Chapter 9 : Plan A (2/2)


After a week, everything has changed. Jeonghan thinks he is a fool believing in such sweet words that makes him hold on into something that isn't holding him back. Even if he is a fool out of himself, he will never get tired of understanding. 

He walks around his house feeling bored as usual. He flips channel like he was not interested watching at all. He thought maybe this time Jisoo is free. Besides, It's Saturday. No work, no excuses and No Hansol at all. From the past days, Whenever He invites Jisoo to visit him on his house, He is sick to received Hansol as an excuse when he can't go over. He always calm himself as he does not want to argue with Jisoo about it. He does not want to be an unreasonable boyfriend for it to not be a reason for a cat fight, but is he unreasonable at all? 

"Jeonghan... you are just overthinking again. Jisoo is just busy. Just understand him"

He slowly agrees to himself and tries to dial Jisoo's number instead. 

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow when no one is answering the call. When he tries for the nth time, He can't control to raise his voice as soon as someone picks up

*picks up*

Jeonghan : YAH! How many calls should I have to consume for you to pick up?!

Hansol : Jeonghan hyung?

He stops for a minute since he knows the voice is not from Jisoo, but the latter instead

Jeonghan : H-hey

Hansol : Oh hello hyung. Ahm why did you call?

Jeonghan doesn't know why but he suddenly boils hearing that

Jeonghan : Is Jisoo there? 

Hansol : Ah yeah

Jeonghan : Can I talk to him?

Hansol : I'm sorry hyung, He does not want to be disturb

Jeonghan : Pardon?

Hansol : He is doing something on his laptop so he said I should answer the phone call since it is ringing consecutively

Jeonghan : So he does not bother to know who is calling him?

Hansol : I guess so hyung


Jeonghan ends the phone call right away frustratingly. Sure, it is not the first time this was happened but the pain does not make it numb. He wanted to burst out crying but he prevents himself for doing so

"Be mature Jeonghan, be mature"

Heck, he is making himself a fool once again.

He lays soullessly on the couch while looking blankly on the ceiling. Not a minute after, A tear came out flowing on his cheeks without him knowing. He unconsciously wipes it and starts crying silently when his phone suddenly vibrates. He quickly stands up and thought it was Jisoo but a big disappointment crash his world once again. 

*picks up*

Jeonghan : Yeah Jihoon

Jihoon : Yah stupid head- wait, why do you sound like that?

Jeonghan : sound what?

Jihoon : that!

Jeonghan : I sound okay though

Jihoon : oh come on You can't fool me

Jeonghan : whatever

Jihoon : ... are you okay?

Jeonghan starts controlling his tears as he does not want to tackle it with his friend who surely knows anything about him

Jihoon : Yah Yoon Jeonghan I'm talking here

Jeonghan : There's nothing wrong. I-I'm just bored

Jihoon : really? Didn't Jisoo visits you?

Jeonghan : H-he's busy with his work since he badly works hard for it

Jihoon : blah blah blah you keep on understanding him

Jeonghan : Of course I need to understand him

Jihoon : But not all the time

Jeonghan : But still 

Jihoon : Yeah whatever. The next morning you wake up, I swear that Jisoo's-new-bestfriend will take him without you knowing it

He sighs deeply as he closes his eyes

Jeonghan : I'm not in the right mood to ride your jokes pinky head

Jihoon : I'm not joking

Jeonghan : Just shut up

Jihoon : okay fine. Just don't go to me crying in the future

Jeonghan : I won't

Jihoon : seriously, I don't want to see you crying

Jeonghan : Are you like my mother now?

Jihoon : In your face. You look much older than me

Jeonghan : And here you are not facing the fact that I'm older than you

Jihoon : Because I love you

Jeonghan smiles automatically hearing those words. Even if he is everyday lonely, He can always smile whenever this friend calls him. A smile he thought should come from Jisoo but... no.

Jeonghan : Enough with the cheesy lines. Why do you call?

Jihoon : I always call you duuh

Jeonghan : Then what is it today?

Jihoon : I'm bored. Let's go to a salon! 

Jeonghan : What will we do there?

Jihoon : Of course do some make over you stupid hard headed red hair man! 

Jeonghan : Yah! you are waaaay out of the line!

Jihoon : Of course I am. now pleaseeeee let's gooo~

Jeonghan : Don't you dare use that awful sound. It's disgusting

Jihoon : pffff. So are we going?

Jeonghan : I'm tired. Can you go with Seungcheol instead?

Jihoon : Argh come on you are just tired waiting for Jisoo to call you

Jeonghan : ...

