the Real Acquaintance

Red Light

   It's 6 AM in Seoul. The sun is rising from the east. Only a few people who had started their activities. One of them is the second-youngest in the TEN team, Minho. The young man was on his way to his office. The reason why he goes to the office this early is because Yeri needs his help. A few minutes later, Minho has arrived at the office. After entering the door, he went upstairs where Yeri was there.


"Noona! I brought your-"



Minho was very surprised he almost drop the plastic bag when Yeri screamed while banged her head to her desk.

"Noona," the younger man approached Yeri. "Are you okay?"

  Yeri huffed and lifted her head. Her eyebags looked darker than usual. It seemed that she stayed up for all night. "Did you bring what i've told you?"

With a little proud smile formed on his face, Minho put the plastic bag on her desk. "Tuna and cheese sandwiches, right?"


"Yes, thank god!" The woman immediately took out the sandwiches from the plastic bag, opened the wrap and began to eat it. While Minho dragged a chair so he can sit next to her. "I bought you coffee too."
"Mm-hmm. Thanks, Minho-ah."
Minho took a sip of his own coffee. "Aigoo.. are you that hungry, noona? Have you eaten last night?"

"Nope." Yeri shook her head. "All i did last night was staring at the FREAKING COMPUTER SCREEN! Thanks to Sangwook-ssi."
"Sangwook hyung?"
"Ne. He asked me to track Victoria's location by the CCTV." She swallowed her food. "And yet i can't find anything. You know that tracking isn't my specialty.."
"Then why didn't you reject it?"
"First, i'm a member of the team. Second, he's older than me. And third-"
"He was your crush?" Minho interrupted with a smirk. The woman shot a glare and punch him in the arm. "Aish.. shut up, idiot! That's not it!"

  Despite the pain in his arm, Minho managed a laughter. "Okay, okay.. please continue."

"Third, everyone else were busy that time so i had no choice"

Minho scratched the back of his head. "Ah.. sorry, Noona."

The woman heaved a long sigh. "It's been 4 days, Minho. I wonder if that kid is alright.."

"Nahyun? Well.."


"I'm sure she's fine." Suddenly someone who's entering the room interrupted. It's Sangwook.


"Ah.. you came." Yeri murmured.

"How can you sure, hyung?" Asked Minho.


"The girl was only used as a threat. So Mr. Joonmyeon will come and give what they want."

"And they will free Nahyun?"

"Nope, i'm pretty sure they would kill both Nahyun and Mr. Joonmyeon." Sangwook shrugged. Minho's eyes got widened, probably surprised how can he say that very calmly. "What?"


The elder man looked at Minho, "which is why we need to save Nahyun first."

"But how? I checked every CCTV but Victoria is cannot be found."

"This is a simple pattern. Whenever someone got kidnapped to be used as a threat, they will call you. And then we can track their location." Sangwook simply replied.

Minho' mouth formed an 'O', "Ah.. you're right, hyung."

"And after they called.." Yeri looked at Sangwook, "then we strike?"


Sangwook gave her a nod.
















   A clashing sound was heard from the vending machine when a can of drink comes out. Sehun took the can and opened it. His eyes were wandering around the park as he took some sips from his drink. But his body stiffened when his eyes caught someone, someone who seemed familiar, sitting on the bench with a book on her lap. Without even thinking twice, Sehun approached that girl.



"Uh.. Hi?"

 Soojung lifted her head from the book and looked at the figure who sat next to her. Her lips curved up into a smile, "Oh, Hi."

 Sehun tilted his head a bit to see the title of the book. "That's an unusual way to spend your free time."

The girl let out a chuckle. "Is reading a book unusual?"
"Well, yeah."
"Nope. There's a lot of girls spending their time with reading books."
"But not astrology books."


Soojung rolled her eyes. "So? Is that wrong?"

Her question made Sehun chuckled. "I guess you're really into astrology, huh?"

"Well.. you can say that." Soojung shrugged. "What about you?"

"Hmm," Sehun stared at a tree nearby, "Since my father wants me to enter another subject, which i don't really like. I decided to take astrology class, you know.. to refresh my mind from that juristic subject."

