For The Better

Take A Turn For The Better

“Day after tomorrow?” Yena asked nervously.

“Yes. So it’d be better if you finish your final decorating and furnishing quickly within then. You won’t have the energy to do all that when your police academy training is going on.” Said Yoongi.

“Hyung, is it scary?” asked Taehyung.

“It’s fine.” Said Yoongi, waving it off. “You’ll get used to it.”

“As long as they don’t kill us.” Said Yena.

“Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?” said Yoongi.

“Like pranking the officers there.” Said Jin. “Behave.”

“I will. I know this isn’t a joke.” Said Taehyung.

“Two more days. Get ready.” Said Yoongi. His friend had called in the morning and said the dates for the physical examination were set.

“Also, I have something to say.” Said Jin and cleared his throat.

All eyes turned to him. A sudden bright smile spread across his lips.

“I got a job!” said Jin.

“You did? That’s great!” said Yena.

“Congrats hyung!!” said Yoongi.

“You did it! Where is it?” said Taehyung.

“It’s this elegant little restaurant in the city and the pay is pretty decent too.” Said Jin. “I’m not the chef but I definitely am working in the kitchen. I think it’ll be a good experience for me.”

“As long as you’re happy, we’re happy too.” Said Yena.

“Thanks all of you~ I guess we’re all taking a step ahead now. Good luck to all of us.” Said Jin.

“I just hope these two will do well.” Said Yoongi, referring to Yena and Taehyung.

“We will!” said Taehyung as he punched the air.

“We’ll go do the final touches for our new house. They’re coming to fix the curtains today.” Said Yena.

“Don’t jail yourself in that house all the time. Come here too.” Said Jin.

“Don’t worry. We won’t leave you both.” Said Taehyung.

“You better not.” Said Jin as he hit Taehyung back playfully.


By evening, their new house was all set. They had taken extra beds from the mansion’s maid quarters and put it in the other three bedrooms. All the rooms were furnished neatly and decoratively.

“I’ve moved way too much.” Said Yena, putting her hand through Taehyung’s, which were on his hips. “The last moving has to be to our own house. That’s my dream.”

Taehyung kissed the top of her head and said, “Mine too. Don’t worry honey, we’ll do great.”

“Let’s ace the training!” said Yena.


“But Taehyung we’ll be sleeping here today, right?”


“And tomorrow we’ll be here all day?”

“Yup to that too.”

“Good.” Taehyung saw a hint of Yena’s mischievous smile as she turned to go to upstairs.

“I’ll go take a shower and be right back.” Said Yena.

“Fine. I’ll make some coffee.” Said Taehyung.

 “Don’t burn down the house.”

“Don’t break the glass shower with your singing.”

“Mean! It’s not that bad~” Yena pouted.

“You were mean first.” Taehyung stuck his tongue out.

As Yena went upstairs, Taehyung put a pan of water on the stove for the coffee.

“Where did she keep the coffee powder?” He mumbled to himself. It took him a while to find it and when he did, half of the water had vaporized. So he had to do it all again but by the time Yena was done, so was the coffee.

“Here you go~” said Taehyung, handing Yena her mug.

“You really look like a husband right now.” Giggled Yena.

“I just have one thing to ask you – you won’t starve me to death right?” Taehyung asked jokingly.

“I can cook, you know. That’s the only reason why Yoongi oppa is still alive.”

“Feed me lot’s of delicious food too.” Said Taehyung, acting cute.

“Okay~” said Yena as she rubbed her nose against his. “I’ll make you eat until your tummy bursts.”

“That’s scary. You want me to die?”

“It’s an expression and you know it.” Said Yena and then added, “Oh, prepare for tomorrow.”

“What’s tomorrow?” asked Taehyung curiously, taking a sip from his mug of coffee.

“The punishment.”

Taehyung sighed. “I made a trap for myself…”

“You sure did.” Said Yena an imitated an evil laugh. “Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you. It’ll be strong.”

“And you know I’m weak. Mean.”

“You were mean first~” sang Yena.

“That prank was so mean. I was only going to put all your lingerie in Jin hyung’s room.”

