Chapter 8

Last Breath

"Yah!! Wake up." Kyungsoo shook Jae Hee lightly. Kyungsoo couldn't really sleep when Jae Hee was being stubborn and slept beside him every night. That made his eyebags more visible. No matter how he threatned Jae Hee she wouldn't leave his side when night comes. Therefore, Kyungsoo sometimes think that Jae Hee was given birth by his mother as their personalities were so much alike.

Still, Jae Hee wouldn't even stir in her sleep. However, Kyungsoo noticed how Jae Hee was breathing. Her breathings were shallow and short as if she was lack of oxygen. In a panic, Kyungsoo pushed away the bangs covering her forehead and place his palm on it. He guessed right, she was having a fever. He made a clever guess that it must be because of the rain yeaterday.

Swiftly, Kyungsoo rushed out of the room to his mother but not before helping Jae Hee to stay warm. As if she were going to die, Kyungsoo dashed into his mother's room panting. His mother looked at him weirdly and questioned him what was wrong. In brief, Kyungsoo explained what happened making his mother to form an amused expression.

His mother had never seen him this rush to care someone, no, not in her whole life. This was getting interesting. Calmly, which was just the opposite of Kyungsoo, she turned to get some medicine for Jae Hee and hand them over Kyungsoo who was behind her, and his palms sweating from nervousness. She instructed him on how to feed her the medicines and how many times a day.

With quick steps, Kyungsoo ran up the stairs back into his room. Once he arrived, he saw Jae Hee sleepily rubbing her eyes with an unusual frown on her face. Well, she was normally blubbly and smiling so no one would want to see her frown. However, Kyungsoo still thought she looked cute and he slap himself mentally for what his mind was thinking.

"I feel like I'm burning up." Jae Hee spoke with a small whisper then she sneezed  and that made Kyungsoo chuckle.

"Of course you are. Who was the one running around in the rain yesterday?" Kyungsoo said with a hint of scarsm and a playful tone. He then handed her the medicines with along with a cup of water but Jae Hee was too weak to hold the glass herself so Kyungsoo has to help her with it and he couldn't help staring at her red-feverish face that made her look adorable.

Jae Hee turned to look at Kyungsoo after she had taken her medicines and looked at him with bewilderment which seems to ask why he had been staring at her. Akwardly, Kyungsoo coughed and got up to place the glass on the table beside the jar of water. Jae Hee just follow his movement with her eyes and she still didn't have a clue why she felt like she was burning even after Kyungsoo told her she had a fever.

Suddenly, she felt really cold and it formed goose bumps all over her body and the little hairs on her neck stood up. She rubbed her hands up and down trying to warm herself. She thought that it was werid that she was suddenly feeling cold and just a while ago, she was feeling hot. She had no idea what was happening to her and it scared her. Quivering, she sank deeper into the pile of blankets. Kyungsoo noticed that and scooted closer to her.

"I'm cold." Jae Hee mumbled. Without any warning, she jumped onto Kyungsoo's lap and into his arms. Kyungsoo let his arms hang in the air akwardly not knowing what to do and his face flushed with fifty shades of red, if that's even possible. After about a minute, he cirled his arms around Jae Hee and that made Jae Hee let out a satisfy sigh. She felt warm now that Kyunsoo's body heat started radiating.

They stayed like that for quite a long time, maybe three or four hours. No one spoke and the silent was really pleasent. Later, Kyungsoo glanced down only to find Jae Hee fast asleep on his chest. His heart seemed to be pounding inside the ribcage and it was loud enough for himself to hear. He looked at Jae Hee again and that made him feel fluffy inside.

Jae Hee started stirring in her sleep indicating she was about to wake up. And she did. She looked at Kyungsoo and smiled up at him causing the previous feelings to rise up again inside him. He looked away noticing his face starting to heat up. Jae Hee being as clueless as ever snuggled closer to him liking the warm of his body. Just right at that moment, Luhan and Sehun barged into the room half yelling.

"Kyung-" Luhan immediately stopped seeing the position Kyungsoo and Jae Hee were in. Kyungsoo suddenly uncirled his arms from Jae Hee like he did nothing.

"Are we interrupting something?" Sehun said from behind his brother. Glancing at them with knowing smile. Jae Hee just looked at them back and forth not knowing what was wrong with their position. Then, Kyungsoo faced the worst problem when his mother came in.

"Kyung......gie" his mother gawked at the two on bed. She then started giggling crazily as if someone had thrown a rock right at her head. Without further words, she went down. The four of the friends stood there not knowing what to say and just looked at each other's faces. Jae Hee crawled down from Kyungosoo's lap and headed downstairs.

"Um... you guys didn't come to school so we were worried." Luhan spoke.

"Yeah, Jae Hee was sick so we didn't come." Kyungsoo replied and his eyes anywhere except the two brothers. He somehow blamed them for ruining his time with Jae Hee. Realizing what he was thinking, he gave another mental slap to himself. What was wrong with him? Something was definitely wrong. Sehun was still grinning at him until Luhan smacked his head.

"Owww... hyung it hurts okay? Want me to hit you for a try?" Sehun retorted but sadly, earned another smack.

"Come on, your mother made dinner." Luhan told Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo was fidgeting during dinner as all eyes were on him and Jae Hee and worse, his mother was keeping that creepy grin on her face. Truth to be told, everyone except Kyungsoo and Jae Hee knows that Kyungsoo was having a crush on Jae Hee.



Hi ya subbies!!!!!! Sorry for the late update. Again, hope you enjoy even if it's abit messy.

Thank you for waiting~ love you guysssss... <3333 stay tuned for the next update! X)

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Chapter 3: Awww that's cute *3*
fayepopper #2
Chapter 30: Is it just me when I read aego I pronounce it as aegyo ???
ninjaspy1996 #3
Lol I just realized I still havnt read your foreword IT'S REALLY A NICE START!! YILLY YILLY IS JJANG!!!
keep updating author-nim! :))
Chapter 26: i keep on reading Aego as Aegyo hahahaha xD
Chapter 26: I spy with my little eye a JELLY Kyungsoo!!;D To me , it seem like Kai has a thing for Jaehee but I could be wrong. I was never good at figuring out another person's feelings. TT-TT"
Chapter 25: OOOhhh~ I like Kai.. :}
Chapter 25: hahah ert kai xD LoL at the second conclusion, what if jaehee did that to kyungsoo xDD
Lumnaw #9
seriously, i can’t wait to see how kai acts xD i love you too authornim
Lumnaw #10
Chapter 24: wow :O i’m so excited for the next chapter!!! //claps claps// i can’t wait to see what happens next :3