Mess 23

What A Life
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"Enlighten me, why are you in my room again?"

I give Jongin a sheepish smile as I climb onto his bed, hogging the empty space next to my annoying bestie, who doesn't seem to be very welcoming of my presence.

"You know the reason why..." I mumble.

When I escaped the house with Vivi after popping that embarrassing question to Sehun, I didn't know where to go because I went out without a plan. I roamed around the street and even though I want to go back home, I couldn't. I wouldn't know what to say in front of Sehun. So I hung around outside, until Jongin ended his shift, so I could go home with him. He demanded me to explain the situation and when I spilled everything, Jongin cracked up, his laughter was obnoxious more than ever. I knew that was going to happen, Jongin would never let the opportunity to make fun of me slip. And he wouldn't stop laughing throughout our entire way home. Urgh. But at least I had the company of my best friend, it was better than returning home alone. And thankfully, when we got home, Sehun has already slept and there is no need for me to interact with him. 

"I still can't believe you asked Sehun if he wants to have with you. I know you are always , babe, but since when have you become so shameless and direct?" Jongin rolls on his spot and his body is shaking as he laughs.

Me either. It's still hasn't dawned upon me that I asked Sehun if he wanted to have with me. What does he think of me now? Does he think that I am dirty and disgusting for proposing that? Afterall, I am a girl and it's usually the guy who takes the lead. We were the complete opposite - I initiated the kiss and I suggested to have . Gosh, Sehun must be judging me so hard right now. Squashing my head against the pillow, I groan, regrets sinking in deeply.

"Maybe Sehun secretly wants it too, don't think about it anymore," Jongin snickers, "You guys will be okay tomorrow."

Whether Sehun wants to do it with me or not, it is still weird for me to initiate it. Can the floor just eat me alive already? I really don't know how I am going to face him tomorrow. Let's just hope that Sehun forgets about everything after he wakes up.


"I am heading out and I will probably be done by 4pm. Let me know where to pick you up later on. Remember to bring the cake!"

Sehun left a post-it for me on the fridge door and I am glad he didn't mention about anything from yesterday. Opening the fridge, I pull out the pale yellow box, with a ribbon tied around it, carefully. I am curious to see how our lychee martini cake turns out since I ditched the baking session halfway. As I open the box, I gasp to see a beautifully decorated cake with a "Happy Birthday Appa ^^" handwritten on top. I wasn't expecting Sehun to put in so much effort and seriously, did he really draw that smiley face? I definitely did not see that coming from an emotionless guy! It is really sweet of Sehun to do that. But that's not good for my health. Recently, he has been doing a lot for me, causing my heart to flip and beat at an abnormal rate. Grabbing my phone, I take a picture and send to Sehun, thanking him for decorating the cake, before I head back to my room to get ready.


It has been three hours since I texted Sehun and there is still no reply from him. He must be really busy with Kyungsoo taking care of the dogs since it's not really his style to go missing for so long. As I am done shopping for my father's birthday gift, I drop Sehun another text to let him know my location. Since it's already 4pm, Sehun should be done with his stuff as well. Walking around the shopping mall aimlessly, I realise that it has been a long time since I shop, especially with my hectic work schedule, I would rather spend my off days at home instead. Plus, I am pretty entertained at home most of the time, I have a clown bestie to fool around with, I have a nice and easy-going mother-like figure to talk to and binge watch K-drama together with, and I have a lost sheep fiance to disturb and tease. While waiting for Sehun to reply, I make my way to a cafe nearby to grab a drink.

Five minutes turns into thirty, and thirty minutes turns into an hour. Sehun still hasn't replied me. That's really strange because Sehun never does that. I give him a call but still, to no avail. Did something happen to him? Knowing that I don't have either Kyungsoo or other volunteers' number, I groan and bite my straw in frustration. If I don't leave the mall now, I am going to be late for the dinner and I don't want to make my parents to wait. Furthermore, the cake is probably going to melt soon. So after I finish my drink, I decide to make a move, I can't possibly stay at the mall and wait for him forever. What if Sehun forgot about the dinner and never had the intention to come and fetch me? As I walk out of the cafe, I bump into somebody and I wince, rubbing my shoulder in pain.