"Whoa.. another class to refresh your mind." Said Soojung while focused back on her book. "You must be a smarty-pants."

Sehun smirked, "You spend your free time on studying. You must be a smarty-pants, too."

His answer made the girl laughed. "This is not studying, mister. Studying is trying hard to understand the subject. But i don't need to understand this one, cause i'm already did."

  For once again, Sehun didn't respond on her answer. He was stunned.

Soojung closed her book and looked at Sehun. "You said yourself that i'm really into astrology." She stood up. "Oh well, i should get going. Bye, Sehun."

"Uh, yeah. Bye."


And that's the way they ended their conversation.





  In the afternoon, as usual, Sehun went to the Blue Petals. After ordering a cup of coffee, he took a seat at his usual table. He stared at the white table with blank eyes, fingers tapping on the table.


"But heck, why should i care? I have my education to focused on. I don't need their opinion."


"This is not studying, mister. Studying is trying hard to understand the subject. But i don't need to understand this one, cause i'm already did."




   Soojung's words somehow kept haunting his mind. It's the first time in his life he heard that kind of answer from a girl. Instead of hanging out with friends, she chooses reading astrology books instead. The way she speaks shows intelligence, not to mention her appearance that makes her stands out more.


Man, she is something.



"Hey, what's up, lil' bro?" Sehun didn't even realize that Minseok was there, Sitting across him. Sehun put up a little smile, "Hey, hyung."

"So.. what were you thinking about?"


"Well.. you seemed in a very deep thought."


The younger man chuckled, "Well.." he took a sip of his coffee. "Hyung."


"I think i found the one."


Minseok raised an eyebrow, "found what?"

"You know.. what you've been asking for.. almost everytime."

The light brown-haired guy widened his eyes in disbelief. "Shut up, man. For real?"

Sehun nodded.

"Woah!" Said Minseok, he looks excited. "Tell me everything."

"Well.. we're in the same class, astrology. And.." Sehun obliviously smiles. "She's different from other girls."
"What's her name?"


"Soojung." Minseok repeated. For all sudden his smile faded, turning into a frown.
Sehun tilted his head, "is.. there anything wrong?"

"Hmm." Minseok scratched the back of his head. "It's kinda weird i find that name sounds familiar, though.." but a few seconds later he shrugged. "Nevermind, what important is," he patted Sehun's shoulder. "Good luck, bro."

Sehun's lips formed a smile. "Thanks, hyung."


Suddenly he heard his phone ringing. Sehun took out his phone and answered the call.

"Hello? Ah, really? Got it." In a rush for all sudden, Sehun took out his wallet. "Hyung, i really want to tell you more but.. duty calls." He put some money to the table. The man grabbed his bag and stood up, "thanks, again, hyung! See ya!" With that, Sehun went away.

Minseok looked at Sehun who ran further and further, slowly disappearing from his sight. He shook his head, obliviously smiling. "There must be a serious mission, huh." He muttered before walking back to the staff room.








KX Building, Seoul



   Soojung looked herself in the mirror. "Do i look good?

"Yeah.. but that make up doesn't fit with your hair, though." Victoria commented.

The younger girl smirked. "That's because i'm wearing this." She took out her blonde wig and putting it on her head.


  "Oh, come on. We are working, not doing a fashion show. Is that stuff even nescessary?" Changmin rolled his eyes.

"I wear these stuffs to keep my identities, Changmin." Soojung turned around to faces him. "The police know me as Krystal, daughter of the head of a mafia group, they only know me as a criminal. If they know my other identity, it would be easier for them to catch me. Wouldn't it?"

  Soojung, or should we say.. Krystal,  successfully made Changmin lost his words. The man only gave her a nod. Krystal stood up, "where's the kid?" She asked Victoria.

"In the janitor room."
"Is she still unconscious?"
"The effect of the injection only last for 3 hours. So i guess she's awake by now."

"Hmm, let's bring her here." Krystal went out of the room with Victoria.


