Chapter 1

The Last Day Of Summer
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A/N: So here is chapter one, the chapters get gradually longer (and better written) as we go along. This one is PG! The rating will also increase.

Enjoy! :)





The two boys sat quietly on the basketball court, Key had his knees bent and his two arms stretched out behind him on the ground, supporting the weight of his body. Jonghyun was sat with his knees bent but feet spread apart, resting his arms on his knees. Key was drawing little circles on the green concrete floor while Jonghyun had his eyes closed and was humming a familiar tune that Key just couldn’t quite remember.


‘I think I’m exhausted…’ the younger boy stated, finally breaking the comfortable silence.


‘Do you want to head off home?’ Jjong asked thinking that the younger boy was hinting that the night was over and he wanted to sleep.


‘No no no… I didn’t mean that’ Key responded a little quicker than he should have, but he panicked, the last thing he wanted was to go home and leave Jonghyun on the last night of the summer break. ‘What I meant was that I think the basketball match has worn me out’ Key laughed and so did Jonghyun.


‘Well, you know Key, if you weren’t so bad at the sport you wouldn’t drop the ball and have to go chasing it so often.’ Jonghyun snickered earning a grunt and a push to the shoulder from Key


‘It’s not my fault I am bad at basketball, and besides, you were the one that wanted to play. You were supposed to be teaching me and helping me to get better before school starts again.’ Key pointed out to the elder; and Jonghyun had actually helped him over the summer, he may not be any good but he is a LOT better than he was just 5 weeks ago.


‘Okay okay, i’m sorry…we can stay here and rest for as long as you want.’ Jonghyun finally stopped talking and Key was grateful; plus he could also see that the elder was just as tired but he would never admit it out loud, especially to him.

A few minutes passed where the two boys sat in comfortable silence once more. Key watched as Jonghyun rested his head on his arms and began humming that familiar tune again; he noticed how the elders breathing was still a bit laboured and his black tank top clung to his torso like a second skin. It was hot out tonight Key thought as he noticed how Jonghyun’s brown bangs were now damp and sticking to his forehead, he looked stunning; even exhausted like this Key thought that Jonghyun was simply amazing. It pained his heart to know that this boy before him, his best friend of 3 years, was out of his reach. ‘Key…helloooo!’ ……


‘OUCH!’ Key flinched as Jonghyun pinched his elbow… ‘What was that for!??’ the youngest shouted


‘For zoning out and not giving me attention when I was speaking to you…are you okay? You look a little ….. off.’ Jonghyun asked with clear concern in his voice.


‘Oh..yeah I’m fine I was just thinking that’s all’ Key gave a little smile and Jonghyun seemed to reluctantly accept it.


‘Okay then let’s go! I’m hungry and I think the supermarket is still open’ Jonghyun beamed at him all teeth and happiness which Key was glad for because it cheered him up.




After dragging Key around the supermarket and changing his mind about what to eat about a billion times (okay so maybe like five times but still…) the boys found themselves sat on their bench in the park – a routine they have found themselves adopting for the past couple of years as friends. Key was sat side by side with the older boy just chatting and laughing while he watched Jonghyun take an especially large bite of his bread and almost choke on it mid-sentence. Key loved these times and he loved the summer, being able to just spend time with Jonghyun without pressure or anything that needed to be done… it was the best feeling in the world, just living in the moment a day at a time. No planning, no homework and no wondering what tomorrow will bring, simply just existing and it was brilliant.


‘Yah Kim Kibum! Are you laughing at the fact that I almost just choked to death??’ Jonghyun asked in a light hearted tone while still coughing, to which Key simply replied


‘yes’ and gave him the biggest smile he could manage. This made Jonghyun laugh, his hand resting on Key’s thigh as he pushed his weight onto Key’s leg while laughing. The younger boy’s cheeks began to heat up and his stomach made a flipping feeling – scolding himself for feeling like that he simply smiled along with the elder.


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ShiningShawollove #1
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness I'm enjoying this so much. I love how you put a small side story of Jinki and Taemin on top of JongKey. The chapters with their parents totally got me all teary eyed and mushy lol great job, looking forward to the next chapter
ShiningShawollove #2
Chapter 11: Wet dream was hot!
Chapter 11: Love reading this story! :)
Excited for the next chapter ~
Jongkeyra #4
Oh it's you!!!
YoryKim #5
Even though I have read this story in your LJ account for many times, I never get bored of it ^^ *reading it for the 5th time* :))
troublewithjellyfish #6
Chapter 2: Absolute LOVE this!
haradatwin11 #7
What is your LJ?