The Story Of Us
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Time flies. Memories fade. People change.

They say that time changes everything. That within the span of time, people change. Be it for the good or worse. 

Well, they couldn't be anymore wrong.



"Ready?" Suho asked. Fixing the cuffs of his shirt, he ly to face a sullen looking Sehun, curled on his bed, making no intentions to move anytime soon. "I'm not going. Go without me," he said, curling himself in the shape of a ball. "Yah. Stop acting like a child," Suho chided. 

Sehun ignored him, fixing his eyes onto a certain spot on the wall. "Why?" he whispered. Suho blinked. "You were saying?"

Sehun cleared his throat, still having his gaze on the wall. "Why?" he asked again, this time a little bit clearer. Suho stopped fixing his cuffs and stared at the boy with a soft expression. He made his way to sit at the edge of the bed.

"It's a cycle of life, Sehunah"

"I know that" Sehun snapped. "I'm not a kid anymore." He sat up, ruffling his hair with his left hand. "Why? Why him?"

"Do you expect me to know that? I'm not a god. People die,Sehun. It's a fact of life, accept it." Suho patted Sehun's shoulder. "I know it's hard to believe, but life goes on. Come on now, get dressed. The others are probably there by now." With that, he got up and tossed a crisp black dress shirt to Sehun.

Sehun snorted. "You made it sound so easy, hyung"

Not making an effort to return the sharp comment, Suho turned to face the door. Blinking back tears that had started to gather in his eyes, he twisted the doorknob. "I'll wait in the car"

I can't believe it too, Sehun. But I'll try to accept it. And I hope you do, too.





There's quite a number of people when they arrived. He parked his car under a gleaming black Porsche, which he know belonged to one of his friends. Silent, they both made their way to a group of men standing in a corner.

"Hey guys" Suho greeted, his eyes lost their usual shine. He heard a mixture of replies as he made himself comfortable by standing beside Chanyeol. The giant was silent, unlike the usual Chanyeol that they all knew. The Chanyeol that exuded happiness and warmth. The Chanyeol that usually smiled so large as if something made him really happy. This Chanyeol that is standing beside him right now however, was silent without an ounce of expression on his face. 

Kyungsoo sniffed. All of them didn't try to make an effort to speak. He felt his phone buzzed. He took it out, only to see the blinking lights of his phone, alerting him of a new message.

From: Jaemi

Don't wait for me. i'm running a bit late. Sorry


"Jaemi says she's running late, and not to wait for her" Kyungsoo said lifelessly. A few heads snapped up on hea

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lala95 #1
ok lina....ak da baca! so touching kay bye..
Chapter 15: I haven't really read it, but I forgot how interesting it is ^^ Can't wait till May
queenoftrouble #3
Chapter 15: O_O Okay. You made up for it with Agnes.
queenoftrouble #4
Chapter 14: Unnie, I shall shun you out. *crosses arms and turns away*
MsTurtle #5
Chapter 14: haha not going to comment until you update the next chapter .. --_--
MsTurtle #6
Chapter 13: do you know what bgm that I'm listening to while reading this ? .. do you know that its raining know in my place? .. and do you even know how the bgm fits so perfectly with the storyline I felt like crying at how it can even fit so perfectly ? .. huh my point is you're story fits my mood soo perfectly right now I feel like killing you! but I can't since I won't know the ending then .. sehunnie .. so cute being the "best" dongsaeng to baekhyun .. hehe and kai being kai .. and poor jaemi .. I feel like killing kai as well for his stupidity ! but I can't since there can't be a happy ending without him and I don't need more angst as it is already with the death of my bias .. ^-^ p/s : do forgive my rambling
Chapter 13: Nooooo!!! Such a bad timing!!!! Ugh, poor Jaemi.. just when she had the courage to confess after all this, that girl who burst into the cafe had to intervene:(
queenoftrouble #8
Chapter 13: OH MY GOODNESS. Worst timing ever, unnie! T_T And as Jaemi, my heart is now broken.
MsTurtle #9
Chapter 11: AUTHOR-NIM!!! hehe ignore the caps lock .. I have soo many things to say!! SO 1ST : my new fav sentence in this fic "yeah and I'm a unicorn" haha I'm totally going to use it against my friends ;] 2ND : I can totally imagine 'kim lina's' face and features .. hehehehehehe I really like this character ,, I'm glad she was there for chen chen to have a shoulder to cry on *sobs*sobs .. 3RD : huaaaa .... the vocal line .. must you really make it this angsty ?? *suddenly imagines miracles in december only this time the regret is the one that they had towards baek .. anyway .... that's it for my rambling .. for now .. hehehe hope you will update soon as I got a feeling you have a lot of free time ^_~