  Meanhile, like Victoria said, Nahyun was sitting hopelessly at the corner of the janitor room. Her hands were tied up behind, mouth was covered by a cloth. She was crying silently. The poor little girl had no clue what should she do. This is obviously too tough for a 6 year old girl like her.
Her body stiffened when she saw the door was opened. Nahyun shudders when two figures, Victoria and Krystal were approaching her.

"P-please.. let me go." she sobbed.


  "Oh, honey." Victoria knelt before her and removed the cloth on Nahyun's mouth. "Your prescence is very important for us. We won't do any harm to you-"

"Unless we needed to." Krystal interrupted. Victoria shot her a glare, "unless you give us what you want." She emphasized the word 'unless'.

"B-but.. i don't have anything.." Said Nahyun.

"Yes, you've got a point." Krystal shrugged, "But your father does."


  With a fake smile on her face, Victoria took her and dragged her out of the janitor. 



"W-what are you going to do with me?" Asked Nahyun hopelessly.

"We're going to call your daddy, sweetie. Don't you want to meet your daddy?" Said Victoria, still with her 'sweet' smile.

   Nahyun nodded in instant. Without knowing their real purpose of calling her father. Nahyun, of course, is very desperated. Trapped in a janitor for 4 days, got unconscious forcefully for upteenth times, either it's by injections or got beaten up. Forced to eat cold breads to fill her little stomach just so she can stay alive. Of course this is too tough for a 6 year old girl.


Krystal rolled her eyes. "Changmin, call them."
Changmin, who stood nearby, took out his phone and pressing numbers on the screen. Then he put the phone on his ear. A smirk was formed on his face.

"Ah, good evening, sir. May i speak with Mr. Joonmyeon?"












   Two police officers came into the room. "Sir, we've spotted Victoria Song at the 8th street from the CCTV." One of them, Jinki reported.


"When is that?" Sangwook asked.

"Three days ago at 6.30 PM, sir."

"And.. do you know where she goes?"

The other officer huffed, "unfortunately, no, sir. She disappear from the CCTV's sight after she turned left. And the CCTVs in afterwards areas were mysteriously shut down. But only until 7th street."


"Then there are two possibilities." Said Sehun. "The only buildings that located where the CCTVs had shut down are JMK corp or KX Building."

"There are three, actually." Doshik interrupted. "JMK corp, KX building, or the alley between those buildings."

Meanwhile, Minho and Yeri were with Mr. Joonmyeon at the table. Both are comforting Mr. Joonmyeon.


"We're getting closer to find your daughter, Mr. Joonmyeon." Said Yeri. The man across her heaving a long sigh. "I hope she's all right, Yeri-ssi."

"Don't worry, sir. She'll be fine." Said Minho. Although he's not really sure Nahyun is all right, but like old times had said, a criminal victim will stay alive as long we believe so.



  Suddenly, the telephone is ringing. Doshik who sat nearby took the call. "Hello? Ah.. who is this?"


A chuckle was heard across the phone, "Well i thought you know? Kim Saeron? Go Jaehyun? Anyway, there is no way you don't know why i call you. Since Victoria is here."

  Doshik's eyes widened, however he kept his tone calm. "Hahaha.. Changmin-ah! It's been a long time, eh?" He pretended like the man across the phone was his friend. 

"Yeah. Look, Doshik-ssi, i have no time for chit-chats. I'm with Victoria and I need to speak with Mr. Joonmyeon. Now."

"Ah.. Okay-okay." Doshik handed the phone to Mr. Joonmyeon. "Someone wants to speak with you."

Mr. Joonmyeon raised his eyebrows, as if he was saying 'who is it?'. And Doshik who received his signal mouthed, 'the one who kidnapped Nahyun.'

Full of anxiety, Mr. Joonmyeon put the phone on his ear. "H-hello?"

"Ah.. Good evening, Mr. Joonmyeon. How are you doing?"

His expression hardened. "Where's my Nahyun?"

Once again, another chuckle was heard. "She is perfectly fine, sir. Here,"

It took 2 seconds of silence until Mr. Joonmyeon heard a familiar voice crying. It was Nahyun.




"A-Appa... h-help.. AAHH!!"


