
You're the mother of my child?!

Queen by Son Dambi < i have officially fell in love with that song ^.-

Miss You by SM The Ballad

Hot Times by SM The Ballad


A month later...

"Soo Jin balli-wa!! I wanna go back home now!!!!!" I yelled at her as I put my backpack on.

"Okay okay! Jeez. I just needed to grab my laptop, you know how I am without it." She called back.

"Where the frigg is Dae Jung? Doesn't he want to see his girlfriend?" I asked her.

"I thought he liked you! Girlfriend? Since when?"
"Since two weeks." I answered.

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!!" He yelled. We rushed into the cab and it took us to my house.

"We'll meet back here later tonight for dinner, 8?" I told them.

"That's enough time for today." Dae Jung answered.

"Okay good. I thought it'd be earlier." Soo Jin sighed.

"OPPA!!" We turned our head towards the voice and saw Scarlette.

"SKY!!" Dae Jung yelled. They hugged each other and smiled at me.

"Thank you so much unni." She smiled at me.

"Thanks noona." Dae Jung said.

"Woah woah, noona?" Soo Jin asked.

"Where have you been!? Oh yeah.. With your boyfriend! Jeez...Speak of the fashionista." I smirked. Soo Jin turned around then hugged Key, her new boyfriend. Dae Jung and Scarlette left, not wasting any time.

"Oh yeah, eomma, Minho and Onew hyung are mad at you." Key said.

"What?! Why?"
"They don't have girlfriends." Key laughed. I laughed with him.

"I have the perfect two for them. Amber for Minho and Lilly for Onew." I smirked as I texted all four.

"Amber? How do you know her? My lizzard buddy!" Key exclaimed.

"No, not SM Amber. My friend Amber." I said. "Anyways, hopefully they actually go because I am definatly not going to watch them. Key, Soo Jin, care to?" I asked.

"Sure!!" They both exclaimed.

"Ah, I knew she was perfect for you! She's exactly like you, but a girl." I told them. "I'll get going now..."
"Don't tell me. I wanna guess." I smiled then walked off. After a while, I called Jong Hyun while I was hiding behind a bush. I heard a ring nearby, I looked to the right and saw him walking my direction, holding his phone. He smiled, then answered. I hung up.

"Hello?" He called as he passed me. I walked right behind him quietly, then hugged him.

"OMIGOSH! DON'T HURT ME!!" He screamed. I let go and laughed. He turned around and sighed.

"DON'T. SCARE. ME. LIKE. THAT!" He yelled.

"Sorry oppa. I just love your reaction!!" I laughed.

"Not funny." He pouted.

"So, where are we going today?" I asked him.

"I don't know? A park?"

"get on." He said as he crouched down. I did as told, and he gave me a piggy back to the park. He set me down on a bench, and he sat beside me.

"Anything good this week?" He asked.

"Yup. Finished Lucifer, Come Back Again, Clap, Biripopa, and the 11th magazine." I told him as I layed out the blanket to sit on. We sat down and I showed him. I pulled out our snack and we ate.

"Since you're so good at those, why don't you just open your individual Youtube account? You can upload covers of just you for recent songs instead of waiting for your group. Then when they are ready, you know everything about the dance." He asked.

"Done, done and done. I'm the one who teaches them the dance." I told him.

"Hm. Wow. You one-up-ed me." He said.

"You're starting to talk like me!!" I laughed.

"Funny, my girlfriend taught me how to speak english slang." He said as he laid down. We both laughed. I held myself up ontop of him with my hands, then smiled at him.

"Can you believe it's been a month?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I can." He answered in english.  smiled then kissed him. He started tickling me, which made me pull away and roll off. He rolled with me, and we ended up rolling down a hill. We stopped at the bottom, right infront of a middle-aged couple.

"Yobeo look! It's like us when we were 19." The man said.

"Hey sweety, how long have you two been dating, if you don't mind." the lady asked.

"A month, wheyo?" I asked.

"Owah... I grant you our luck sweetheart. You will live a happy life with your boyfriend." She smiled at me.

"Oh, well, thank you." I bowed. The couple walked away smiling, then Jong Hyun and I exchanged looks.

"Well, if we are going to live happily, how about trying another child? A girl this time." He smirked.

"OPPA!!" I screamed as I ran away from him. He chased me around the park, laughing.


hope u enjoyed!! comment please!!

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Oh and shout out to lightsfaries who finished this in one day :D


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Chapter 8: Jung Woo is my classmate tis yr ^^
ITS OVER!!!!<br />
<br />
but<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
YAYYYYY!!!!!!! lovelovelovelovelovelove!!!!<br />
Kekeke, EXCITED!!!!<br />
Amazing story Dongsaeng!! Can't pick a favorite part because I loved ALL OF IT!!!<br />
(okay so I'm totally abusing caps lock here, but I think it's necessary)<br />
<br />
NOT READY FOR LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
but HO DANG, daddy found out????? SOMETHINGS GOING DOWN!!!!!
Awww, kekeke, remindsmeoflastnight ^_^ haha, again, NOT READY FOR THIS TO BE OVER!!<br />
everything is finally going good.....Aigoo..... -.-<br />
annyeong ^^<br />
kekeke, LOVING these chapters :D<br />
Haha, I saw the bit of our story in there ^^<br />
I have an AWESOME surprise planned for it >:D but it's near the end so we beter get going :)<br />
Update soon!! Or not, because I'm so not ready for this story to he over yet!!
pinkypn #7
i hope both of them r ok
JONGKEY FTW!!!!<br />
aha, this scene seems somewhat familiar xD LOL, please update soon, im dying to know what happens!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i had a mental break down there!! please update ASAP dongsaeng!! IT CANT END LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!
OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 krfvnhqk qjhj efewkjcnlked s