Mess 20

What A Life
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"When are you going to stop crying?"

I am usually not a crybaby, although Jongin insists that I am because I cry for the slightest thing ever, even when I watch animal documentary shows. Don't listen to Jongin, please, I am just emotional at times, not all the time. You know that feeling, when your emotion piles up until it gets too overwhelming, you end up breaking down and releasing all of it at once? There is too much going on in my head, too much mixed feelings, and the weight in my chest... I don't know how to cope with all these. So I end up wailing like a big baby in the girls' locker room, with Oh Sehun leaning against the row of lockers as he watches me cry in the most unglam manner ever.

"I don't know!" 

I am not sure why I am crying either. Maybe it's because of the overwhelming stress. Maybe it's because of the guilt for ruining the dessert and sabotaging Al Dente's reputation and the boys' career. Or maybe because I am not prepared for everyone in the kitchen to know about my relationship with Baekhyun and Sehun and I am scared of what happens next. What am I going to do now? Will everyone hate me? Will my friends hate me for hiding the truth from them? I can already picture Somi and Joowon come running after me with a chopper in their hands. And did I just hear frustration in Sehun's voice? Is he angry with me for crying non-stop? Is he annoyed with me? Because, afterall, I am the root of all problems, I am the reason why he ended up disclosing our relationship to the others. Maybe he hates me for that because he never wanted to let anyone know about us. At the thought of that, big fat tears burst out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks and leaving wet patches on my white uniform.

"You are so weird, Park Areum. I already said I am not firing you, why are you still crying?"

I shake my head and rub my teary, and probably swollen, eyes, "No, not because of that." Maybe it would be better if Sehun fires me, maybe that would make me feel a little better. At least, I don't have to worry about how the others think of me as Sehun's fiancee.

"Then what?!"

Sehun yells and I turn into a crying mess again. They say crying out loud is supposed to make you feel better, but why do I feel the opposite?

"Why are you yelling at me?" I manage to form a proper sentence, despite choking on my sobs here and there. And the hiccups are not helping.


Sehun halts, his sentence left hanging ambiguously. Has the cat caught his tongue? Why is he not saying anything? Suddenly, I come face to face with Sehun as he kneels on one knee in front of me. His face is stoic, as usual, but there is something different about his gaze. To others, Sehun seems apathetic and grumpy 24/7 because he lacks the ability to express himself properly and anger happens to be the only emotion he is good at. But to me, I have fought with Sehun too many times and I can tell when he is truly angry and when he isn't. Right now, the soft brown orbs tell me that he isn't mad at me. And that helps to soothe me down a little.

"I am not angry at you. I just don't know how to comfort you. I have never encountered such situation before so I don't know how to deal with people when they cry... Can you at least tell me what's wrong so I know what to do?" 

Sehun's voice came out like he wants to pick a fight but I know, he doesn't mean it that way. Like I say, Sehun is still foreign to such complex situations. Sehun is usually void of all emotions so it can be hard for him be empathetic towards people who are open with their emotions, like me, but that doesn't mean he is angry. The fact that he asked me directly why I am crying causes a tingling and fuzzy feeling inside of me. Sehun is trying to understand me so he knows how to comfort me. Aww.

"I am sorry for all the trouble I caused, I am sorry that now everyone knows about our relationship. Don't hate me please..." My voice trails off as I sniffle to repress my tears. It's about time I stop, my head is feeling a little heavy from all the crying. Funny how I am so conscious of how Sehun feels about me suddenly. The moment when he said he isn't angry with me, I feel relieved.

"I don't hate you. I don't know why I did that either, there is a bitter taste in my mouth when I saw Baekhyun touching you. I just had the urge to spill our secret out," I hear a humourless snicker from Sehun, "That was an impulse move, wasn't it? I am becoming like you," He shakes his head like he is disapproving his own actions, "You are a bad influence, Park Areum."

Did Sehun just indirectly say that he didn't like it when Baekhyun touched me? I may not be very experienced in the love department but at least, I have had crushes before and I know what that means exactly. But Oh Sehun can't be jealous! He is... Oh Sehun!

"Huh? Jealous?"

Holy ! Did I just think with my mouth? "What did I say?" I look at Sehun with huge eyes, flabbergasted, heart pumping in panic.

"You just asked if I am jealous."

"Oh..." That was a slip of the tongue. Oh gosh, I just embarrassed myself. And it's too late for me to regret. 

"I am not jealous," Sehun states, unwavering eyes staring at me boldly, "But I don't know how to describe how I feel either..." The confidence fades for a moment, "Just ask Baekhyun to stop touching you. I don't want my annoyance level to rise, causing me do something recklessly again," The commanding voice returns as a frown forms on Sehun's face, "I called Jongin and I asked him to pick you up, you are not in a good condition to work for the rest of the night, so just go home and rest. I am going back to work. Bye."

What was that? His words came out like a machine gun and before I know, Sehun is long gone. My mind may be in a whirl but I know for sure that Sehun is jealous, and he is clueless about it. Palm on my left chest, I can feel my heart hoping like an excited bunny. Why I am kinda thrilled to know that Sehun is jealous of Baekhyun and me?


"Damn it! How can I not be there to witness the drama?!"

Why am I not surprised to hear that from Jongin? Instead of comforting me like all the other best friends would do, Jongin is more concerned with missing out on the drama to feed his gossip and satisfy his needs for entertainment. Pouting, I crush my tissue into a ball and fling it towards Jongin to show my rage. 

"What a great best friend you are, Jongin!" I spat in sarcasm, eyes narrowing at the guy who is still laughing at my misfortune.

"I can't believe our Park Areum actually has the charm to capture the hearts of two very hot and delicious men and instigate a war between the two of them all for her. I am so proud of you, sis. You are finally making progress in your love life. A HUGE progress!"

Turning my body towards Jongin, I grab his ears and pull them hard, messing around to inflict pain on him for making never-ending cynical remarks.

"Let go, Park Areum!! Okay, okay, sorry, babe! Let go!"

I finally let go when I am pleased to see Jongin succumbing to me. Serve him right.  

"Don't be upset anymore, Sehun has already said he is not angry with you, and you even get to keep your job despite making such a huge mistake. You are blessed to be Sehun's fiancee, Areum. Working with Sehun at Al Dente for two years, I have never seen Sehun being lenient and he has never given leeway to any of his past trainees. Once you make a mistake, even a minor one, you are out. Your carelessness is far from a minor mistake and is close enough to be blacklisted by Sehun, babe. So my conclusion is," Jongin pauses for a moment, waiting for me to give him the attention that he wants, before his lips spread into a sinister one, "I think Sehun likes you."

"No way," I dismiss Jongin's assumption right away because he is being ridiculous. It never once occurs to me that Sehun will ever have feelings for me, "Also, I wasn't careless. I am confident that I did not mistake salt for sugar. Someone set me up!" The thought of someone playing dirty tricks to sabotage my job makes my blood boil.

"Okay, okay, w

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1104 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2072 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1104 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!