Operation Success

How to Love

“Hey, Joonie.”

Namjoon looks up to see Seokjin in front of him, smiling brightly. “Hey, Seokjin.” He stands and leads the way to the counter, Seokjin following behind, eyes glued to her phone.

Sicheng, the boy behind the counter, blinks at Namjoon's new hair and smiles shyly. “I like your hair.”

Namjoon risks a glance at Seokjin and sighs lightly when she doesn't look up. He turns back to Sicheng and offers a genuine grin. “Thanks, kid. I'll have a cup of Cherry Garcia. Jin, what do you want?”

“Hmm?” Seokjin finally looks up. “Oh! I'll have a cup of green tea.”

Sicheng nods and scoops out the ice cream before handing it over and Namjoon pays for both of them.

“Thanks, Joonie!” Seokjin beams as they sit down at one of the tables and Namjoon chokes, the sight in front of him so gorgeous he really can't handle it.

“You're welcome,” he grunts, stirring his treat nervously. Seokjin is texting someone so he pulls out his phone and sends a text to Chanyeol and Jongdae.


N: She hasn't said anything. Is that good or bad???

C: Isn't it good when girls don't notice things?

J: he's not trying to keep a secret

C: I'm not a

J: are too

C: Not!

N: OK stop

C: Bro I'm always here for you. What you need, the SSS?

N: No I need a life

J: lol loser

C: Ditto

N: OK I officially hate you guys. You're no help.


“So, Namjoon. Why did you call me out today? Just craving your favorite ice cream with your favorite girl?” Seokjin throws him a playful wink and she giggles as his cheeks burn.

“Well. I wanted to see what you, uh, thought of my hair.” Namjoon runs a hand through it.

Seokjin looks up and frowns. “Isn't the same as--holy ! Your hair! It's pink!”

Namjoon sighs. “You've just now noticed?”

“Well, I… sorry!” Seokjin sputters and Namjoon chuckles as she grabs a handful of napkins to wipe up the ice cream she spit out. “I can't believe I didn't notice before!”

“Me neither,” Namjoon agrees dryly.

“It's cute,” Seokjin titters. “Pink is actually my favorite color.”

“Really?” In reality, Namjoon knows this. Everyone on campus knows this and if you didn't know the gorgeously famous Kim Seokjin's favorite color was pink, you'd have to have been living under a rock your entire life.

Seokjin nods. “It's actually that shade, too!”

Namjoon shakes his head in fake disbelief and wonder. “I truly had no idea.”

“Well, I really like it.” Seokjin smiles and takes a bite of her ice cream. Her phone chimes and Namjoon catches a glance at the name on the screen. Jaehwan.

“Who’re you texting?” He asks casually.

“Mmm, my friend, Jaehwan. You know him?”

Namjoon shrugs nonchalantly. “Seen him around. Are you guys… dating?”

Seokjin's head flies up, her eyes wide. “What? No!” She laughs nervously. “Why would you think that?”

Namjoon frowns and shrugs. “I don't know. You guys seemed pretty close when you came to Neko Restaurant.”

His companion looks up, her lips pursed. “Are you… jealous?” Her eyes are alight with amusement and Namjoon feels a twist in his gut.

“Yeah,” he replies. “I am.” Seokjin stops giggling and looks at him in shock. Namjoon leans closer to her, running his thumb over her bottom lip. “Kim Seokjin, be mine. No one else's, only mine.” The smile on Seokjin's face is blinding and she responds with a kiss.

Operation Pink Hair: Successful.






It's after practice that Jeongguk finally plucks up the courage to ask Jimin on a date. He walks up to her, scratching his neck nervously, and clears his throat.

She looks up from where she's packing her things and smiles. “Hey.”

“H-Hey,” Jeongguk stutters and his face burns. “Um, I have a question.”

“Sure.” Jimin faces him fully, ready to answer any questions about dance practice and any moves. What she's not expecting is to be asked on a date. “What?”

