The Battle Kappa Pi Beta Will Really Regret

How to Love

“It's time!” Jongdae sings as Kappa Pi Beta steps through the front door of the Kappa Gamma sorority house.

Kris struggles to push down the guilt he feels in his gut as he pulls out Yixing’s stolen key from the front door. He doesn't want it to have to be like this, but like Yixing said, it's fun, right? Yeah, right.

He sends Namjoon, Chanyeol, Jongin, and Jeongguk off to the bathrooms with the hair bleach to do their jobs and sees Jongdae sneak past him with his gifted pink in hand.

“What the are you doing?” He shouts, catching everyone's attention.

Jongdae smirks. “It's for Junmyeon, obviously.

“No!” Kris squeaks. He is not going to risk Kim Junmyeon’s wrath. She has money and power on her side and she could have them all homeless if she wanted.

But Jongdae laughs, skipping out of his reach. “Come on, hyung! She's starting to like me, I know it. She even kissed me back on Halloween!”

“Before she realized what she was doing and punched you,” Luhan sneers.

“In the face,” Kris adds unhelpfully.

Jongdae pouts and rubs his jaw. “It was hot, I'll tell you what.”

The other two cringe. Kim Jongdae is one weird kid.

Jongdae takes their silence as acceptance and skips upstairs, looking through the doorways to find Junmyeon’s room. Spotting the largest at the end of the hall, he follows his gut, goes into the room, and gapes.

It's an absolute mess. Clothes are strewn all over, bags littered under the bed, shoes spilling out of the closet.

“No way,” he mutters. No way is this room Junmyeon’s.

But he recognizes some of the shoes and clothes she's worn and frowns. Who knew neat and organized Junmyeon was such a slob.

He hums as he tidies her room for her, hanging dresses and putting her bags in a little line at the foot of her bed.

“Jongdae!” He hears Kris roar from downstairs. “Let's go!”

“Coming!” He calls, and tops off his job by placing the at the head of her bed, right next to her pillows. He blows a kiss to it and cackles as he races down the stairs to join the others.

Boy, is Kappa Gamma in for a surprise.




Jia-Li sighs as she steps into her room after a long day of too much heat and not enough AC in her lecture hall.

She drops her bag on her bed and immediately gathers her summer robe and bathroom slippers before heading to the bathroom she shares with Zitao and Jimin.

“I wanna fly~,” she hums as she strips down and turns on the water in the shower. She turns on her music to her favorite band, GOT7, and steps into the shower.

Jia-Li frowns when she lathers the shampoo into her black hair, feeling a little off. She sniffs her hair tentatively and wrinkles her nose when of smells like strawberries and vinegar.

Quickly, she washes it out and peers into the bottle. It's still a light pink, nothing off except the smell. “What the hell?” She mutters, and decides that she'll skip on her hair today and ask Minseok if shampoo expires.


“It was super weird,” Jia-Li voices as they're sitting around the dining table, eating the home cooked meal Kyungsoo and Jimin have graced them with for dinner. “It just smelled funny!”

“Li, pretty sure that shampoo doesn't expire,” Minseok says as she pours herself some soda. “I'm sure it's no big deal.”

Jia-Li whines. Jimin pats her leg consolingly.


However, the next morning is quite a big deal.

Zitao screams, staring at her once golden locks in horror. They're a bright orange now, bleached of color, and it horrifies her. “Meimei!” She shrieks at the top of her lungs. “Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!”

That brings the whole sorority to her room, scrambling in to see what's wrong.

“Your hair!” Kyungsoo gasps.

Your hair!” Baekhyun shrieks at her best friend. She catches a glance in Zitao's mirror and howls. “My hair!”

“Calm down!” Junmyeon tries anxiously. Really, she's just trying to calm herself down from seeing her horrendously colored hair in the mirror.

“How could this have happened?” Yixing asks as she finger combs Seokjin's orange hair, who whines into Yixing’s shoulder.

“Kappa Pi Beta.” Junmyeon’s dark eyes are slits, anger welling up in her. This was unacceptable.

“But how did they get in?” Jimin asks. Her hair is still it's pretty dark brown, along with Minseok's, Yixing’s, and Jia-Li’s as their natural colors. “We always lock our doors and windows. They had to have had a-”

“Key,” Junmyeon finishes. She stares at Yixing. “Xingxing. Do you have your key?”

The Chinese girl frowns. “Yeah. I think…” she trails off hesitantly before dashing to her room. “What?” She cries out when she doesn't find it in her desk drawer where she keeps it when she's home.

Junmyeon groans. “I knew it. Kris stole her key. Dammit!”

“You're saying Fanfan let them in?” Yixing squeaks, eyes wide. Minseok nods.

“But the bleach… How did it…?”

“The leave-in conditioner! That's why it discoloured ours!” Zitao wails, clawing at her head. “We were the only ones who showered yesterday!”

“I showered, but I didn't wash my hair,” Minseok comments.

“I knew it! I ing knew it!” Jia-Li yells. “It smelled funny and everyone ignored me!”