"N-Nahyun? What happened?! Nahyun!"

The voice across the phone came back to Changmin's voice. "Oh.. nothing, sir. Victoria just cut her skin a little. Just a little in her arm, nothing more, don t worry."

"Give my daughter back!!"

"If you really want your daughter back," Changmin finally gets to the point. "We want you to give us some money."

Mr. Joonmyeom exhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down.  "All right. How much?"

"Oh.. not much. Around.. 2 trillion won."

  "2 trillion won?" From his expression, Mr. Joonmyeon looked like he was about to yell. But once again, he controlled himself down. "Fine. 2 trillion won. What else do you need?"

"That would be all. We will do the trade in KX Building, 4th floor at 8 pm straight. You better not to be late, Mr. Joonmyeon. Because each minute you've late will give Nahyun another cut in her body."

  He silently gulped. "Got it." Soon he hung up the call.


"What did he say?" Asked Doshik. Mr. Joonmyeon heaved a long sigh. "He said i have to go to KX building at 8 pm straight with 2 trillion won. Only then they will return Nahyun."

"You did a good job for not telling them that you're with police, Mr. Joonmyeon." Said Sangwook, Mr. Joonmyeon managed a little smile.

"All right, here's the plan. When we get there, Yeri and i will find Nahyun-" Doshik began to explain the plan..









  At 7.30, the team arrived at KX building. And they start their plan. Doshik and Yeri began to roam around the building to find Nahyun. Sehun and Minho are in charge with clearing the building. While Sangwook took the job to accompany Mr. Joonmyeon, until the right time.


   "any sign of her? No? Arasseo." Minho put his phone into his pocket. "Okay, how do we get to the CCTV room without getting caught by them?" He whispered to Sehun.
"Well.." Sehun looked around, he also wonder how can they at least get to the 2nd floor, which where the CCTV room was located, safely without getting caught by those Red Alphas, it seems, who are wander around the whole building. And there are around 5 Red Alphas in this floor. 

  Sehun's eyes widened when he saw two figures from afar, the Red Alphas, walking to his way. "Hyung, get down!" He pulled Minho's shirt so the elder man bent down, hiding behind huge boxes.

  While Sehun peeking out to watch those Red Alphas walking nearer, Minho spotted a door right behind them. And luckily he found out it wasn't locked. He poked at Sehun. The younger man turned his head to him. Minho pointed at the door. Sehun looked at the door and nodded, as if he was saying 'ah.. Good idea.' And into the room they went.



  It was a small room, filled with two shelfs full of boxes, seems like a store room. Sehun huffed. "Aish, i wish i brought something beside gun. Maybe a baseball bat or a knife." He scratched his head, still trying to figure a way to the CCTV room. While Minho was checking the shelfs, opening those boxes one by one. Probably trying to find a weapon or something. And eventually he did.. sort of. He froze when he opened the 7th box.




"Look what i've found."


  Sehun's eyebrows raised when he saw the box. It's a box full of injections. "What the heck-"

"This must be the thing that kept Nahyun for 4 days!" Minho exclaimed, trying to keep it as low as he could.
"The whole 4 days?" Sehun tilted his head. "Won't she get overdosed or something?"
"Maybe they already put the exact dose, who knows?" Minho shrugged. "The thing is, we found a weapon. Come on, let's see if this works." He took 6 injections and opened the door.

"Yah, hyung-" before Sehun could hold him, he was already out of the room.


  Minho walked silently towards two Red Alphas who are back facing him. Just when he's close enough, he injects the injection in each of the men's neck. And those men instantly fell to the ground, unconscious.

  "You! Stop there!" Minho looked at his back when a voice called him. Three other men, running towards him. Minho cursed under his breath, he should've known he took a wrong step. But before those men could caught him, they already fell to the ground. And it turns out to be Sehun injected the drugs into those men.

  Minho sighed in relief. "It worked!"

The younger man shot him a glare. "Hyung, please tell me before doing something stupid like that!"

"Hehe, sorry." Minho grinned. "At least we know it worked now! Come on, grab as much as you can!"