Jihoon : okay fine. I'll just pretend that nothing happens between you two

Jeonghan : We are good so don't pretend

Jihoon : Whatever 

Jeonghan : I don't wanna go

Jihoon : Don't you love me?!

Jeonghan : I just don't wanna move a muscle here

Jihoon : Okay I'll just go there to make you move. Bye!

Jeonghan : wait-


Jeonghan massages his head as his friend is giving him a headache once again. But he smiles thinking something might distract him for awhile.

He quickly change his clothes and wait for Jihoon outside  

"I thought you didn't wanted to go?" Jihoon teases

"I change my mind. Let's go" Jeonghan said and enters the car


"Who called me?" Jisoo asks while his eyes are still fixed on his laptop

"Nah, Just a prank call" Hansol said while sitting besides Jisoo 

"Oh... I thought it's Jeonghan" He whispers sadly as he was kind of sad or disappointed since his pretty boy does not contact him lately

"Do you want to grab a snack? It's about to get dark outside and we are not yet grabbing our lunch" Hansol sweetly put his head on Jisoo's shoulder

"You can go first. I might ask Jeonghan to join me later since I feel guilty I'm running out of time spending moments with him" Jisoo friendly rejected

Hansol secretly rolled his eyes and thinks of another way "Come on, I don't wanna be lonely eating my dinner and besides, You are helping me with my work so I need to pay it just this time" 

Jisoo silently chuckles "You pay me every time we meet"

"Even so" He said back

He thinks for awhile while shutting down his laptop. He looks at him and he doesn't know why he is seeing Jeonghan through his eyes that made him hard to reject his offer every time

"Okay" Hansol jumps excitedly and hugs him. Jisoo gladly welcomes the hug  

"Let's also invite Seungkwan" He adds

Hansol thinks for a minute to find an excuse "He is quite busy. He contacted me awhile ago"

Jisoo just nods as a sign that he understands. He stands up and gets his keys "Let's go"

He happily follows the older boy and clings around his arms. 


Reaching the salon, Jeonghan quickly sits in one of the couch and starts reading the magazine. Jihoon rolled his eyes and went to his friend 

"What are you doing?"

"Reading some magazines, are you blind?" Jeonghan half-heartedly answered

"Yah I do not ask you to come with me to just sit here" Jihoon sulkies

Jeonghan puts away the magazine from his face "Fine. I'll just critique whatever dumb style you wanted to apply with your ugly face" 

Jihoon literally punch his shoulder that made Jeonghan loudly said "Ah!"

"We are both having an make over" Jeonghan widely opens his eyes and quickly says "No"

"I'm not asking for you approval" Jihoon fights back

"Tsss you don't own my hair" The latter just rolled his eyes and thinks of another way on how to make him say Yes. After a minute of silence, He looks at the pretty boy smirkingly 

"Y-Yah what are you thinking about?" Jeonghan firmly asked

"Let's have a bet. Toss coin. I'll be the head and you'll be the tail. Whoever wins will do whatever he wants to the latter" He thinks for a minute 

Jihoon secretly raises his eyebrow as he knows how bad Jeonghan is in betting. He grins once more when the pretty boy said yes. 

When he tosses the coin, Jeonghan can't help but lay frustratingly as the coin flips revealing the head. 

"Yey! I win!" Jihoon happily shouts

"Argh!" He slowly push the latter up from the couch and pulls him closer to the chair 

Jihoon laughs silently when he saw Jeonghan's grumpy face in the mirror 

"Don't worry. We both having a make over" He said while sitting besides him 

"Let me ask something. Why are you doing this?" Jeonghan asked

"Because I love you duuuh" Jihoon sarcastically but honestly said

Jeonghan cannot help but smile. He sighs deeply as he will say good bye to his red hair which he loves so much 

"Let's dye our hair" The latter suggests

"What color?" 

"You'll know. Yah put this" He passes on the blindfold 

"Why am I putting this?" Jeonghan curiously asked

"Because I will be the one who will choose your style. I wanted to make it a surprise though" Jihoon said while pointing out his hair

Jeonghan just rolled his eyes and done it anyway. He sighs deeply before giving in "I trust you pinky head. Here we go" 


"So where do you want to eat?" Jisoo asks

"hmmm you pick!" Hansol excitedly said

"Haha okay. Hmmmmm Let's drop by to Seungcheol and Jihoon's restaurant" The latter looks at him quickly "seriously?" 

"Yeap" Jisoo answers. Hansol just closes his eyes and just accepts the fact that he will face Jihoon once again. 

