Chapter 18

Last Breath

Jae Hee woke up with a jolt, sweat dripping down her face and her eyes wide open with terror. She couldn't even calm her irregular breathing down with the dreadful images still imprinted in her mind. She was in a delusion whether it was a dream or a piece of her memory. Feeling herself calm down abit, she swings her legs to the side of the bed and walked into the bathroom to make herself fresh.

Once finished with her daily morning routine, she decided to head for breakfast inorder to get rid of the awful images she had a few minutes ago. She heard the closing of another door after she stepped out of her room, only to see Kyungsoo standing in front of her. The said boy stared at her suspiciously since he notice the pale face she never had, and the smile she usually has also vanished.

Afraid of being caught, Jae Hee suddenly flashed him her usual grin, nevertheless, it didn't really convince Kyungsoo. He let it slip however since he himself was too tired from yesterday events. Ever since he came to this dimension, it seems like all the energy in his body system have been out of him and he feels like lying flat on the fluffy bed back in the room.

"Breakfast?" Kyungsoo asked and Jae Hee nodded in reply.

Without exchanging more words, they strode together to the end of the hallway and the thick silence was deafning. Jae Hee wasn't clinging to him like she use to do, moreover, her silentness kills him. Was this because she was back in the dimension where she should have been? He questioned himself. With thoughts swimming inside him, he didn't notice that they almost pass the room until Jae Hee pulled his arm.

The girl looked at him with a questioning gaze and Kyungsoo let out an embarassed cough then walked past her into the dining room making the girl chuckle. Hearing that soft tone, he silently smiled to himself knowing he made her mood better. His mother was already in the room, having some warm pancakes. She looked more energized than yesterday, making Kyungsoo relieved.

She swiftly got up from her seat once she sees the kids and urged them to walk faster. Jae Hee's mood suddenly went high seeing the food she was carving for a few days ago which left Kyungsoo speechless since she was really moody just a while ago. It was a relieve though. He would question her problems later the day.

"You guys need to go measure for your clothes after this so better hurry up." Kyungsoo's mother chimed while helping Jae Hee with her pancakes. She seemed to look a tad more excited than the kids themselves for the party. Kyungsoo could only roll his eyes at his mother. Typical her. He thought.

Every little thing Jae Hee passed by amused her, even the black and white polished marble tiles under her feet. She would jump from black to black or white to black or white to white, playing the game she invented herself. And the maids escorting her found it cute yet funny, not to mention, childish. Sometime along the way, she would peek into rooms and once, she even got to see a man posing infront of an artist and she couldn't left her eyes from there, too shocked at what she had discovered.

Her stare was too strong that the model blushed like crazy and tiny nervous sweat could be seen on his forehead. The maids found it really funny that they culdn't stop giggling while pulling Jae Hee away to their awaited destination. After finally arriving into the tailor's room, Jae Hee's eyes trailed along each and every movement of the tailor, even the way she held a pin. 

Jae Hee wouldn't even blink her eyes for she was too absorbed in what the tailor was doing, measuring her body and all. While her dress was being prepared, a make-up artist came up to her and made her sit on a stool facing the gigantic mirror. She couldn't stop playing with all the tools, even painting the make-up artist's face with an eyeliner where the outcome was horrible.

The make-up artist made no comment since she knew who Jae Hee was, rather, what position Jae Hee held. With Jae Hee moving around, it took  the stylists all day to prepare her and soon, it was already evening with only an hour left until the party. Jae Hee was dressed up with a dress that covered her neck with a collar, and the fabric of her dress ended up mid-thigh, which was connected with a sparkling see through fabric of a baby-blue color. The back of her dress was closed with glittering strings, which were tied to ribbons.

Her eyes were decorated with eye-shadows and liner outlining her sparkling, round eyes. A faint red blush was painted on her face, making her look more doll-like than she already look. Her lips were of glossy baby pink which was compatible with her flawless, smooth, white skin. It was definite that every man would fall for her.


Finally, the time for party came. And Kyungsoo looked dashing than ever. He was ahead of everyone since he dislike taking an entrance with crowds of people. It gave him the chance to observe every incoming person, judging them by the attire they wore, and was somewhat fun. However, two blond heads caught his attention.

They looked too familiar in his eyes that he immediately approach them. To make sure it was who he expected, he laid his hand on one of the blonds and the result wasn't a disappointment. Sehun and Luhan. How come they're also here? Does that mean all his friends are here too? The brothers were shocked since they didn't plan to meet Kyungsoo this way. They were thinking about telling him personally, but too late!

"What are you doing here? Oh...don't tell me you guys are also children of the gate keepers." Kyungsoo said, but much to his dismay, the brothers grinned sheepishly indicating he was right. Now everything made sense. Because of who they were, the brothers didn't freak out when Kyungsoo told them about Jaee Hee.

More of his friends came out and the shock Kyugsoo had just got worse. So everyone knew he was one of them but they never did plan to tell him? He felt betrayed and hurt. But the others had their reasons. Halfway through their conversation, most of the chattings fade away and the party became almost quiet.

Seeing Sehun's jaw drop, as if he was gaping at something, Kyungsoo followed the eyes of the former and found himself in the same situation as Sehun. There was only one word to describe the girl who stood in front of them. Stunning. Eyes followed her movements and being the protective guy he was, Kyungsoo glared at every man and if looks could only kill.

Swiftly, Kyungsoo wrapped his arm around Jae Hee's waist and the girl looked at him with surprise, even his friends. Sehun was having a hard time keeping his laughter and Luhan had to pinch him though he was in the same situation. The rest of them feign cough with kowing smiles directed at the lover boy.


"Get ready. Time for some fun." The man said cunningly with a chuckle and a wicked smile painted on his flawless face.


Hey readerssssss, this is the longest chapter i've written until now!!!! So hope you guys enjoy this~~~ And pls leave some feedback so that I know if my story is going well or not. Also, sorry for taking this long to update and thank you so soo soooo much for waiting and reading!!! I love you guysssss <3333 So byeeee until the next updateee!!!



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Chapter 3: Awww that's cute *3*
fayepopper #2
Chapter 30: Is it just me when I read aego I pronounce it as aegyo ???
ninjaspy1996 #3
Lol I just realized I still havnt read your foreword IT'S REALLY A NICE START!! YILLY YILLY IS JJANG!!!
keep updating author-nim! :))
Chapter 26: i keep on reading Aego as Aegyo hahahaha xD
Chapter 26: I spy with my little eye a JELLY Kyungsoo!!;D To me , it seem like Kai has a thing for Jaehee but I could be wrong. I was never good at figuring out another person's feelings. TT-TT"
Chapter 25: OOOhhh~ I like Kai.. :}
Chapter 25: hahah ert kai xD LoL at the second conclusion, what if jaehee did that to kyungsoo xDD
Lumnaw #9
seriously, i can’t wait to see how kai acts xD i love you too authornim
Lumnaw #10
Chapter 24: wow :O i’m so excited for the next chapter!!! //claps claps// i can’t wait to see what happens next :3