#3 사 라

Red Light

   Doshik was enjoying his morning coffee. Flipping pages of newspaper he just bought on his way to the office. It was a peaceful morning. Well, sort of. The floor was filled with a few employees at the floor and each of them were busy with their own business. So it was kinda quiet. And Doshik likes these kind of atmosphere.



   But just as expected, no polices could enjoy peace in a long time. Especially if you had a murder case to solved, and an annoying junior.


  The old man almost choked his coffee when somebody slammed his desk. It was Minho, looking at Doshik with full excitement.


   "Sir! I found his identity!"

   Doshik clicked his tounge. "Is it necessary to do that?"

The younger man only grinned as an answer. He then gave Doshik a file. "I tracked his phone last night. His name is Taeyong. Kim Taeyong. 19 years old and is a high school student."

  "He had such skills of murdering in high school? Whoa, he is a prodigy." Doshik murmured. "How about the other one?"

   Minho pressed his lips into a straight line. "That's the problem. The forensics found no fingerprints and any other clues to find the 'masked man' identity. They were pretty good at hiding evidences."


   Then a man came to the room. He was approaching Minho and Doshik. Looking by his expression, he seems satisfied by something. "Good morning, Mr Baek! Minho-ssi!" He greeted happily. Minho as the youngest among them, instantly stood up to gave the man a bow. While Doshik simply gave him a nod. "Ah, morning Donghae-ssi. What brought you here?"


"Well.. my team just caught Kim Taehyung this morning. So, since this office is at the same block, i decided to pay a visit." Said Donghae.

"Wah, you've caught the murderer this fast?"

"Yeah. It wasn't a hard case anyway. That little brat wasn't as smart as i expected. So we easily got him arrested." Donghae chuckled. "How about you guys?"


  Minho heaved a sigh. "The murder was done by two guys. And, unfortunately, we only got one identity. We still need to find the other one."


"Ah.. i see." Donghae then put a plastic bag to Doshik's desk. "Here, I bought you guys some breads. And, if you need some help, do call us, okay? The south team is now able to help you guys."

"Yes, thank you for your visit, Donghae-ssi." Minho politely bowed. And so Donghae left the floor.



"Uwah.. the South team indeed did a good job. They caught Kim Taehyung in just three days time." Minho muttered.

"Well, what do you expect? They had inspector Lee Donghae as the leader. Of course they could solve the case easily." Doshik flipped another page of his newspaper. "Anyway, Minho-ah. Keep an eye on Kim Taeyong. We need his location immediately."


  "Right away, sir."















   After finding the book he'd searching for, Sehun went to a row of table which provided to the visitors for a place to read. He took one seat and began reading the book.

   The library was pretty crowded today despite the silence that remained. The amount of students was more than usual. Well, what do you expect? The mid-term exam is coming in less than a week. So students had to focus on their studies.


   An half hour passed. Sehun closed his eyes for a few seconds so his eyes can rest. He heaved a long sigh. This complicated juristic stuff is really a pain in the for him. Different with astrology which he's prodigy at. He needs more effort to be in this majority. Sure, he could get an A+ in the test. But the progress was just painful it made his head spinning.

   He opened his eyes. When he was about to continue his reading, he noticed the girl that sat across him. He smirked. "Well, look who's here."

   Soojung moved her sight from the book to see the person who just spoke. She then smiled. "Hello to you too, Sehun-ah. Preparing for exam?"


"Yeah. How about you?"

"Sort of."



    As the girl continue to read. Sehun closed the book, and leaned closer to her. "You know, it's quite impressive how you still manage to show your face to the public despite the thing you'd done." He said as he kept his tone low.

"What have i done?"

The man let out a sarcastic chuckle. "You think i would fall to that trick again?"

"What trick?"

"For acting so innocent. I know who you are, Soojung-ah."

   Soojung sighed and closed her book as well. She looked at Sehun. A thin smirk was formed on her lips as she brought her face closer to him. "But the others don't. Do they?"

"Sooner or later, they will."

"And how can you sure about that?"

"Because our team will solve Yang Soobin's case, and catch the murderer." Said Sehun, slightly put threatening tone to his sentence.