While driving, Jisoo was trying to reached out his phone from the backseat to contact Jeonghan. Hansol sees how struggle "Should I get it?" 

"Oh thanks" The older happily accepts the offer

"Who will you contact? I'll dial it instead so you will focus on the road" Hansol insists

"Can you dial Jeonghan's number?" Jisoo asks

The latter nods and secretly glance at Jisoo to see if he is watching him. He smirks slowly knowing Jisoo is focus on the road. Instead of contacting Jeonghan, He switch off his phone and dialed his number instead. He makes sure that the speaker is on for Jisoo to hear

"The number you have dialed is unattended or out of coverage area... "

Jisoo curls his eyebrow when he heard it 

"Maybe his phone is off or something. Should I dial it again?" Hansol innocently offered

"Nah. Maybe he is sleeping" Jisoo cannot help but feel sad as he was not yet hearing the latter's voice since yesterday

"okay" He quickly deletes the call history secretly and returns the phone at the back 

Hansol is slowly satisfied with his work. He does it all the time preventing the two to come closer to each other. Perhaps, His plan is going well which he loves very much 


After an hour, Jeonghan fell asleep while his hair is being done. Jihoon can't help but feel proud looking a very different Jeonghan in front of him. He contacts Seungcheol that they will come to the restaurant to eat a dinner together with the pretty boy. As usual, Seungcheol is very happy to hear that. After the phone call, Jihoon slowly wakes him up 

"Yah, Jeonghan wake up" He taps moderately

The pretty boy slowly moving an inch. When he faces the mirror, His eyes widely opens "YAAAAH! WHY DID YOU CUT MY HAIR SHORT?!"

Jihoon runs around the salon as Jeonghan is coming after him when he saw his new short hair "You look good with that hair!" 

"Do you know how many years I spent just to grow my hair long!" Jeonghan said 

"It fits you anyway!" The pretty boy stops running as both of them are tired

After breathing numerous times, Jihoon teases Jeonghan "Come on You should thank me. You look good swear with your new black short hair" 

Jeonghan just rolled his eyes and faces him half not satisfied "I hate you"

"I love you too" Jihoon smiles sweetly that made Jeonghan rolled his eyes even more 

Just when he was about fight back, He was shock when someone calls his name from his back

"Jeonghan?" The man softly said

He turns his short hair on the air and faces the man 

Seungcheol cannot move an inch. He can't believe who is the person standing 10 meters away from him looks so beautiful "Is that you?"

Jeonghan just smiles "Well yeah"

He runs excitedly and hugs the pretty boy in the air "You look so beautiful!" 

"What about me?" Jihoon pouts that made Jeonghan and Seungcheol laugh

"Someone is jealous" Jeonghan teases

"come here" Seungcheol gave Jihoon a back hug and kisses his cheeks "You look so perfect already with that black hair" 

Jihoon blushes secretly and looks at other direction. Jeonghan chuckles seeing their cuteness and slightly felt a heartache but does not mind it for awhile

"Yah Let's stop. Someone is feeling jealous" Jihoon winks at him. Jeonghan just rolled his eyes that made Seungcheol laughs

"Haha okay okay. Let's go eat our dinner" He said while dragging his two precious gem on his car


When they reached the restaurant, Seungcheol signals Jihoon to go out first. Jihoon understands and obeys.

Jeonghan was about to follow Jihoon when Seungcheol holds his hand "What is it?" 

"Can we talk for a minute?" He seriously said but with a smile on his face

"Sure. What is it you want to talk about?" The pretty boy agrees

"Are... Are you and Jisoo still alright?" Jeonghan quickly avoid the eye contact and smiles right away

"Of course. We are not just talking lately since he is busy at work" He assures

Seungcheol looks at him for a minute and understands right away but chooses to ignore it for now "I hope he is busy in his work and not for someone else"

Jeonghan just laughs sarcastically "Hansol is his friend"

"I didn't name drop" Seungcheol said 

"Okay you got me there" The pretty boy said back and looks at the window instead

Silence filled the car. Seungcheol decided to not go further and just pats the latter's hair "Anyway, You look really beautiful with your new look. I love it" 

He does not wait for the response of the latter and goes out to open the door for him "Let's go?"

"Yeah Let's go" He takes the invitation and enters the restaurant

While walking down the aisle, All the eyes are into them that makes Jeonghan uneasy for a moment "Why are they looking at us?"

