
Best Ambivalent Pirates


Another update, keke, I really enjoy writing this one. ^^ Keke, do you guys like mean EXO? Thank you all for reading my dumb stories, I can't believe you actually read them, I never thought anyone would actually enjoy them or wait for them. Thank you all so much for putting up with my lame stories ♥


You’d spent a whole day in this strange room now and you thought you were going to die of thirst. These people had not one ounce of mercy and they didn’t feed you or give you any sort of drink whatsoever. You could feel the dried up blood on your face from when they had punched you and your back was sore and aching. Your hands were still restrained and cut from the rope burns but some of the cuts were beginning to scab which only made it more painful when you attempted to move your wrists. Every move you made was painful, even just sitting completely still was painful.

You thought back to when BAP joked about torturing you and how they were too soft to do it and you wished you could be back with those idiots. At least they fed you and treated you well. These guys didn’t care who you were, they just wanted whatever it was that they wanted and they wouldn’t stop until they had it, whether it meant hurting you or not.

The door opened again and the tallest one, which you assumed was the leader, walked in with the dark haired boy who had almost cut your throat yesterday. You sunk back in fear as they approached you.

“Untie her hands” the tall one commanded, motioning to you. The dark haired boy harshly pulled your hands around, untying the knot, giving you more rope burns in the process. You bit your lip to try and mask the pain but a tear rolled out from your eye and as soon as your hands were free you quickly wiped it away. They both turned around for a second, talking in private and you took the opportunity to untie the rope around your feet. It didn’t take long since all your kicking had loosened it quite a bit. They carried on talking as you slipped the rope off your feet. You waited for a split second before getting up and trying to sprint towards the door. You could hear them shouting after you as you tried to run on your wobbly legs that you hadn’t used for a whole day. It was hard and you had to keep on using the wall for support but you ran around the building, looking for ways out. You were breathing heavily with exhaustion and you thought you were going to collapse, but your father’s words echoed throughout your mind and you willed yourself on.

“Boo” a voice chuckled as you slammed in to their chest. You fell down on to the floor and looked up to find the baby faced boy from yesterday smiling down at you. The other two who were in the room with you caught up and the dark haired one pulled you up by your hair. You yelped in pain and he gripped your arm tightly, digging his nails in to your flesh. You cried out as he marched you back to the cell you were in and threw you to the floor. The leader kicked you in the stomach and you curled up in pain, wincing. He turned you over with his foot, “Don’t you ever try anything like that again” he spat, stomping on your foot. You cried out when it twisted in an awkward way towards the floor and he laughed.

“Just for that, I’m going to shorten the deadline” he smirked, pulling out the same phone from yesterday out of his jean pocket. He dialed a number and the dark haired boy forced you to stand back up. Your ankle was throbbing and you couldn’t put any pressure on it, so you stood on one leg, biting your lip against the pain in your foot and your stomach. The leader handed you the phone with the smirk still spread across his face. He pulled out a small notepad from his pocket and a pen and began to write on it. The monotonous ringing ended after three rings and you heard Yongguk’s voice on the other end.


The leader held up the notepad and pointed to it. You read off it:

“The original deadline you had ends tomorrow” you said with a shaky voice.

“Min? Is that you? Where are you?”

You went to answer but the dark haired boy dug an elbow in your rib. You yelped in pain and the leader scribbled something else down quickly.

“But because this stupid little brat couldn’t keep still, if you don’t bring the memory stick by the end of this day, she will die. And if you try to double cross us or bring us the wrong information, we’ll find you all and kill you all.”

The dark haired boy snatched the phone from you and pressed ‘end call’ before you could hear Yongguk’s reply. He chuckled and pushed you over, sending you crashing to the ground and then they both left, closing the door behind them. The light clicking noise told you that they had locked you in and there was no way you could escape now. The only hope you had was that BAP would come and give them what they wanted and get you out of here, otherwise it was all over.


Yongguk put the phone back in his pocket and rushed back in to the living room.

“We need to get it all ready for tonight” he commanded.

“But, we can’t, we have it all planned for tomorrow” Youngjae exclaimed, “The memory stick creation will take at least another 6 hours and we won’t get the weapons until the morning.”

“Well, try and hurry it up! They’ve shortened the deadline because Min tried to escape.”


“I just got a call from her and they’re only giving us until the end of today to give them what they want or she dies. They also said if we double cross them, they’ll kill us all, but we’ve got our way around that” Yongguk winked.

“So, now we’re in trouble because that stupid brat can’t do what she’s told?” Zelo yelled, standing up.

“Did you see how they were treating her? No wonder she tried to escape!” Daehyun stood up, challenging Zelo.

“All she’s done since we kidnapped her is cause trouble, just leave her there and let’s go!” he cried, throwing his hands in the air.

Himchan raised an eyebrow, “Calm down Zelo,” he said, “we’ve got the plan.”

“If she had just listened we wouldn’t be in this mess at all!”

“Everyone calm down!” Yongguk’s deep voice boomed, shutting everyone up instantly. “Youngjae, can you speed up the memory stick at all?”

“Maybe” Youngjae said, tapping a few keys on the laptop in front of him, “Replicating the files is easy enough, but changing the information takes a little longer, if I can work fast enough, I may get it done in about 4 hours.”

