Mess 26

What A Life
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My legs carry me as fast as possible towards one of my favourite people in this world and I throw my arms around her, hugging her tightly because I have missed her so much. When I was still a kid, I had spent quite a decent amount of time living here during school holidays and to say that I wasn't sad whenever I had to bid goodbye to my grandma and moved back to Seoul before school reopened, it would be a a lie. We have tried to persuade grandma to move to Seoul to stay with us but she is persistent to stay in Boseong, saying that Seoul is too populated and urban for her liking. 

"My Areum ah! Do you miss me?"

"Of course I do!" I am so close to tearing up because it has been a few years since I last saw her and she was one of the reasons why I hesitated to study abroad. At least if I studied in Korea, I could still visit her every vacation. But moving abroad has limited our exchange to just online platforms. Not to mention the different time zones in our cities, which really reduced our interaction a lot, "Grandma, I brought the person whom you have been anticipating to!" I let go of my grandma and hook my arm around Sehun to pull him towards my grandma, "This is Sehun. Are you happy to meet him in person?"

Sehun bows, "Nice to meet you, grandma. I am Sehun."

My grandma literally has hearts in her eyes the moment she saw Sehun and it seems like she can't see anybody else expect for Sehun. Even though my grandma is already in her eighties, her energy level is comparable to someone in his or her twenties, in which she would thank the clean and fresh air in Boseong for keeping her health in tip-top condition. Grandma clasps her hands around Sehun's hands and shakes them excitedly, and then she tiptoes to give a smooch on Sehun's cheeks. My parents and I gasp at my grandma's bold move. The surprised look on Sehun's face is epic because no one had expected my grandma to do this.

"Grandma! You are scaring him!" 

"I can't help it! He is too handsome!" As my grandma explains, her eyes are still glued on Sehun, "Ah Sehun-ah! I am a huge fan of yours and I can't believe you are going to be my grandson-in-law! Do you know how envious my friends are? They are all your fans too!"  Suddenly, my grandma whips out her smart phone and shows Sehun a picture. I crane my neck to check what photo that is. It's a picture of my grandma and her friends doing finger hearts with Sehun standee, "See! We spotted your standee when we went to Busan and we had to take pictures with it. I can't believe I am seeing the real person in front of me."

"I-I am honoured, grandma."

Sehun looks really flustered and his rosy cheeks are so freaking adorable that I just want to give them a squeeze. He is probably beginning to question himself if he made the right decision to visit my grandma. Thankfully, my parents manage to distract my grandma with the dried food they brought from Seoul, saving Sehun from my clingy grandma at the same time, otherwise, the man can forget about having a second to to breathe without my grandma haunting him. I bring Sehun to the room that I used to stay in and lock the door in case my grandma comes in abruptly.

"Gosh, are you okay? I am sorry, I told you my grandma is extremely obsessed with you. My grandpa must be shaking his head in disapproval from above after witnessing my grandma's wild behaviour," I drop myself on my bed and look around my room. It has been a few years since I came but everything remains the same - my cooking books are still on the shelf, the pink bedsheet with childish flower patterns that used to be my favourite, the silly drawings that I drew when I was a child are still hung on the wall. All these make me feel all nostalgic and it feels good to be back here after so long. Nothing changes, except that I have brought a man along. Not any random man but the man I am engaged to.


My train of thoughts got disturbed when I saw Sehun retrieving something from one of my cooking books. He holds onto a Polaroid of himself, which is something that I won from some competition, and smirks. The corner of my lips curve downwards as I dash towards the guy and snatch the Polaroid from him and hide it behind my back, feeling ashamed to get caught by Sehun.

"Like grandma, like grand-daughter I guess? You guys are fans of the same guy," Sehun states, the smirk remains on his face as he continues to browse other books on my shelf.

"Tch. I was a fan, but I am no longer your fan please! Don't flatter yourself," I retort, even though deep in my heart, I know a part of me will always remains as his fan because I can't deny that Sehun does look really charismatic whenever he cooks and shows us his knife skills. It would be a lie if I say he is not admirable.

"Yeah, bet you were more than just a fan, you had a crush on me," He then shows me a page of my notebook, which is meant for noting down recipes, with his name in the middle of a heart.

I take the notebook away from the conceited guy and frown, "Dream on! And stop touching my things!" Maybe I have developed something more than what a fan should have towards her idol when I was in high school but that is all in the past and I am not going to boost his ego by letting him know about my tiny silly crush.

"We are sharing this bed for these two nights?" Sehun points at my bed with his brow raised.

I nod, scrambling to hide the Polaroid and notebook somewhere less obvious, "What's wrong?"

"This is a single size bed."

"Why? Is my tiny and cheap bed not good enough for your expensive royalty ? Sorry that you have to go through this and it must be hard for you, your Majesty."

"No, that's not what I mean. What I meant is we are both adults, how are we going to fit on this bed?"