   This time, Soojung is the one who chuckled. "Unfortunately, i'm not that stupid, Sehun-ah. You and your team can search me all day and all night, but you won't find a single clue."

"Well, not exactly."  Sehun shrugged. "You do realize that i'm a witness, right?"

"And you do realize that i have alibi, right?"

"Hmm. Fair enough." Sehun chuckled. "But let's see."


  A small laugh escaped from the woman's mouth. Which sounded like underestimating him. She folded her arms against her chest. "Go ahead. I'd like to see you try."

  In his entire career as a detective, never did once Sehun met a criminal who calmly faced him after they did a crime, until he met Soojung a.k.a Krystal. He found Krystal's pattern is unusual as well. This is getting even more interesting than he expected.


  "Believe me. You will." He said without any doubt. 

Soojung gave him a smile as she stood up. "Well, then. See you around." She simply waved her hand before left.


   Sehun watches the girl who's getting farther and farther from his sight. Soojung is not an ordinary girl. Seeing the way she acts calmly without showing any guilt or anxious on her face, and how she did a perfect scheme to her murder scene. Sehun knows for sure she's more dangerous than any criminal he met before.
















Doshik almost fell from his chair when the younger screamed like that. "You little brat! You have an old man sitting next to you! Aish.. my poor heart." He grunted while placing his hand to chest, steadying his heartbeat.

  But Minho only released a sigh. "Sorry."


   Well, it hadn't been a good day for the two of them. They tried to track Kim Taeyong down. Searching for his location, visiting his school and other places that might give them informations. And there was a time when they spotted Taeyong at a convenient store. But too bad, Taeyong already noticed them a little sooner than they did. So he had more time and successfully got away.



   "Eish.. i wish i'd seen Taeyong sooner! Maybe he wouldn't had any chance to escape!" Minho said. "Plus, we haven't got the other guy's identity either! Argh.."

   The elder man once again clicked his tounge. "Stop whining like a kid. Investigations does take a long progress. Some of them even took years to solve it. You got nothing but stress if you rush yourself."

   Minho exhaled. "Hmm.. maybe you're right, Mr Baek." He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes to make himself a little more relaxed. "So.. should we continue this tomorrow?"

"Well.. i suppose." Doshik shrugged. "Sangwook is observing the initial that carved on the knife. Who knows, we will find another clue."

"I hope so."


  The telephone on Doshik's desk rang. Doshik answered the call. "Hello?"


  Minho's eyebrow rose. Curious of what made the elder man's expression hardened, his eyes widened. "Gangnam? Alright. We're on our way."

"What is it, sir?"


Doshik suddenly stood up. "They spotted Taeyong. Let's go."











    Sehun stretched his arms upwards and yawned as he walked out of the campus. Man, if he study just a little longer, he would've gone mental.


    His phone buzzed in his pocket. Sehun guessed it was Minseok who probably would blabber about his new girl, Irene What's-her-name. Or maybe some regular prank calls his sort-of friends made for him. But the ID that appeared on the screen was the least one he'd expected to see.


"Yes, Mr Baek?"


   Sehun stopped his steps. His eyes widened. "You've caught Kim Taeyong? Woah.." realizing it was a criminal they were talking about, Sehun lowered down his voice. Though he was quite sure people would barely hear his conversation in such crowd.


"We found that little brat near Buyoung apartment in Gangnam. There was some chases, running through alleys and argh, my joints are aching for running that long. I don't think i could chase another brat anymore.."


"Hmm.. that's great! Finally we had a progress, right? How about the other one?"


"The masked man? Ah, your dad had studied the knife. But unfortunately, no clues have found. I suppose we should ask local people near KB ent tomorrow."


"Alright. How about Yeri noona and i go and do the job? You guys and Dad can deal with that Taeyong dude."


"Good idea. Since Sangwook is a pro at intimidating people. I'll see you later then, Sehun-ah."


"Yep. Don't forget to rest, Mr Baek."







   Sehun ended the phone while crossing the street. He was wondering where does he want to go now. Library? Yeah, after spending two hours there? How about no. Minseok's cafè? Meh, not in the mood somehow. So he just continue walking. Maybe taking a stroll on the streets would relax his mind.

