Don't Make Me Go

Love Squared

wow i am super bad at updating...i'm so sorry it's summer break so i'll be updating more often i promise! Maybe i'll finish this story this summer? who knows~ hahaha well this chapter is kind of short but i wanted to stop it here gosh i'm evil hehehe i promise i'll update again soon! i'm going to write more now...



Ji Eun sat on the couch, staring at what was in front of her listlessly. Her eyes were watching the scene but her brain wasn’t processing what she saw. Nothing stirred her anymore. She put on a façade every day and only in her own home would she be able to let the mask slip. It was tiring, hard, depressing, and maddening that she was like this. Ji Eun was never like this. She was famous for her bubbly attitude. This…this person…she isn’t Ji Eun. Not the real Ji Eun.

Who are you? She thought to herself. Who is this person I became? I don’t want to be her. I don’t want to be this person.

“Ji Eun?”

Responding to her name, Ji Eun looked up to another worried face. Wooyoung oppa.

“Wooyoung oppa.” Ji Eun gave a smile.

His eyes darkened. “Don’t. Just stop.”

Huh?  “What?”

“Stop giving me that smile.” At Ji Eun’s confused face Wooyoung leaned down and tilted her chin up. His eyes were dark and full of seriousness and a hint of restrained pain. “Don’t smile if you don’t mean it. Don’t.”


“You’re part is done, go home.” He interrupted and pulled Ji Eun’s thin body up.

“What? I still have-,”

“He said you can go home. Don’t worry alright?” Wooyoung smiled. “Ji Eun-ah, you need to go home. Next time you see me, please smile. Not the smile you just gave me but a real smile. Okay?”

Confused and hesitant, Ji Eun started to walk in the direction Wooyoung pushed her in. “Um…okay? Where is manager oppa? Where do I go?”

“Home. Go home Ji Eun. Everything will be fine.”


“Ahh…what am I going to do here?” Ji Eun looked around her apartment. “It better to work…” then I don’t have to think about anything.

Then the sound of her doorbell woke her up from her wayward thoughts. “Who would be…?” She opened the door to see and saw.

“J-Joonghee?” she stuttered and stepped back from the shock. “N-no…wait…” Ji Eun leaned on the door for support and took another step back. “Y-yoseob? Wh-what are you doing here?”

Yoseob reached a hand out automatically starting to help her when he saw her expression and stopped. “Ji Eun-ah,”

“Stop. Please,” Ji Eun shut her eyes and slammed her hands over her ears. “Please stop. I can’t deal with this again!”

With a pained expression, Yoseob took a step forward and reached out his hand again. “Ji Eun-ah, I’m really sorry but-,”

Shaking her head furiously, Ji Eun stepped back. “Yoseob…I can’t I just can’t.” She reached for the door.

“Ji Eun,” Yoseob halted the door. “Don’t.” He pleaded. His eyes reveal all of his desperateness. “Don’t do this.”

“Why? Why shouldn’t I? You were gone. You left me.” she whispered. “Why shouldn’t I leave you?!” Ji Eun yelled, tears falling out of her eyes.

Before she knew it, Ji Eun was pushed back and strong arms wrapped around her. The door closed behind him with a muted sound. His signature scent surrounded her and his warmth bled into her.

“What are you doing?” Ji Eun tried to pull away and hit his chest but his grip was too strong and unyielding. “Let me go!” she cried.

Softly, a defenseless voice came out of him. “Because…because Ji Eun, I can’t…I can’t live like that again. I can’t live without you again.”

What? Ji Eun’s hits stopped and she fell silent. The only sound in the apartment was their breathing.

“So…don’t make me go.”

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ChickenLover #1
Chapter 58: You just highlight the part you want and then click on the colour part. (lol sorry I can't really explain it without showing) Just experiment with hidden chapters.

Ironically I'm listening to Good Day (Jap Vers) - IU xD
LOL~ OMG Ji Eun....... I just.. omg lol I hope Yoseob doesn't take it the wrong way. though~~~ a jealous Yoseob is cute haha
Chapter 57: OMIGOSH YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!!
You don't know how ecstatic and happy I was when I saw this story updated. I literally rubbed my eyes and blinked like a hundred times. THANK YOU!!!!!
LUNA AND WOOYOUNG! WOOHOOO!!!! (this is so weird because I'm actually a Luna-Onew fan but... Luna and Wooyoung is fine with me too)
Eh wait
/shoves 2PM and f(x) members away from the apartment
ChickenLover #4
Chapter 57: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG~!!!! Wooyoung!! hahaa can't wait to see what happens next :D
Chapter 56: I upvoted your story because I love it! :) It's one of my faves...
AND! Update please?
Julettums #8
I like Iuseob here. So cute xD

I kind of wished to have some jelly Wooyoung, he kind of grows out of his sibling love and starts feeling different feelings or something. Oh well. It's too late. It's all Luna and Wooyoung. I don't mind...really...