Seungcheol chuckles before answering "I think they thought I'm cheating on Jihoon"

The pretty boy playfully punch his chest "silly you" 

They reached the table where Jihoon is still fixing the food around it 

"Woah so plenty of foods. Is there an event or celebration or something?" Jeonghan curiously asked

"Nothing. We just wanted to give a lot of foods tonight since I thought this is the first time you will get to eat proper foods since your friend left" Jihoon said

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow "I can afford to buy foods you know"

"You don't eat too much from the past days you know. Look how skinny you are" Jihoon teases back honestly

"Let's just eat come on!" Seungcheol quickly changes the topic and puts food on Jeonghan's plate "Yah, eat"

"You guys are like my parents geez" He whispers that made the couple laugh

Across numerous tables, Jisoo and Hansol are eating quietly. Hansol pouts as he sees the latter being so quiet since the time they stepped on the restaurant. He was glad Jihoon is nowhere to be found to ruin their night once again but he can't stand Jisoo like this so he asks what's the problem

"Jisoo are you alright?" He asks worriedly

Jisoo does not answer and so he repeats with a louder voice "Jisoo!"

The latter was shocked and looks at him right away "Oh sorry, What is it?"

"You look out of space. What's the matter?" 

"Ahhh. It's nothing. Eat your dinner" Jisoo shrugs a smile and acts as if it is nothing 

"come on, I know you. What's wrong?" Hansol said again with an insist tone

Jisoo sighs deeply before putting his fork on his plate "I just... I just missed Jeonghan. He never contacts me lately. And I thought It's my fault since I can't initiate myself to go to his house" 

Hansol boils a little but acts as if he is concern "look it's not your fault. Besides, You always make an effort to contact him every minute but it turns out that he is kind of busy or something. I think he should understand whenever he asks you to come over to his house. You are not free every second for him. You also have a duty to your company, workers or me... errm as your friend" 

Jisoo sighs as he gives his friend a pat on his head "I understand. Thank you for being my friend"

"I'll always be your best friend. Now lets continue eating" He smiles back 


Jeonghan felt full in just 5 minutes of eating. His mouth is full of foods that Seungcheol or Jihoon puffs all even if he is not yet done chewing or swallowing all of it. He blocks his mouth when Seungcheol's spoon is approaching his tortured mouth once again 

"yngah! shtop fhor ah mhinyte" Jeonghan mumbles

"huh?" Seungcheol said as he don't understand what he is saying

He raises his hand while quickly chewing first the food inside his mouth. After drinking the water once shot, He difficulty breathe while holding his chest. 

He faces his friends frustratingly "Are you guys trying to kill me?!"

"Kill you from what?" Jihoon sarcastically asked

"You guys keep on giving me food like I'm a one year old baby who doesn't want to eat!" He said depressingly

Seungcheol can't help but laugh at the current state of the pretty boy "Sorry Angel. We just miss you"

"It's not like I did not eat for like a year" He glares

"Yes you are" Jihoon teases

"I'm not eating any of these anymore" The pretty boy sulkies

"Don't be a whine baby" Jihoon glares

"Guys please! You are my closest friends. Don't act like my Grandpa or Grandma especially you, you black headed grumpy man" He points out to Jihoon

"Yah your hair is also black" 

"So?" Seungcheol coughs his water witnessing their cat fight once again 

"I'll just go to the bathroom" Jeonghan stands up and before leaving, Jihoon is not yet done teasing him "Be sure to come back and finish your dinner" 

He grumps while moving away and quickly went to the rest room since he is feeling something else moving along his stomach

Jisoo doesn't know why when a short black haired feminine figure past their table quickly. He raises his eyebrow as he thought he knows the person but Hansol caught his attention once again

"Argh! The coffee went on my shirt!" He whines

He looks at him and gets some tissue. He stands up and went to Hansol's direction helping him wipe out the coffee around his shirt. 

After a few minutes, He stands up and was about to turn back on his seat when he bumped into someone so hardly. Both of them fell on the floor while holding their heads

"Yah! Why do you bump my-" Hansol paused for a minute when the pretty boy's hair flips on the air

Jisoo stands up without looking and quickly lends his hand to help the latter stand up "Sorry about tha- huh?"

"No, It's oka- Jisoo?" Jeonghan widens up his eyes seeing Jisoo in front of him 

"J-Jeonghan?" He slowly lifts the pretty boy while still looking in amaze "Is that you?" 

Jeonghan can't help but look at Jisoo's eyes directly. He felt like this is the first time he saw him like forever. When he was about to hold Jisoo's cheeks, He heard a voice that his ears refuse to hear

"Good Evening Hyung! What are you doing here?" Hansol innocently greets while standing between them 

He raises his eyebrow but eventually keeps his patience "I just went here to have a dinner with Seungcheol and Jihoon. And I assume you guys are here too to have a dinner" 

"Yeah. Oh when did you get your haircut hyung?" 