   The dark haired man walked down the street. Some parts of the street were covered by patterned pebblestones. Sometimes Sehun saw some bikers riding their bicycles while enjoying the bright afternoon sun. Not to mention a row of cafès and other small shops at his left side that full of customers making it more lively. Well, what do you know, sometimes you just need to relax and enjoy the day.


  Sehun took out his phone and dialled Yeri. He put his phone to his ear as his other hand went to his pocket. Waiting for Yeri to pick up the phone.

"Hey, noona. Mr Baek said we should continue the investigation tomorrow..." he told her everything Doshik told him.




   Meanwhile, in her apartment. Yeri was listening to Sehun by the phone while eating her ramen. She took the remote and turn down her TV's volume so she can hear Sehun better.


"Yeah. Minho told me that too. So when should we meet up?"


"Hmm.. how about 10 am near the bus station? You know, the one near the squar-"


Suddenly silence break in. Yeri frowned, why did Sehun stop his sentence?




  Yeri put her chopsticks down. "Yah, are you there? Oh Sehun!"


  But no answer was heard from the younger guy. Yet he hasn't end the call yet. What is he doing right now? She thought.

   After eight seconds of mysterious silence. Yeri heard Sehun exhaled slowly.




"Come to the 6th street right now. We found our target."


  Yeri's eyes widened, clearly surprised by the unexpected news. "Target?"







   Sehun glanced inside the cafè once he hung up the phone. Watching a man who walked to a table near the window.

  The man was about six feet tall and he has small eyes. But that wasn't the thing that caught Sehun's attention before. It was the mask he was wearing to cover his nose and mouth. It has an 'M' symbol.

  He was the masked man, Sehun's sure. The symbol was with no doubt exactly the same! It also the same symbol that carved in the Red Alpha's knife.


   Sehun stepped into the cafè. He bought a cup of coffee before taking a seat, not far from the masked man but not too close as well. He silently watched him.


  Sehun's phone buzzed once again.


"Yes, noona?"


"I'm in the 6th street. Where are you?"


"Go to the 2Some Coffee. And..." Sehun kept an eye to the man while giving Yeri instructions. Just to make sure he didn't lose that guy.


"Alright. I'm on it." 


  Sehun took a sip of his ice americano. The masked man was reading some newspaper. Which was an advantage to him so the masked man wouldn't notice he was being watched.


  Five minutes later. No sudden move or attack happened. Sehun spotted Yeri outside the cafè. The woman gave him an eye-signal; it's time.


  Sehun nodded. Yeri looked away while continue talking on her phone. 


    After sipped his coffee, Sehun stood up and approached the man. He calmly sat across the man and cleared his throat.


   The masked man took down his newspaper, raising an eyebrow when he saw Sehun. "What do you want?"

  "Sorry for disturbing, man. But i'm really curious about that symbol on your mask. What does it stand for?" Sehun asked 

   The masked man tilted his head. It's not everytime a random guy got interested with his mask. But he answers it anyway, "It's for my name."

  "Oh really? May i know your name, then?"

  "Look, if you're trying to sell your drugs or something, i'm not interested."


   Sehun chuckled. "Fortunately, i'm not a drug dealer."

"Then go away." Said The masked man coldly before raising his newspaper, so he didn't have to face Sehun again.


  Tch. Sehun huffed. He tilted his head and found an article about Sara's case on the front page. He smirked. Bingo.


"Hey, have you read the front page?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I felt sorry for that Sara girl, her family must felt really sad."


   The masked man took down his newspaper again. His face clearly showed Sehun that he's annoyed. "Dude, Could you get lost now? You're really disturbing me."


   But Sehun didn't give up, his eyes went dark in all sudden. "Do you know why i'm interested with that mask of yours?"


"Because i saw that symbol on a person's mask at KB building, exactly where Sara was killed. And on a knife that left at the crime scene."


  The masked man frowned. "I don't know what you're talking about."


  A thin smirk was formed on Sehun's lips. He let out his dark side and leaned closer to him. Looking at the masked man deeply. "You are the murderer, aren't you?" 

  And BANG! he shot the right bullet. He saw the man's face turned pale, but he covered it right away with a calm laugh. "Unfortunately you're wrong, man. you just pointed the wrong guy."

