
The Kingdom's Key

< Third Person's POV >


" You should learn to use the door, Sehyuk. " Rin said while going down stairs, Pgoon flicked the back of her head, " And you should learn to call me ' Oppa ', Heerin. " he answered back, copying how Rin said it to him. 

" And you two should get along. " Jenissi said. Once they reached the Living room, everyone was there except Minrae and Minjung, " where is Minrae? " Heerin asked ignoring Jenissi. Jenissi just chuckled and looked at Yohyun, She was looking at him with an apologetic smile, " It's okay, I'll get used to it.. " Jenissi whispered.

" We told them to buy something, So what's the problem? " MinMin started, They were all looking at Heerin and Yohyun, waiting for a proper answer. Suddenly the door opened, all of them were looking at the door and so they saw Hojoon and Nakta. " Matokis, BAP is here " Hojoon said, Pgoon, Jenissi, Bjoo and Kidoh looked at him, as if they're saying ' You have got to be kidding me? '. Hojoon just smiled at them " No, I'm not joking. "

He sat down beside MinMin and Minkyung, " The waiters in the newly opened cake shop. They're BAP. " he added. " who the hell are they? " Jaemin asked, the girls looked at them, waiting for someone to talk. " The elders of our Kingom have warned us about them, They said that once BAP find us, they will kill us. " Nakta broke the silence, expresionless was written in his face, like he doesn't care at all. 

" K-Kill you? " Minki asked, The other girls felt goosebumps all over their body, But the three eonnies kept a  straight face. " So what are you going to do? " Minkyung asked, " They don't want us anywhere near Humans, They're one of the Elements, Protectors of earth bla bla " Kidoh mumbled, Yohyun looked at all he boys, they seem like they don't care at all, " aren't you scared? " She asked them, Jenissi just patted her head and all the boys laughed, " What's to be scared about? " Byungjoo said cockly, " Are they going to transform to little cute bunnies and attack us with cuteness ? " he added. " Conceited jerks. " The girls thought.

< Minrae's POV >

MinMin eonnie and Jaemin stayed for today so we can study, Yohyun eonnie, Minjung and Miknki left. We were all at the Mansions library, all focused on studying. " So you have to add, A + B + C = the measurement of D " We were all studying Math since it's our first subject exam tomorrow. " algebra is easy after all! " jaemin and I smiled while the other eonnies laed at us, " Wait for Geometry " MinMin eonnie said, " and Trigo. " Rin eonnie added, they looked stressed out.

Jaemin and I just laughed at them. Once or twice we'll just close our books and go to the kitchen to eat, or just watch something then after that, we go back to library and study. College life is actually fun.. Or is it just because I'm just a freshman?

" Jaemin-ah, can you get the mechanical pencil in my desk? " Minkyung eonnie asked, " naee~ " Jaemin gladly stood up and took the pencil, when the door bell suddenly rang, " Can you check who that is too? " Mikyung eonnie ordered again, " I'll go wih you! " MinMin eonnie stood up and ran too Jaemin, They both left the room. " Are you expecting anyone? " Minkyung eonnie asked me, I just shook my head and sai ' No '. " Maybe it's just the mail or someone asking for help.. " Rin eonnie said.

After 10 minutes of waiting, Minmin eonnie and Jaemin hasn't come back yet. " I'll check, Minkyung stay here with Minrae.. " Heerin eonnie stood up and left. " What's taking them so long? " I asked Mikyung eonnie, she just shrugged and continued to study.



I quickly stood up and looked at Minkyung eonnie, she's just sitting there still studying, " It's probably one of the boys, don't worry. " Minkyung eonnie looked at me and smiled, I just nodded at her. I sat down again and gabbed my Math notebook. Then suddeny the door opened, revealing a smilely faced Hansol, " Min Nooonaaa~~~ " He said happily, " Shut up, what are you doing here? "  Minkung eonnie placed her pencil down and stood up,

Hansol was then followed by, Nakta Oppa, Hojoon Oppa, Seo Oppa, Gohn Oppa, Xero, Yano, Sangdo Oppa, and Atom. " WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE?? " She asked again.

Rin eonnie, MinMin eonnie and Jaemin entered too, Rin eonnies face doesnt look happy though.. " We are here to study with you guys~~ " Seo Oppa said, he was happily smiling at Minkyung Eonnie. " Don't you have your own house? " Heerin eonnie asked, she looks irritated. She grabbed all her things and looked at Seo Oppa, " If you're staying, then I'm leaving. Don't make noise or trouble here, Oppa. Okay? " She assured. She left the room without another word and left the door open. " She actally called you Oppa, Hyung! " Yano jumped in amazement. 



< Third Person's POV >

the rest of Topp Dogg has invaded the Kim's Home, Pgoon, Kidoh, Jenissi, and Bjoo stayed at home, sleeping. The girls especially Minkyung got pissed of, but she didn't want to act unreasonable infront of Minrae, so she acted as if it was okay. Up until now, Topp Dogg is still persuading the sisters to trust them. But it has only been 3 days since that deal happened, and the sisters weren't that easy to persuade.

