Mess 04

What A Life
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While all the other head chefs seem to be showing their trainees around the kitchen, Mina, Taeyong, and I were made to sit at the dining area. Now that I am actually inside the restaurant, I realise I haven't gotten a good look of the place. It screams expensive. Scratch that, everything here is hella expensive. I have heard about the exorbitant price of the food served at Al Dente and I have always wanted to visit the restaurant but I can never make a reservation because it is always a full house. Sehun returns with three menus in his arms and he hands us a menu each. When I saw the exact price of each dish, my eyes enlarge in shock and I am sure my heart stopped beating for a second. Nothing goes below 120,000 won, what the crap! And they actually have people paying such high amount to eat their food every night? I can totally imagine Sehun shaking his legs while counting the money rolling in. And Jongin's Gucci collection continues to grow. 

"I am different from other mentors. I have a different way of teaching but don't worry, you guys will not miss out anything. Firstly, I want you guys to memorise everything on the menu by noon."

I look at watch and I almost fall off my chair. We only have two hours?? That's like mission impossible.

"But it's less than two hours to 12..." I raise my hand and say in my timid voice and I guess, that's a wrong move.

Sehun smirks as he folds his arms, causing cold sweat to run down my spine with his dark gaze, "You can leave if you think you can't accomplish such a simple task."


He then raises his index finger, imitating the second hand of a clock with a smug expression, "The clock is ticking. If I were you, I will shut my mouth and get started on memorising the menu." Afterwards, he leave us to get on with our hell training. Oh Sehun is a devil instructor and I know this is only the start of the torture.

"You shouldn't have done that. No one defies Chef Oh," Taeyong shakes his head, eyes glue on the menu as he comments about my bold moves, "If you get on his wrong side, you are not going to have an easy life here."

Although still indignant over Sehun's unreasonable request, I can only bear with it, comply to that devil, and not drag my teammates down along with me. It's bad enough to have my fiance disliking me, I don't need to add another person to my hater list.


I can feel my perspiration trickling down as the hour hand reaches 12. My hands are clammy and my uniform is probably soaked with sweat, unlike that devil, who is walking towards us with a stress-free face, ready to grill us for not accomplishing what he has asked us to do.

"Have you memorised everything?" I whisper to Mina and the girl blinks her eyes, with the same fear I am experiencing swimming in her brown orbs. We are all screwed, I know.

"You," Sehun points at Taeyong, "Tell me what is dish number 15."

Taeyong shoots up from his chair, "Hmm, Chicken Pancetta."

"You, dish number 9."

Mina is shaking, eyes widely opened, "Hmm, uh, hmm-"

"Time's up," Sehun shoots her down harshly, "Park Areum, what is dish number 9?"

Holy . It's my turn! "Zuppa Di Pesce?"

"Is that your final answer?" He retorts. This is more stressful than taking my final exams, help!


"You are not confident of your answer. And I hate it when people are not 100% sure of themselves."

Oh crap! I stepped on his tail.

"Okay, hmm, yes. I-I am confident."

"You are wrong. Don't be too confident of yourself, Park Areum."

What the hell? What is wrong with this man? He told me to be confident and now he said I am over-confident? I am going crazy from playing mind games with him. How am I going to survive working under him for the next few months? I think I am going to turn bald by the end of this apprenticeship. 

"Dish number 30," He targets Mina next.

The girl's face lights up in confidence, "Fusilli Al Pesto E Pinoli!"

"Dish number 50."

"Pizza Funghi!" Another correct answer from Taeyong. And I know the baton is back to me again.

"Dish number 70."

"Huh? There are so many dishes on the menu?" I exclaim, earning a giggle from Taeyong and a flabbergasted look from Sehun.

"What is the capacity of your brain? 5MB?"

"5MB? Yah! Aren't too much with that insult? We were only given two hours! How are we supposed to memorise everything?" 

Sehun and I got into a staring battle the moment I raise my voice at him. When I saw his fiery gaze, I knew immediately, I am playing a dangerous game by challenging my mentor. 

"Watch your attitude, Park Areum. If you can't even do such a simple task, you can forget about achieving greater things in the future. All I asked for you guys is to memorise the menu. If your peers can do it, why can't you? I am not your babysitter, get that straight into your pea-sized brain. Like I have said, if you are not ready for the challenge, you can leave wheneve

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1111 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2076 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1111 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!