And so they go upstairs with 5 injections in one hand each. A man 'welcomed' them when they reached the 2nd floor.


Sehun smiled widely, "Good evening! Can you tell us where is the CCTV room?"

"Who the heck are-"

Before the man could finish his words, Sehun already knocked him down with his fist. "We'll find it ourselves, then." He muttered. Minho looked amazed and patted his shoulder. "Good move, kid. Your skill has improved!"


The younger man only smirked before they continue walking.


"What time is it?" Asked Minho.
"It's.. 7.45, hyung. Why?"
"Aniya.. just asking. Hey, there's the CCTV room!"


   And there they arrived at the CCTV room. But when Minho was about to open the door, the electricity went down for all sudden.

Sehun groaned in frustration.

"Someone must put the power down." Minho huffed. "Okay, i'll go downstairs to the power source. After i turned it on, go check the CCTV immediately." He said before heading back to the first floor.

  Sehun shrugged, "Okay, then." He then entered the CCTV room. Accompanied with a dim light by the flashlight on his phone, he looked around. He then took a seat as he tapped his fingers on the table. Waiting for Minho to the power. 

  Around 1 minute he waited, the electricity went on again. He instantly checks this large computer in front of him. Checking every camera in that building. And eventually he found Nahyun, trapped in a janitor room at the 4th floor.

  Gotcha. He thought. He took out his phone to call Yeri. But the sound of a door slamming open was heard made him stop his activity.



"What a pleasant surprise, Sehun."


  His body stiffened knowing the voice mentioned his name. He turned around and saw a female figure standing right at the door. The girl has blonde hair, fall smoothly to her back. She wore a long tight black leggings and a black tank top, covered by a dark green jacket. But what really matters is that Sehun found this female looked familiar.


  His eyes widened in disbelief. "Soojung?" It took him a moment to realize it. No wonder she looks so familiar, even her voice sounded very familiar.

 The girl smirked and ran her fingers through her hair. "Well.. my name in this group is 'Krystal'."

"Krystal? Wait, what group? Do you mean-"

"Or so you guys called 'Red Alpha', yes. I'm daughter of the Red Alpha's owner. " Said Krystal. "Surprise much?"


Well of course he is! 


  But Sehun's expression stayed calm. He's not hallucinating, right? Soojung, the intelligent girl he met in his college, standing in front of him with blonde hair and full make up, apparently is a part of Red Alpha.

"B-but.. how could- i mean, you're involved with that kidnapping?" Sehun was speechless, part of him still disbelieved what he just know. But the girl only chuckled as an answer. She approached him and put her arms around his neck.




  But his sentence stopped when Krystal pressed her lips against his.
Sehun was clearly astonished. He could've push her away, but he just.. couldn't. And he doesn't know why. Instead, he was closing his eyes.

  His phone on the table was vibrating. The screen shows an ID who calls him, which is 'Yeri Noona'. Yet the owner of the phone didn't realize it. Sehun tried to step back, but the girl was pulling his face even closer. The kiss last for around 20 seconds until Krystal finally pulling herself out. Leaving Sehun a little breathless.

"S-Soojung.." he stuttered, surprised by her sudden act. He was about to say something but Krystal put her finger to his lips.

"Ssh.." she leaned closer to his ear. "I told you, the name's Krystal." She gave him a light kiss before she left the room, leaving him alone. Sehun blinked his eyes rapidly, questioning himself was that even real.


Once again his phone vibrated. Making him regained his conscious. He took the phone and answer the call. "Hello?"

"Yah, Where are you?"

"I'm in the CCTV room. I found Nahyun in a janitor room at the 4th floor."

"Why don't you tell us sooner?"

"I'm sorry, noona. It's just," Sehun heaved a sigh. "Something bugging me along the way."

"Arasseo." And the call ended.






Yeri put her phone into her pocket.

"So.. did he found her?" Asked Doshik.

"Janitor room, 4th floor." Said Yeri. "Let's go."

  If they use elevator they might been attacked, which is why they use emergency stairs. The ran from the 3rd floor to 4th but unfortunately, it was too late. Changmin already dragged Nahyun out of the janitor again. She's now in another room, where the 'trade' will be done. Being tied up on a chair. 