“Li, calm down!” Junmyeon snaps. “We're sorry we didn't pay attention.” She sighs. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a hair appointment to make.”




Namjoon really regrets the Hair Dye Battle they've done to Kappa Gamma, because Seokjin's hair is a bright blond now. She looks gorgeous (not that she didn't before) and Namjoon nearly has a heart attack when she steps into the door of the music shop.

“Hey.” She nods at him before browsing around.

Namjoon croaks. He can't do anything except stare at her as she walks around, looking through the albums.

“I want this.” Her tone is calm but short, startling Namjoon.

He nods and takes the CD from her, avoiding eye contact. “Your hair,” he finally stutters out. “I-It looks nice.”

“You should've seen it yesterday morning,” Seokjin snaps, but she pets her hair. She knew she looked damn good in black and brown but blond was a whole new experience for her. She'd always received attention for being beautiful but she found herself receiving more with this new color and she had to say she liked it. “It was horrendous, thanks to you.” She hands Namjoon her card.

Namjoon holds up his hands. “It wasn't me. I took no part in that, only the shoe prank.”

Seokjin stares at him. “What shoe prank?” She hisses, and Namjoon really feels afraid for his life. Maybe he joined the wrong fraternity. One year of this battle was enough.

“Oh, did I say that? Ha ha, no, I have no idea about any shoe thing.” He quickly bags her album, all but throws her card at her, and dashes back to the break room (really a storage closet), slamming the door behind him.

He jumps when he hears a thump on the door and Seokjin is yelling. “What the do you mean? Did you ing touch my babies? You stupid piece of !”

“What the ?” His coworker, Jaebum, is sitting on a bucket, smoking a cigarette.

Namjoon chokes as he locks the door. “, I told you to go outside when you smoke.” He waves a hand in front of his face as he collapses against the door, Seokjin still screaming and slamming her fist against it.

“I wouldn’t touch that,” Jaebum comments lazily, nodding to the door.

“What? Why the hell not?”

The elder boy smirks. “Mmm, here, there.”

Namjoon jumps up. “Oh, for God's sake, Jaebum!”

“Just kidding.” Jaebum smiles cheekily before putting out his cigarette on the cement floor. “Who's that chick? Some girl you knocked up?”

“No!” Namjoon snaps. He hasn't even slept with anyone since last year. “Kim Seokjin.”

“Oh? You mean the hottest girl on campus?” Jaebum stands and goes to unlock the door. “Aye, babe. How you-”

“Let me at him!” Seokjin pushes past Jaebum and reaches up to grab Namjoon’s shirt collar. “How dare you touch my babies? How dare you?

“Yeah, Joon. How dare you,” Jaebum mocks from behind. Namjoon glares at him.

“No one is allowed to touch them without permission except the boy who's gonna me!” Seokjin spits out and then covers in horror as the two boys raise their eyebrows.

“Well.” Namjoon pushes her out of the room, shutting Jaebum in, and pushes her up against the wall behind a shelf, hidden from view. “Guess I touched your shoes without permission.” He cages her in his arms and leans in close. “Do you know what that means?”

Seokjin squeaks and cowers at their proximity, taken off guard.

“You said it yourself the first time we saw each other,” Namjoon whispers, and places a kiss on Seokjin's collarbone.

The girl beneath him whimpers, feeling like a puddle of goo, and grabs onto his strong arms. “N-Namjoon.”

Said boy grins and bites at the same spot he had kissed. “We should just .”

That day, Seokjin goes home with two things: a new album and a purple hickey.




“Woah, Soo, that color really suits you!” Baekhyun exclaims as the hairstylist reveals Kyungsoo’s newly colored hair.

Kyungsoo has to admit it does look good on her. She had dyed the underside black and the top a dark red, while Baekhyun had gone back to a simple black.

“You too,” she tells her.

“Thanks! I was getting a little tired of the purple anyway.” Baekhyun runs her fingers through her hair.

They pay for their new dyes and leave to go to grab a Frappuccino at Starbucks.

As they're driving back to campus, Baekhyun spots a familiar blue Mustang on the side of the street, Chanyeol and a couple of his friends just getting out.

“Honk,” she says, nodding to the Kappa Pi Beta boy. Kyungsoo sees and honks her horn obnoxiously, taking joy in the way they jump in surprise.

Baekhyun rolls down her window and yells, “Hey!” She laughs at Chanyeol's expression as she and Kyungsoo flip him off as they drive by.

Suddenly, Kyungsoo’s phone rings and she sees it's from Jimin, connecting it to her car. “Hello? Unnie?”

“Soo soo!” Jimin wails on the other line. “Our shoes!”

“What about our shoes?” Kyungsoo asks.

Baekhyun leans over. “Minnie, what are you talking about?”

“They shrunk our shoes!”

“What?” The two girls in the car yelp, and Kyungsoo speeds up ten mph to get to the House as soon as possible.

When they reach home, Kyungsoo throws the car in park and turns it off before the two are dashing in and seeing a mountain of heels in the parlor, all looking dry and tiny.

