
Best Ambivalent Pirates

“You’re going to steal a helicopter?” you asked with a raised brow. Zico just nodded his head and scribbled something down on a piece of paper with a small smile on his face. “Are you sure that’s realistic? I mean… it’s a freaking huge helicopter.”

“Absolutely, I don’t think BEAST will mind, we might even give it back, if we’re feeling generous.”

“So how are we going to steal a huge freaking helicopter from right under their noses, huh?”

“Easy,” Zico smiled, “You’re going to be a distraction.”



“I really don’t want to do this,” you complained, tugging at the dress that Zico had picked out for you. It went just above your knee and was a deep blue that hugged your curves perfectly. You had fixed your hair so it covered your cuts and you had to take the bandage off your foot and slip in to a pair of small heels that caused a considerable amount of pain in your ankle.

“Do you want to save BAP or not?” Zico asked with a frown, looking you up and down to make sure you looked the part.

“Yes, but-”

“Then shut up, you’re doing this.”

“Fine,” you scowled, rolling your eyes.

“Good girl, just remember to do exactly as we said.”

“OK,” you squirmed, trying to pull the dress down again, shifting your weight from foot to foot.

“Come on then, let’s get going.”

You nodded and followed him out of Zelo’s room in which you had gotten changed and in to the living room where the rest of Block B were waiting to go.

“Wow, Min, you scrub up nice” Kyung winked.

“Shut up, greaseball,” you snapped, picking up a pillow and throwing it at him. The other members laughed and Kyung looked at you outraged. You stuck your tongue out at him and then crossed your arms over your chest, turning away from them.

“OK, we’d better get a move on; do we all know the plan?” Zico asked. Everyone nodded and you filed out of the boat, locking up after you. You got in Block B’s car that was nowhere near as flashy as BAP’s or EXO’s. It was plain and simple, but it did hold all of the members and you comfortably. You kind of preferred it, it seemed more homely and not as intimidating.

The ride to BEAST’s headquarters was long and you would have fallen asleep had it not been for Kyung’s constant conversation and Zico’s singing. The car stopped a little away from a big building and Zico nodded for you to get out.

“Remember, just go in and do what we discussed, as soon as you have, press the little button on this bracelet” he said, handing you a blue bracelet that complimented your dress. You examined it and found that there was a small button on one of the beads and you nodded, slipping it on your wrist. You were glad that this dress had long sleeves, otherwise the burnt flesh from the ropes would have raised some serious questions.

“Remember to ask for DooJoon.”

“Yes, yes, I know.”

“Go get em’, Taeil will be waiting with the car at the destination, don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”

You gave them a nod as you opened the car door and stepped out, walking as best as you could to disguise your pain towards BEAST’s building. You flicked your hair out of your eyes as the wind blew it across your face and hopped on to the side walk, walking casually among other people.

When you approached the building’s doors, you took a deep breath and tapped in the code on the door that U-Kwon had told you, slipping inside soundlessly. There appeared to be nobody inside at first, but pretty soon, a tall, handsome guy approached you with a stern expression and his dark hair was pushed up off his forehead in a neat style.

“Hello,” you smiled sweetly, twirling a piece of your hair around your finger, trying to remember Zico’s words from earlier.

“Just act sweet and flirty, they’re relatively simple minded so it shouldn’t take a lot for you to have them wrapped around your finger.”

“Who are you and how did you get in to this building?” he asked, eyeing you up and down.

“I’m looking for DooJoon.”

“That would be me,” he said impatiently.

“Who’s this, hyung?” another man asked, followed by four others.

“My name is Yunhee,” you lied, extending a hand for them to shake with another, fake, sweet smile. They rejected it and you chuckled to yourself putting your hand back by your side.

“I’m in some trouble,” you said with a slight pout, “I was told you could help me.”

“Who told you that?” DooJoon snapped as soon as you spoke your last word.

“A friend,” you said simply, shrugging your shoulders lightly.

“Well, they were wrong, leave.”

“But, please,” you whined, “I was told you were the best, I guess they were wrong.” Your gaze wandered to the floor and you turned to leave.

“Wait,” you heard one of the men say, you spun back around and locked eyes with the baby faced man. “We can help you,” he said giving you a small smile.

“You can?” you beamed.

“I suppose we can,” DooJoon sighed, “What do you need us to do?”

You perked up and placed a hand on the baby faced ones arm, “Thank you,” you beamed, he blushed and squirmed out of your touch, rubbing the back of his neck. “I need an , there’s a safe building a couple of miles away, I need to get there safely and I don’t know who else to turn to,” you explained, trying to make your voice sound shaky, you almost even got a tear to spill over.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you there,” DooJoon sighed, clearly defeated.

“Yeah, it’s going to be OK, don’t cry,” the dirty-blond haired one assured you. You gave him a sad smile and pretended to dry your eyes and they led you through the building to the back and through to a garage where multiple cars were parked. You glanced outside and saw that there was a huge, black helicopter parked in the middle of a field that stretched out from the back of the building and you smirked to yourself, laughing internally. You gave them the address of the location as you buckled yourself up in the car and they pulled out. You felt slightly bad for them, knowing that they were about to get robbed when they were being so nice in helping you, but you cared more about BAP than you did about these strangers so you pushed your thoughts to the back of your mind and remained in character. When you were sure nobody was looking, you discreetly pressed the button on your bracelet, giving Block B the signal to go ahead and break in and then you sat back and relaxed as the car travelled down the busy roads.

The car was mostly silent, other than the quiet conversations between some of the guys, but you couldn’t hear or make out what they were saying. Your heart was still beating loudly in your chest and you hoped that Block B was sticking to their part of the plan.