"Oh, I am sorry, are you- Doll?"

My ears perk at that nickname. There is only one person that calls me that and it's none other than Baekhyun. I raise my head and my eyes widen in shock, "Baek! What are you doing here?" 

"I came to shop for a gift for my nephew. It's his birthday next week. What about you?" 

"I came to buy my father's birthday present too! It's his birthday today and I am leaving to head to my parents' place for his birthday celebration now."

"Do you need a ride? I can drop you off!"

My dampened mood got lifted upon hearing Baekhyun's offer and I nod, my face mirroring the same bright smile on his face. He reaches for my shopping bags and holds my hand with another hand of his, causing my heart to flutter. It feels like Baekhyun is my handsome knight in shiny armour, always saving me when I am in trouble. 


"So Sehun was supposed to pick you up?"

I nod, a sigh escaping from me as I look at the traffic jam ahead. It's evening time, that explains the number of cars on the road. At this rate, there is no way I can reach my parents' place by 6pm. Whipping out my phone, there is still no reply from Sehun. I am starting to get a little worried.

"That's strange. I know Sehun for more than a year and he isn't someone who doesn't reply to text."

See! Even Baekhyun says the same thing! Something must have happened to him and that thought scares me, "Do you think something happened to Sehun?"

"Maybe he is still busy. Don't worry so much, doll. And," The light turns red and Baekhyun takes that opportunity to turn his head and look at me, "I am jealous. You are so worried about him," He pouts and my cheeks flush at his straightforwardness. As if I ain't used to that side of Baekhyun. He always makes random sweet remarks, catching me off guard all the time. What should I reply now? I mean, it's basic humanity to not want anything bad happen to someone else, isn't it? Plus, Sehun is my friend, my fiance, how can I not be concerned about him?

"Just kidding, babe," Baekhyun chuckles as his vision returns back onto the road, "Try giving him a call again later. Here," He pulls out a rectangular object from his cup holder and flashes it to my sight, "Have some bubblegum! It will make you feel better."

This time, I laugh and take the bubblegum from him. And it's in my favourite flavour - strawberry! Tearing the packaging, I take one cube out and unwrap the sweet wrapper, before popping it in my mouth in satisfaction. Indeed, the sweet and sour flavour exploding inside did make me feel a little better. I spin my head to Baekhyun, who happens to turn his head to me at the same time, and I saw his jaw moving, as if chewing something inside his mouth as well. Baekhyun blows a bubble but the bubblegum pops as soon as it inflates, causing the sticky substance to smack right on his face. I laugh heartily. Maybe it isn't the candy that makes me feel better, it's Baekhyun. 


"Thanks for the ride, Baek."

Despite getting caught in a jam, I ain't that late and the credit belongs to Baekhyun. If he didn't offer to give me a ride, I would have to take the public transport and I am going to reach way later than getting here by car. 

"You are welcome, doll. I will do anything for you," He pats my cheek, and I got startled when his cold fingers caress my skin, "Head inside quickly, your cake is probably melting already. I will see you at work tomorrow," Baekhyun then turns his body to the back seat to grab my cake and my present before handing them over to me, "Help me wish your dad happy birthday!" He chirps.

Just when I am about to get down the car, a thought strikes me and Baekhyun stares at me, puzzled, when I halt my movement, "Actually, do you have plans tonight?"

Baekhyun continues to stare as he shakes his head.

"Do you wanna join us? The more the merrier!"

"Are you sure? I didn't bring anything for your parents," He casts a worried look at me.

I chortle, shaking my head at Baekhyun's unnecessary worry, "Aww it's fine, my parents don't care about those things. Come on in!" 


I can see the confusion clearly written on Jongin and my parents' face when I arrive without Sehun, and instead, I bring a guy whom my parents have never met before along. Gosh, if my parents knew about all the wild and crazy things Baekhyun and I did in US, I doubt they will welcome him to our place. 

"Who is this cute and handsome young man here?" My mother walks to us and I hand her the cake.

"He is Baekhyun. He is

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1112 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2076 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1112 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!