  It's 2 minutes before 8 PM and Sangwook and Mr. Joonmyeon are already in the elevator, heading up to the 4th floor. But Sangwook left the elevator when it reached the 3rd floor. He told Mr. Joonmyeon that he'll be right behind him. Sangwook has to take the stairs so it'll reassure them that Joonmyeon is by himself. He reached the 4th floor while calling the police department, but suddenly someone kicked him, causing his phone flew off.

He grunted as he felt blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. In front of him, stood Krystal, putting up a smile on her face. "Pleased to meet you, sir."














Two men welcomed Joonmyeon when he reached the 4th floor.


"Are you.. Mr. Joonmyeon?" Asked one of the men.
"Yes." Joonmyeon answered, trying to keep his tone calm and strict. The two men grabbed him in the arm.

"Is this even necessary?" Asked Joonmyeon, struggling but it was no use. Those men were stronger.
"In case you got away, yes it is." And so the men brought Joonmyeon to a store room.


"Ah.. welcome, Mr. Joonmyeon. You're exactly on time. Well done." Changmin welcomed him fakely. Victoria who stood beside him also gave Joonmyeon a sweet smile. "You do bring what we've told you, right sir?"

Joonmyeon gave them a nod as an answer.

Changmin frowned, "hmm, Taeyong, Mino? I thought you guys are in charge in the 4th floor?"


"Yes, we are. So?" Answered the man who called 'Taeyong'.
"Why you're the one who took him here? It should be those in 1st floor."
Mino shrugged. "We don't know, this guy was alone when he reached 4th floor."
"Without any person?" Victoria tilted her head. "That's weird."
"Yeah.. temporary workers, what do you expect?" Changmin rolled his eyes. "Let's just get back to business, all right?" He turned to Joonmyeon again. "There's your daughter." He pointed at the corner of the room.


"Father!" Cried Nahyun.
"Nahyunnie!" Joonmyeon ran to her but Taeyong and Mino hold him again.

"Uh, uh. Not so fast, sir." Changmin smirked, "We had a deal remember?"

"Take the luggage." Victoria ordered. Mino nodded and took the luggage forcefully from Joonmyeon's hand. He then gave it to her.

Joonmyeon gulped. He really don't know what to do now. He eyed around the room, and spotted Yeri, hiding behind those shelfs. He sighed in relief when they made eye contact. Yeri gave him a nod as a signal, and gladly Joonmyeon caught it.

"Why do you want my money?" He asked Changmin.

"You want to know?" Changmin pressed his lips into a straight line. "Have a seat, then. Let's have a chat." 





  Meanwhile, Sehun and Doshik were watching them from another room which is .

"Yeri's in there." Said Doshik. "There's no way she could save Nahyun if there are guards inside. We need to distract." 

  Sehun nodded. After making sure the Red Alphas are clear from the area. He went outside the room. He took out his gun and shoot some bullets to the ceiling.


  People in the store room were surprised hearing those gun shots.

"What was that?" Joonmyeon asked.
"We're not sure either." Said Changmin. "Vic, check the floor."

  Victoria nodded and walked towards the door, "Boys, come with me." She went away with Mino and Taeyong by her side. Now it's just Changmin, Joonmyeon, and Nahyun in the room. And also Yeri.





"Sir, i'll go west and you go east!" Said Sehun to Doshik. And just in time, Victoria and her boys spotted him from quite distance.

  The noise Sehun made also brought the rest of those 'guards'(that conscious). They were about to chase Sehun as well but they heard another gun shots. And it turns out to be Doshik's gun. Doshik immediately ran even before those guards could see him. And so the chase has begun.




  Changmin glared at Joonmyeon. "You said you were alone?" His tone is now raised.
"I do come alone."
"Then who the hell is that outside?!"

Joonmyeon gulped, he's trying hard to keep himself calm. "I-i have no idea! I swear!"


  While they're chattering, Yeri crawled slowly to Nahyun. Trying to not making any single sound. The little girl spotted her, her body stiffened when she sees Yeri. 

