Mess 05

What A Life
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"As you guys have known, at Al Dente, we train our chefs differently. We are not like any other restaurants and we will put you guys in various challenges to test your abilities and skills, and from there, we will be able to have a clearer pictures of who are the better ones, and who are the rotten ones. By the end of this apprenticeship, only four of you will be able to convert to junior chef at Al Dente, so if you want to attain that honorable spot, don't make any excuse and do as what you are told to do so."

I swear I saw Sehun's eyes fleeting towards me and obviously, he is directing his speech to me because I was the only one who talked back to him yesterday. I gulp, uneasiness surfaced once again. 

"We have a challenge for you guys today. It may only be your second day of apprenticeship but you should be ready for any challenge. If you are not, then you should leave because no incapable chef should be allowed at Al Dente."

Is Oh Sehun psychopathic or what? Why is he always asking people to leave? I know he hates it when people waste his time but we are all here to learn, aren't we? It's as if he is trying to say, if you are stupid, then you don't deserve to be here, and that mentality is ticking me off. But after yesterday's incident, I don't think I can cross the line again. If I did, the heartless man will not hesitate to chase me out and, not even Jongin or Baekhyun can save my . It's Oh Sehun's restaurant, he calls the shots.

"You have two hours to prepare your best dish. Your time starts now."

The trainees are all taken aback by the impromptu challenge. And we only have two hours to prepare and to present to them? Holy , Oh Sehun is a true psychopath. This is just like Mission Impossible, except that it's not a film but a real life situation. 

"Aren't you guys gonna get started? You have 1 hr and 59 minutes left."

Upon hearing Sehun's words, we all knew he is serious about giving us only two hours and immediately, we flee to the storage room and refrigerator to acquire the ingredients that we need as if we were the competitors of Amazing Race - racing to get the best ingredients. Because we all have the same goal in mind, and that is to impress the head chefs. What can be more stressful than cooking for people who do that for a living? 


My fellow comrades are rummaging through the storage room where all the food supplies are, while some search the fridge to find the finest ingredients for their dish. Cooking is easy for most of us here but snatching for ingredients, we weren't taught on that in school! I never thought that I would be doing this, for someone who hates intense physical activity, I am sure putting my life on line when I climb the ladder like a provoked lion, risk falling from high level while reaching for the bag of potatoes on the top shelf. Taeyong, Jungwoo, and Somi are fighting for the last packet of celery and I have never seen such enthusiasm for an unpopular vegetable before, not even at the supermarket.

"Ah! Yah!" And I thought I am going to fall to my death when Jungwoo collided into my ladder, causing it to wobble, but somehow, I land in someone's arms, together with my bag of potatoes.

"Whoa, we don't wanna alarm the ambulance, do we?"

When I open my eyes, I was greeted with Baekhyun's handsome face, whose smile shines brighter than the sun and the moon and causes my heart to do flips. It's as if the world has stopped and no one else matters, it's just Baekhyun and me. This is the perfect K-drama scenario - the prince charming comes in to save the protagonist and their lips would come into contact, with fireworks exploding and You are my destiny playing at the back. 

"You have 1 hr and 40 minutes left."

Of course, no happy ending comes so easily for the prince and princess. It's not a K-drama if there is no evil witch ruining the love story. Baekhyun helps me up, and he clears his throat sheepishly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am, thanks," I turn away and I glare at Jongin. He sticks out his tongue at me. That annoying . He is the one who shattered my fantasy!

"You still owe me an explanation."

Jongin mouthed but I ignore him. Serve him right.


By the end of 30 minutes, most of the trainees have started working at our respective workstation, while our mentors walk around to examine us closely. Suddenly, I feel like I am one of the participants for MasterChef. This is so nerve-wrecking, especially when Sehun walked past and he stands behind me for a while, watching the way I chop my onions and carrots. Is he judging me? I am pretty sure he is. Oh Sehun judges everyone because he thinks everyone is beneath him. The longer he stares, the more uneasy I feel. I am getting conscious of his continuity. Can't he just move on to another trainee? He is staying at my workstation for an exceptionally long time.

"You seem very uncomfortable."

I jolt when his icy voice penetrates my thoughts and I almost slice my finger with the sharp knife.

"Of course I am," I hiss, "You are staring at me like a predator eyeing on his prey."

Sehun heard me muttering to myself.

"Talk less and work more, Park Areum."

I am about to rebut but luckily, my best friend intervened. Because I am the one with a knife in my hand, I have the upperhand.

"Let's not disturb our trainees, shall we?" Jongin laughs dryly, easing the obvious tension between me and Sehun. 

Jongin managed to get Sehun out of my sight but the peace is just temporary. Because Kim Jongin jumps on the opportunity to interrogate about my past with Baekhyun.

"So what's up with you and Baekhyun hyung? You two look like you guys are so ready to pound on each other, if it wasn't for the presence of others."

"Shh!" I hiss, "I don't have time, Jongin. I barely started cooking!"

"Tell me and I will leave you alone."

"Can't I tell you sometime over tea or something? I promise to be honest with you and I will spill every single detail, including the number of times we ed, are you happy?"

After chopping the onions and carrots, I pour them into a frying pan. Despite the stress that is clearly shown on my face, Jongin still wouldn't back off. I know that Jongin wouldn't leave me alone until he gets the answer he wants but can't he see that now is not the time? I can't risk having other trainees around me hearing about my past with Baekhyun. And I definitely don't want them to suspect anything about Jongin and me!

"But babe, it's so juicy to know that you slept with my colleague and good friend, I can't miss another night of sleep because I wouldn't stop thinking about it."

This time, I raise my knife, "If you don't want me to ruin your pretty face, back off, Jongin."

Only then, my best friend surrenders and flees for his life.


Looking at my creation, I heave a sign of relief knowing that I finished it in 2hrs and I am proud of myself. Thick golden Japanese curry mixed with diced carrots, potatoes, and onions, accompanied with fresh pork chop, coated with bread crumbs, fried to perfection and steamed white rice - the perfect comfort food for curry fans. Even for those who can't handle spicy food would love it because after much trial and error, I have mastered the art of attaining a balance between sweetness and spiciness and that's the beauty of my Japanese curry. My parents and Jongin love my Japanese curry, so I am crossing my fingers that it will suit Sehun's taste buds too. Time to blow that man

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1104 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2072 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1104 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!