
Hate... or Love...?


My legs are somehow 90% healed already, but I have to wear slippers to walk. I can now go to school, which makes Jungkook happy because he always says that he's been lonely at school without me.

And besides, we have to spy on Minji.

Jimin's been going home late these past few days, and he seems, I don't know, dazed. Like I will call him or wave my hand in front of him and he won't respond at all. He always seems to be staring into space.

I took out my books for the next lesson, which is Business Studies. Boring. I hate Business Studies, everything about it is boring. Boring could even be a synonym of it.

I heaved a sigh and tried to concentrate on the lesson.


Finally the end of school. Yes.

Unfortunately, we didn't see Minji in school today. Which was kind of disappointing yet relieving.

"Kaja." Jungkook laced his fingers around mine and we both walked out of this damned school.

I take that back.

"How about we go and visit Jimin and Taehyung? Maybe Minji will be there?" He suggested.


We both took the bus to their university. Reminds me of the time where we first met.

I thought he was stalking me, how silly.

"We're here."

I broke off my daydream and quickly headed off the bus. We both walked towards the university. I squinted my eyes and tried to spot Jimin or Taehyung, but most preferably Minji. I spotted someone with orange hair in the crowd, with a girl.

Jeon Jimin.

"There!" I pointed franticly at Jimin, as if he could disappear any time.

We sprinted towards Jimin and stopped just before we reached him. Like what Jungkook said, Jimin was with Minji alright. I hate the sight of her.

Maybe Minji didn't actually fit Jimin after all.

I mentally slapped myself. I saw Minji trailing her finger seductively along Jimin's jawline. Jimin's body tensed but he still managed a small smile. It sent chills down my spine.

"Did you see it?" I nudged Jungkook.

"That ...." Was all I got back.

Jungkook was about to charge at Minji when I pulled him back, "No! Don't do it Kook! Just, calm down."

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"I swear when I get my driving license I will drive over that ." He said.

Oh, I forgot. He's already an adult. Wait, so am I!

Enough Eunjoo.

This is why Jimin's been so dazed lately. It was all because of that darned Minji.

"Let's go home, I think we've seen enough today." I assured him and we both head home.

Once home, I entered my room and Jungkook entered his. I took a quick shower to freshen up my blurry mind.

What the hell does Minji want from Jimin?

I thought about this as I was combing my hair, the only answer my mind could make up right now is


Of course.

I heard the apartment door click open and heard a male and a female voice. Must be Jimin and Minji. I rolled my eyes and continued combing my hair.

I fiddled with my phone for awhile, I've started to read eBooks recently. Mainly because I was stuck in bed 24/7 since the past week and there is nothing else for me to do.

I was now in the second book of the series, since it's english, no one probably reads it except for me. Eomma and Appa taught me several foreign languages to help me later on in the future, and also to be in benifit to the company if we have foreign partners.

It's really cool. There's this girl whose family has a time travel gene, they predicted her cousin got it, but she got the gene instead! It's so cool.

After reading a chapter, I got bored and walked out of my room.

Jimin was sitting on the sofa, alone, playing Piano Tiles. He's been obssessed with the game, like he plays it 24/7! It's insane.

"Chim~ Where's Minji?" I asked.

"Eo? She's in my room. She needs the toilet." He answered, eyes still glued to his phone.

I tapped a random place and he lost. Hah, feel the pain.

"Yah! I was about to.... Urghhh." He grumbled.

I stayed quiet and took out my phone again, reading the eBook.

"Whatchu' reading?" He leaned over my shoulder and peeked.

"It's an eBook. An english one."

"Oh, I can understand english. What's the title?" He asked me.

"You can? Really? The title's Ruby Red. I'm on the second book already." I explained.

"I'll try checking it out. What is it about?"

"Time travel." I made weird gestures with my hands and fingers.

"Oh, cool."

"Where's Jungkook?" I looked around the apartment, no Jungkook was seen.

"In the room, doing his homework perhaps." He had started to play Piano Tiles again.

"Okay." I solemnly stood up and creeked open the door as soundlessly as I can.

I took a peek and in a breath. I gritted my teeth to prevent my tears from falling.

Jungkook was lying on bed and Minji was on top of Jungkook. Rage burned in me as I continued looking at them in silence.

