
Best Ambivalent Pirates


double update, KACHING ~OMO EXO COMEBACK TOO ASDFGGGKH;LKAPKEP~ If you like this story, drop a comment, subscribe or upvote if you like ^^ Things will start getting a bit more interesting soon ~ooooooooooh (oh and i didn't edit it so sorry for typos)


Two days went by with you sitting in bed, resting your foot while the BAP members brought you food every now and then. It seriously didn’t feel like you had been kidnapped. Apart from your little second kidnapping from that EXO gang, you’d been treated relatively well. You were kind of lucky in a way. If EXO had been the ones to kidnap you from the beginning you’d probably be dead by now. Your foot wasn’t much better, Youngjae had said he thought that it was broken but you highly doubted that, you’d probably be in much more pain. As long as you didn’t put pressure on it or move it suddenly, it was completely fine. You estimated that with another couple of days rest, you’d be able to move around the boat a lot better and probably get back in to your own room so Zelo could have his back. You felt slightly bad that he had to sleep on the sofa while you took his bed, but then you thought, you had to sleep on that uncomfortable hammock after this so you may as well make the most of it.

Youngjae would come and bring you books to read to keep you occupied and you’d gotten through two of them already. You stared up at the ceiling after just putting one down to give your eyes a rest from scanning the tiny words and closed them briefly. The boat was swaying gently in a soothing motion, you’d gotten used to the boats movements now and it no longer made you feel as sick. You eventually lulled off in to a short nap.


You were back in the cold, dark, enclosed room with EXO again. All six of them surrounded you and you were strapped down on that horrible wooden chair again, but this time, the legs had spikes on and the ropes that were binding your wrists together also had sharp points on and were digging in to your wrists. There was only a dim light illuminating the gang’s faces - they were handsome, but still terrifying. The tall one, Kris, walked towards you with that horrible smirk on his face. He kept asking you for information that you had no idea about. Every time you pleaded with him, telling him that you knew nothing, he would strike your face, sending sharp, stinging pains shooting through your cheek and the others would stand back and laugh. The one with the dark hair, just like before, gripped your hair and yanked your head back causing you to cry out. They all laughed once again and tears streamed down your face.

He kept asking you the same questions over and over to which you had no answers. This time, every time you failed to provide an answer, your head was held back and jabs were made to your stomach. You wanted to double over and clutch your stomach but your head was forced back and you thought your neck was going to break. You were crying out, screaming for help but you were only greeted by sinister laughs. When you thought you couldn’t take any more, Kris walked up to you and whispered something inaudible in your ear sending shivers down your spine. And then he stabbed you in the gut with a knife and you entered another world of pain. You screamed and cried, trying to dislodge the knife from your body but it wouldn’t work. Everyone had disappeared now and you were left alone, your tied hands trying to pry the knife out with no success. Your world slowly started to fade away and you sobbed and cried yourself dry of tears and blood.


That was the first time you had ever woken yourself up crying. Your cheeks and eyes were wet and you were shaking violently. You instantly looked down to check if you had, in fact, been stabbed but you found nothing but your bare stomach with no wounds whatsoever. You tried to control your breathing, hugging tightly on to one of Zelo’s pillows for comfort. That was one of the most realistic nightmares you’d ever had. You usually had those cliché nightmares about monsters chasing you or about being eaten by sharks or dinosaurs but this one was different. It felt so real. The pain you had experienced felt real. It was like you had actually been stabbed, you’d never felt pain like that before in your life. The emotions you had felt, they were real, their touches, their punches – all real. You rocked yourself back and forth, drawing your good leg up to your chest to lean your chin on.

“Is everything OK?” Zelo asked, poking his head around the door. He heard your screams from the living room and got worried that something had happened. He told himself that he should just ignore it and let you handle it on your own but the bigger percentage of his brain wanted to know if you were OK so he ended up going to check on you.

You nodded and tried to put on a brave smile, “Just a bad dream.”

“A bad dream?” he asked, raising an eyebrow, “What about?”

“Nothing” you mumbled, rocking yourself back and forth again, shaking your head.

“OK, well, uh, if that’s all your whining about then I’ll just go.”

“Jerk” you muttered under your breath as he closed the door behind him.

“I heard that” he called through the wood.

“Good, you were meant to!”

So much for nice and caring Zelo, you thought, he’s back to being a jerk.