"Awhile ago. Jihoon called me and bring me to a salon" He smilingly answered

Jisoo got his turn to raise his eyebrow and asked "called? you answered?" 

Jeonghan was quite surprise on what Jisoo said "Of course I answered" 

The orange guy doesn't know why but he felt a stab on his chest "I contact you awhile ago and your phone is dead" 

"What? I'm stuck in my phone all day long and did not received any. You don't answer my calls either" Jeonghan doesn't know why but his voice are suddenly changing

"you called? I never received any call or message from you today" Jisoo slowly bursting out

Jeonghan lets out a sarcastic laugh while glancing at Hansol who he was not sure if the latter is smirking or being an angelic being in front of them. Before he lets out his boil, He taps Jisoo's shoulder and pretends they do not have any argument for the night 

"I still have my dinner with them. See you later... or never" He kind of whisper on the end and leaves his spot like Jisoo is like a casual friend whom he came passed by accidentally

Jisoo was shocked when Jeonghan just talks to him like he was just his classmate way back in their college life "What was that?" 

Hansol just shrugs his shoulder while pouting curiously at him. Jisoo sighs pathetically and tries to digest what just happen.

Jeonghan returns on the table while holding his anger on his fist 

"Yah what took you so long?" Jihoon points out

Jeonghan just shakes his head while drinking some cold water to soothe up his mood 

"Did something happened?" Seungcheol worriedly asks while fixing his hair

"I just feel tired. Can I lay for a minute?" Jeonghan holds back his tears as he doesn't know why but his heart urge him that he needs Seungcheol's comfort at the moment

"Sure" He agrees while inviting the latter on his shoulders. He slowly rubs his fingers on the angel's hair as he felt already that something is wrong. 

On the other hand, Jisoo invites Hansol to go home quickly as he needs to talk to Jeonghan. Hansol agrees half heartedly and before they exit the restaurant, Jisoo notices Jihoon's table. His eyes catch Jeonghan right away laying comfortably on Seungcheol's arms. He doesn't know why but it automatically hits him hard on his face. 

When they are in the parking lot, Hansol asks if he is okay. He just nods and faces his friend "Ah, Hansol, can you go home alone tonight?" 

"Why? Aren't you coming along with me? We still have some bunch of work to finish tonight" Hansol tries to convince him but he fully decide that he needs to talk to Jeonghan

"Can I skip it just for tonight? I ah... I need some rest" Jisoo tries to reason out

Hansol repeatedly cursing on his head as his plan is suddenly turning around but just for tonight will not completely ruined his plan. He nods sadly while agreeing to go home alone

Jisoo felt guilty seeing him look all so sad. He moves closer and gives his friend a kiss on his forehead "Promise, Just this once okay? Go home safe" 

The latter smirks when he glanced on the entrance of the restaurant seeing Jeonghan standing still looking at their direction

"nice timing Jisoo, thank you for your cooperation"

Hansol waves his good bye while getting inside the uber car

Jisoo smiles one last time as he sends his friend home. When he was about to enter again the restaurant to find Jeonghan, He was quite shock seeing him in front of entrance. He doesn't know why but the latter's face shows no emotion while looking at him. He quickly walks towards him and just when he was about to reach him, Seungcheol and Jihoon appears in the latter's back

He was not sure whether he was right to see a tears around the pretty boy's eyes before looking back to see the couple. It made Jisoo more nervous

"Oh! Jisoo you are here" Jihoon greets

"Yeah" Jisoo smiles

"Why are you here?" Seungcheol asked

He curls his eyebrow with the question but he still answers it politely as he is a close friend of Seungcheol "I had a dinner here and I saw Jeonghan so maybe we could go home together" 

Jeonghan looks at different direction and not bother to look at his boyfriend in front of him 

"Oh. Seungcheol was about to give him a ride-"

"I can" Jisoo offers

"Okaay? Anyway, Have a nice night to the both of you. Jeonghan, Thanks for coming with us for dinner. See you soon" Seungcheol hugs Jeonghan and gave him a good night pat on his head "Your hair totally fits in you"

Jeonghan just smiles with the compliment. Jisoo quickly holds Jeonghan's hands and moves him closer to him "We will now take off"

"Have a safe ride!" Jihoon shouts while looking at the couple walking away from them

"They seem to have problem" Seungcheol said honestly

"Yeah... It feels like... they are not the Jeonghan and Jisoo we know" Jihoon added up



While walking to get into Jisoo's car, Jisoo felt that Jeonghan does not hold back his hand and just being dragged by his force. He didn't give much attention to it. When they reached his car, Jeonghan lets go of the hold on his hand and enters the car. Jisoo follows silently. When he enters the car, He glance at the pretty boy who looks at the window and not even bothered to look at him. 

