Chapter 7/19

The Last Day Of Summer
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I've left the original Authours notes in just because they made me laugh. So if they don't make sense that's because they are like a year old hahaha. XxxX Anyway, Enjoy. X This is hella longer.


A/N: wow, so here it is. The 5,000+ word monster that took a hell of a lot of editing, writing and thought hahaha. I really enjoyed it though despite everything. Ummm, I will ramble some more at the end after you read.
P.S – I have posted this 2 days early cause I love u all so much and I plan on being drunk tomorrow and hung over on Sunday and I KNOW I will not post it. So here you go. J!


Key entered dance class almost 10 minutes late. He bowed to his sunbae and apologised for being late before quickly changing and joining the rest of the team. Taemin gave him a raised eyebrow and a ‘look’ that said more than words ever could but the older boy had no time to respond as he needed to get to work on this choreography that he had now missed the demonstration for.
Key found the demonstrations to be the most useful part of dance for him because he was ‘gifted’ with the ability to see the finished product once, and then pick out the Key parts in the dance immediately. That’s how he got nicknamed ‘Key’ back in first year. Since he missed it, he tried so hard all lesson to catch up, but even so, Key’s mind kept replaying back to the conversation with Jonghyun and he couldn’t fully focus.

He finally made it through the practice – somehow – and he had never been so happy to get out of the practice room. Usually he would stay extra to practice or chat to the others and sometimes volunteer to help some of the other members who were struggling. This time however, he just really wanted to go home and recharge, after all, it had been one crazy day.


“Well, that’s not very nice. Leaving your friend behind, thanks Kibum hyung.” Key heard a voice say over his shoulder and turned around immediately to apologise to Taemin. In his haste to head home he completely forgot that the two usually walk home together after school when they’re both free.

“Oh, Taemin-ah. Sorry, I completely forgot.” Kibum replied sincerely.
 “It’s alright. So – what was all that about?? Why were you late?” The younger boy asked.
“Oh that? I was just taking to Jonghyun and lost track of time…” Key said as nonchalantly as possible.
“Okay…. So let me try again. Why were you late, quite clearly blushing… and why were you distracted all practice??” Taemin repeated with a tad hint of frustration in his voice.
“Oh, you noticed that?” Key was shocked that he was actually that transparent.
“Yeah…even Eunhyuk sunbae noticed and he is pretty oblivious to most things. I think you tripped and fell almost 6 times during the routine… what’s up?”
Taemin and Key were close… like REALLY close. Second to Jonghyun , Taemin would be his ‘best friend’ but he wasn’t sure if he should tell Taemin everything about what Jonghyun said in the hallway. In the end he knew it was useless to hide things from the younger boy and invited him over for dinner so they could hang out and chat properly.


“…and that’s it.” Key sat down with a huff on his bed. He had just unloaded the entire conversation to the younger boy all in one go before collapsing and hiding his face in his hands. The next thing he heard was a small chuckle; looking over at Taemin through the gaps in his fingers he raised his eyebrows in a questioning and unimpressed manner.

“Sorry hyung, it’s just… it’s kind of funny. I mean, as of yesterday you two were best friends and now you’re so happy that he is your boyfriend and yet you are freaking out that he wants to take you on ….omg, shock horror… a date!!! Ahhhh ha ha ha ha….” Taemin’s small chuckle just turned into a full on laugh as he rolled about the bed next to the older boy.

“Shut up Tae! I never should have told you… just forget it.” Key responded with a slightly aggravated tone.

“Okay okay I’m sorry. As for the date thing…what exactly is the problem? And on the subject of Jonghyun’s dirty mind well, he’s a guy with emotions just like the rest of us, you didn’t think he was THAT pure did you?” Taemin answered with a bit of a sly grin.

“Of course I didn’t. I know what kind of mind he has, he is my best friend after all, I saw everything that he went through growing up. It’s just really embarrassing and different when it’s directed towards me instead of the girls from the past, yknow. Anyway, enough about that!” Key paused to take a breath, his cheeks flushed a little again as he thought about the situation; before he dismissed it and continued

“The reason I’m freaking out about this date thing is because I don’t know what to do or what to expect. This is my first date so obviously I’m nervous, and I don’t know how to act around him, do I act as his friend or boyfriend. Tae, it’s just so confusing to me… any advice?” Key breathed deeply again to try and relax but his foot was tapping incessantly on the bedroom floor and showing his nervousness. Key thought it was a good job he has a carpet and not hard wood floors or he would probably have an angry mother climbing the stairs to tell him to pack it in right now.

“Okay, firstly, calm down. Secondly, this is the first date for him too so he is going to be just as nervous and thirdly you don’t need to ACT as anything hyung, just be yourself. Remember that this is still Jonghyun, the same guy who ran across campus and stopped those guys from bullying you in second grade. The same person who will drive to your house just to bring you something stupid from the corner shop because it’s raining and you really want to eat it. The same guy who, despite everything, stays by your side for who you are and not who he expects you to be.” Taemin said with a lot of sentiment in his voice. Taemin suddenly realised how jealous he actually is of their relationship. ‘It must be nice to have a partner who is also your best friend’ Taemin thought to himself.

“Yeah I guess that’s true, thanks Tae, but umm… just one thing… when I said it’s my first date I meant my first EVER date. It’s not Jonghyun’s, I know he has dated plenty of girls in the past already so he knows how this dating thing is supposed to go. I’m actually kind of terrified because I don’t want to look stupid.” Key bashfully and honestly admitted.

