Season's of London: Chapter 2

Season's of London


i woke up with a big smile on my face.still remembering our conversation last night.i checked my phone then i saw 17 messages from him.others are just saying sweet stuff.some just explains how much he misses me and some are messages from the made my morning one sweet one.i’ve decided to go down stairs for was no surprise that no one’s’s Saturday and every Saturday, they visit my cousins back home, back at our old house.Seems like mom knew i talked to harry last night and didn’t bother to wake me up.i had plain breakfast, cereal with some milk,orange was quiet,then i suddenly remembered, the first morning they spent was saturday morning same time.When the boys slept at the living room then harry slept on my room, but i didn’t slept there, i was at the guests was one of the most memorable mornings ever.i got dressed for soccer practice. a 1 hour torture, but there was something about soccer that’s important for me and harry, it was actually the first time we met.i can still remember it.we we’re having a normal practice, i didn’t know that they were spending their secret vacation here. i was really good that time when i suddenly twisted my ankle.i suddenly fell on the ground, it hurts so bad i was unconscious for a few minutes then after a while, while everyone was panicking a guy came in front of me saying “is she okay?” his voice sounded worried he then knelt and brushed my hair, then there goes that special moment, i looked him in the eye shocked, i was in front of HARRY ING STYLES. i was utterly surprised.i stared at him while he pick me up, he asked “wheres your clinic? we need to get there” everyone led us to the clinic but all those panicking i was just looking at him, admiring him while he walks,carrying me, he suddenly turn to me, he looked in my eye and told me “you’re gonna be fine babe.completely fine” he smiled. i was brought to the clinic, the nurse said i can’t play soccer for a while, that made me frown, i was just getting better then this ankle ruins it.harry went inside, he placed his hand on  my knee then he looked at me

“hey, don’t be sad, it’s just temporary” he smiled

“well, it’s just that.. im starting to get better then i have to stop”

“well if you push yourself,you will never get better”

“you”re right i guess” he lifted my chin and whispered to me

“just keep your smile and your chin up, it makes you look more beautiful” he smiled at me and told me was unrealistic at first

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nice story (y)
thanks :))
goodnight #3
I love One Direction and I love you're story! It's cute :)
well i made the story up but the characters was based on my favorite band :)))
i made it up :D
Hey was this based on something or did you make it up? Cuz it doesn't have anything to do with kpop... But it seems good, I'll keep reading :)