Jungkook tried to push Minji away but she kept creeping towards Jungkook. The damned was wearing a skirt god dammit!

I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. I pictured myself choking Minji and watched her suffocate in my hands. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do to her, right now.

I barged in the room with flaming, hot tears trickling down my face. I planted a hard slap on her face and she fell back, stunned.


"Don't you even dare say my name!" I screamed and pushed my hand towards her neck. I squeezed hard and she wheezes in my grip.

"Please- I can't-" She stutters.

Tsk, how pathetic of you.

I squeezed even harder and she let out a scream of anguish.

"What happ- Oh god! Minji!" He rushed to Minji's side and shoved me away roughly, he sent me flying to the wall.

"Oppa..." Minji clung to Jimin like her life depended on it.

"Why did you choke her?!" Jimin's voice was full of rage.

"Why don't you ask your damned girlfriend for yourself?" I hissed and glared at Minji.

Jungkook was stunned to silence.

Jimin gave Minji a soft look and she sniffled. Oh how I wish I could slap her once more.

"She just, slapped me, with no reason..." Minji looked up to Jimin innocently.


"Don't you dare lie to him!" I pointed at her.

"You... you freaking went on top of my boyfriend. You were seducing him you conceited !" I shrieked. I can't take it anymore.

"Eunjoo..." Jungkook's voice whisper from behind me.

I didn't look back.

"It isn't true oppa..." Minji gave Jimin a pleading look.

"Oh don't give Jimin that face! It makes me want to-"

"Enough." Jimin's voice cut like a knife.

"Jungkook, explain." He ordered.

"O-oh, well, urm... Minji went in to go to the toilet, when she went out, she climbed on top of me and kept crawling towards me, I tried pushing her away but it didn't work. And that's when Eunjoo barged in the room and..." He trailed off.

Jimin's face was flushed with rage.

"Oppa, it isn't-"

"Out. Now." Jimin pointed to the door.


"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Jimin shouted and Minji quickly shuffled to her feet and left.

Jimin lets out a frustrated sigh and runs his hands through his hair.

I collapsed to the floor and bursted into tears. That ...

"It's okay Eunjoo, she didn't do anything to me." Jungkook tried to soothe me.

I clenched my fists.

"Mianhae Eunjoo, are you hurt? I pushed you really hard just now." Jimin crouched beside me.

"Ani, Kwaenchana."

"I didn't expect-"

"Shut it. I don't want to recall what happened." I cut Jimin short.

I stood up and rushed to my room. I cuddled in my blankets as hot tears stream down my face again.

"Hey." I heard my door click open and Jungkook sat beside me.

"I'm sorry Eunjoo I'm-"

"Stop apologizing, it's not your fault." I whispered.

"I know... are you crying?" Jungkook opened the blankets and it revealed my teary eyes.

"Yah, uljima." He wiped my tears away.

"There, no more tears." He gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, no more tears."

"Jah, go get some rest, you've got school tomorrow." Jungkook tucked me in bed again.

"I love you..." I murmured.

He leaned down and kissed my hair, "I love you more."


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guys~ this story will probably be only Eunjoo's POV. I'll maybe add very little of Jungkook's, okay! hehe


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Kuty123 #1
Chapter 35: Crying like no tomorrow and the letter got me *tears* *tears*
Chapter 38: i will be so happy if you would write yoongi's ff next! also anything related with romance, fluff and angst will be fine~ no horrors plz T.T
Chapter 37: omg im crying :(
and i hope eunjoo is happy with jimin :')
zSecretz #4
Chapter 38: Damn this really sad, i was shipping jungkook and eunjoo hard :((
RachelHoon #5
Chapter 38: Most likely jungkook again since this wasn't a happy ending for him...
angelbtslover #6
Chapter 36: Can't wait for the epilogue! Mischievous Jimin! But why did Kookie die???? T_T Anyways,awesome chapter!!! <3
kookssi #7
Chapter 36: write chapter for sweetmoment and lovey-dovey chapter for jimin and eunjoo!!
kookssi #8
Chapter 36: the latest chapter hahahahah naughty jimin
ByunShari #9
Chapter 36: sad sad TT
crystal7 #10
Chapter 36: Oooh can't wait for the epilogue!!
But.. I still can't get over kookie... Why you authors like to kill your characters?!?! :p