Chapter 10

Let Me Tell You Love Is Real

  I'm in a tunnel. A tunnel with no end. Everything around me is white. looking around frantically, I tried finding an exit; the  blinding white surrounding all around are beggining to hurt my eyes.I ran and ran, but everywhere looked the same. Frustrated, I slammed my fist on the walls repeatedly, willing a crack to appear. I need to escape.

  "Kyungmi ah.." 

 I wheeled around, seeing nothing but the white that's starting to look grotesque. It is nauseating.

 "Kyungmi ah.."

 My head snapped up to where I remembered as the left. "Eomma..?"

 "Eomma! Eomma? Where are you? Stop- wait- Don't leave me to die here eomma! Eomma please- show yourself, I heard you calling my name!" I cried, running after nothing as I tried to find her in the endless pure white.

 "Kyungmi ah.."

 "Eomma! Mum!"

 "Kyungmi ah!"

 My eyes fluttered open and I let out a soft gasp, sitting up immediately, sweat and tears trickling down my face as my eyes rolled around, trying to take in the surroundings. The familiar white bedsheets and the smell. Hospital.

  "Kyungmi ah.." Someone called and touched my hand gently. I reacted, jumping instantly and drawing my hand back sharply, turning to look at whom I think was an assaulter.

  Jiyong was sitting beside my bed, looking at me with an expression filled with worry and confusion as he withdrew his hand, exhaling heavily. "What happened?"

  "Jiyong?" I blurted, "Why're you here? How did you know I'm-"

  He cut me, nodding across at the other side of my bed as I turned and cast my eyes down. The boy with chocolate brown hair is lying, head on his arms and arms on the bed, soundly asleep. I glanced at Jiyong, whose expression is unreadable again and back to Daesung. Swallowing, I shook the asleep one gently, "Dae.. Daesung? Daesung Oppa?"

  Jiyong tensed up upon hearing my new addressing for Daesung.

  "Kyungmi!" Daesung spluttered, head snapping up at once as he gasped. I backed a little, shocked. Daesung loosened up as he caught sight that I was fine and Jiyong was there, but didn't remove his uncomfortable stare. The room instantly became awkward and suffocating until the doctor walked in and saved us all.

  "Miss Choi passed out probably because of the fever she's having and a built up of stress. There's nothing wrong in her report and she can be discharged today." The doctor explained as Jiyong polietly stood up to listen, nodding at times before thanking the doctor while Daesung remained, still staring in the same way.

 "Look, the doc said, no exerting yourself for the next week and-" Jiyong bagan as soon as the doctor went out but Daesung interrupted.

 "Hyung, sorry, but if you could just let me talk to Kyungmi for a minute," He said, looking straight into Jiyong's brown eyes, which narrowed slightly, "Privately." he added.

  The boys stared at each other for a moment, tension vibrating everywhere and I decided to shift my blankets awkwardly, before Jiyong sighed and picked up his jacket from the couch. He pulled the door open, flashing me a strange look before closing it with a light bang.

 We sat in a ringing silence afterwards as I stared at my hands. 

 "So, ready to tell me what happened?"

 "Hold on, I said, snapping upp to look at him, "Why were you there in the first place?"

  "Why can't I be there?" He said incredulously, "I live there."

  Faintly remembering me and Jiyong laughing about how close we lived, I let out a silent "Ah.."

  "Don't change the topic. Tell me." He pressed again, his eyes oozing with the same concern and worry hours ago as I sighed.

  "Sorry, oppa, but I don't wanna talk about it." I muttered, pushing the dream about my now-dead mother aggresively out of my head.

  "I need to know, Kyungmi!"

  "I'm not telling, Daesung!"


  "Why do you need to know?" I asked loudly but there was a scraping of chair as Daesung stood up in agitation. 

  "How do you think I'd feel, going out to the convinience store to buy food after preparing for our new album straight after 2 days of variety show filming and I see the girl I like walking like a zombie on the streets and nearly getting killed by a damn speeding vehicle? And how would you think someone would've felt after saving the girl he liked and watch her break down crying like that?" He said agitatedly as I sstared, dumbfounded, at him. Daesung doesn't even curse normally. "And what do you think I'd feel," He continued with a whisper, "About the thing that made the girl I like cry to the extend that she passed out?"

  We were left in another silence with me staring at him, who's breathing heavily from the outburst, gazing at the ground and refusing to meet my eyes.

  "What did you just.." I began hesitantly.

  "Answer me first." He said softly, eyes still fixed on everything but me.

  "My mother died." I said bluntly, ignoring the lump in my throat by swallowing it hastily. Daesung looked up this time and I searched, defiantly, in his eyes for any of the pity my father had but there was none.

  "I'm sorry," He said, seeming to be at a loss of words, "My condolences. Stay strong."

  "It's fine." I said, hoping to have sounded careless, "You knew se left me. I don't love her at all." I lied swiftly, every word stinging my tongue as he looked up at me tiredly, seeing past my pretense but didn't expose me.

  "Fine, Kyungmi. You need rest. I'll go and ask the counter for the papers while you-" He said, making  his to the door but I grabbed his wrist, the same way Jiyong had always grabbed mine.

  "Daesung, what you just.."

  "Yeah," He said, turning around slowly to meet my eyes, "Kyungmi, I like you."



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Chloepark #1
Chapter 43: Update plz!!!
Chapter 43: Oh wow I really hope someone saves her! :O
stephanfelix #3
Chapter 43: What are you kidding me jiyong you better be the one coming out of that car
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 42: Please finish the story what happen next
VIPJan12 #5
Author-nim! I'm so hooked to this story that I finished reading this for the whole day! Please, I want to read more! Please update! ^^
Chapter 37: You have been gone for a while already please dont give up :(
Chapter 36: that was sad :(
glad she is alive :)
Chapter 35: give her life...really Taehee?!
waiting an update ^^
TwistedIceQueen #9
Chapter 35: mother of all cliffhangers.