"Ssh.. it's all right" she whispered, almost inaudible. She began to untie Nahyun. "We'll get you outta here, okay? Just hold on."


"B-but.. my Appa.."

"Don't worry, he'll be fine."












  Sangwook found himself in a small room, a janitor. He tried to get up, but he found out he was tied up. A duct tape also covered his mouth. He groaned, but he looked around. Trying to find something that can help him. Then he spotted his phone. The man struggled to approach the phone, and tried to push the button with his feet. But the phone is off. He groaned in frustration.


  Sangwook exhaled. Trying to clear his   mind first to figure the way out. Kicking the door? That would cause more trouble, the Red Alphas will notice it and the situation would be even worse. He felt so stupid he didn't realize that girl's prescence. But who is she, anyway? He could've sworn he had seen her somewhere.. but he just don't remember when.



  He frowned, still thinking for a way out. But then he vaguely heard a sound, a sound of footsteps, getting closer to the janitor. Making him feel suspiscious. He lifted his feet, in case he need to put defense.

  He exhaled in relief, knowing it was Minho. The younger man closed the door immediately and then rested his head against the door, sliding down so he can sit. "Pheww. That was close."  He said, slightly panting. His eyes widened when he noticed Sangwook's prescence. "Hyung! What happened to you?!" He immediately knelt behind Sangwook to untie him.


Sangwook shook his head and was saying something, but his words been muffled by the duct tape.

"You're saying something, hyung?" Asked Minho before removing the duct tape from Sangwook.

"For god's sake, call the police first!" Said Sangwook finally right at the moment the duct tape has been removed. Minho went blank for a while.

"O-oh! Okay, okay!" With a fast move he grabbed his phone and dial the police department.


"Ne, this is Park Minho from TEN team."







  Back to the store room, Victoria slammed the door and walked in. "Two men have barge in to this building, they're attacking our men."
Changmin's lips formed a sinister smile. He slammed his hands to the table and looked at Joonmyeon darkly. "Your words, are full of s."

Joonmyeon groaned at the moment Changmin's fist hit him in the face. Compared with Changmin's body, Joonmyeon is sure weak. He instantly flew off the chair when Changmin punched him.


  Nahyun gasped seeing his father.

"Ssh.. come on, this way." Yeri grabbed the little girl's hand and dragged her through the shelfs.

"B-but.. Appa.." sobbed Nahyun.

"We will save your dad after we save you, all right? Now hurry!" Yeri increased her pace. She walked faster and faster and suddenly she heard a loud crashing sound, which soon she found it was Nahyun accidentally hit some huge cans.


Yeri bit her lip anxiously. 


Shoot, we're screwed.


  She took Nahyun's hand and tried to escape but her steps stopped when Victoria blocked their way. The woman smirked, "Going somewhere, hun?" She grabbed them and forcefully dragged them to Changmin.

  Changmin laughed darkly. "Hohoho.. okay i get it." He once again faced Joonmyeon. "You want it fast, don't you?" He walked towards Joonmyeon and began to put a rope around his body.

"What are you going to do?" Joonmyeon clenched his teeth anxiously. Changmin tied the rope real tight to make sure it won't loose. "Look, i'm ing pissed by these stuffs so let's end this fast, shall we?" Changmin snapped his finger, "Vic."

  Victoria held Yeri's arms and locked it with her own arms, holding Yeri who's struggling hard. "No!!" She cried when Changmin pointed his gun at Nahyun's head.

"I gave you a simple way, Joonmyeon. And you chose the hard one." Changmin shrugged calmly. "But.. yeah, i'll kill you both anyway. So let's start with your daughter."


  Yeri shut her eyes when a sound of gun shot banged loudly in the whole room. She panted, not even dare to open her eyes. Her body was shuddering hard, terrified. 


"You better put the goddamn gun down or your will be full with these bullets."


  Yeri finally choose to open her eyes after hearing someone said that. Few steps away from Changmin, stood Choi Seunghyun from Seoul PD, and a few of his comrades. Dong Youngbae, Ok Taecyeon, and Park Bom. All of the TEN members are here too.