“We’re not far now,” DooJoon called from the front after thirty minutes of fast driving. You hummed in response and the silence continued, it wasn’t awkward but you hated every moment of it. You had no idea if Block B was succeeding in its task and you had no way of finding out. Time was ticking and who knows what BAP were going through right now. You bit your nails as you waited nervously for the car to hurry up to the destination.

After another ten minutes, the car parked in front of a building and you stepped out of the car.

“Thank you, so much,” you smiled, “You’ve been such a great help.”

“Yeah, no problem, uh, be safe and feel free to come back to us if you need to,” DooJoon said, rubbing the back of his neck as he took his hands off the wheel.

You nodded and a wave of guilt washed over you. You gulped and gave them a small wave as they reversed out of the car park and drove away again. As soon as they were out of sight, you let out a huge sigh of relief and turned around to search for Taeilm who Zico had said would be waiting for you. You spotted his car around the other side of the building you were outside of and walked briskly towards it, biting your lip to hold back the pain in your foot.

“Did it work? Did they get the helicopter?” you asked as soon as you opened the passenger’s door.

“I haven’t heard from them yet, we have to get back to the boat and wait for them to return, either with a helicopter or without a helicopter on foot,” Taeil explained as you sat in your seat and kicked off your shoes. He started up the car and pulled out of the car park, back on to the road to the boat. “You did great, though,” Taeil smiled, not taking his eyes off the road in front of him. “The guys didn’t think you were going to be able to pull it off, but you did.”

“They doubted me?” you asked, feigning shock and horror before giggling, “I didn’t think I could either, but BEAST were more gullible than I thought they would be.”

“Yeah, but they can be real tough when they want to be” he nodded, going quite, seeming to be reminiscing on past times. You decided not to take it any further and you laid your head back, closing your eyes.


“Min,” Taeil called softly, shaking you awake. Your eyes fluttered open and shook the sleep from your body, bringing your hand to your mouth to stifle your yawn. “We’re here.”

You hummed in response and unbuckled your seatbelt, grabbing your shoes before climbing out of the car and then getting back on to the boat. You were hoping to see a huge helicopter hovering by the boat but you had no such luck. Letting out a huge sigh, you slumped inside, throwing yourself down on to the sofa.

“They shouldn’t be long, I know they’ll do this” Taeil nodded encouragingly, sitting himself down next to you, grabbing the controls, switching the TV on. He put his feet up on the table like he didn’t have a care in the world and flicked through the channels searching for something interesting to watch.

You couldn’t stay as calm as Taeil and your mind kept wandering off to other things than the show he had on. You couldn’t concentrate at all so you made your way out on to the deck for some fresh air and to look out for Block B. As soon as you stepped out in to the air, a small breeze blew and you shivered slightly hugging yourself for some warmth. You turned around and leant back on the railings, watching life go on around you. For the first time in a while you thought about your parents. You couldn’t remember how long you’d been on this boat now, but it felt like forever. You’d been through so much, from hating all of them and wishing you were back home, to going out of your way and risking your life to save your own captors. It was crazy, but you couldn’t just let them die, not after they’d been through so much to save you last time. You felt like you had a debt to repay.

The wind started to pick up and your hair was blowing in all sorts of directions. You were about to go inside since it was driving you crazy and you couldn’t see with all of your hair in your eyes, but as you turned around, you saw a huge black helicopter making its way towards the boat. The side door was opened and you could see Zico waving at you frantically, cheering. You couldn’t hear him over the roar of the engine but you could see his mouth wide open and his fist pumping in the air. You ran to the door and called for Taeil who ran straight up and stood next to you as the helicopter got closer and closer. It came right up close to the railing of the boat and hovered in the air for a while.

“Min!” Zico called, cupping his hands around his mouth for extra volume. “You did it!”

“So did you!” you screamed back, a huge smile spread across your face.

“Come on up,” he shouted, throwing down a rope ladder for you and Taeil to climb. You reached out and pulled the ladder towards you, placing one foot on the first rung and testing it for its steadiness. Once you were happy, you put all of your weight on your foot and hoisted yourself towards the ladder, holding on for dear life. You began to climb it and once you had gotten far enough up the ladder, Taeil began to climb too.

Once you were close enough to the top, Zico extended a hand and pulled you on to the aircraft, shortly followed by Taeil. You crawled over to the nearest seat and sat down, letting out a huge sigh of relief.

“Now,” Zico began, a smirk spreading across his face, “Let’s go save some BAP !”


A/N: Woo! A little BEAST cameo! Love them so much ♥_♥

I can't wait for BAP comeback!  Coffee Shop looks, WOW~~♥ 

Shame I won't be here to see them M/V wahh~ I'm going to be away for a week so you wont get any updates, I'll try to update as much as I can before I go, hehe~^^

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Chapter 24: it's been forever since you updated! lol. so I just kind of re-read the whole thing yunno? hopefully you'll update again.
Chapter 24: I'm guessing you've been busy since you haven't updated in around...4 months? I hope you didn't forget about this one!! I hope you have time to update again!!
Chapter 24: so adorable~~~
Chapter 24: AWH SO CUTE
but omg i'm so nervous for when she leaves...
Claudine_NG #5
Chapter 24: If she leaves soon... :( Please update soon!
Chapter 24: That was really fluffy >.< But its to be expected that Youngjae onus out I mean he is the smartest ^^.........Or it could have just been pure luck......I think the latter sounds more legit
Chapter 24: asdkfja;sldkfj a;dlksjf alskdjf
misschoiseunghyun #8
Chapter 23: this story is really good :D