
You're the mother of my child?!

Stay by MBLAQ

if words are in purple then it means mina's bad/other weird part is talking or thinking XD

yeah im weird like that!! yeah, so weird. shut up you!! NO YOU SHUTUP WERIDO!! get lost!! NO YOU!


"Huh!? He kissed you?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah!! He did! Even ask Dong Hae, Sung Min, Yesung or Heechul oppa. Or Key!! They were all there!!" I yelled.

"Eww. You two might end up as kissing cousins...eww. Anyways, you have to tell him before it's too late and it gets worse." He said.

"I will. Don't worry. Just...AGHH~ And I started liking him a bit.."
"ANother one!?"
"Yeah..........I don't know. Just kinda. But now, I love him!!!" I smiled, then Kyung-Shik laughed.

"That wasn't a joke! What am I a clown or somethin? Do I amuse you?" I asked.

"No! Not at all!!" He nervously answered.

"Just kidding, I meant to make you laugh." I laughed, then he joined in.

"See you later oppa." I said as I kissed him on the cheek and left the room to find the four and Jino right outside.


"NO~!!!!!!!!!" They screamed as they ran away. We all rested in Suju's room, then TRAX came. Well, just Jay at least.

"Jay-sshi. I don't know what to do." I told him.
"I suggest Jino if you don't wanna get hurt even more." Jay replied.

"True. I'll just 'be friends' with Kyuhyun, 'again'. "

"Jino is two years younger than you. So, go with what you want." I needed someone to help. I got my phone out and called Key.

"No problem with dating a noona right?" I asked.

"Nope, why? ANd HI to you too!"
"Hah. HI. Just asking. Are you sure?"

"Depending on the guy, it can be cute."

"Ah....Well, this case it's Jinho."

"Jinho? As in soon to be SM The Ballad's Jino?"
"What about-"
"I'll tell you when I tell Onew oppa. I'm coming home now, with him."

"Oh, anyways. With Jino, it should be cute!!"

"Hah. Thanks." I smiled, then hung up. I waved good bye to those in the room and walked out the door.

"Let's go." We did send Jino out of the room so he didn't hear anything. I grabbed his hand and walked to Key's place.

"Jinki oppa, Key-ah. In the living room, now." I called.

"You're lucky it's only us now explain him." Onew said seriously as he sat beside me on the couch.

"Okay, I'd love to keep this up with you Jinki oppa, but I can't. It might get bad..."
"That we might take it seriously? Look, I know. I was an idiot for kissing you earlier, but I didn't mean it!! You were acting so cute, and I just needed to!! You deserved it. If it's because of that, please, don't."
"No!! It's just that.... Something was just told to me... it's really shocking. I almost fainted."

"No one knows about it, and no one has to." Jino said.

"What?" Key asked.

"Just don't!! Stay with me please!! I can't let my 'little sister' deal with someone 2 years younger. No effence Jinho-yah."
"Thanks hyung." Jino said sarcasticaly.

"It has nothing to do with what you did Jinki oppa!" I exclaimed.

"THEN TELL ME!" He yelled as he put his hands on my shoulders.


"What?" He quieted down as he let go of my shoulders.

"What Jino said is true then. But if you do date him, then there's an excuse to show off infront of hyung. YOU CAN DATE BOTH!" Key yelled at me.

"That'll just cause hell." I said, then gave Onew a nervous look. He put a hand on mine, which was on my knee.

"No!! You'll annoy him even more!! AND he'll get kinda pissed you're 'cheating' on Onew hyung. And no one but us has to know that you two are cousins!!" Key exclaimed.

"WE'RE HOME!!!!" All our heads snapped towards the door and saw saw 2Min and Jong Hyun there.

"What's he doing here noona?" Minho asked.

"He walked me here. Onew was a bit busy so Jino did. The others were too lazy and Jay-sshi left early." I lied.

"Jino?" Jong Hyun asked as he walked in without looking at us, yet. As soon as he laid eyes on us, he widened his eyes and quickly stepped back. I looked at my hand that was still on my knee, still under Onew's hand. Then I looked to the person on my left.

"I should go now....See you tomorrow noona?" Jino asked as he got up.

"Yeah. I'll walk you out." I said. I walked out with him to the lobby in my shoes.

"So we're faking now?"
"Yeah...sorry if this'll hurt a bit for you."

"NO, i'm fine! It's with a pretty noona with you! It's an honour just to even fake!" I smiled at what he recenlty said.

"Thanks so much Jino." I said then hugged him.

"No problem. I don't want your delicate heart broken more by Kyuhyun hyung. Byebye~" He waved, then ran off.

"He's cute and sweet. Well...what do you expect? He's 18. True but he's so cute~ Like a brother!! Oh shutup." I whispered to myself.



hope you enjoyed. and please more comments!! :) thank you! and apply for this please:




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Oh and shout out to lightsfaries who finished this in one day :D


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Chapter 8: Jung Woo is my classmate tis yr ^^
ITS OVER!!!!<br />
<br />
but<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
YAYYYYY!!!!!!! lovelovelovelovelovelove!!!!<br />
Kekeke, EXCITED!!!!<br />
Amazing story Dongsaeng!! Can't pick a favorite part because I loved ALL OF IT!!!<br />
(okay so I'm totally abusing caps lock here, but I think it's necessary)<br />
<br />
NOT READY FOR LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
but HO DANG, daddy found out????? SOMETHINGS GOING DOWN!!!!!
Awww, kekeke, remindsmeoflastnight ^_^ haha, again, NOT READY FOR THIS TO BE OVER!!<br />
everything is finally going good.....Aigoo..... -.-<br />
annyeong ^^<br />
kekeke, LOVING these chapters :D<br />
Haha, I saw the bit of our story in there ^^<br />
I have an AWESOME surprise planned for it >:D but it's near the end so we beter get going :)<br />
Update soon!! Or not, because I'm so not ready for this story to he over yet!!
pinkypn #7
i hope both of them r ok
JONGKEY FTW!!!!<br />
aha, this scene seems somewhat familiar xD LOL, please update soon, im dying to know what happens!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i had a mental break down there!! please update ASAP dongsaeng!! IT CANT END LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!
OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 krfvnhqk qjhj efewkjcnlked s