“Great, get going as soon as you can. Himchan, call up that weapons guy and tell him we’ll pay him a little extra if he can get them to us in two hours.”

“On it” he said, leaving the room and dialing the number.

“Daehyun, Zelo and Jongup, get the weapons we already have and get yourselves ready, you know how rough EXO are.”

They all nodded and ran off to the storage room where they picked out the only hand pistols they had and a couple of bullet-proof vests they had stolen from the police. They grabbed walkie-talkies and belts and slotted the guns in to the holsters attached to them and made their way back to the living room with the equipment.

The next few hours were tough, Youngjae tapped away furiously, changing all of the information on the files, only slightly, so they wouldn’t get all of the information about their boss’s plans, but enough so it didn’t look like they were double crossing them. The weapons dealer agreed with Himchan and they were unloading the pistols and the one sniper rifle, loading them up and putting them safely. They all dressed in black, flexible clothes, some with the bullet proof vests underneath. The plan was that Yongguk and Zelo would confront EXO and hand over the memory stick, Daehyun, Himchan and Jongup would be waiting nearby with the sniper rifle and guns for when they ran or if EXO made any funny moves and Youngjae would be waiting on the boat, ready to drive it away as soon as everyone got on board. They were going to hand over the memory stick willingly, take you and run as soon as they had you, back to the boat where they could get away before EXO could even suspect that the memory stick contained fake information.

The memory stick was very important to the boss, it contained all the information on the activity he was going to be pursuing in the future. It contained information about various important people and it was highly valuable. Youngjae had worked incredibly hard, transferring everything on to a new memory stick to keep safe and then changing the information on the current one so some of it was inaccurate. If they had all of the information, the boss would surely kick off and probably have them all killed, he wasn’t someone to mess with and they had messed up a fair few times in the past. They finally thought they were proving themselves when they thought they had a successful ransom, but here the trouble came again.


It was 9pm. They had three hours left. Youngjae had finally finished with the files and everyone was ready to go. Yongguk picked up the phone that was given to them and dialed the only number on the phone. It answered after two rings.

“You will meet us in the old warehouse next to the MAMA hotel on the other side of the island,” Yongguk asked before any ‘hellos’ were exchanged.

“See you there” the other deep voice chuckled from the other end.

“Right, come on boys, let’s get going” Yongguk smiled, ending the call and throwing a backpack strap over his shoulder.


You sat in the corner of the room, your knees drawn up to your chest. You were massaging your still aching ankle that was swollen and oddly shaped. You knew it was either broken or badly sprained but there was nothing you could do about it right now. You leant your head against the wall and closed your eyes, trying to block out the pain but it was no use. You’d already cried yourself dry of anymore tears so you just sat there with heavy eyes.

The door opened again and you closed your eyes, was this them coming to kill you? Was your time up?

“Get up” the leader snapped from the door way.


“I said get up” he said, storming over to you and yanking you up by your arm.  You hissed at his strong grip and the pressure he forced you to apply on your foot. He dragged you out of the room and down a few corridors in to another room where the others were sat, packing bags and loading guns. Your eyes widened and you tried to squirm away from your fate but the leader held your arm firmly so you couldn’t get away.

“Is everyone ready?” he asked. Everyone nodded and got up, pulling their backpacks on to their backs and filing out of the room. The leader handed you over to two boys, one short one with dark gingery hair and another one with dark brown hair and a soft looking face. They each took one of your arms, digging their nails in your arm tightly so you couldn’t shirk them off. They marched you towards a car and shoved you inside, you banged your head on the metal door but they ignored it. You rubbed your head and the same two boys sat either side of you making it impossible for you to move. Your back still ached and your ankle was making you tear up, but you kept your strong face and pinched your thigh to try and take the pain away from your foot and make it more bearable. Everyone else got in the car and the engine leaped in to life, the car pulled away and you could see the island flashing by from the window. When you had last seen this island, it hadn’t looked like there were any roads, it just looked like a small town. It was obviously much larger than it looked.

After a ten minute drive, the car stopped and you saw that you were back in the town part of the island, surrounded by the Mediterranean houses again. It was starting to get dark outside, you had no idea of the actual time but you assumed it was getting late. The summer sun always made it look like it was earlier than it actually was. You were forced back out of the car and pushed forward where the two guys rejoined you again, pulling you towards a warehouse. 

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Chapter 24: it's been forever since you updated! lol. so I just kind of re-read the whole thing yunno? hopefully you'll update again.
Chapter 24: I'm guessing you've been busy since you haven't updated in around...4 months? I hope you didn't forget about this one!! I hope you have time to update again!!
Chapter 24: so adorable~~~
Chapter 24: AWH SO CUTE
but omg i'm so nervous for when she leaves...
Claudine_NG #5
Chapter 24: If she leaves soon... :( Please update soon!
Chapter 24: That was really fluffy >.< But its to be expected that Youngjae onus out I mean he is the smartest ^^.........Or it could have just been pure luck......I think the latter sounds more legit
Chapter 24: asdkfja;sldkfj a;dlksjf alskdjf
misschoiseunghyun #8
Chapter 23: this story is really good :D