"Jeonghan... Is everything alright?" He asks before starting the engine

"I'm tired" The latter whispers but capable for him to hear. He understands the situation and drives the car away from the restaurant

While on the way home, No one is talking. Jisoo is now certain that something is really going on between them. When the traffic light goes to red, He signals himself that it is the right time to start a conversation

"Jeonghan..." He softly said "What just happened in the restaurant?" 

"Nothing much important" Jeonghan answered uninterestedly

Jisoo rolled his eyes as he receives a pathetic answer "You just talk to me like I'm not the Jisoo you know"

Jeonghan took a glance at him "Are you?"

"What?" He asks surprisingly. He felt an ache on his chest when he sees his angel's eyes surrounded by tears

"What are you saying?" He asks

"I'm surprised you didn't take Hansol home tonight. I don't know If I'm dreaming being seated again on your car" Jeonghan half-heartedly said

"What are you talking about Jeonghan?" 


Jisoo was about to say something when the traffic signal turns green. His mind is currently unstable as he doesn't know what is happening. The last time he knew he wants to confront Jeonghan because of not answering his calls and being spotted together with Seungcheol. He can't help himself to start again a conversation

"Jeonghan... why are you not answering my calls?" He starts up while controlling himself to raise a voice

Jeonghan looks at him and felt off guard "You seriously asking me that question?"

"Why? don't I have the right to call you whenever I miss you? well it turns out that you answer their calls compared to mine" He cannot contain anymore and lets out what he wanted to say

"At least they call me to check If I'm still breathing" Jeonghan answered back with the same amount of tone

"So are you saying I don't care about you and Seungcheol cares the most to you?" Jisoo stops the car on Jeonghan's street

"Why are you putting Seungcheol into this?! It's not like he did something you don't like!" He looks at him frustratingly

"Did he?!" He raises his voice that made him look at Jeonghan with a more intense gaze

Jeonghan can't help but let a tear escape into his eyes when he chooses to close it than witness a pathetic Jisoo in front of him "Don't make Seungcheol the bottom line here" 

"Then who? Jeonghan you don't understand that I missed you the whole day. You don't understand that I look like a fool waiting for you to call or even message me today. You don't understand how It just breaks my heart seeing you and Seungcheol together where in fact I eagerly want to spent the night with you after I finish my work! Why can't you understand that Jeonghan?" Jisoo lets out his pain and it kills him more when Jeonghan just looks at him with an equal pain on his eyes

"I don't understand? Wow. What a word. Well, Sorry that every night I try to understand that you can't give your time to me anymore. Sorry that I look like a desperate man contacting you every minute and yet I did not get to hear your voice which I missed every single second of the day! I'M SORRY I CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF SEEING YOU ENJOYING YOUR NIGHT WITH SOMEONE ELSE! I AM FREAKING SORRY" Jeonghan bursts and dashed out of the car while crying on the streets. 

Jisoo was speechless. He can't move a muscle hearing those things from the pretty boy. He closes his eyes before going out the car and follows his boyfriend walking quickly on the streets. He shouts his name but Jeonghan doesn't turn his back that made Jisoo nervous to death

"What have I done..."

When he was about to reach him, Jeonghan reached his house and quickly shuts the door right in front of Jisoo's face

"Yah Jeonghan open the door" He softly requests. 

Jeonghan just locks the door while he cries in silent against the wall

"Please Jeonghan Let's talk. I-I'm sorry I said those things. I didn't mean all of it. I'm really sorry Jeonghan-ah" He begs while still knocking on the door

He never bothers himself to answer as he was completely sobbing like a mess on the floor. 

