Date Pt. 2

Take A Turn For The Better


“Wait here till I go get our things.” Said Taehyung as he broke away from the hug.

“What things?” asked Yena.

Taehyung jumped up and spun around once. “Everything we need for a swim.” His hands were gestured in a “ta-dah” manner.

“We’re going to swim? I don’t have any swim wear.”

“I said ‘we’, didn’t I? There was a swimsuit in your drawer.”

“My swimsuit? How did you get it?”

“I snuck into your room and searched for it when you were showering. No biggie. It’s a surprise.”

“That’s okay but my swimsuit was in…YOU WENT THROUGH MY UNDERWEAR DRAWER?” Yena’s face turned red.

“Yes but it’s fine! I didn’t see…everything.” Taehyung.


He winked and added, “By the way, love the lace collection.”

“You little ert!” Yena grabbed the first thing her hands could find – a tree branch. “Come here.”

“It’s for fun, Yena~” whined Taehyung. He pulled her cheeks and said, “Let me go get our things.”

“Fine.” Huffed Yena.

Taehyung turned and walked towards the car and half way stopped. “Yena?”

“Yes?” said Yena.

“Ms. 36 B.” He said and ran away to the car.

“WHAT??” Yena felt completely embarrassed. “Great…now he knows my size…and probably gonna tease me till I die…Childish Taetae.” She thought.

A few minutes later, he came carrying two bags.

“The white one is mine and the blue is yours.” Said Taehyung and smirked. “Don’t worry, I packed extra innerwear too.”

“You.Are.A.ert.” Yena glared at him as she took her bag.

“I’m just observant and caring.”

“Let me go change.” Said Yena and headed to the cave. When she was back, Taehyung was dressed to swim. His jeans and t-shirt lay beside him in a pile. He was wearing red swimming shorts and…that’s it. His toned body seemed to gleam in the sun and a V-shaped torso. Yena’s eyes almost popped out and her breath seemed to stop half way in .  

 Yena shook her head and came outside the cave, trying to look calm.

“I’m d-done.”She said. She was trying to look at him as little as possible. “The water looks really clear!”

“Yup. It comes from a spring higher up.” Taehyung eyed Yena. The swimsuit had looked plain when he first saw it – a golden one piece with zig-zack strings in the back. Now that Yena was wearing it, it looked nothing like plain. It defined her body perfectly and now Taehyung actually felt like pouncing on her. He shook his head immediately, pretending that he hadn’t thought it.

But he had noticed how Yena had been avoiding his eyes. “Something wrong? Do I have something on my face?”

“What? No.” she replied quickly.

“Then why won’t you look at me?”

“Nothing.” She replied quickly again. Too quick to show that there was something.

“What? Never seen any guy without his shirt?”

“Yes, but I’ve never seen you shirtless. It doesn’t matter about the other guys. Can we just swim already?”

Taehyung laughed. “You’re so adorable, you know that Ms. 36 B?”

Yena turned around, this time staring right into his eyes. “Why thank you, V.” She said as she poked his tummy.

“Look at where your eyes go.” Taehyung smirked.

“Ha! I could say the same thing about you!”

“36 B!”


Taehyung shook his head. “Okay, we have to stop arguing like kids.”

“You are a kid!” said Yena.

“Oh what, you’re too developed to be a kid?”

“Taehyung! Why you little ert!”

Taehyung laughed as she chased him. “Let me see you catch me under water.” He jumped into the pool and Yena followed behind. But as soon as Yena jumped in, the blue beneath her caught her eyes. She looked at Taehyung and understood immediately that she was amazed.

“What is that?” she asked as they resurfaced.

“Every full moon, people come here and throw blue shells and pebbles inside the water. It’s said to bring good luck.” Explained Taehyung. “Want to see it up close?”

“Yes! It’s not too deep right?”

“Not at all.” Taehyung took her hand and they went underwater again. He pulled her along and picked up a few shells to show her. The pool bed was completely filled with them. There were even necklaces with blue stones in the water, its chain slowly rusting.

“This place is really magical.” Said Yena as they came above water.

“The people who live in the countryside believe in a lot of superstitions. There’s another one about this pool.”

“What is it?”

“If you kiss here, it’s said that the couple will stay together even in the toughest of times. They’ll never separate.”

Yena swam closer to Taehyung. “Well, we need that.”

“Exactly what I was thinking.” Said Taehyung as he ran his fingers down her cheeks.

Yena put her hands around his neck and whispered, “You just made that up didn’t you?”

“Yes~ ‘You’re irresistible’ didn’t seem like a good excuse.”

“I would have been fine with it.” Said Yena as she smiled.

Taehyung’s eyes were cloudy again. Yena finally understood what made them clouded – passion. He tilted his head and bent his face towards Yena’s slowly. And then, for the first time, felt her lips against his. He had dreamed of feeling her lips on his many times. He had imagined how their first kiss would e but this crashed all his expectations. It was so much better. At the touch of her lips, he forgot the world around him. It was just her and nothing else.

His fingers caressed her cheeks and then softly slid to her neck. His thumb rubbed against her neck as his lips made Yena get lost in another world. Her first kiss – and it was perfect. To her, this was so much more beautiful than the blue shells or the sunflower fields. It was more beautiful than anything. She had forgotten for where they were and only when they had slowly parted did she realize it.

“Taehyung…” –was the only thing that came out of as she gazed into his eyes. She bit her lower shyly as he wrapped his arms around her. She rested her head against his chest.

