Chapter 3/19

The Last Day Of Summer
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A/N:The rating is probably gonna increase around part 5 ish maybe.

Anyway once again this is slice of life piece so don't expect any major drama's or angst. XxxxX

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Xx L xX


The bus ride to the shopping centre was oddly quiet. Jonghyun realised it wasn’t an awkward kind of silence and neither was it entirely comfortable; it was just well…odd. Key sat beside the window and made small talk about the weather and a few things he was observing; Jonghyun however who was sat in the aisle seat, didn’t quite know where to look. All he wanted to do was gaze at Key from head to toe, drink in his big eyes and pouty lips but Jonghyun quickly realised that the closeness of their faces was making him nervous and so he decided to look out to the front of the bus where the driver sat whilst responding to Key’s random chatter. Well, maybe it wasn’t so odd, Jonghyun thought. Maybe it was just his own feelings getting in the way and making him feel a little off compared to normal.

Unbeknownst to Jonghyun, the feelings inside Kibum’s mind were so much stronger and rushing round in a whirlwind of nervousness, excitement and contentment therefore he was simply talking on auto pilot. It was like Key’s brain was detached from his body as his mind was consumed with the alluring smell of Jonghyun’s cologne and the pressing of their thighs together on the small bus seat. His mouth however was spouting nonsense about random things that even he wasn’t paying attention to. Kibum realised that maybe for the first time in their friendship…relationship…whatever this was, that something had changed and he wasn’t sure if it was good or bad.

Once they alighted from the bus Kibum decided to just clear his mind for now and enjoy his day with Jonghyun. Needless to say, once the boys began shopping nothing else seemed to matter. Key was being cute and dragging Jonghyun around and making him try on crazy clothes (that the older boy had to admit looked great on him.) After a few hours of shopping here and there they exited the shops with bags full of things. Some that stood out from their purchases though were Key’s new amazing pants. Yes, they were amazing, they made his look perfect and his thighs looks strong but slim. Jjong bought a new leather wallet and a black hat that framed his face perfectly in Kibum’s eyes.

“Let’s take a picture with your new hat and my amazing pants” Kibum suggested. So, pulling his Polaroid camera from his bag; Jonghyun took a picture, after it developed Key complained that you couldn’t see his pants so they took another one which was angled higher to show their full bodies. “There, perfect!” Jonghyun said and Key had to agree, he really did. Jonghyun was pulling his cute lopsided smile with his huge puppy dog eyes shining and Key was wearing a cute dimpled smile with his feline eyes glancing over at Jonghyun.
“I want this one!” Key exclaimed, leaving no room for argument. He took the second Polaroid and put it in his wallet, and so Jonghyun was left with the first one.
“That’s fine, this one is my favourite anyway.” Jonghyun said softly whilst gazing at the picture.
“What do you mean? This one is the best, it has all the right angles and shows my new pants and your hat better.” Key replied with confusion evident in his voice.
“Well, I just like this one, it is kind of imperfect and I like that… seems more real…yknow?” Jonghyun was actually very happy with this picture but honestly, any photo of him and Kibum together would always be treasured by him.
“Always the romantic, you should write that in a song. Come on Jjong I’m hungry, let’s find somewhere to eat!” Key reasoned.
Truth be told the singer had already wrote these lyrics in a song before and he was just wondering when the time to express the song would come. Clearing his head for now he responded to the younger boy.
“Alright, but we don’t need to find somewhere, I already know where we can eat but it’s a surprise…don’t you remember… I asked you out to eat in the first place so of course I had somewhere in mind.” With a megawatt smile, Jonghyun took Key’s hand before he could respond and pulled him in the direction of the lift.
The younger boy could have asked where Jjong was taking him but he knew there wouldn’t be an answer anyway so he just stood quietly as they reached the lift and noticed Jonghyun’s hand didn’t leave his. At that moment however, it seemed that the older boy also realised and he slowly let go.

Reaching the rooftop to the shopping centre Kibum realised that wherever they were eating was an expensive place. Jonghyun walked confidently up to the Italian restaurant while Kibum followed him. The waiter sat them down in the back of the restaurant in one of the comfortable booths.
‘Wow Jjong this place is really nice, how did you know it was here?” Kibum asked with curiosity.
“I knew you liked Italian so I looked up the nearest restaurant and this one came up, and Onew suggested that it was really good and I should try it” Jonghyun replied with a shrug of the shoulders, no doubt trying to downplay the real effort he had gone to. Kibum knew this because he also knew that Jonghyun didn’t really like to eat Italian food and he would always complain and give in whenever they ate it in the past. Key knew that Jonghyun had come here especially for him and that gave him a warm feeling inside. Instead of calling him out on what the younger already knew he decided to respond with a simple but genuine,
“Thanks, Jjong. Everything here looks amazing.” He added his small smile to the end, eyes shining with unshed emotions of how touched he really was by this gesture.
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ShiningShawollove #1
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness I'm enjoying this so much. I love how you put a small side story of Jinki and Taemin on top of JongKey. The chapters with their parents totally got me all teary eyed and mushy lol great job, looking forward to the next chapter
ShiningShawollove #2
Chapter 11: Wet dream was hot!
Chapter 11: Love reading this story! :)
Excited for the next chapter ~
Jongkeyra #4
Oh it's you!!!
YoryKim #5
Even though I have read this story in your LJ account for many times, I never get bored of it ^^ *reading it for the 5th time* :))
troublewithjellyfish #6
Chapter 2: Absolute LOVE this!
haradatwin11 #7
What is your LJ?