Chapter 11 [Jiyong's POV]

Let Me Tell You Love Is Real

  I slammed the door close behind me as I sighed frustratedly, slumping against the white walls outside Kyungmi's ward. Why am I feeling this irritated when all Daesung asked for was some time to talk to Kyungmi? I stared hard at the door, willing myself to be able to hear whatever conversation that's within it before I groaned and gave up, running my cold fingers through my hair.

 "What the hell is wrong with me.." I cursed under my breath as my fingers went up instintly to my mouth to bite on my nails, a ddie hard habit I have whenever I'm nervous. I'd know of Daesung's feelings for Kyungmi, but why is it that I'm feeling insecure? It's not as if Kyungmi is mine or anything, so he has every right to crush on her.

 The door opened as sudden as it had closed and Daesung slipped out, looking tired but determined. He caught my eyes and coughed somewhat guiltily. "Hyung."

 "Hey. What did you both talked about?" I asked curiously, looking from him to the room.

 "Something..  unbelievable, I guess." He said slowly, "Look, hyung, I'm gonna go take her papers from the nurses first alright?"

 "Sure." I replied quickly, shoving his back gently, "Run along."

 I watched his back as he walked away quickly, head bowed bedire I switched my attention to the room, not sure of what atmosphere it held as I stepped in uneasily.

 There she is, looking cute as ever, sitting on the bed, her expression confsed and shocked as she bit her lower lips. Her dark curls cascaded down her shoulder to rest on her abdomen as usual and her brows are furrowed tightly together.

 "Hey," I said, leaning against the wall beside her bed as her head snapped up and her big round eyes focused on me in surprise, her lips forming a small o.

 "You should've knocked, Jiyong!" She reprimanded, looking flustered, her frown returning as I smiled at the sight of her before replying smoothly. "Sorry, didn't realise it's your house."

 "Oh shut up, Jiyong."

 "So what did you and Dae talked about?" I asked, hoping to sound casual.

 "Uhm.. Daesung oppa.. asked me what happened.." She said quietly as I pursed my lips together at her new name for Daesung before deciding taht could wait. I know she will tell me what happened in due course and just continued, "What else did he say?"

  "He said.. He said.." She trailed off, eyes fixed on her lap, looking a little scared for a moment before she swallowed and look up at me again. "Wait, Jiyong, why do I have to tell you?"

  "He told you he likes you didn't he?" I said, a little loud, a little irritated over the fact that Daesung now became "Daesung Oppa" while I'm still.. Well, whatever. She looked shocked and flustered again as she gaped, blinking several times at me before the words escaped her.

  "How did you.."

  "I didn't. I guessed." I lied, trying to hold myself from answering 'yeah, because Daesung had been my brother for 4 years now and as his leader I could absolutely not know what he's feeling.'

  "I knew it." I muttered under my breath, a little uncomfortable now my suspicions had been confirmed. "What is this boy doing, when we should be focusing on our comeback."

  "You guys are having a comeback?" Kyungmi asked timidly, looking up again as I sighed tiredly, reminded by all the songs we have to complete by tonight. "Yeah, our third mini album. So what're you intending to answer him?"

  Worry returned to her face as she answered softly, "I don't know." I glanced up at her, my heart thumping crazily beneath my ribcage as if its awaiting a judgement as I bit my tongue and raised an eyebrow.

  "You're not going to accept him, right?"

  She hesitated for a moment. Please, please say yes. Sorry Daesung, I shouldn't be thinking like this but Hyung can't help it. "I can't hurt him." She said as my blood ran cold for a moment, waiting for her to go on. "I don't want to hurt him. He's nice to me, Daesungie."

  "Daesungie?" I said incredulously, "So first its Daesung oppa now its Daesungie? Looks like there's a lot of things going on between you two that I don't know about huh."

 "No- I'm just-"

 "Forget it." I said, rolling my eyes to look at the ceiling, an unknown anger boiling within me as she stared, looking annoyed and hurt.

 "Yah Jiyong, what's wrong with calling him an oppa? He is one isn't he?" She said loudly, a hint of irritation and confusion in her voice towards my sudden outburst.

 "As if I'm not one." I snorted, staring unhappily at her, "What's more I'm a year older than Daesung and that makes me two years older than you, Choi Kyungmi."

 "You don't even make any sense now, Kwon Jiyong!" She argued heatedly, "Why're you so petty? Why're you so worked up over this?"

 Because I like you too, damn it, you stupid girl. Because I hate to see you so close with another guy. Because I'm so ing scared that you'll become somebody else's, you pabo. Because- damn- I can't stand to lose you now. I stared at her, fire blazing in my eyes while trying to throw out my answers to her with my stare and she stared right back. My eyes searched hers and she continued to look at me, angry and confused before I sighed, my gaze and shoulders dropping.

 "Because I'm always like this, Kyungmi." I said softly; defeatedly. "I'm tired. Ask Daesung to take you home later. I'm off to the studio now."

 Why did I even suggested that? Doesn't that means that I'm giving her to him with my own hands? That girl had meddled with my head so much. And I turned away from her. That feeling.. damn, it felt so.. My hand went up instintly to the left side of my chest and I winced before glancing back at her, who looked hurt too. I must've been too harsh. I'm drained out, so I grabbed the door handle and with a light swing, I stepped out and left the ward, sighing in defeat as I did so.

 That girl totally defeated me.



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Chloepark #1
Chapter 43: Update plz!!!
Chapter 43: Oh wow I really hope someone saves her! :O
stephanfelix #3
Chapter 43: What are you kidding me jiyong you better be the one coming out of that car
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 42: Please finish the story what happen next
VIPJan12 #5
Author-nim! I'm so hooked to this story that I finished reading this for the whole day! Please, I want to read more! Please update! ^^
Chapter 37: You have been gone for a while already please dont give up :(
Chapter 36: that was sad :(
glad she is alive :)
Chapter 35: give her life...really Taehee?!
waiting an update ^^
TwistedIceQueen #9
Chapter 35: mother of all cliffhangers.