“You were going to do what???” gasped Yena.

“What? That’s not nearly as mean and drenching all my clothes in water! You broke my heart.” Said Taehyung, pretending to sob.

“You have some kind of obsession with going through my personal stuff. You don’t see me going through your underwear drawer.”

“Yes, I don’t see you. But that doesn’t mean you don’t.”

“I don’t! I’m not a ert, you ert.”

“There we go again.” Said Taehyung. “Calling me a ert. We’re engaged so technically, I’m not.”

“Still, ert.”

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “All this time, I’ve only been saying it. Do you want me to actually do it?”

“What are you-“Yena felt him breathing against her neck.

“Right now, I’m a bit thirsty-”

“Drink your coffee.”

“For you.” Completed Taehyung.

“Okay, you hormonal teenager. Pretend I didn’t say anything.” She gulped.

“I’m not letting you off that easily.”

Yena smirked. “Taehyung, just remember that you’ll be getting double of what you’ve done tomorrow from me.”

“You have only tomorrow. I have the rest of my life.”

Yena’s shoulders slumped. “That is so unfair. I enjoy teasing you a lot.”

“But when I tease you, we both enjoy it.” Taehyung winked.

“No, I don’t”

“Don’t lie~”

“I’m not lying.” Said Yena, staring at the ceiling.

“Then why did you look sad when I pulled away from that kiss then?” asked Taehyung, putting down his cup. “That time I kissed your neck.”

Yena felt the heat rising as she remembered it. The feel of lips – that soft yet intimidating touch.

“And now you’re cheeks turned red.” Said Taehyung as he ran his fingers through her hair.

“I’m pretty sure that’s because it’s hot in here.”

“How sure are you?”

“Pretty sure.”

“And if I prove you wrong?” His voice was getting deeper. He slowly took the cup from her hand and put it down. His hand pressed against the soft leather sofa as he moved closer.

“Taehyung…” –was all that ever came out of as she felt his fingers tracing her thighs. In one swift move of his hands, she was sitting on his lap facing him.

“Hmm?” He smirked. “Got something to say, honey?”


Before she could finish, the front door flew open.

“CONGRA-“Jin stopped halfway in his sentence when he saw the two of them.

Yoongi abruptly turned away, finding the situation too much to handle. In a flash, Yena got to her feet and straightened herself.

“Oppa! Ha ha ha. You’re here.” She was too embarrassed to know what to say.

“Are you both done so I can turn?” asked Yoongi.

“S-Sorry hyung.” Said Taehyung, his hand on the back of his neck. “S-She tripped…?”

“What?” Yena whispered to Taehyung.

“I um…” Jin cleared his throat. “We should have knocked before we came in.”

“You didn’t lock the front door?” Yena asked Taehyung.

“No…it’s a habit of mine not to…” said Taehyung. He was pretty embarrassed too.

“We just came to say congratulations. Maybe we should go now…” said Yoongi.

“No no! I’ll make coffee. Stay.” Yena disappeared into the kitchen leaving Taehyung with the older brothers.

Taehyung laughed goofily. “Sit down~”

“This kid is more ferocious that I thought.” Said Yoongi.

“Same here and that’s coming from me, his brother.” Said Jin.

“You better take care of my little sister!” said Yoongi.

“Of course hyung! I would never hurt her.”

“Y-you guys looked k-kind of comfortable. So it must be okay.” Said Jin.

“I would never do anything she doesn’t like.” Said Taehyung.

“Don’t hurt her.” Said Jin.

“But then again, Yena can be a little ferocious too.” Said Yoongi. “Teenagers, I tell you.”

“We’re adults.” Taehyung pouted.

“Don’t act cute in front of me, you little monkey. I won’t be able to erase what I saw even if I wash my brain with bleach.” Said Jin.

“Sorry about that. Wow…this is awkward.” Said Taehyung.

“I should have put some restriction on your laptop long ago…” muttered Jin.

“That was just once when I saw-“Taehyung stopped himself.