"Oh," I blush when I realise I have misunderstood his words and I thought he was despising my not-so lavish room, which has nothing in comparison to the majestic house that we stay in Seoul, "I am sure we can. Don't I always hug you like my bolster when we sleep at night?" I flash a playful grin at his direction.

"Your parents and your grandma are around."

"Okay... So?"

"So it's inappropriate."

I want to laugh so badly at how innocent Sehun is. Inappropriate? Gosh, my parents and my grandma, plus his parents and Jongin, would be more than happy to know if we do way more inappropriate stuff. But here he is worrying about the fact that we are going to share the bed. His cheeks turn into a brighter shade of red and it encourages me to further. Pushing Sehun onto the bed harshly, I then straddle him and smirk as I put my arms around his neck, "What's so inappropriate? We are engaged," I shrug.

"What are you doing? There is space on the bed, do you have to sit on my lap?" Sehun's eyes blink systematically, like a robot.

"I like sitting on your lap," I wriggle to shift closer to his body, our lower parts rubbing against each other in the process, "What are you going to do about it? Push me away then," I challenge with a smug, knowing that Sehun will never have the heart to do that to me. Our faces are so close to each other and if any of us were to make another move forward, our lips are going to come into contact. Not that I don't want to kiss Sehun because his pink lips look damn juicy, but right now, I just want to play with him and not take any actions in case I can't control myself from pounding on him (not when my parents and my grandma are right outside our room).

"Sorry to interrupt but..."

Sehun and I whip around to face the intruder at the door, who just took a picture of us in that intimate position with her phone, causing us to freeze on the spot.

I shriek, detaching myself from Sehun straightaway, "Yah grandma! How did you enter? I locked the door!" 

"Honeycake, this is my house, I have keys to every room," My grandma knocks my head with her knuckles, before turning to Sehun with a bright smile, "Sehun-ah, can I have your autograph?" She hands the Time magazine with Sehun on the cover page to the guy, who is blushing even harder than earlier.

"Sure, grandma."

After Sehun signed the magazine, grandma jumps on the spot as she squashes the magazine against her chest, hugging it like it's her most valuable possession. Sehun and I give each other a look, we chuckle and shake our heads at the same time.

"Also, you guys, leave the baby making to tonight. Since it's Sehun's first time here in Boseong, let's go visit the green tea field now!"

I roll my eyes, seriously, what's with all these people and their obsession with me getting pregnant?!


Throughout the car ride, grandma wouldn't stop introducing the places that we drove by and sharing stories about Boseong to Sehun. Judging at her passion and love for her hometown, I think someone should just make her the ambassador of Boseong already. Grandma is so excited to show Sehun the green tea field that the moment we arrived at our destination, she rushed down the car and led us the way to the plantation.

Carrying Vivi in my arms, I walk next to Sehun and beckon him to bend his head so I can whisper to him, "Grandma is really proud of the green tea field here because it's what Boseong is famous for."

"I can tell. She sounds really enthusiastic when she was explaining the place."

"Hurry up, young people, why are you guys so slow?" My grandma huffs, calling for Sehun and me, who are lagging behind and not catching up with her fast pace.

"Coming, grandma!" I fasten my steps, with Sehun jogging next to me.

I haven't been to the green tea field since my last visit but nothing has changed. The aromatic smell of green tea leaves wafts and hits right in my nose and I have missed that refreshing tea smell; Boseong is indeed still the capital of green tea in Korea. Vivi barks suddenly and pants with his tongue sticking out, probably excited to see such a vast plantation for the first time in his life. 

"Wow, this view is..." Sehun's jaw drops, as he seems really amazed by the huge piece of field in front of his very own eyes.

"Fantastic, isn't it?" I giggle at his child-like reaction.

"And there is a hint of green tea in the air when the wind blows."

I nod, agreeing to his sentiment. Just then, we both hear our names being called and grandma is waving her arm animatedly at our direction, asking us to join her and my parents at the other side of the field. So we head over to join them.

"You guys should take a picture here! The view here is better!" 

My grandma suggests and suddenly, she makes the two of us stand in the middle of the plantation before she pulls out her phone from her bag. The two of us stand next to each other awkwardly as this is our first time taking picture together and I am not sure how I should pose with Sehun. It would have been easier if it was Jongin because we can do silly pose together and not look stupid. Whereas for Sehun, I am gonna look like a real clown if I make funny faces by myself.

"Yah!" Grandma shoots a look of disapproval at us, "The gap between the two of you is big enough to fit an elephant. Even Vivi looks more photo-ready than you two! Sehun-ah, put your arm around Areum or something!" Grandma starts to direct us like a professional photographer, earning curious glances from other tourists, while my parents watch us in amusement. 

When Sehun puts his arm around my shoulder, my hear

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1112 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2076 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1112 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!