“Wow, really Key? You never dated even anyone?” Taemin asked in disbelief.

“Yeah. I guess I was always waiting for someone who I clicked with. I didn’t just want to date some random person for the sake of dating if you know what I mean. All the girls who ever asked me out, I just wasn’t interested in. I guess deep down I was kinda waiting for Jjong, I just didn’t know it … or want to admit it.” At this Key sighed and looked down at the fluffy red carpet of his bedroom, suddenly so interested in how the carpet spread around his bare feet and tickled the sides of his toes.

“Well, don’t worry. I don’t think Jonghyun is expecting anything and just go with the flow and it will all be great. Just think that you are lucky that you two get to spend some one on one time together as boyfriends for the first time.” At this the younger boy grinned with his mega watt smile.

“Yeah, you’re right Tae… I’m actually really excited now!!!!” Key smiled in a silent thanks to his friend. ‘Taemin may be younger but he sure is wiser and very mature for his age’ Kibum thought.

“SO…. Where is he taking you???” Taemin asked whilst wiggling his eyebrows at his hyung.
“Hmmm… I dunno, I’ll text him and ask later. Although I have the feeling he’s not gonna tell me. Just like my birthday last year.” The older boy replied.

“Yeah, but you found out from Jinki hyung anyway so it didn’t matter. Maybe you can do the same again.” Taemin replied.
“Yeah, although I kind of like the surprise too…I’m just a control freak though and the need to know always wins through the excitement of surprise!!” Key stated matter-of-factly to which Taemin fully agreed and earned a small glare from his hyung.


Saturday. It’s Saturday. Saturday. That is all Jonghyun’s brain could process when he woke up that morning. The day after talking to Jinki and planning their first date he had spoken to Kibum at school only telling him ‘Saturday, I’ll pick you up at 12 o’clock.’ And then spent the remainder of the day (and week) explaining over and over to his boyfriend about how he was NOT going to tell him where they were going and that this was payback for what happened at his birthday party:

*For a good few months Jonghyun was led to believe that he had deceived Key about the surprise party only to later find out that he had known all along and bribed Jinki with fried chicken and Karaoke in exchange for telling him. Jonghyun was fully offended and tried to ignore Key for the whole week in response but eventually broke down after only half a day of the silent treatment.*

The only clue that Jonghyun had given Key about their whereabouts was that he needed to wear warm clothes because they might be outside for a while. Key wasn’t really happy about this little hint because it really didn’t narrow anything down, to which Jonghyun grinned mischievously.

To say that Jonghyun was nervous about this date was an understatement, not only was this his first date with Key but he was well aware of the fact that this was Key’s first ever date in general and he wanted it to be amazing. Not only that but it felt like the first date for Jonghyun too; in the past he had dated girls and quite a few of them, but each of those dates were simply just stepping stones to get an invitation to a party, or to get them to make out with him or the hopes that they would sleep with him. Either way, it was always for some grand purpose (that never actually seemed to plan out) this time however, was very very different. This time he was in a real relationship, this time it was with a boy, this time he didn’t have an end goal except making sure the younger boy had a great time. Yes, this time was very different because this time it was Key.

Along with the nerves though came the excitement. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his boyfriend’s face, to see him smile and to enjoy the time that they could spend together having fun. Jonghyun couldn’t wait and yet he wanted to throw up all at the same time.


Things weren’t too much different for Key although if you could see both boys, Key was definitely hiding his emotions much better. He was just stepping out of his bathroom with blow dryer in hand when he stopped to face Taemin who was sat on the end of Key’s bed waiting eagerly.

“Wow! Omg, Kibum it looks amazing. Really really great!” Taemin said in awe and excitement as he looked at his hyung’s newly dyed hair. Key’s hair was trimmed a little shorter underneath and at the back but what really stood out was his newly dyed fringe. It was a stunning pearlescent sky blue with streaks of pink running through it. Key loved it but he really wanted the younger boy’s opinion too.

“I know right!!... I just needed a second opinion.” Key grinned.
“Now, help me with my outfit.” Key said without even phrasing it as a question; knowing full well that Taemin would agree anyway.


‘Jonghyun is an idiot’ Jinki thinks to himself as he sits on the chair by Jonghyun’s desk. ‘No, I am an idiot for having such an idiot friend and listening to him’ he rethinks. Jonghyun had called his hyung asking for some help with his outfit (yet again) and the older boy had refused (yet again) and that is how he ended up here; in Jonghyun’s house, in Jonghyun’s room and waiting for said boy to just pick one damn outfit. Yes, Jinki was aggravated. He wanted to be cur

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ShiningShawollove #1
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness I'm enjoying this so much. I love how you put a small side story of Jinki and Taemin on top of JongKey. The chapters with their parents totally got me all teary eyed and mushy lol great job, looking forward to the next chapter
ShiningShawollove #2
Chapter 11: Wet dream was hot!
Chapter 11: Love reading this story! :)
Excited for the next chapter ~
Jongkeyra #4
Oh it's you!!!
YoryKim #5
Even though I have read this story in your LJ account for many times, I never get bored of it ^^ *reading it for the 5th time* :))
troublewithjellyfish #6
Chapter 2: Absolute LOVE this!
haradatwin11 #7
What is your LJ?