
Best Ambivalent Pirates


Three days later, BAP had decided to give you a proper bed since you were still in Zelo’s room and you felt bad for making him sleep on the sofa. You could see how tired he was and how he kept on clicking his neck as if he had slept awkwardly. You didn’t like to see others suffer, even if they were keeping you here against your will, you weren’t that heartless.

You had said that you would go back to sleeping on the sofa since there was no way you could sleep on a hammock with your foot in this state. Yongguk had protested and Daehyun had suggested that they could let you sleep on an old, spare mattress that was lying around in the storage room. You wondered why they didn’t think of that in the first place but you didn’t speak up. They carried it from the storage room to your old room which you had locked yourself in when you first woke up on this damned boat. The drawer was still shattered in to pieces and the desk was still just inches from the door from when you had used it as a barricade. The bed was set up, blankets and pillows were given to you and you moved all of your clothes from Zelo’s room in to your new one and sat down on your new bed, flipping open a book and resuming your place.

It was a really good book, it was all about magic and sorcerers and the detail was so great and magnificent that sometimes you  forgot that you were on the boat in the middle of nowhere, and  thought that you were living in this world full of magic and adventure. Reading helped the time fly by quicker and you hoped that it would go even faster than it already was so you could be home with your parents again. You knew your actual holiday was over now and you wondered where your parents were. Had they prolonged the holiday and bought more time at the hotel? Or had they flown home to sort out the money and make sense of everything? You didn’t know which one seemed like the better option, but you hoped that they would hurry up and get you home.

It wasn’t horrible living with BAP, but it wasn’t terrific either. They fed you, kept you entertained and sometimes made you laugh, but that didn’t mean you weren’t in pain, homesick and seasick constantly. You didn’t like to express your pain or moan all the time because you didn’t want them to think that you were weak in the slightest. You still clung on to your father’s words everyday and you pushed yourself on, knowing that they would get the money together and make everything OK again. You just hoped that they were staying as strong as you were.


Kris stepped out of the helicopter, the whirring of the blades was sending his hair flying in all different directions and he put on a pair of shades to stop the dust from flying in to his eyes. He cupped his hand above his brow to add some extra shade and narrowed his eyes against the harsh sun to take in his surroundings.

“Kris,” the dark haired boy said as he jumped out of the helicopter from behind him, “the cars are waiting over there.” He pointed to two big, black cars with tinted windows. The doors were already open and two drivers were waiting beside them. Kris nodded, “Come on then, Tao” he said, walking over to the cars. Tao followed obediently and so did the rest of EXO, jumping from the helicopter, some of them holding down the caps on their heads so they didn’t fly away from the force of the wind that the helicopter was generating. As soon as everyone had evacuated the aircraft, it ascended in to the air, flying away from the small airport just off the city they had landed in.        

The group split off in to threes, each group climbing in to one of the two cars. Kris took the car with Tao and the baby faced boy, Luhan.

“You know where to go, right?” Kris asked the driver who nodded without a word, starting the engine. The two cars drove out of the airport car park and began their journey on to the traffic filled streets of Seoul.

“Do you really think this is going to work?” Luhan asked, biting his lip lightly.

“Of course it is, you know how dumb they are” Kris chuckled, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

“They can’t be that dumb if they managed to slip away from us last time” he answered, his brows knitting together in concern.

“We’ll get what we want this time, Luhan. Make no mistake about that.”

Tao smirked at Kris’ words and cracked his knuckles, pulling out a tablet from his rucksack and tapping the screen a few times until he brought up the map of the building they were about to infiltrate.

“So this is what I dug up” he explained, holding it out for both of the men to see. “This is the entire plan of the building, I’ve circled the weak spots and the places where we can get in with minimal detection.”

Kris smirked again and leaned forward in his seat to get a closer look at the screen.

“I’ve done some research in to the security cameras and Chen will be able to hack them with no problems, I’m sure of it, their security really needs to be upgraded” Tao laughed. He swiped the screen and a new image flashed up.

“This is the plan of the floor that their boss is on. We’ve located all of the security cameras and we’re going to deal with those, I should be able to get in through the vents easily. We’ve also hacked in to their boss’ schedule and we’ve found that he’s completely alone tomorrow night. He’s going to be the only one there since it’s an early night for everyone else in the office. We should be able to get in no problem, secure him and then lock down the entire building. Then all we do is wait” he smirked.

“Good job, well done, Tao.”

Tao beamed at his praise and locked the tablet, making the screen shut off.

“I’ve sent all of this information to Chen and he’ll be going over the plan with the others. We’ve got a hotel nearby to set everything up in.”

Kris nodded but Luhan still didn’t look convinced. 

“Are you sure this is going to work?” he asked, nibbling on his lower lip.

“Positive” Tao smiled.

“And when it does,” Kris added, cracking his knuckles, “We’ll get those documents and those double-crossing bastards along with them.”

 The rest of the car journey was spent finalizing plans and giving out positions to each of the members. There was no way they were going to fail this time. They were going to get those documents even if they had to kill all of BAP to do so. Although, Kris wouldn’t have minded doing that, in fact, that would be a pleasurable bonus.

The driver pulled up outside the hotel. The rest of the group pulled up and evacuated the car, making their way in to the lobby of the hotel. Tao and Luhan went to go and check in and the rest sat down on the elegant, soft sofas that decorated the interior of the hotel’s lobby. It took much longer than expected, but eventually they all took the elevator up to their room.

From there, they set out everything on the beds. They pulled out their laptops and plugged them in to the various outlets in the walls. Chen tapped away furiously as soon as the device sprang to life and everyone else began pulling out guns and various other weapons. Kris stood there watching Chen, sharpening a knife, observing, making sure that everything was going to plan. Chen glanced up at the watching leader and nodded to him to tell him that everything was going swell.