" Noona!  Where is Rin noona? " Hansol asked Minkyung, she gave him a glare and sighed. " She's probably upstairs, studying since it's became noisy here.. " She explained, Hansol just nodded, and continued to study. " Minkyung-ah, about that Biology project? " Sangdo sat beide Minkyung and took out a notebook, " I found a pet shop near the Campus and I saw frogs there, they sell it for a cheap price.. " He continued, Minkyung just nodded, " let's go there after exams tomorrow, " She said, Sangdo's face cringed, causing Minkyung to raise her eyebrow " What? " she asked.

" P-goon hyung asked me to help him tomorrow, so I can't come with you.. But I can ask someone else to come with you! " Sangdo looked around, but Minkyung spoke " It's okay, I can go alone, Sangdo-ssi. " She gave him a small smile and continued to write, " Oh, Min Noona smiled.. " Yano pointed his finger at Minkyung so innocently, " Don't point your finger at me, don't you know thats rude? " Minyung hissed. 

Heerin stood up from her bed once she heard heavy footsteps from downstairs, 'What are they up to now? " She thought, She wore her slippers and went downstairs to check " Yah, What are you--- YAAAAAAAAAAAAH! " she was taken back when she saw who was right infront of her. " Anyeong~ Heerin Noonaa~ "


Zelo, the tall boy that was working on the new Cake shop. and two other boys, " you look like you've seen a ghost.. " the baby pink haired boy said, " Soooooo.. Where are they? " Another guy asked. Heerin just looked at them, her eyes suddenly saw a pair of eyes looking at her from the window outside, it was Pgoon. He signaled her to keep quiet. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?! wHAT DO YOU WANT?! " Zelo, Daehyun and Jongup where taken back when she shouted.

The ones in the Library heard everything, Seo, Gohn and Hojoon stood up and walked towards the door, " Nakta, stay here with the others, We'll just check what's going on.. " Hojoon closed the door once he finished his orders, The others stood up near the door, guarding it. Minrae and the two girls were dumbfounded, Minkyung quickly stood up and walked towards the door, Xero blocked her, " Noon-- " 

" Move, Xero. " She demanded, Xero closed his eyes and smirked, he gave her way and she left the room.


" You didn't have to shout Noona.. " Zelo said while looking at Heerin, " How did you know my name?? " Heerin asked , Jongup chuckled while Daehyun scanned the whole area, " Heerin-ahh..... " Seo, Gohn and Hojoon appeared behind Heerin, the paused abit because of B.A.P.'s presense, " There you are.. " Daehyun smirked, they saw what they were looking for..

In that exact moment, the front door that was behind BAP opened, Pgoon, Kidoh, and Jenissi Ran towards the three BAP members and attacked them the other three topp dogg members attacked as well, Minkyung who just came in the room was shocked, " What the hell.. " she said walking towards Heerin, " Min, Burn them.. " Minkyung looked at Heerin, " No- I-I mean, Set them on fire, but don't burn them... " Heerin cleared,


Minkyung stood infront of the fight, with a blink of an eye, her eye turned red and her hands started fire. " Stop or I'll burn you.. " she warned, Kidoh looked at her so did the others, but they continued to fight. " Fine.. " She closed her eyes, concentrating. Once she opened er eyes the boys, that were infront of her were slowly getting eaten by the fire Minkyung created, " If you won't stop, I will seriously burn you.. " She warned again, the boys panicked like they saw a mouse of something. " KIM MINKYUNG STOP IT! " Pgoon shouted, Heerin stood near Minkyung, " LOOK AT ME " She demnaded, her eyes turned grey once again, all the boys that were already burning to death looked at her, " Sleep.. " 

They all fell on the ground hard, sleeping like a bunch of bears on hibernation. " Good Jooob MInnnnnniee~ " Heerin looked at Minkyung, smiling widely, " Yuck, Eonnie, don't you even dare to act cute! " Minkyung took three steps away from her eonnie giving her a disgusted face.

I'm sorry for the typos or mispelled lines or wordss :DD oh, and don't get me wrong, I don't hate BAP. It's just a story ma frends, I love BAP, and Exo, and Topp Dogg. I love everything.. :( Okay, LOL.



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Chapter 21: Could you please update Rin eonnie? - Min

FutureMain #2
Chapter 15: That Bird thing doe............
PandaBo09 #3
Chapter 14: OMO OMO!!
I love this story!!! Can't wait for an update!!
and... could you add some Gohn? kekeke it seems like he's missing a bit... but you don't have to, it's your story!
FutureMain #5
Chapter 13: Haha. Eonnie, are you trying to kill me? :") im still recovering from that kiss scene. :))) but i can't help but laugh. :))
FutureMain #6
Chapter 12: You seriously should've seen my face when i read your update. Like seriously. And that poster, oh.. HARTHART! IT'S SO NICE! ^^
FutureMain #8
Chapter 6: LOOOOOOOOVE you author-nim. This story is sooo great;33