   Changmin's expression turned even more dark. But he did what Seunghyun said.

  Youngbae approached Changmin and pulled Changmin's hands behind before put a handcuff on him, Taecyeon did the same thing with Victoria. While Sehun ran to Joonmyeon to untie the rope.

  Changmin chuckled darkly, "after 10 years doing these stuffs. Finally got caught, eh?"
Victoria sighed, "it's 6 years for me." Although her face could tell that she's totally pissed off.
"Yeah, yeah. Awesome, guys. Let's go, move!" Youngbae rolled his eyes as the polices brought Victoria and Changmin away.



"Appa!" Nahyun ran to Joonmyeon after Sehun untied the rope.

"Nahyunnie!" Joonmyeon instantly knelt before her and pulled her into a hug, exhaling in full of relief. "Thank god, you're okay.." he kissed her head. "Let me see your wound."

  Nahyun showed him the wound on her left arm. "It hurts, Appa.."

Joonmyeon caressed her hair. "Don't worry.. we'll take care of it when we get home, okay?" He once again took her into a hug. "Oh.. Nahyunnie.. you must be enduring a hard time.."










  As the day ends. Taecyeon and Youngbae brought the criminals, Victoria and Changmin in their car to be thrown to prison. While Park Bom and Seunghyun were talking with the TEN team.


  "Is any of you guys got injured?" Asked Seunghyun. Sehun glanced at the scar on his shoulder, which he got earlier when he distracted the Red Alphas. "Just a little scar, don't worry."

Seunghyun managed a smile. "You guys did a very good job."

"Thank you." Said Sangwook as they shake hands before Seunghyun left.

Park Bom smiled. "Thank you so much for handling this case. We're really appreciate it." She put her hands on Minho and Yeri's shoulder. "You guys should take a rest." She said, looking at the team one by one.



  The woman gave them a smile before walked away, joining Seunghyun. After they left the location, this time Joonmyeon and Nahyun came up to them.

"Thank you very much for saving my daughter." Joonmyeon bowed deeply.
"No problem, Mr. Joonmyeon. It's our job." Doshik replied. Joonmyeon thank the team so many times and even rapidly bow to them.


But Sehun didn't pay attention to them at all. He was staring at the building blankly. The memory of him with Krystal in that building.. it just kept haunting his mind.







woohoo! 5k words!
anyway, hope you like the chap guys! i'm so sorry for the long time because.. yeah.. school just made me very exhausted.

but yeah, don't forget to leave your thoughts about this chap, guys~

please look forward to the next chapter~~


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even if i put sestal as characters, there will be no romantic scenes and stuffs anymore.. probably like siblinghood or friendship moments


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AngelesJi #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: hehhe thats okay dear! same wth me! i ship both kaistal and sestal. part of me really love that kaistal now is real, but what should i do with sehun? i mean i only trust krystal and i only want her. how i wish krystal have twins :'))))))
nialex01 #3
Chapter 24: If not sestal, how about hunrene? That ship's been doing well for awhile.
DogeSone #4
Chapter 23: I just realised that you're Indonesian! It's so nice to know that such a good writer like you holds the same citizenship as I do!! Hope to see more amazing works from you!!
dhils12 #6
please make the oother sequel hahaha
xoxohun #7
Chapter 22: good story authornim. even sometimes its kinda boring but i love this. good job ! finally happy ending.
DogeSone #8
Chapter 22: HOOLLLLLLLLYYYY grandmother xD THIS STORY IS LIKE A MOVIE! I LOVED IT! I KNEW THAT IT WILL BE WORTH IT! YASSS beautiful ending brah, really loved it. I really hope to see you again in your next story xDDD
Chapter 22: Finish it in just 3 or 4 hours and I am sooo in love with it!!You make my heart Dugeun Dugeun!~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.I really tear up when Minseok died he was a great friend of Sehun~
Fmariel1984 #10
Chapter 22: At first when I start reading this fic I thought "where is this story going ?like hello this girl is a psychopath and there's no way it will have a happy ending", but then what a turn of events. It felt like watching a movie. Great job writernim!