“What is this?” Kyungsoo gasps. She spots one of her black Chanel peep toe pumps and whines at its deformed shape. “These were my favorite! What the ?”

“It was Kappa Pi Beta,” Minseok growls, holding a pair of her golden Steve Madden platform slingbacks.

“The hair was enough, but our shoes? Really?” Jimin whimpers.

Suddenly the door bursts open and in rushes Seokjin. “My babies!” She wails, grabbing a bunch and holding them close to her chest. “How could they?”

“Don't worry, Jin,” Minseok consoles. “We'll definitely get them back for it.”

Seokjin nods and leans forward to gather more shoes into her arms and that's when Kyungsoo sees it.

The dark love bite on Seokjin's collarbone, obviously fresh.

“Unnie,” she says. “What is that?”

Seokjin glances down and gasps, covering it quickly, but it's too late. All the other girls have seen it.

“Unnie,” Baekhyun sniggers. “Come on.”

“It's nothing,” Seokjin snaps, face burning with embarrassment.

“It's obviously a hickey.” Jimin rolls her eyes. “Come on, don't even try to hide it.”

“We all saw,” Minseok adds, smirking.

Seokjin purses her lips and slowly takes her hand away. “It's nothing,” she repeats.

“So spill,” Jimin says, leaning forward.

Seokjin is saved by the sound of the door opening and the entrance of Zitao and Junmyeon.

“Oh my God! Zitao!” Baekhyun shrieks.

All eyes are staring as the first year shyly ducks her head, sporting a head of long bright turquoise locks. “Hi,” she says quietly.

“It's very… bright,” Kyungsoo says lamely.

“Does it look okay?” Zitao asks anxiously. She turns to Junmyeon. “Maybe this was a mistake.”

But Junmyeon shakes her head, her hair now a grey-blond color. “It's fine, Taozi. We decided to go out of our comfort zones and show that a little bleached hair and shrunken heels won't stop us,” she explains, fire in her eyes.

“Right!” Minseok adds, jumping up beside her, Baekhyun at her heels. “We'll do something they wouldn't even dream of!”




“Holy ,” are the first words out of Jongin’s mouth when he sees Kyungsoo sitting at a table in the park, notebooks and textbooks spread out around her.

She glances up and catches his eye. “I hate you,” she says, and turns back to her work.

“What?” Jongin can't take his eyes off her long red and black hair up in a ponytail; she looks so hot.

“I hate you,” Kyungsoo repeats.

“Why?” Jongin whines, keeping his poodle close to him.

“Because you bleached my hair and shrunk my shoes,” the elder growls.

“Come on.” Jongin leans down and picks up Monggu to show Kyungsoo, hoping it will cheer her up. “Monggu says don't be angry.” He peers at her from behind his poodle, eyes big and sad. “Nini says don't be mad, too.”

Kyungsoo purses her heart shaped lips before petting Monggu’s fuzzy head. “Soo soo says she's angry,” she replies, adding her own nickname. “Very angry.” But she reaches to ruffle Jongin’s white hair as well, and Jongin smiles happily.

Kyungsoo thinks that if he had a tail, it'd be wagging uncontrollably now.

“I like your hair,” Jongin says after setting Monggu down and taking a seat across from Kyungsoo. “It's really pretty.”

“Thanks. I wonder what triggered it.” She glares at him. “Also, you ruined seven pairs of my heels. Do you know how much I loved my Chanel pumps?”

“A lot?” Jongin squeaks.

Kyungsoo nods in confirmation. “A lot,” she growls out.

Jongin hangs his head. “I'm sorry.” He bites his lip and Kyungsoo catches herself staring. “I didn't really know what I was signing up for with that frat. I mean, Sehun was the one who convinced Jeongguk and I that it was better than the others.”

Kyungsoo sighs. “They didn't even tell you the start? Or that there even is a war every year?” Jongin shakes his head. “Oh, for God's sake.” And she tells Jongin the story of Eunhee and Jaesung and the start of the war between Kappa Gamma and Kappa Pi Beta.

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Chapter 22: SuChen is really adorable... And naughty hahaha
Babygigi #2
Chapter 23: Congratulations on getting into your university of choice with scholarship. I hope that everything goes well for u. Fighting ^•^.
Chapter 23: i hope you do well in school! take care of yourself and come back to this when you can!
Crazy_Me19 #4
I really really wanna see some kaisoo though please authornim
Crazy_Me19 #5
Suchen are so sweet aww
ironmyeon #6
Chapter 22: i cri, really inlove with suchen
ironmyeon #7
suchen ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 21: i'm honestly melting at the suchen i love them so much GOD

also this fic has...all...of my...otps...i'm so...happy...

i love this fanfic so much you have no idea ♡__♡
Babygirlempress #9
Chapter 21: So much happened in this chapter first poor baekhyun with all that happened to her in the past and now and woo! joonmyun and jondae are finally together(I think?) and jikook were so adorable it was like an anime
Babygirlempress #10
Chapter 20: I missed this so much and the last part was my favorite