Yoongi glared at him. “I think it’s time to have that ‘talk with the husband’ thing. We skipped right over the ‘talk with the boyfriend’.”

Taehyung gulped. “I love Yena.” He said randomly.

“I know that.” Said Yoongi.

“And now as a brother, tell me the truth. Did you or did you not unblock those websites?”

“W-What w-websites?” stuttered Taehyung.

“Don’t act innocent with me.” Glared Jin. At that moment, Yena came into the room.

“Would you guys like some potato wedges? I was planning to make them today.” Said Yena.

“Sure Yena! We’d love some.” Jin said sweetly to Yena. Taehyung glanced at her, hoping she’d understand the message he was sending her through his eyes.

“Help me!”

But she didn’t notice it. She returned back to the kitchen and Taehyung instantly felt two pairs of eyes burning into him.

“Well?” asked Jin.

“J-just one website.” Said Taehyung. “But I didn’t go there every time!! I swear!”

“Okay fine. Leave that. He was a hormonal teenager then.” Said Yoongi and he sighed. “What are your plans?”

“Plans?” asked Taehyung.

“For the future.” Said Jin. He wanted to know too.

“Well, once we have a steady income, we’re planning to build our own house.” Said Taehyung.

“And…kids?” asked Yoongi.

“I’ve always wanted to have three or five kids.”Taehyung smiled. “I love kids.”

Yoongi sighed again. “You’re exactly like Yena in so many ways.”

Taehyung blinked. “What do you mean?”

“She’s never told you?” asked Yoongi.

“We never discussed about it but we both have made it clear that we want to have kids.” Said Taehyung.

“That little sister of mine loves kids. She used to tell me how when she has kids, she’d try to give them everything that our mother couldn’t give us. Maybe she said it out of the pain she was in then, but yesterday she was talking about how she hoped your kids won’t be pranksters like you.”

Taehyung laughed. “Of course they’ll be pranksters.” Taehyung stared at his feet with a smile. “So she wouldn’t mind having kids?”

“She’d love to. You should discuss it with her though.”

“I can’t believe I’ll be an uncle soon.” Said Jin.

“Me neither. How fast they grow up!” said Yoongi.

“Now you both definitely sound like old people.” Said Taehyung.

“Hey, we’re youngsters.” Said Yoongi and counted ‘1-2-3’. At the same time, Jin and Yoongi struck a pose and said “Swag” together.

Taehyung slapped his forehead. “My kids are going to have the weirdest uncles in the world.”

“Your kids will have the weirdest father in the world.” Said Jin.

“We uncles are cool.” Said Yoongi.

Yena came with a tray of potato wedges and coffee for them all.

“What’s this about you being cool?” asked Yena.

“Taetae say’s we’re weird.” Said Jin with a pout.

“That’s mean.” Said Yena.

“You always call me mean!” said Taehyung.

“Oh! What about the punishment for losing the prank war?” asked Jin.

“He’ll get it tomorrow.” Said Yena and smirked as she caught Taehyung’s eyes.

“Somehow, I just lost the curiosity to know what it is…” said Yoongi.

“See? Why are you both always scolding me? She does inappropriate stuff too!” said Taehyung.

Yena gasped. “Where did that come from?”

“It’s true!” said Taehyung.

“Please, I know very well that Yena is not innocent.” Said Yoongi.

“Oppa!” yelled Yena.

“What’s this about?” asked Taehyung with a mischievous grin.

“Well it’s only fair right?” asked Yoongi and then said to Taehyung, “You’re not the only one who needed restrictions on the computer.”

“OPPPAAAA!!!!” Yena jumped On Yoongi, trying to put a hand over his mouth.

“You kid! Get off of me.” Said Yoongi.

“WHAT?” asked Taehyung, his eyes glittering with that same mischievous look that Yena has at times.

“You say one more word and-“But before Yena could finish, Yoongi pushed her off.

“I’ve caught her visiting some nasty websites too.” Said Yoongi.

Taehyung laughed out loud. “I KNEW IT!!! HA!!”

“Well I’m not as bad as you! You childish ert!” said Yena.

