Second Chances

Love Squared

Yes, yes I know. I haven't uploaded in forever. I'm really sorry about that I have no excuses. I don't know how often I'm going to be uploading or anything but here is for your patience, it's a new start in this story! You guys are the best and I hope you will keep supporting this flaky author :)




“Hyung?” Yoseob sat up and questioned. “What’s up?”

“What’s up? Are you in the position to question me about that?” Wooyoung looked around and sighed into the phone. “Are you alright? You look like you lost weight on TV.”

Yoseob responded with a dry laugh. “Isn’t the TV supposed to add on weight?” he walked around slowly, deep in thought. A hand ran through his hair. “I’m…dealing…as well as I could be.”

“That’s what I thought.” it was as if he could really feel what Yoseob meant by his words. “You must have seen Ji Eun on TV. She’s…putting on a façade but…I know she’s far from okay.”

Sharp pain struck Yoseob’s chest as a grim expression appeared on his face. His worst suspicions had been confirmed. I told you to take care of yourself. “I…” he sighed. “Hyung, I can’t do anything. Why are you telling me this?”

“I’m telling you this because she needs you okay?” Wooyoung yelled through the phone. “Not me, not Luna, butyou Yang Yoseob! I can’t replace you!”

“WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT THAT?” Yoseob slammed his back against the wall and slide down, his face in pain. “What am I supposed to do?” he whispered, his head in his hands. “I can’t be next to her hyung. I can’t help her.”

It was silent over the line for a while when Wooyoung’s voice spoke up slowly and a little uncertainly. “Yoseob, I can’t keep watching Ji Eun waste away, and I’ve been thinking. It’s a little…sneaky and dangerous but you two will be able to be with each other. At least for a little while.”

Yoseob stood up in surprise at his words. “What? Really? Hyung, I’ll do anything, just tell me!”

“It’s dangerous Yoseob. You can lose your job.”

Lose my job. Yoseob hesitated. I worked so hard to be in BEAST and to be able to dance and sing for actual money. I’m living my dream! But then he thought of Ji Eun. Her face and her unhealthy loss of weight and closed his eyes.

“Hyung. I dreamed my entire life to be in the position I am now. I would never give up my dream for anything. But…I never knew this feeling that I have now. My brain is telling me how stupid I would be to risk all of my hard work heart doesn’t feel any different when I think of giving up my dream. I need a chance. One last chance to make this right.”

It was silent over the line and as if Yoseob had said the right things, Wooyoung started. “Listen to everything I say and follow it down to the letter.”


“Sorry hyung, Yoseob looks like he’s in a lot of pain. I took him to the hospital. He has to lay off his leg for a month or two.” BEAST’s manager said sorrowfully and nodded towards Yoseob. He gave him a thumbs up and left with a smile.

That kid. Haven’t seen that smile in a while, worth the risk and worry this is going to give me. His manager smiled and continued to sprout nonsense to the president. “I’m sorry sir, but it is doctor’s orders. We can’t have this be a long time injury. After Yoseob is one of our best dancers…”

“You’re manager is on your side. He’s going to tell your president that you have a sprained ankle. That’s going to get you excused from all your schedules for a while. Your members agreed to take on the extra work for you.”

Yoseob stood in front of the back door D at JYP Entertainment. Covering his face further with his hat, he knocked on the door on the agreed pattern.

“Come to back door D. There someone will meet you. I sent her. She’s going to dye your hair and style it to look like your alter ego, Park Joonghee. You’re going to be him for a while so get used to it. She’s also going to give you a wig that’s like your hair now. You might need to be Yoseob again sometimes and that wig is going to be your best friend.”

He watched as he turned from a blond idol to a black haired, normal looking guy. Glasses rested on his nose as he grinned at the mirror.

“I pulled some strings with Ji Eun’s manager. He and his wife are going on an all-expense paid vacation to Hawaii.” Yoseob could hear the smirk in Wooyoung’s voice at this point. “This is your final transformation Yoseob.”

Yoseob had received the manager’s sacred blackberry and stood in front of the door leading to his second chance. He heard Wooyoung’s last words echo in his ears as his hand hovered over the door knob, hesitating.

“You are going to be Ji Eun’s manager. You’re going to be with her 24-7. Don’t go all love-struck on me. You are still in charge of her idol life. Make sure she gets everywhere she supposed to.” Wooyoung sighed and his voice turned serious. “Yang Yoseob, I had to bring in all my favors for this one chance. You better not blow it this time. Treasure this, every freaking moment, every second. You might not be able to. You and I both know how we want it to turn out but likewise, we both know that this is our last shot for a happy ending. Let’s do it right this time eh? We’re counting on you.”

The man in front of the door smiled and his eyes sharped. Any hesitation gone, he opened the door and prayed that it will work out like he hoped this time.

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ChickenLover #1
Chapter 58: You just highlight the part you want and then click on the colour part. (lol sorry I can't really explain it without showing) Just experiment with hidden chapters.

Ironically I'm listening to Good Day (Jap Vers) - IU xD
LOL~ OMG Ji Eun....... I just.. omg lol I hope Yoseob doesn't take it the wrong way. though~~~ a jealous Yoseob is cute haha
Chapter 57: OMIGOSH YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!!
You don't know how ecstatic and happy I was when I saw this story updated. I literally rubbed my eyes and blinked like a hundred times. THANK YOU!!!!!
LUNA AND WOOYOUNG! WOOHOOO!!!! (this is so weird because I'm actually a Luna-Onew fan but... Luna and Wooyoung is fine with me too)
Eh wait
/shoves 2PM and f(x) members away from the apartment
ChickenLover #4
Chapter 57: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG~!!!! Wooyoung!! hahaa can't wait to see what happens next :D
Chapter 56: I upvoted your story because I love it! :) It's one of my faves...
AND! Update please?
Julettums #8
I like Iuseob here. So cute xD

I kind of wished to have some jelly Wooyoung, he kind of grows out of his sibling love and starts feeling different feelings or something. Oh well. It's too late. It's all Luna and Wooyoung. I don't mind...really...