“Oh, God, this is so embarrassing,” Jeongguk squeaks and hides his face in his hands. “Nevermind.”

“Wait!” Jimin reaches up and manages to pry his hands off his face. “Are you serious? Are you really asking me on a date?” Jeongguk nods and Jimin grins, her eyes turning into crescents. “Of course!”


“Yeah,” Jimin giggles and takes out her phone, handing it to him. “Give me your number and we can talk about it later.”

“O-Okay!” Jeongguk punches in his number and hands it back, his face even brighter red than before. “Bye!” Jimin laughs as she watches him scurry out the door, nearly tripping over the frame.


“So,” Jimin brings up as she, Jia-Li, and Baekhyun are sitting in Baekhyun’s room, eating Ramen and studying for their upcoming tests. “Jeongguk asked me on a date.”

“What?” Both girls stare at her.

Jimin nods, smile playing on her lips. “Today, after dance practice. He was all cute and shy.”

“That's adorable,” Jia-Li gushes.

“At least you two can get dates,” Baekhyun says, stabbing at her textbook with her pencil. “Chanyeol can't muster up the courage to ask me on a date but he has the audacity to make out with me whenever we're together.”

Jimin laughs and pats Baekhyun’s shoulder. “Maybe you should ask him.”

Baekhyun sighs. “Maybe. Did Jeongguk tell you what you were going to do?”

Jimin nods. “He wanted to take me to the fall festival in Busan so we're going down and stay this weekend.”

Jia-Li raises her eyebrows. “Together?”

“No!” Jimin’s face burns at the thought. “We’ll be staying with our own parents.”

“That's what she says,” Baekhyun hisses and playfully nudges Jia-Li.

Jimin whines and covers her red face with a pillow. “Baek!” Said girl snickers with Jia-Li as Jimin wails in mortification.

Jia-Li pats her back. “Well, Jiminnie, I hope you two have fun. Although, don't you think this is kind of serious? For a first date?”

“I agree,” Baekhyun says, calmer. “Taking you back to Busan?”

“Jeongguk is from Busan, too,” Jimin replies, anxiously running her fingertips along her nail beds. Though she agrees some; going and spending a weekend in their hometown seems like a big step, even if they'll be staying at their own houses. Suddenly, her phone rings and Jimin frowns when she sees it's from her mother. “Hello?”

“Jimin, dear,” her mother starts, sounding apologetic.

“Mom, what's wrong?”

“Well, sweetheart, it seems… it seems like you won't be able to visit this weekend.”

“What?” Jimin squeaks. Baekhyun and Jia-Li lean closer. “W-Why?”

“Your father's brother’s family is coming to visit unexpectedly. I'm afraid we had to give up your room to your cousins,” Jimin’s mother replies with a sigh. “I really am sorry, dear.”

Jimin sighs as well. “It's alright,” she murmurs. She is disappointed she won't get to see her family but Christmas break is coming soon and then she'll get to go home for a few  weeks. They exchange goodbyes and Jimin hangs up, dejected.

Baekhyun pats her back. “It's okay, Min.”

“What am I going to tell Jeongguk?” Jimin groans, falling back into Baekhyun’s pillows. Jia-Li and Baekhyun exchange glances.

“Call him,” Baekhyun suggests, holding Jimin’s phone out to her from where it had fallen onto the sheets. “It’ll be okay, I’m sure he’ll understand.”

“Don’t worry, Minnie,” Jia-Li adds. Jimin takes a deep breath and nods, taking the phone from Baekhyun. She dials Jeongguk’s number, barely breathing as she listens to it ring.


“Guk!” She squeaks nervously, staring at her friends with wide, panicked eyes.

“Jimin, what’s up?” She can hear the concern in his voice.

“Um… it’s about this weekend.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Jimin takes another deep breath. “I’m really sorry, Gukkie, but my family is coming to my house this weekend and there won’t be any room for me there so i can't go back to Busan with you. I'm real-”

“You can stay with us,” Jeongguk interrupted her. “My family, I mean.” He holds his breath, waiting for her to respond.