You eventually calmed down and you decided that you couldn’t get back to sleep after that ordeal, so you hopped to the kitchen to get yourself some water. You leant against the counter, reaching as high as you could and after a good struggle, you managed to stretch your arm high enough to get hold of a glass. You filled it up and rummaged around in the cupboard for a snack. There was so much junk food, you didn’t have a very hard decision to make. You grabbed a couple of biscuits and hopped back through the living room. You’d grown used to hopping now and you were almost a pro. Youngjae was sitting alone, playing a game on the games console, his brows furrowed together in concentration. He paused his game and looked up at you as you hopped through, spilling little bits of your water with your jumping.

“Need any help?” he asked, craning his neck to make sure you weren’t going to fall over.

“No, I’m OK” you nodded.

He nodded and went to return to his game. “Hey,” he said suddenly, “Want to join in?” he asked, nodding towards the TV screen that showed an interesting looking gun game. You were going to say no but you were really bored and it did look appealing. When you weren’t studying, you were always playing the latest games on your consoles. Sara always watched as you would scream at your TV when you died in game and laugh when you got stressed out when you couldn’t complete a level. She never joined in though, she wasn’t the gaming type. You nodded with a small smile on your face and hopped over to the sofa where you slumped down next to Youngjae. He hooked up one of the wireless controllers to the console and handed it to you.

“Do you know how to play?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Shouldn’t be that hard” you mused, putting your glass down on the table in front of you and getting your hands accustomed to the controls.

“So it’s square to shoot, circle to use your knife, triangle to throw a grenade and x to jump” he explained, pointing to the different buttons. You nodded in understanding and he restarted the game, adding you in. It was simple enough, you’d never played this game before but you were used to games so you picked it up easily. Youngjae created a match where it was just you versus him and you had to seek each other out and shoot the other. You plopped your foot up on the table and sat back as you played.

“How are you so good at this?” he cried once you had killed him for the eleventh time in a row. Every time you did, he would exhale deeply or throw his hands in the air. You would just giggle and wait for him to make the same mistake over and over.

“I don’t know” you shrugged, laughing as you killed him once more.

“Aish…” he sighed, tapping the buttons on his controls furiously.

“What’s going on?” Daehyun asked, wandering in to the living room after hearing the shouts and laughs.

“Nothing” Youngjae pouted, not wanting to admit that he was being beaten by you on his favorite game.

“I’m beating his at this” you smirked, pointing at the screen as you threw a grenade, blowing him up.

“Right, that’s it!” Youngjae laughed, throwing the controls to the side and standing up, holding his hands in the air. “I give up!”

“Seriously? She’s beating you at your own game? Come on Youngjae, that’s pathetic” Daehyun laughed, pointing at him.

“You have a go then” he scowled, picking up the controls and ing them in to Daehyun’s hands.

“Fine, can’t be that hard” he shrugged, sitting next to you.

You raised your eyebrows as he pressed resume and you got back in to the game. Within thirty seconds you had already managed to kill Daehyun twice.

“I’m just warming up” he dismissed, straightening his back and shaking his head. Youngjae looked over at him and raised his eyebrows, suppressing a laugh. You continued like that for a good twenty minutes. Youngjae and Daehyun would swap over to try and beat you but they never could. They got in a few kills and every time they did they would whoop and cheer loudly, high fiving like it was a team effort to beat you. Your cheeks were hurting from smiling, something that hadn’t happened in a good while and you felt at ease, like you were still on holiday. On holiday with a bunch of dorky pirate kidnappers.

Eventually, all of the ruckus and noise caused the rest of BAP to assemble in the living room and they were all rotating turns to try and beat you. You completely slaughtered Jongup and Yongguk. Himchan was completely useless and ended up killing himself by accident a few times. He blamed it on the control and his inability to see the screen properly since it was split in half. You scoffed and the other members mocked him until he finally gave up, handing the controller to Zelo.

“Word of warning,” he smiled, “I’m awesome at this.”

“Yeah, Youngjae was supposed to be awesome and look what happened to him” you smirked, straightening up, accepting the challenge. The countdown on the screen reached zero and you made your character run in the opposite direction from Zelo’s so you could hide and get the better advantage. A couple of minutes went by and he was trying to search you out with no success. You finally jumped out from your hiding place and threw your knife, making it 1-0 to you. He shuffled uncomfortably in his seat.

“It’s on now” he scowled. He didn’t like being embarrassed in front of the others. Daehyun and Himchan smirked at each other behind Zelo’s back like they had yesterday but didn’t proceed any further than that.

