were silent for a moment when Kyungsoo suddenly raised his hand. Chanri blinked at him, wondering what question he will ask. Everyone was silent and waited for Kyungsoo to open his mouth.

“Hmm…” he started and put his hand on his chin. “If you were to choose…friendship or love?” Chanri crinkled her brows and stared at Kyungsoo. What kind of question is that Kyungie?!

“What the, that’s even harder than the finals in chemistry!” Chanyeol growled.

“Ani, I think noona will easily choose friendship.” Sehun confidently said which perked Kyungsoo’s ears.

“And why is that?” Joonmyeon asked.

“Because she asked me to be her dongsaeng instead of a boyfriend.” Sehun explained.

“Eyyy!” Chanyeol extended his long arms and gave a Sehun a spank in the arm. “Yours was a different situation, pabo!”

“So?” Kyungsoo’s gaze went back to Chanri. The latter pouted, staring at the bonfire.

“I won’t choose.” She firmly answered.

“Eh? But why?” Baekhyun asked, also interested with the question.

“I can’t bear to lose both. I mean, of course I want to be with the person I like, but I can’t also live without my friends.” She explained and everyone nodded in agreement.

Kyungsoo just kept silent, I can actually be both, either way, I won’t leave you...if you’ll just give me the chance…

“That was…a great start.” Joonmyeon ended the serious Q&A portion and reached for the bottle to spin it again.


While the bottle was spinning, Jongin turned to Mihyun and whispered, “Do you agree with her answer?”

“I have a different stand actually.” Mihyun whispered back. Jongin nodded as she continued with her answer.

“I’d choose love.”

“Love? Why?” Jongin smirked, amused with her bold answer. But he also felt scared. He knew that deep inside, Mihyun still likes Baekhyun and he, as of now, is just a friend in her eyes.

“A true friend will always understand. If they really care about you, they will choose you to be happy with the one you love.” She expounded and gave a small smile at Jongin.

I just hope you won’t let me do that in the future Mihyun…not for Baekhyun… Jongin thought.


Just then, the bottle stopped rolling, and the second person to be on the hot seat was Kyungsoo.

“Karma’s really fast!” Chanyeol exclaimed.

“Ok, who’s gonna ask Kyungsoo now.” Joonmyeon asked again.

Jongin raised his hand and smirked.

“Ooohhh, cold Jongin hyung is being active! This is new!” Sehun sat straight and focused on what is to be asked.

Kyungsoo gulped, he doesn’t know why but he felt a bit uneasy with Jongin asking him.

“I know you can answer this because you’re smart.” Jongin started. Kyungsoo looked straight at him with his rounded eyes.

“In your own opinion, is it ok to like a friend?”

Everyone froze. “That’s one strong strike man.” Joonmyeon commented, sensing that numerous people around the bonfire can relate to it.

Kyungsoo gulped real hard as he heard the question and peeked at Chanri’s face.

“Well…you can never say.” Kyungsoo bowed down as he answered. Jongin nodded and waited for his next words.

“Situations like that can be inevitable sometimes. You can’t just control your heart like that.” He said and turned to Jongin. “You should know that.”

Jongin smirked. “I shouldn’t have asked that. I didn’t think it would bounce back to me.” He retorted.

“Wow, Kyungsoo’s a real genius I guess.” Chanyeol complimented. “He’s not only knowledgeable to books but also in love!”

“But sometimes words like that come from experience, does it not?” Baekhyun added.

“Does it mean Kyungsoo’s liking someone right now?” Mihyun added.

“Hey hey! One question at a time! I’m done!” Kyungsoo panicked as he tried to escape from further interrogation and grabbed the bottle to spin it.

They all laughed at his cute action and started staring back at the spinning bottle. Who’s the next victim now?


After ten breathe taking seconds, it stopped at Sehun. He made a face of disgust as he looked up at his friends. “Oh please, be good to me.” he said with ru

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suliman #1
Chapter 80: Update soon
Chapter 80: Update soon...
suliman #3
Please update soon
Fany_sim #4
Chapter 79: I want kai with mihyun to br togther
Chapter 79: Its so Beautiful
I cannot~
Chapter 79: im saying this again but i really really really love the friendship between kyungsoo and mihyun! i live for them! as bff tho its beautiful :"

btw happy new year atuthornim~
exotic_vip_baby #7
Chapter 79: HAPPY NEW YEAR AUTHOR-NIM~ kinda sad that this chapter is short but that's okay! I can wait! also you updated two chapters so I'm cool with it! :D
Chapter 77: Uh-ooohhh!! The two lovebirds are in trouble D:
Oh btw, happy new year, author-nim! I hope you'll have a happy, fruitful year! ♡
Chapter 77: happy new year author-nim!
good chapter to begin 2015!!! <3
can't wait to see 2hyun back back back back back~~~ *singing to infinite's back* XP