“But you can’t tease me anymore and I can.”

“Yoongi oppa is lying.” Said Yena.

“I’m not.” Said Yoongi.

“Keep quiet.” Yena glared at Yoongi. “You are so getting it from me later.”

Jin giggled at the drama going on. “This is fun to watch. No one would ever guess you both are twenty two year olds. Right now, you look like two kids fighting over some toy.”

“That was you, hyung. You fought with me for your Mario doll when you were twenty seven.” Said Taehyung.

“What does that have anything to do with this?” asked Jin. “You were going to tear my precious doll apart!”

Yena saw Yoongi giggling and glared at him. “What are you giggling for? You’re the one who kissed a random woman on the street that day when you got drunk after a party!”

“What does that have anything to do with this?” asked Yoongi, repeating Jin.

“You’re not going to sit there and enjoy when you’re pulling out other’s secret!” said Yena.

“You’re childish!” said Yoongi.

“You’re radish.” Said Yena.

“What?” asked Taehyung. “Okay, can we all just stop the excitement and sit down?”

All of them sat down on the sofa. After a few seconds of silence, they ended up laughing.

“We are definitely one weird family.” Said Jin.

“One of us is a ert too.” Said Yena.

“Yes, Yena.” Said Taehyung.

“Fine then. No more kisses for you.” Said Yena.

“Ha! You’re the one who can’t resist kissing me. What was that you said? You feel like pinning me down?”

“Ummm…we’re sitting right here…?” said Jin.

“If anyone ever makes a movie about you both, I’m sure it’ll be Rated R.” said Yoongi.

“And just try to remember we’re sitting right here.” Said Jin, shaking his head. “I swear, when they’re kids they’re all innocent but when they grow up, they go crazy.”

“We’re only crazy for each other.” Pouted Yena.

“I see right through your cute mask.” Said Jin and Yena laughed.

The four of them together meant lots of fun. They definitely are a weird family. Taehyung was happy with the four of them, but he wanted to build a family of his own too. He wanted to have kids with Yena and raise them together. He wanted to feel the joy of coming home and seeing his children rush to him. He wanted to see his wife happy and always feel loved. Yena made him feel loved and he promised himself to never make her feel alone or unloved. He would put his everything into his family. It was time to start a new life that was build with their hard work. He wanted to accomplish everything they would need as a family and for it to be done together because to Taehyung, there was nothing he loved more than family.

He thought that losing the company was probably for the better. Otherwise, he would never have been here – joking around, having talks with his older brother (He considered Yoongi like his own brother), planning to build a house of their own made with their own hard earned money. In fact, Taehyung was thankful. It was a whole new world to him – a whole new world which is so much better than the other where he would have been a CEO of a great company. Because he had fallen in love with the little things and he had fallen in love with the happiness of this feeling.

He realized that their loss wasn’t actually a loss. He gained a beautiful family.


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PCY_lover123 #1
rikominiko #2
misskpop101 #3
Chapter 15: tip DO NOT listen to taehyung´s version of someone like you while reading this the feels will be real
Chapter 17: did i just read global village?? author-nim!! where do you live??!!!
Hajerokok #5
Chapter 32: Loved it, loved it so so so much
It's cute romantic funny fluffy
I love this kind of stories
And you made it just like I want it <3
Thanx authornim
Hope to read other FF by you, with this fluffy imagination ;) :*
army_bts2708 #6
Chapter 32: I NEED OXYGEN!!!
Oh Gosh.. Authornim you're really too much...
I'm in class and I cried out now.. Oh holy shoot.. Thank you for the beautiful ending authornim~ i really love the bro-sis-mance btween yoongi and yena.. I loved everything... Thank you authornim~ good job~ T.T
army_bts2708 #7
I really desperate to read the whole story that I've been always watch for this fanfic update, but nothing. omg I've been fallin' in love with this fanfic. please update soon author-nim~~~
Jungkookswifey97 #8
Update??? It's been so long since you've updated authornim>.< Jebal update soon. This fanfic is JJANG!!
army_bts2708 #9
I miss your masterpiece author-nim (: