her ┊big hit's new girl group ┊lee dae hee

!!!!keep this picture as is!!!!

HER : lee dae hee : 이대히


replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80

BIRTHNAME : lee dae hee

▸ dany — daenerys targaryen from game of throne's nickname. this is due to her obsession with the series and how similar she is with daenerys in terms of their personality.

▸ date hee — a pun on her name. this is due to the fact that she  used to date alot [not serious relationships] and also her love for dates [the fruit]

DATE OF BIRTH : july 3 1999 ; 18
BIRTHPLACE : incheon, south korea
ETHNICITY : korean

▸ korean — 100%, her mother tongue

▸ english — communicational, learnt from someone in the company/ group members that are fluent in english

FACE CLAIM : CLC's elkie
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : pristin's xiyeon
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 162cm, 45kg


▸ she's doesn't like anything too flashy and thus most of her clothes are black or white. she'd rather be comfortable than anything else. therefore, she will always be in cropped tops, tshirts or tanktops. her bottoms would be ripped jeans or shorts and occasionally skirts. she is obsessed with shoes and spend a whole lot of money on them, most of the time she is in sneakers and only wear heels to performances.


shirt shirt shirt shirt

jeans jeans

shorts shorts

skirts skirts

shoes shoes shoes shoes


▸ she has an industrial piercing on her left ear

tattoo of a deer head on her back [located at her ribs where the heart is]


PERSONALITY TRAITS : +optimistic +determined +accepting -selfish -blunt -stubborn

PERSONALITY : daehee is never one to put down herself or others, she believe that the mind affects the state of heart and body. even when facing challenges, she believe that by staying optimistic and looking at the bright sides, anything can be overcomed. she also believes in working for a better future, no matter what step backs she face, it will all end up shaping her into who she will be in the future. even if it gets tough, she will never think of giving up as it will all be worth it in the future. she doesn't judge others by physical appearance of what rumors she heard of them, she doesn't like stereotypes and believe everyone is unique and shouldn't be wear a label with them. but she is also incredibly selfish, she hate sharing. sometimes, she only think of her interests and doesn't care about others around her as long as she can benefit from a situation. she comes off as rude to some people, but that's because she doesn't think before she speak. she grew up believing that honesty is the best policy and sometimes goes overboard with it and unintentionally hurt other's feelings. its difficult to change her mind once she decided on something. her determination and stubborness goes hand in hand together. once she set her eyes on something, no one can tell her otherwise and she will refuse to listen to what others tell or warn her.

BACKGROUND : it is very stressful for her at home, since young, her parents pressured her into getting A's for exams and scoring top for all exams. in addition, they also signed her up for violin and gymnastic lessons since she was 5. in her parent's opinion, they only want to ensure she got the best future possible but they failed to look at it from her perspective. besides living up to her parent's expectations, daehee also have to compete with her brothers. her oldest brother never scored anything less than a 90 and is offered scholarships to multiple universities. her second brother is a sports genius, he is skilled in basketball, volleyball, football and never fail to bring home trophies. but daehee, since young she never liked studying, she is not that skilled in sports too. even though her grades are decent [just borderline A], but its not enough for her parents. they constantly compared daehee to her brothers, why isn't her result as good? why isn't she topping her cohort? why isn't she in the school's sports team? one thing daehee enjoyed though, is her violin and gymnastics lessons. she completed her violin grade 8 when she was 14 and won state championships for her gymnastics competitions. her dad is a doctor and her mum is a lawyer, and they expect daehee to follow in their footsteps. even though daehee hates studying, she still does it to impress her parents. many people refer to daehee as a child prodigy, or question how she is able to score well for exams while playing her violin and practicing gymnastics. her response is always the same, "I'm not smart, I just work hard." and people will assume she likes studying, but gets surprised when she say she hates it. daehee's parents opposed of her training to debut at first, but she promised them that she won't neglect her studies and will work extra hard. her parents still did not falter until daehee's oldest brother ensured them that he will look over her and makesure she's keeping up to her promise. good thing her parents have a soft spot for him, they agreed on letting her train on another condition, she must not score anything less than a 90 on all her tests for that year.
TRAINEE LIFE : daehee was scouted by the company right after one of her gymnastics performance. the scouter saw how elegantly daehee moved and was also attracted by her visuals despite her young age. when daehee first joined the company, many trainees disliked her because of her resting face and when they know of her family background, they think of her as some snobbish chaebol. they were definitely surprised when daehee approached them during lunch and asked if she could sit with them. what they dont know is that daehee is incredibly nervous and it took all her willpower to not bolt out of the company then and there. soon, daehee build up a reputation of being hardworking. when she is not practicing, she is solving some math equations or memorising her history textbook. despite the tough training, daehee never missed a day of school and sometimes even go for extra classes outside. sadly, her debut date and exam period is in the same week and for that week, daehee got less than 4 hours of sleep per day. daehee's bluntless offended alot of people during her trainee days [including a bts member winkwonk and her future group leader lel] but once they know her well, they understand that its just who she is and take no offense. in the future, such incidents are often joked about on variety shows and tv.


▸ helped to choreograph bts' blood sweat and tears

▸ appeared in ikon's apology mv


▸ dancing

▸ infinite

▸ playing games [particularly league of legends]

▸ autumn

▸ winter

▸ violin

▸ learning musical instruments

▸ rice cake


▸ cheese

▸ milktea

▸ frappucino

▸ mcdonalds

▸ tattoos [she hope to get more in the future]


▸ worms

▸ studying

▸ loud noises

▸ racist people

▸ ist people

▸ day time

▸ hot weather

▸ summer

▸ beach


▸ braiding her hair when she's watching something

▸ chewing on her nails

▸ cracking her knuckles

▸ she drools when she sleeps

▸ fidgeting in general


▸ dancing

▸ rapping

▸ playing the violin

▸ gaming

▸ photography

▸ gymnastics

▸ pranking others


▸ won a total of 12 gymnastic trophies from state competitions and interschool competitions

▸ is the shortest in her family

▸ her family is well-known for their good genes

u & i


▸ friend — kim sohye (18) / actress / bubbly, energetic / 7/10 / sohye will often cheer on daehee on her instagram nearing comeback dates

▸ senior — park ji min (22) / idol / encouraging, caring / 6/10 / jimin is the first person daehee talked to in this company and she looks up to him as her motivation


1st brother — lee dae hyun (23) / CEO of his own company / protective, hardworking /6/10/ they are not the closest of siblings but he is still there when she needs him [emotionally, physically, financially]. due to her poor relationship with her parents, she look up to him as her father

2nd brother — lee dae won (20) / national sprinter / joker-like, carefree / 8/10 / she is alot closer to him and he will visit her frequently in her company or dorm and will often bring her and her group members food

my voice

PLOT LINE : lead rapper, vocals, maknae, centre
VOCAL CLAIM : 4minute's sohyun
RAP CLAIM : pristin's nayoung

DANCE CLAIM : pristin's roa


▸ dance: f(x) electric shock
▸ vocal/rap: hyuna's change


who do you look up to? : 

▸ park jimin, i really admire his hardwork and determination. even though he's been through alot but he still persevere on and is now one of the top artists in the world. i want to be like him one day.


what is your persona? : 

▸ i'm not really sure, but i've heard people call me the hidden? i guess its because i don't talk much around strangers and judging by my looks i'm not who they expect me to be.

why you auditioned : 

▸ i just wanted to show my parents that i can be successful without needing to study for 20 hours a day.

why do you think her will stick out among the other groups? : 

▸ maybe because we're related to bts? but i'm sure as time go by, people will start to recognise us for our concept and talents. our debut song is also different from other groups, its not cutesy or girly, its straight up badass in their faces.

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : jeon jung kook


▸ he is shy around strangers but crazy amongst his friends. when people first know him, they think of him as a shy and introverted kid butb those that really knows him know that he's actually a savage to s and his friends. he's hardworking and trains alot. he is pretty much a happy-go-lucky guy that just likes to enjoy the present and not over think.


▸ it was in a practice room that bts and her had to share when jungkook saw daehee. he was instantly attracted by her looks and laughter. he also noticed that when bts and her was having a conversation, daehee did not contribute much and only speak when spoken to. when everyone left, jungkook decided to stay back and talk more. daehee was never a people's person and obviously gave replies that are seem as rude and cold. jungkook was shock at first but did not let that faze him. he'd seen how she talk to her group members when they're alone [or so they thought] and know that she's not as rude as she comes off to be. daehee can see the effort jungkook puts in to crack her walls down and eventually she lets loose around him, even though one or two blunt remarks still comes out at times, daehee is no longer as tense as she was around jungkook.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  mutual crushing

ENDING :  none of them likes too much attention on themselves so.. jungkook actually asked her out in a very simple way when he was walking her home one day he just blurts out "i know you like me. i do too." daehee was so shocked because she thought she was pretty lowkey but nope shes not. and jungkook just asked her out like "you want to try dating?" and she said yes but they date in private because they believe that 'if even your members don't know then obviously the fans won't know'. they only announced their relationship to their group and company after a year of dating secretly.

rnbwdsh : jo

LAST WORDS : goodluck <3

PASSWORD : i don't watch anime anymore but ahhh fairytail will always have a spot in my heart


▸ here
▸ here

turn in : story


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