"And you just talk nonsense. You can't run away anymore, big guy. Your partner, Kim Taeyong just got arrested. Don't you think you should be loyal to your friend and follow him to prison?" 


  For once again, bullseye. He won.


  The masked man stood up and ran. But instead of chasing him, Sehun calmly followed his steps.


  With anxious on his face, the Masked Man ran out the café. But boy, he was too late. He forcedly stop his steps when Yeri blocked his way along with two local officers. Each of them pointing their guns at him.


"Put your hands up!"

   Obviously, the masked man was upset. But he had no choice but did what the officers said.

   Yeri showed her batch. "You are under arrest as a suspect on Sara's murder case."

   The masked man let out an awkward laugh, though everyone could see his lips trembling. "Look, miss. There must be a mistake. I-"

   "You can explain it later at the police office." Said Sehun. Putting the masked man's hands behind his back and handcuffed him. (That's why you shouldn't mess with Oh Sehun, folks. This dude always bring a handcuff in his pack.)


"N-no, listen firs-"

"I believe you willingly come with us if you're innocent." Yeri folded her arms.

"Beside, you can't lie in front of this woman, dude." Sehun patted his shoulder. "She senses lies."

  Reluctantly, the masked man let the officers brought him into the police car.






   Well, it turns out the masked man's name was Song Mino. He's 29 years old. He did tell some alibis and excuses at the interrogation session and some of them do have quite strong proof. but like Sehun said, no one can lie in front of Nam Yeri the lie detector. Also his dad, Sangwook was intimidating him well. So Song Mino finally surrendered. And joined his partner, Taeyong into the prison.














  The TEN team toasted their glasses of soju (except Sehun who got cider instead because he's techincally underaged.)


  "huft, boy! Today was a very tiring day, wasn't it?" Said Minho, chugging down his soju.

"Tell me about it." Yeri agreed. "I gotta admit. That Mino guy has pretty good skills."

"Yeah, but once he got caught, he turned into a total coward!" Doshik laughed. "God, you should see his face when Sangwook throw the knife in front of him!"

  Sangwook chuckled. "The thing is, we solved Sara's case. Now we can rest and, well, prepare ourselves for more cases to come and ah- also keep an eye on Yang Soobin's case, if the metropolitan team and the West team haven't solve it yet."


"Aye-aye, captain!"


  And so, they continue their feast. Clanking each other's soju glass, enjoying their jjajangmyeon and celebrating happily. Everybody's face were enlighted with their wide smiles.



Except Sehun.


  He sipped his cider before slamming the can to the table. His face was emotionless. But if you look a little closer, you might notice his eyes burning in excitement.









it's a little boring, isn't it? but thank you so much for reading this chap!! i promise i'll make it more.. interesting!

your comments are highly appreiciated!

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even if i put sestal as characters, there will be no romantic scenes and stuffs anymore.. probably like siblinghood or friendship moments


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AngelesJi #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: hehhe thats okay dear! same wth me! i ship both kaistal and sestal. part of me really love that kaistal now is real, but what should i do with sehun? i mean i only trust krystal and i only want her. how i wish krystal have twins :'))))))
nialex01 #3
Chapter 24: If not sestal, how about hunrene? That ship's been doing well for awhile.
DogeSone #4
Chapter 23: I just realised that you're Indonesian! It's so nice to know that such a good writer like you holds the same citizenship as I do!! Hope to see more amazing works from you!!
dhils12 #6
please make the oother sequel hahaha
xoxohun #7
Chapter 22: good story authornim. even sometimes its kinda boring but i love this. good job ! finally happy ending.
DogeSone #8
Chapter 22: HOOLLLLLLLLYYYY grandmother xD THIS STORY IS LIKE A MOVIE! I LOVED IT! I KNEW THAT IT WILL BE WORTH IT! YASSS beautiful ending brah, really loved it. I really hope to see you again in your next story xDDD
Chapter 22: Finish it in just 3 or 4 hours and I am sooo in love with it!!You make my heart Dugeun Dugeun!~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.I really tear up when Minseok died he was a great friend of Sehun~
Fmariel1984 #10
Chapter 22: At first when I start reading this fic I thought "where is this story going ?like hello this girl is a psychopath and there's no way it will have a happy ending", but then what a turn of events. It felt like watching a movie. Great job writernim!