Chapter 17

Last Breath

"Done?" The deep, thick voice questioned. A man in his mid-twenties stood on the balcony. His hair was of an amusing color with golden and blue at the tips with some sliver and red covering the other parts. One glance and he would be imprinted in your mind due to the uniquenes. The same goes with his facial features, his eyes were deep brown orbs but some thought it was green, a sharp point nose and strong jaw lines. He was neither too tan nor too fair, just the average type.

"Almost, sir. The guy we sent nearly got caught so we have to retreat for the time being. But most of the work is done." Replied a servent. Actually, he is considered as a servent only in the eyes of that man. To the others, he was seen as the most dangerous man, no less cruel than his mentor. More or less, they were of the same except for the power they possess.

Shino and Shinho. Those were the name of the two man. Who they are or where they came from remain a mystery. They communicated only with their army or might communicate with strangers only if needed. Their existance was still unknown to many, even the head of the dimension itself. And they plan to keep this up until they had permanently carry out their goal.


"Mom, why do I have to come along if it's adults' business." Kyungsoo stated.

"I don't know. The head asked me to bring you guys." His mother answered, heaving a sigh.

Once the small meeting with the head was done, they were escorted to the guest rooms, indicating they should rest for the day as it had been really tiring. Kyungsoo had been wanting to ask about his father but he had to refrain it since he saw how pale and tired his mother was. Maybe he should ask somone from here where the lab Kyung Dan is in and go meet his father. But that would be too absurd.

On the other hand, Jae Hee had been in a trance since they arrived and her always big grin which painted her face was no longer visible. The boy wanted to ask what was wrong but he somehow knew she is less likely to answer. Just what is wrong with everything? Before they enter their own room, Kyungsoo's mother reminded them to rest as much as they could as tomorrow would be hetic as hell.

'Hetic' as in party and all, meeting some council members and their families. Just hearing it made Kyungsoo cringe slightly. Nevertheless, the kids nodded at her. Kyungsoo was amazed by the size of the guest room which was twice the size of the bedroom back at his home. Moreover, the view that stood in front of him was just marvelous. He could see almost the whole city from his room, except for the floating island of course.

He stood in fornt of the gigantic glass window just to enjoy and relax for a short while. Feeling the tiredness crawling at him, he threw himself on the soft bed and let himself drift away to dreamland.


Jae Hee was seated on the bed, staring at ablolute nothing. Awhile ago, she would hear some voices inside her head and some flashes of memories but she couldn't catch what they were. She knew she had been here in this dimension before but couldn't put any puzzle pieces together no matter how much she concentrate. It only led her to have a slight headache.Finally, she decided that she needed some sleep to escape all these and also because of the events coming up tomorrow.


Helloooo theree my lovelyyy readersss!!!! I know this is realllyyyyyyy short but pls be patient. Anyway what do u think will happen next? or more like who do u think they will meet??????? And don't worry, KyungHee moment will definitely come, don't forget that they're the main OCs.. HEEEEHEEE!!!! Wait for my next update then!! Hope u have fun reading and thank you for not leaving this story~~~ <3333 Bieee!



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Chapter 3: Awww that's cute *3*
fayepopper #2
Chapter 30: Is it just me when I read aego I pronounce it as aegyo ???
ninjaspy1996 #3
Lol I just realized I still havnt read your foreword IT'S REALLY A NICE START!! YILLY YILLY IS JJANG!!!
keep updating author-nim! :))
Chapter 26: i keep on reading Aego as Aegyo hahahaha xD
Chapter 26: I spy with my little eye a JELLY Kyungsoo!!;D To me , it seem like Kai has a thing for Jaehee but I could be wrong. I was never good at figuring out another person's feelings. TT-TT"
Chapter 25: OOOhhh~ I like Kai.. :}
Chapter 25: hahah ert kai xD LoL at the second conclusion, what if jaehee did that to kyungsoo xDD
Lumnaw #9
seriously, i can’t wait to see how kai acts xD i love you too authornim
Lumnaw #10
Chapter 24: wow :O i’m so excited for the next chapter!!! //claps claps// i can’t wait to see what happens next :3