Jisoo tries to think on how will he get inside. He quickly went on the back door as he knows he can reach the lock around it. Not a minute after, He was already inside the house and quickly looks for Jeonghan. When he finds the pretty boy laying in dark room on the floor, He can't help himself but feel like a fool on what he had done. He slowly approaches him and get to his knees. He bent slowly while kissing his forehead and whispers sincerely "I'm sorry" 

He doesn't wait for Jeonghan to response and lifts the latter on his arms all the way to his room. He was glad that he did not resist. It only means He doesn't have enough power to grip on him. He lays him on his bed gently and put a blanket around him. When he settles the pretty boy, he stares at him for awhile and before he knows, he is already crying seeing him like that. He moves closer to him and starts combing the pretty boy's hair with his fingers

"Jeonghan-ah, I'm really sorry" He sincerely said 

Jeonghan closes his eyes and mumbles "I'm okay. You can leave" 

"I'm really really sorry. I'm just... I know I overreacted maybe because I'm tired from work and I don't receive any calls or messages from you. You didn't even answer my calls. I'm just frustrated about it. Sorry I brought up the things that doesn't make sense" Jisoo said while placing his chin on Jeonghan's head

Jeonghan faces him while his face was filled with tears "I call you every time but all I received was you are busy. I try to understand you every single time but It's get harder and harder Jisoo" 

Jisoo curls his eyebrow hearing those words but his heart suddenly sympathies. He comes closer to him and wipes the tears all over his face "I'm sorry you felt that way. Let me get it right okay?" 

Jeonghan just looks at him sincerely. His tears pour even more when he knows he badly misses this guy in front of him. He just closes his eyes and lays back on the bed facing his back to Jisoo "Don't mind me. Just go home. We both need some rest" 

The latter lays beside him while wrapping his hands around his waist and whispers "I'm really sorry Jeonghan-ah. I don't want you to be mad at me" 

The pretty boy felt the sincere words that made his madness fade slowly "I can't be mad at you. I'm just... tired" 

"I will never make you tired anymore" Jisoo said 

"Don't make promises you can't keep" He seriously said

Jisoo just remains silent while burying his head on Jeonghan's nape "I miss this Jeonghan" 

Jeonghan didn't respond but he felt the same way too. He was really tired to absorb what happen tonight and just wanted to sleep. Just before drifting to sleep, Jisoo moves closer and kisses him on his cheeks "I love you Jeonghan. I really do" 

He closes his eyes immediately without responding back. He doesn't know if it's real or a dream after all.


The sun rays hit Jeonghan's eyes that made him woke up slowly. He got a hard time opening his eyes as the pressure from crying last night makes it heavy. He gets up and slowly takes his step downstair. He raises his eyebrow when he hears someone is using his kitchen. He pecks from the walls and realize who is it. He pins his back from the wall first remembering what happened last night before appearing on the kitchen.

Jisoo felt his pretty boy was already awake so he turns his head to confirm it. He was mesmerized when he sees his boyfriend with a short black hair. He doesn't give much attention to it last night but today, He knows he is lucky to have this man next to him. Last night was the lesson for him to not to follow his instincts easily

"Good Morning!" He enthusiastically greets hoping the latter forgets what happened last night

Jeonghan just gives him a small smile while getting some water on the fridge "Don't you have work? You don't need to stay with me here" 

Just when he was about to drink, He suddenly felt a hand wrapping around his waist "I don't have any work today" 


"I wanted to spend some time with you" Jisoo said while hugging him tighter 

Jeonghan was speechless "You don't have to do it" 

"But I want to do it. And besides, I want to make up to you on what happened last night" 

"I-It's not a big deal. I just become emotional" Jeonghan defenses

"emotional or not, I'm still spending some time with you" Jisoo winks at him that made him hide his face from redness. He holds the pretty boy's shoulder and makes him seat near the table. 

"Just wait here, I'm about to finish our breakfast" He said while Jeonghan follows him with his eyes. He can't help but smiles and wonders if it's a dream or not. But even so, This is what he wanted but... is this also Jisoo wanted?

After Jisoo was done preparing the table for them, He stops in front of Jeonghan once again and looks at him smilingly

Jeonghan looks back curiously and asked "What?"

He was surprised when Jisoo kneeled before him and holds his hands like a baby "What are you doing?"

"Jeonghan, I just wanted to say how sorry I am to what attitude I gave last night. I know something has change to the both of us but I promise I still love you since the day I realize I fell in love with my best friend" He softly confess while slowly kissing Jeonghan's hand 

The latter can't help but let a tear flow on his cheeks while looking at his boyfriend's eyes "I love you too stupid" 

Jisoo chuckles "As far as I know, You are the one who is stupid between us"

"Whatever" Jeonghan rolled his eyes while smiling once again

He smiles back seeing his boyfriend's angelic smile before him. He can't help but hold his cheeks and slowly approach his face. Jeonghan closes his eyes and not a minute after, He felt a precious lips on his lips causing butterfly on his stomach

After Jisoo breaks the kiss, He touches Jeonghan's nose with his nose and said "I love you"

Jeonghan smiles back and said "I know"

"Yah That is not what I want to hear" Jisoo pinches his cheeks that made him chuckle

"Okay okay. I love you too" 

"Better" Jisoo kisses him on his forehead and stands up

"Now let's eat our breakfast wifey" Jeonghan feels his heartbeat loudly hearing that name once again 

"Please let us stay like this" 


Jeonghan felt happy when Jisoo kept his words for staying by his side all day long. They laugh, tease and exchange "I love you" to one another every minute of the second of the day. He just wish they stay like this but he knows, work will keep them apart and of course, that one friend which leaves a not so good impression to him. 