“Tao, Xiumin” Chen said, turning around and pointing to them both.

“Yes, hyung?”

“I’ll need you to go over to the building and just walk around for a while. Make sure you disguise yourselves and just familiarize yourselves with the place. Try and pick up as much information you can on the computer software and take this,” he said, handing them a small, circular device, “Plant that somewhere in the building, preferably close to one of the cameras if you can, so I can tap in to the system.”

They both nodded and took the device, going to get themselves changed ready for their small mission. Tomorrow was going to be a lot of fun.


Your nightmares began a regular occurrence, however, and you feared sleep. Every time you would shut your eyes, your horrifying experiences would be relived. Each time was much worse than the last and every single time you died in a different way. You’d been shot, stabbed, you’d had your throat sliced and neck broken. It was horrific and every time you woke up, your face was stained with tears, you couldn’t stop shaking and your breathing was ragged fast. Nobody ever came to console you. That was one of the times you missed home the most.

When you were little, your mother would always come and hug you and tell you everything was OK when you woke up scared after nightmares. BAP either didn’t care, had no idea you were screaming or were clueless of what to actually do about it. They were meant to be keeping you here as a ransom, not to babysit you and take care of you. Since Zelo had given you milk to calm you down that one night, he hadn’t come to calm you down since. You hadn’t told any of them what your nightmares were about. Only Zelo knew that you had nightmares and you were sure he probably didn’t care enough to go and tell the others all about it. Since his little ‘nice guy’ moment, he’d been nothing but an again.

You drew your knees up to your chest like you normally did when you had nightmares and rocked yourself back and forth lightly again. You assumed it was early in the morning since there was a small light creeping under the crack of your door. You hauled yourself up. Your foot was getting slightly better, you still couldn’t put full pressure on it, but you could lightly touch the floor to help yourself get along. You didn’t have to strain your other leg as much with your hopping and you didn’t make as much noise when travelling from room to room. You decided that you may as well get up now, since there was no way you were going to get back to sleep and you grabbed your blanket, making your way to the living room. Nobody was up yet so you sat alone on the sofa, flicking through the channels for something good to watch. There weren’t many stations since the reception wasn’t really good on a boat, but you managed to find a vaguely interesting program and watched it, dozing in and out of sleep.

“Yah, wake up!” Zelo snapped, waving his hand in front of your face.

“What?” you grumbled, rubbing your eyes. You had fallen in to a light sleep and you were grateful that there were no nightmares this time. But then you were rudely awoken by the stupid, giant maknae.

“Breakfast is ready” he spat, making his way to the kitchen. Your eyebrows drew together in a frown, you hadn’t heard anyone else get up, let alone start cooking in the kitchen. You shrugged and hopped after Zelo, sitting down at the breakfast table next to Youngjae. You’d gotten quite friendly with him since you’d returned from your kidnapping. He played video games with you sometimes and discussed his favourite books. He was quite intellectual which shocked you. You thought they were all complete dimwits but you were surprised when you had really in depth conversations about your favourite plots and characters and you forced him to tell you spoilers about the book you were currently reading. He completely refused to at first but you nagged him and nagged him until he finally gave in and told you what happened.

“But won’t it spoil the entire book?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I don’t care!” you cried, “I just need to know what happens.”

“Nope, you’ve got to read it for yourself.”

“Tell me!”


“Pleeaaasseee” you whined, pouting.


“Fine, I guess I’ll just flick to the end and read it for myself.”

“No, that’s even worse!” he cried.

“Then just tell me one thing!” you reasoned.

“Fine,” he sighed and then proceeded to give you small spoilers. You loved having conversations like those; it reminded you of when you were at home with Sara. You two would read all the time. You usually read the same books at the same time so you could have competitions as to who would finish first. Sara would always win since she had way more time on her hands than you, she was also much faster at reading. So, you usually ended up begging her for the spoilers in the plot because you were too impatient to find out for yourself.

It helped that Youngjae was also a really nice guy. He would help you with your foot and change the dressing on it every now and then. If he wasn’t part of this pirate crew, you thought to yourself, he’d probably be a really good friend. You shrugged as you dug in to your breakfast, relishing every bite since you never knew what would happen. You could be taken away the next day and starved for days again so you made sure you always had a full stomach and you definitely made sure that you finished every meal and drank every drop of every drink. Never again would you take advantage of what you had. Ever.


I've got exams all this week, so I won't be able to update for a while after this /cry/. What do you think of EXO coming back, eh? Things are going to start getting interesting now, maybe be prepared for some more torture ooooh~~ 

Thank you all for subscribing, commenting and voting on my stories, you're all so kind to even take the time to read my stuff, thank you all! And I'm sorry I don't reply to your comments, I don't really know what to say other than THANK YOU ANDI LOVE YOU♥

If you have exams coming up soon too, GOOD LUCK, I'M SURE YOU'LL DO AMAZING!♥

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Chapter 24: it's been forever since you updated! lol. so I just kind of re-read the whole thing yunno? hopefully you'll update again.
Chapter 24: I'm guessing you've been busy since you haven't updated in around...4 months? I hope you didn't forget about this one!! I hope you have time to update again!!
Chapter 24: so adorable~~~
Chapter 24: AWH SO CUTE
but omg i'm so nervous for when she leaves...
Claudine_NG #5
Chapter 24: If she leaves soon... :( Please update soon!
Chapter 24: That was really fluffy >.< But its to be expected that Youngjae onus out I mean he is the smartest ^^.........Or it could have just been pure luck......I think the latter sounds more legit
Chapter 24: asdkfja;sldkfj a;dlksjf alskdjf
misschoiseunghyun #8
Chapter 23: this story is really good :D