Chapter 8/19

The Last Day Of Summer
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I missed an update yesterday so you can have a double update today. X Sorry. X


Key had the biggest smile on his face the next day when he knocked on Taemin’s front door. Taemin’s mother answered the door and ushered him inside asking him about his studies and how his classes were and telling him to make sure he eats more food because he is a handsome boy and needs to stay fit and strong.
Key thanked her as Taemin came down the stairs and announced that they were going to the cinema and the arcade. He kissed his mum on the cheek and promised to text or call if he would be late home for dinner. Key thought it was very cute, the relationship between Tae and his mum and loved he both of them like they were his second family.

The boys were in the cinema/arcade area and were stood next to the air hockey table trying to decide on a film to watch. Although these two were really good friends, they always liked the exact opposite when it came to movies and food so they always had a headache deciding as one of them would always have to compromise.

“Let’s see this one, it has Big Bang’s T.O.P in it!” Taemin jumped excitedly in front of the movie poster.

“I don’t want to see an action film though, what about this new comedy that just came out yesterday, it got 5 stars from – …” at that Key abruptly stopped as he noticed someone over by the air hockey table.
“Hey! Jinki hyung!!” Key shouted over at the older boy as he saw him walking by.

“Oh, Kibum hi! Hey, Taemin.” Onew said as he wandered over to the two younger boys.

“You here by yourself?” Key asked with a confused face. He knew Jinki didn’t have a lot of friends but he didn’t think he would be all by himself either.

“Yeah….you know, Jjong is visiting his grandmother and Minho bailed on me for soccer practice so…” the older boy trailed off.

“Aww, that hyung. Well you are welcome to join me and Minnie if you like, we’re gonna watch a movie and grab some food after then maybe hang around here and play some games.” Key said.

“Really??” The boy’s face lit up. “Yeah, sure, thanks guys…. So what movie are we watching? ” Onew asked with his usual eye smile.

“Well, I want to watch T.O.P’s new movie and Key wants to see the new comedy and neither of us wants to compromise” Taemin stated matter-of-factly.

“What do you think we should watch hyung?” Key asked “We will let you decide since we will both be here arguing all day if not.” He continued.

“Oh well, I don’t really know, they both look pretty good and I haven’t seen any of them yet…” Onew trailed off with a puzzled look.

“Ah Hyung, you know, the comedy just came out yesterday and the other film won’t be available to watch for much longer. I realllly want to watch it hyung.” Taemin moved closer to Onew, holding onto his arm and pressing against him whilst giving the older boy his best fluttering eyes.

“Hmmm, uh.” Truth be told Onew found the younger boy to be really cute sometimes and suddenly Jinki’s throat became dry. Swallowing deeply he responded “O-okay Taemin, let’s watch this one then.” And with that, Taemin gave a little squeak and a fist pump. Sticking out his tongue at Key like the little brat he was sometimes and said,

“Thanks Jinki hyung. You’re the best.” Before dragging both his friends along to the counter before they had a chance to change their mind.


‘Taemin, that little brat.’ Key thought. He’s not stupid, he saw what the youngest boy did; fluttering his eyes and using his cute face. Damnit! It was kind of amusing for Key though, to see Onew unravel so easily and see the small war happening in his head.

Jonghyun had once told Key about Jinki apparently knowing that they both liked each other a long time ago and his boyfriend was shocked at how right Jinki really was. This time however, Key could see that Onew liked Taemin and that made him chuckle to himself. Onew had no idea how obvious he was and the older boy was clearly still in denial with himself, the worst part though, Taemin was a little bit oblivious. Sure he flirted around Jinki to get something he wanted, knowing his hyung couldn’t resist his cute face but he was sure Taemin had no idea the extent to which his hyung really liked him.

“Hey Key! …. Hello…. I said you owe me $40 for the movie ticket.” Taemin’s sharp voice broke through Keys subconscious and brought him back from his thoughts.

“Oh right, yeah. Here you go” Key gave the younger boy the money and took his ticket.

“Woo! I want popcorn hyung, let’s go to the counter!” Taemin said before dragging Onew by the arm in excitement to get his popcorn.

The eldest boy ended up buying all of the snacks for them thanks to Taemin’s cute and bratty attitude but Key wasn’t going to complain since he just got a large cola and some chocolate raisins for free.
As Taemin left the two alone holding his million snacks so he could use the toilet, Key spoke up

“Hey Onew hyung, you really need to learn how to say no to your dongsaengs, especially Taemin. You always give him whatever he asks for. You’re gonna be old and broke before you know it.” Key said with a small laugh.

“I don’t give him whatever he

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ShiningShawollove #1
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness I'm enjoying this so much. I love how you put a small side story of Jinki and Taemin on top of JongKey. The chapters with their parents totally got me all teary eyed and mushy lol great job, looking forward to the next chapter
ShiningShawollove #2
Chapter 11: Wet dream was hot!
Chapter 11: Love reading this story! :)
Excited for the next chapter ~
Jongkeyra #4
Oh it's you!!!
YoryKim #5
Even though I have read this story in your LJ account for many times, I never get bored of it ^^ *reading it for the 5th time* :))
troublewithjellyfish #6
Chapter 2: Absolute LOVE this!
haradatwin11 #7
What is your LJ?