Season's of London: Chapter 3

Season's of London


i think it’s just surreal.after a few minutes i went out of the room.i saw the other boys.waiting.then he stood up, he took my bag then told me ” i’ll give you a ride home” i was reminiscing when my phone rang. 



“hey babe”

“what the? its”

“midnight here? i know.. wanna twitcam?”

“i have..”

“ cant today was the first day i courted you” i looked at the calendar then there it says june 10. a week after we first met

“aww….i love you babe for remembering this day”

“i’ll remember everything when its about you”

“ done with breakfast.can you give me..”

“now.right now babe.i dont care if you just woke up”

“ pushy” i ran upstairs and opened my computer and brushed my hair for a while.i shut the phone down and opened my twitcam.then there he was looking beautiful as ever.i placed the earphones and waved to the camera.he gave me a flying kiss with a smile

“wow.. you brushed your hair! cheater”

“oh come on! i want to look good for you!”

“for me? babe you always know you’re beautiful for anytime,anywhere”

“i just..”

“enough.all i want is to look at you.admire how beautiful you are and grieve on how much i have missed your beautiful face” he was quiet for a while.. then i saw him wipe tears

“oh babe..please.. dont cry”

“yeah a man styles!”

“you’re already a man man” i smiled

“love you babe” he kissed the screen

“hey..dont do that”

“im alone right now..its not embarassing”

“you know..i should buy you a medal”

“for what?”

“for the boy who never cared about anyone else when he’s with me”

“if you’re gonna award me a kiss from you is enough”

*signs flying kiss*

“not that..”

“then what??” giggles

“real.kiss.when you get here”

“then wait for me”

“always been, always have”

“you’re a spoiler”

“i thought you’re a fan”

“i am”

“well then how come you’re surprised that im a spoiler”

“im not.i just calling  you a spoiler” *smiles*

” well if so.. i love it when you call me a spoiler”

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nice story (y)
thanks :))
goodnight #3
I love One Direction and I love you're story! It's cute :)
well i made the story up but the characters was based on my favorite band :)))
i made it up :D
Hey was this based on something or did you make it up? Cuz it doesn't have anything to do with kpop... But it seems good, I'll keep reading :)