“Are you sure that would be okay?” Jimin asks quietly. “I-I don’t want to intrude…”

“It’s okay,” Jeongguk reassures her. “Really.”

“Okay!” He sighs in relief to hear the excitement in Jimin’s reply. “I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you later.” He hangs up and whoops in happiness. After he’s done celebrating, he unlocks his phone again and types in a number. “Mom! So, here’s the thing…”






Kyungsoo is walking out of her lecture building with her friends when she hears someone calling her name. They all turn and see Jongin running down the sidewalk, silver hair wild, yelling her name. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow at the sight but waits.

“Kyungsoo!” Jongin squeaks as he reaches them. Hyunsik snorts in amusement at the sight and Kyungsoo nudges him.

“Yes, Jongin,” Kyungsoo replies calmly.

“I-I wanted to ask you something!”

Immediately, Kyungsoo’s friends start whispering and her face flushes in embarrassment. “Sure.”

Jongin swallows and stares down at his feet. “Well, we have this recital tomorrow… and I was wondering if you'd like to come.”

“A dance recital?” Kyungsoo her head and Jongin nods, his brown puppy eyes hopeful. “Okay, I can try to make it.” She holds out her hand. “Just text me the information.”

Jongin’s face lights up and he digs his phone out of his pocket before giving it to her.

Kyungsoo chuckles, thinking about how similar he is to a puppy. After giving his phone back, she waves goodbye and walks away with her friends.

“Someone was excited to see you,” Hongbin giggles, which earns her a shove.

“Yah, stop,” Kyungsoo whines while they laugh at her blushing cheeks. “Seriously, we’re just friends.”

Hongbin rolls her eyes. “Soo, please. We saw the way you guys look at each other. Those aren't friend looks.”

Kyungsoo just pushes her away and smiles to herself. Everything is working out perfectly.



“I'll see you all later!” Kyungsoo calls as she leaves, giggling when she hears the excited replies. The girls are going to have a fun evening.

She gets in her car and heads to the arts center, managing to find a close parking spot. As she's heading in, she hears a couple of girls talking about the famous Kim Jongin and she continues on. She doesn't want to listen to Jongin’s first year fangirls.

It's crowded inside, something Kyungsoo wasn't expecting but she lucks out and finds an available seat in the third row from the stage. She plays with her phone until the lights dim and the audience settles in.

“Welcome to this year's fall-winter dance recital! Please sit back and enjoy!” A voice announces over the PA and the audience claps.

The curtain raises and the stage lights up, revealing a familiar figure sitting in a tall chair. His silver hair shines in the lights and when he looks up at the audience, Kyungsoo can't help but squeak.

Gone is Jongin’s soft puppy look; instead his eyes are lined with black and his gaze seems to be right on Kyungsoo, piercing her in place.

She can't seem to breath with Jongin looking at her like that.


Kyungsoo watches with awe as Jongin dominates the stage in the final dance of the recital, his movements smooth and fluid. She's never seen someone dance so beautifully.

Once he's done, the lights go out and Kyungsoo is the first to stand, clapping loudly, the auditorium gradually following her. She looks over when she hears boisterous cheering and sees his frat brothers and friends hooting and hollering.

Jongin comes out a few minutes later, pushing through the crowd, and stops in front of her. “Hi,” he greets.  

“You were amazing!” Kyungsoo grins, gathering Jongin into a hug.

He laughs and she's never seen him so happy. “I'm really glad you came. I was worried you wouldn't.”

“Of course I'd come! I was personally invited by the star of the show, after all!” She looks over and smirks when she sees the group of girls whispering and pointing to them. Their eyes scream jealously and Kyungsoo snakes an arm around Jongin’s waist, shooting them a peace sign.