The game went on for at least ten minutes, everyone was on the edge of their seats since you were tied in points and there were only thirty seconds of game play left. It had been a good match, Zelo wasn’t lying when he said he was awesome at it. He was much better than everyone else, probably because he was lazy and spent more time on it than anyone else, you scoffed to yourself.

“Go on, Min! Finish his !” Jongup cried, nudging Zelo in the ribs.

“Jongup, what the hell?” Zelo asked, turning his attention away for one second to stare at disbelief at his friend who was cheering for the enemy. In that split second, you threw a grenade in the air, hoping it would find its target by pure luck.

“What a waste of a grenade” Himchan scoffed, shaking his head.

The grenade exploded and killed Zelo’s character, the clock ticked its final seconds and you had won once again.

Multiple screams and shouts vibrated around the room and Jongup ran over to you and gave you a high five.

“That was awesome” he grinned, laughing at Zelo who was scowling and pouting.

“She was just lucky” he muttered, “Go again.”

“Do you really want to be beaten again? Wasn’t being humiliated once enough?” you laughed, raising an eyebrow.

“Just press play” he commanded, sitting forward with a serious expression on his face.

You continued playing the game for hours, the original fuss had died down and the members eventually went back to doing what they were originally doing, leaving you alone, still playing the game with Zelo. He won a couple of times, but you still managed to keep the upper hand. Your gaming skills had definitely shocked everyone and it made you immensely happy. You didn’t normally have anyone to share your love of video games with since you didn’t have any other siblings. Hours ticked by and the hostility between you was beginning to die down. You ended up laughing and playing multiplayer games together rather than against each other and soon you found yourself yawning.

“You can have your bed back if you like” you said when you were just about to turn the game off, “I can sleep here” you said, tapping the sofa.

“No, it’s fine” he insisted, grabbing his pillows from behind it and laying them out for himself.

“No, really, I can’t be bothered to hop back there” you said, taking the pillow from him and lying down on it.

“Whatever” he shrugged, handing you the blanket and leaving for his room. You tucked yourself in, keeping your bad foot out of the covers and fell asleep quickly, hoping that you wouldn’t have any more of those nightmares.


Your prayers weren’t answered however; you were in that room again, being beaten senseless by EXO. They asked the same questions as last time and you were crying and trying to twist out of their grasp. Your efforts were fruitless and you only found yourself in more pain when they dug their nails in to your skin to keep you still as they punched you.


“Min, are you OK?” you were shaken awake by a sleepy looking Zelo. Your face was wet with tears again and your breathing was heavy. You looked up at him with wide eyes, still not really aware of where you were. He waved a hand in front of your eyes and you flinched.

“Are you OK?” he asked again, trying to look in to your eyes. You shook your head and pulled the pillow from under you close to your chest to cuddle it. You buried your head in to the soft material and cried. Zelo stood there awkwardly and patted you on the head.  Once you had calmed down a bit, he picked you up and carried you back to his room where you climbed under the covers.

“I’ll be right back” he said, leaving the room. You nodded and laid your head down on the pillows.

Zelo went off to the kitchen where he heated up some milk. He found that whenever he was stressed or unable to sleep, warm milk always helped soothe him in to a sweet sleep. He waited for it to heat up and when he was satisfied with the temperature he made his way back to his room where you were still sitting up.

“Drink this” he said, handing you the glass. You hesitantly took a sip and you were instantly relaxed. The warm liquid soothed your throat that was dry from your heavy breathing and soon you felt relaxed and sleepy again.

“Better?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

You nodded and laid back down, curling up in to a ball.

“Thank you” you whispered, closing your eyes again and falling asleep almost instantly, forgetting all about your bad dream.

He nodded and made his way back to the sofa where he climbed under the thin blanket and fell asleep himself.

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Chapter 24: it's been forever since you updated! lol. so I just kind of re-read the whole thing yunno? hopefully you'll update again.
Chapter 24: I'm guessing you've been busy since you haven't updated in around...4 months? I hope you didn't forget about this one!! I hope you have time to update again!!
Chapter 24: so adorable~~~
Chapter 24: AWH SO CUTE
but omg i'm so nervous for when she leaves...
Claudine_NG #5
Chapter 24: If she leaves soon... :( Please update soon!
Chapter 24: That was really fluffy >.< But its to be expected that Youngjae onus out I mean he is the smartest ^^.........Or it could have just been pure luck......I think the latter sounds more legit
Chapter 24: asdkfja;sldkfj a;dlksjf alskdjf
misschoiseunghyun #8
Chapter 23: this story is really good :D