When it was getting dark, Jisoo waits for Jeonghan to finish bathing on the room. When the pretty came out from the bathroom, he quickly stole a kiss from his lips

"Yah! Who said you can do that?" Jeonghan teasefully said 

"When you stole something, you wouldnt shout out that you will stole it" Jisoo fights back

"Yeah yeah" He mumbles as a sign of defeat. When he release his pure black hair on the towel, Jisoo quickly positioned himself from the back and gets the blower on the table

"What are you doing?" Jeonghan asked

"I'll dry your hair" He angelically said and start now his work "I miss those days when you are struggling with your long hair"

"So what do you prefer, Long or short?" He curiously asked

"I prefer you" Jeonghan blushes that made Jisoo proud of himself "I can still make you blush" 

He pinches back as he was embarrass to comment on that. 

A long night full of tease comes to an end. Both laid facing each other while Jisoo gets the blanket to cover both of them. He settles one hand on Jeonghan' s waist and the other one to his head "I hope you are happy today"

"Thank you" Jeonghan smiles while closing his eyes. Jisoo kisses him on his forehead as his response

"So, what time will you leave for work tomorrow?" Jeonghan asks

"8:30 am. I need to get to Hansol's house and pick up Taehyung in the apartment" Jisoo said sleepily 

Jeonghan pouts and hugs Jisoo even more tightly "Do well on work"

"Alright. Goodnight I love you" Jisoo quickly gives him a peck on his lips before fully closing his eyes

"Goodnight Jisoo" Just when he was about to sleep, Jisoo made an annoying tone

"okay fine I love you too" Jeonghan teases but sincerely said

"Don't forget that" Jisoo smiles

"I won't. You too"

"I will never"


The next day Jeonghan opens his eyes, He was greeted by a note saying Jisoo left early since Hansol needed him for an emergency. He just sighs deeply and said to himself

"Lets go back to understanding workshop"

He decided to make his day productive so that he will not think too much about something that causes him pain. He quickly takes a shower and prepares himself to go out.

While walking on the park for an hour, He admits it is lonely to be alone but it gives you time to think deeply. He sits on the sea side to take some rest while admiring the beautiful view of the ocean. He can't help but smile on how beautiful it is

"So beautiful"


"Just like you"

Jeonghan was startled when someone speaks beside him. The man just smiles at him charmingly while the pretty boy widens up his eyes when he removes his cap

"How are you Jeonghan?"



Hello everybody! I miss you so much <3 I'm Sorry If the one month hiatus extends. It is so heartbreaking that we don't have a break after all because of the class suspension caused by the heavy rains. But thank you for waiting patiently for a new update <3 For the next week, even though I still have an on going classes, I'll try to write whenever I have given a free time ^_^ 

Happy reading~

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Interesting. Will read asap.
Chapter 22: Omg that was amazing lol I know I'm late but please continue writing!
Boku21 #3
Chapter 22: Great Story n.n thank you for this ♥
chetski #4
Yay happy ending at last! Thank you for finishing this fanfic authornim - will await your new story
Chapter 22: Thank you author-nim! I know it was a struggle to finish this story but I am glad you did. The author is so cute and I hope you will continue writing when you have the time. Take care author-nim!
Jihan4ever #6
Chapter 22: I'm literally crying at 12 in the afternoon. I'm glad that Jihan was able to have a very happy ending! I'm sad that this fanfic is complete but it ended very nicely. This fanfic has come so far and it has finally ended. And I'll be ready for the next game if there will be another one. Good Work Author-nim! Yay to Jihan!
Chapter 22: Finally!!! Phew~~
Chapter 22: Thank you for wonderful game :)
kimyerimislife #9
Chapter 22: Waaah a happy ending for Jihan and Jicheol T.T really worth the wait :)) thank you for writing such a wonderful story authornim!!
iamautumn #10
Chapter 22: waaahhh thank you author-nim for giving us a happy ending !! I'm very happy that they ended up together :))))) but there will be another game??