Jongin, who is busy talking to his friends, smiles when he feels Kyungsoo wrap herself around him and slings his arm around her shoulders. It's the last straw for the girls and they stomp out of the auditorium with Kyungsoo laughing to herself.

“We should probably head back soon,” Namjoon says, glancing at his watch. “It's getting late.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widen and she holds out her hands. “Wait!” The boys turn to look at her curiously and she smiles awkwardly. “Why don't we all go out? As a congratulations to Jongin!”

Jongin’s face lights up at the thought of spending more time with Kyungsoo and nods enthusiastically. “Good idea! Come on!”

Kris sighs but smiles and they all leave the art center together, agreeing to meet at the nearest restaurant.

How's it going? Kyungsoo texts Junmyeon.

Getting there! I'm sure we'll be done by the time you are



“You were the best out there, Nini!” Sehun cheers, the other boys agreeing boisterously. Jongin looks down at the compliment, blushing wildly.

It's late; drinks and snacks have been passed around and more than a few of the elder boys are tipsy.

“Aw,” Kyungsoo cooes. “You're so cute. I sort of regret distracting you all while we do our thing.”

“What?” Kris squawks, catching everyone's attention. His unfocused gaze sharpens on Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo smiles at him innocently. “Kappa Gamma. Phase two.”

All of the boys glance at Kris nervously. “What does she mean, hyung?” Chanyeol asks, cheeks flushed.

“!” Immediately, Kris is up and dashing out the door, his boys on his heels.

Before he leaves, Jongin leans over to press a chaste kiss on Kyungsoo’s cheek. He grins at her shyly and then runs out, leaving Kyungsoo to sit at an empty table.

Her face burns where his lips touched her and she groans, running her hands through her black and red hair. “,” she mutters. “This isn't the plan.”


The Kappa Pi Beta House is horrific. The entire thing is covered in wet toilet paper, causing a terrible mess that makes Kris want to keel over. The front door has tons of little unwrapped Dum Dums glued to it, a piece of paper above reading, Haha you ers. There's no way this awful joke wasn't Junmyeon’s idea.

“It's going to take forever to clean up,” Jongdae whines miserably.

“I don't even want to know what they did inside,” Sehun adds. He gingerly opens the door, Jongin peeking in behind him.

The inside is covered in wet toilet paper as well and Sehun nearly slips as he walks in the front door. The floor is slick and smelling of cherries. “Is that lube?” Jongin squeaks after he and Jongdae inspect them.

“God, this is going to be a pain to clean up,” Chanyeol groans.

Kris sighs, running a hand down his face. “We’ll clean it up tomorrow. It's late, everyone go to sleep.” The boys grumble and carefully tread through the lube over the floors to their rooms, which thankfully are still in their messy conditions they were before.


They wake up, ready to get rid of the mess, only to realize the sleet from last night froze the toilet paper to the outside of their house and it smells worse than cherry-flavored lube now.

Kris cries and Luhan is just about ready to stab everyone in sight.

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Chapter 22: SuChen is really adorable... And naughty hahaha
Babygigi #2
Chapter 23: Congratulations on getting into your university of choice with scholarship. I hope that everything goes well for u. Fighting ^•^.
Chapter 23: i hope you do well in school! take care of yourself and come back to this when you can!
Crazy_Me19 #4
I really really wanna see some kaisoo though please authornim
Crazy_Me19 #5
Suchen are so sweet aww
ironmyeon #6
Chapter 22: i cri, really inlove with suchen
ironmyeon #7
suchen ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 21: i'm honestly melting at the suchen i love them so much GOD

also this fic has...all...of my...otps...i'm so...happy...

i love this fanfic so much you have no idea ♡__♡
Babygirlempress #9
Chapter 21: So much happened in this chapter first poor baekhyun with all that happened to her in the past and now and woo! joonmyun and jondae are finally together(I think?) and jikook were so adorable it was like an anime
Babygirlempress #10
Chapter 20: I missed this so much and the last part was my favorite