“Min Yena, I love you. You’re a whole new world to me. You’re the reason that I’m going crazy. You’re the reason I smile at night thinking of even your littlest expression. You’re the reason why I can be myself without any fear. You’re the reason why I now have a reason.” He slowly breathed.

“And if you’re happy, then it’s more than enough for me. I love you, Taetae. I love you. I love you~”

He gently let her loose and smiled. “That’s enough for me too.”

Yena smiled back. It felt like all she could do was smile. How couldn’t she? The love of her life was right next to her. “Now, let’s get out of the water! We don’t need to catch a cold.”

Yena took the towel in Taehyung’s bag and put it over his head.

“Sit down.” She asked and Taehyung sat on a flat rock. She wiped his hair thoroughly and put the towel around his neck. She cupped his palms on his cheeks and said, “There. No more cold.”

Taehyung suddenly kissed her and broke into his irresistible side smile. “Thank you. Now your turn.”

He hummed in his deep, soothing voice as he wiped her hair. The sun made her hair distinctly brown and it blew with the breeze. He slid aside her hair and bent to kiss the nape of her neck.

“How much do I have to kiss you before I feel satisfied? I don’t think even a million is enough.” Said Taehyung.

“You’re free to satisfy yourself. I’m all yours.”

Taehyung put her hands around her shoulders and she kissed his fingers.

“Really? Can I satisfy myself with you in bed?” he asked, his goofy side returning.

Yena bit his arm and he yelped. “Ow! What was that for?”

“ert! I swear Taehyung, you really are an onion.” She giggled. “But I like every layer.”

Taehyung pushed her forehead with his finger. “Look at this kid calling me a ert.”

“Look who’s calling me a kid.”

“36 B.”


They both giggled. Their relationship didn’t have the numbers of years to prove its worth. It was so much deeper within a few days.

“I’m hungry now.” Said Taehyung.

“Then let’s go eat. But we better get out of these swim wear.”

Soon, they were all dressed again. Taehyung rolled up the wet shorts and threw it into the bag.

Yena tutted. “Don’t just throw it in like that. We have to eat and it’s going to take time anyway. So just spread the wet clothes on the rock and let it dry.”

“Yes, mommy.”

“Call me mommy and I’ll call you daddy.”

“That just sounds .”

Yena slapped her forehead. “What will I do with you?”

Taehyung chuckled. “Come on, I’m starving.” He did exactly as Yena said and they headed to the car for their lunch. Yena had fallen into Taehyung’s childish ways so much that…they were having a fried chicken leg fight.

“You chicken! You make a better partner than me, huh?” Taehyung was talking to the piece of chicken in Yena’s hand.

“Why are you always targeting me? It’s not my fault that she likes me.” Said Yena in a deep voice.

“I shall destroy you!” yelled Taehyung.

When they were done eating, all the towels and swim wear had dried just as Yena had predicted. Yena folded Taehyung’s things neatly and packed it in his bag.

“This twenty-two year old baby can’t even fold clothes.” Muttered Yena. Taehyung watched her fold them and smiled childishly. His eyes followed her every movement.

It was a little after four when they reached home. Jin was sitting on the couch and smiled tiredly when he saw them.

“Hey you both.” He said. “Had fun on your first date?”

“Yup!” said Taehyung. “What’s wrong, hyung?”

“Oh just some problems in the company. Nothing for you to worry about.”


Yena sat beside Jin and placed her hand gently on his. “Oppa, why do you look so tired?”

“I’ve just been…a little busy today. That’s all.” He smiled. “Why don’t you both go take some rest? You must be tired.”

“You’re the one who needs rest.” Said Taehyung.

“Fine fine. I could use some rest.” Said Jin and went upstairs.

“Hm~ I think something’s wrong. Hyung is usually very cheerful.” Said Taehyung.

“He’ll tell when he’s ready to. If we push him, he might only get worse.” Said Yena.

“Yeah.” Taehyung kissed her forehead and said, “Well, why don’t you turn in early? We’ve got office tomorrow.”

“Alright. Good night, Taetae.”

They both slept early after taking a shower and getting things ready for the next day. They couldn’t stop thinking about their date and tossed around in their beds, smiling at their thoughts. And slowly, they fell asleep. 

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PCY_lover123 #1
rikominiko #2
misskpop101 #3
Chapter 15: tip DO NOT listen to taehyung´s version of someone like you while reading this the feels will be real
Chapter 17: did i just read global village?? author-nim!! where do you live??!!!
Hajerokok #5
Chapter 32: Loved it, loved it so so so much
It's cute romantic funny fluffy
I love this kind of stories
And you made it just like I want it <3
Thanx authornim
Hope to read other FF by you, with this fluffy imagination ;) :*
army_bts2708 #6
Chapter 32: I NEED OXYGEN!!!
Oh Gosh.. Authornim you're really too much...
I'm in class and I cried out now.. Oh holy shoot.. Thank you for the beautiful ending authornim~ i really love the bro-sis-mance btween yoongi and yena.. I loved everything... Thank you authornim~ good job~ T.T
army_bts2708 #7
I really desperate to read the whole story that I've been always watch for this fanfic update, but nothing. omg I've been fallin' in love with this fanfic. please update soon author-nim~~~
Jungkookswifey97 #8
Update??? It's been so long since you've updated authornim>.< Jebal update soon. This fanfic is JJANG!!
army_bts2708 #9
I miss your masterpiece author-nim (: