Chapter 30

Last Breath

"Strengthen your barrier Jae Hee!" Minsoo warned. BIts of sctraches were splattered all over Jae Hee's sweaty face. The work was energy consuming that one more minute and she felt like her legs were giving up on her. Minsoo seemed to sense her weak out-flowing energy so she decided to stop. The girl let out a sigh of relief.

"Good job. You're getting better at it." The mother-like figure complimented with a smile. Jae Hee glanced up at her and lie down flat on the grass, exhausted. Minsoo came to sit beside her, allowing her body to relax along with the silence and the breeze. Jae Hee let out a surprised yelp and Minsoo swiftly opened her eyes in shock and saw that the girl was being lifted off the ground. She gave out a glare at the curlpit. Luhan, who had a teasing smile. Sure, he was challenging.

Jae Hee rolled her eyes, knowing he won't take no for an answer. Minsoo just smile at the two. The girl felt like Luhan was having an upper hand since he could willing move anything possible he wanted without moving a muscle, while she had to concentrate hard carrying out bigger workload. Maybe Sehun could help her understand more about her gift. She tried her best nevertheless.

Using air and telikinesis was quite similar but different in a way. Telikinesis uses mind control while air uses particle and less mind but it needs concentration anyway. Jae Hee threw twisted sharp blades of invisible winds at her opponent. Some were quite sharp and strong that it cracked some places around Luhan's shield. She couldn't get close physically since she knew he would likely be able to block all her attacts with his element. How troublesome, she thought.

This time she started pressuring Luhan from all directions, knowing he couldn't possibly defend equally from all sides. The barrier shattered and the wind blades cut Luhan. Jae Hee immediately stopped and ran towards the beaten guy to help. And she also knew Luhan purposedly let her win.

"You shouldn't have done that." She lightly scolded where as the older guy just let out a chuckle.

"You still need a lot to learn Jae Hee. I'll appoint Sehun to that." was his reply.

"Go get some rest." Minsoo barked from where she sat, enjoying the small battle that had taken place. 


"Are you visiting her tonight?" Shinho asked, his face and eyes vacant of any expression ever. Hearing the question, his brother's eyes sparkled for a brief second, the tip of his lips curving up slightly. He sipped his wine from the pure gold cup that he lightly held between his fingers. Then swrilled it. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then placed the cup on the table sitting beside him.

"Should I?" Shino replied with a sly smile. Shinho knew what his brother implied and let out a sigh. He bowed a bit, then turned to leave, with his boots echoing throught the silent room that was lit with only a few candles. Once he was out, Shino lay back in his chair, his face relaxed, void of any sly expression he maintained. Instead, he reminised the old times, his eyes far in the distance.

The time is drawing near.


The moon seemed to be brighter than any other night Jae Hee had been in this dimension. She opend her window, allowing some wind to sweep in since she felt some what suffocating. A knock came on her door but the inturder didn't wait for her reply. He crept in and sliently sat beside her on the bed. Jae Hee didn't need to turn to look at him for she knew he was the only one who would come at this time of the night.

Silently, Jae Hee laid her head on his shoulder and Kyungsoo gladly welcome her by putitng an arm around her. Nothing was said. It was always like this whenever they were together. They both felt comfortable with the silence. At times, Kyungsoo would hum some songs.

"You're thinking too much." Kyungsoo finally voice out. Jae Hee just smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. She likes his warmth.

"I'm not." She replied with a small voice, loud enough for him to hear. With that, their conversation ended. Not long after that, they bit goodnight so that they could rest for the day. Kyungsoo placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and left the room quietly. But Jae Hee did not welcome her sleep just yet. She just had a feeling that he's coming for a visit tonight even though she didn't know why she felt it.

Her gut instinct was right. After some time, she could pinpoint a faint shadow at the corner of her room that was swallowed in dark. She squinted her eyes to see clearly. Somehow, an unknown part of her longed to see him. Shino finally stepped out of the dark, his dark, impenetrable eyes stared at her. He looked somehow pissed at something.

"I saw what he did there." Shino spoke. Jae Hee blushed remembering that kiss and thank the dark for covering her face. He walked right in front of her and cupped her cheeks, slightly bending down. Jae Hee found the courage to smile at him and he was slightly amazed for she radiated fear when she first saw him.

Shino took the spot next to her, where Kyungsoo sat a few minutes ago.

"Why are you doing this?" Jae Hee asked him, fidgeting. Shino look at her for a while befor replying.

"I can't tell." was his only reply. "I miss the old times." he continued. Jae Hee knew he was talking about when they were kids and everything was in peace. Silence.

"I don't really remember anything but" she paused, considering whether she should continue or not. She decided to since she already started "what happened to you when I was....gone?"

"I couldn't breath, pointless, without a future ahead of me." The reply was immediate. It touched her to the core and deeply stared at his eyes, then giving him a warm hug which Shino has dreamed of for years. He glanced up at the night sky and decided it was about time he left. He felt a hand latched at this dark midnight cloak. He turned around only to see the girl looking up at him.

"Could you possibly.....stay until I fall asleep?" She questioned with uncertanity. He sat back beside her wordlessly while she lay on her bed, facing him. Shino her hair, luring her to sleep, which she did within a short period of time. He left silently just as he came but not without taking a backward glance at the girl. 

"Goodnight princess." 


Fire. All that surrounded her were shouts and blazing hot, angry fire that was trying to consume everything in its way. Smoke started to fill her lungs and started to choke her. A pair of hands pulled her and she was met with a warm embrace. Little Shino was shielding her from the smoke even though he himself was having diffuculites breathing.

Everything was falling apart. She could hear the screms of pain and death throughout the castle, her father's and shino's friendship falling apart with the swinging of swords and yelling at the top of their lungs. Tears slipped through her eyes, seeing the reality fold in front of her until darkness took over.


HIIIIIIII~~~~~~~~ another update for my lovely subbiessss!!!!!!!!!! Do you like Jae Hee and Shino better or Jae Hee and Kyungsoooooo????????? Would love to hear your comments!!!! ENJOY! love you guys~~ <3333


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Chapter 3: Awww that's cute *3*
fayepopper #2
Chapter 30: Is it just me when I read aego I pronounce it as aegyo ???
ninjaspy1996 #3
Lol I just realized I still havnt read your foreword IT'S REALLY A NICE START!! YILLY YILLY IS JJANG!!!
keep updating author-nim! :))
Chapter 26: i keep on reading Aego as Aegyo hahahaha xD
Chapter 26: I spy with my little eye a JELLY Kyungsoo!!;D To me , it seem like Kai has a thing for Jaehee but I could be wrong. I was never good at figuring out another person's feelings. TT-TT"
Chapter 25: OOOhhh~ I like Kai.. :}
Chapter 25: hahah ert kai xD LoL at the second conclusion, what if jaehee did that to kyungsoo xDD
Lumnaw #9
seriously, i can’t wait to see how kai acts xD i love you too authornim
Lumnaw #10
Chapter 24: wow :O i’m so excited for the next chapter!!! //claps claps// i can’t wait to see what happens next :3