Chapter 5 : let the game begin (1/3)

"Who will do it then?" Shownu asks while moving closer to his friend

Minhyuk thinks for awhile before facing him with a smirk on his face "wonho"

"Why him?!" He looks at him seriously and all he receives was a calm answer from Minhyuk "because he is currently in Korea actually"

Shownu mouths a big "oh" while rubbing his nape

Minhyuk looks at him teasingly "you are not imagining something else right?"

"No I'm not" Shownu straightly said while standing up "I'll contact him tomorrow and will give you the line if he answers. We need some rest this night so goodnight"

Just when he was about to leave the living room, He receives the best compliment Minhyuk has given him all his life "Thanks for being there for me, to my craziness and in health"

Shownu smiles from his back and quickly dashed out to his room leaving Minhyuk following him with his eyes until he reached his room.

Minhyuk sits down once again and brings out his phone. His face brightens all of the sudden when he sees Jeonghan on his screensaver. He smiles like an idiot while pouring some wine on his glass and drinks it slowly. He closes his eyes as he gulps the wine on his lungs. After emptying his glass, he looks again at Jeonghan while his fingers are tracing the beautiful face of the pretty boy.

"Thank you for saving me that day. If it weren't for you, I will still be crying like a cry baby to someone who just dump me like I'm not important in this nonsense world" A tear flows into his cheeks as he closes his eyes while remembering the day he will never forget.


"Wow. Nice setting baby" Minhyuk looks around on the window seeing trees and mountains all over the building but he keeps an eye on the camping site not so far from the building

"Let's try it out come on!" When he looks at the person, he was confused.

"Why are you looking all so serious?" Minhyuk asked as he raises his eyebrow looking to the person in front of him

The other person just looks down and doesn't dare to look at his eyes

Minhyuk got confused and walks closer to him but he signals him not to do so " No! Don't come near me"

"What is happening to you baby?" He was worried all of the sudden to what the latter's acting at the moment

"Don't ... Don't call me baby anymore" He was startled hearing those words that made his whole body intense

"What are you talking about?"

"Minhyuk... I want this relationship to end" He sarcastically laugh but that laugh turns into a confusion in a second

"You are playing games at me again, aren't you? Stop it Baby. It's not a good game for the both of us" Minhyuk cleanse his fist inside his jacket while looking across a 3 meter away person who doesn't even dare to look at him.

The silence makes Minhyuk crazy. They are just standing there and his boyfriend is not even looking back at him. His heart is now unease. He doesn't know why but once he get it, he wished not to know at all.

"Baby, stop playing around. Let's go home now" Just when he was about to come closer to him, the latter raised up his head and looks at him with mixed emotion

"Minhyuk I'm serious" Minhyuk ignores it and just walks towards his direction and just when he was about to get the latter's wrist, the person refuses it with a force

"Hyungwon, we are now going home" Minhyuk said seriously as he pretends he doesn't hear what his boyfriend is saying

"Can't you hear me Minhyuk?!" Hyungwon explodes while he pushes Minhyuk away from him

"I'm ending this relationship up!" He shouts out while tears are forming in the side of his eyes

"Both of us are tired from work. We need to rest. Let's go home" Minhyuk fakes his smile as he pretends to hear nothing with his voice but the truth is, his heart is now drowning to confusion

"Can you please just listen to me?!" He forcefully lets go of Minhyuk's hand while wiping the tears escaping through his eyes

Minhyuk wipes his face in depression while walking towards the window "why?"

A long silence was occupied until it makes Minhyuk crazy again

"I'M ASKING YOU WHY?!" He turns around to see Hyungwon looking at him with no emotion

He walks back at him and holds the latter's shoulder while his tears are now flowing continuously "WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!"

"You did nothing" Hyungwon sincerely answered while fighting his gaze to Minhyuk's now angry and confuse face

"THEN WHY ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME?!" Minhyuk can feel his burning face and a pain on his heart. He doesn't know what is happening that made him more angry with that state

"I... I don't love you anymore" Minhyuk closes his eyes as he forcefully let go of the latter's shoulder while gripping his hair as much as he is angry

"Hyungwon, 3 years, are you throwing that 3 years with that damn reason?!" He shouts out but not as loud as he can since his heart is now drowning with pain

"Yes" Hyungwon closes his eyes as he turns around to walk away.

"THATS IT?! YOU ARE NOW TURNING YOUR BACK AT ME?! REALLY HYUNGWON?!" He chooses to ignore him and continue to walk but Minhyuk doesn't stop


"But it doesn't mean it would not change. I love you before ... But not for long"

With those words, Hyungwon's figure is slowly vanishing into Minhyuk's vision. He sits down hardly on the floor while he lets his tears be the voice of his heart.

After a long hour of crying, he stands up and look at the window again. He sees his reflection. His face being messed up with tears all over it.

"Is it really easy to dump me like that?"

He moves closer to the window and trace the part wherein he can show his face. Just then, his phone vibrates.

12:34 pm

From : Shownu

Minhyuk, let's get going. We are late for your next meeting. You could meet up Hyungwon after it.

He holds his phone hardly and throws it forcefully on the wall while screaming like a mad beast on the empty room. He hits the window glass with his bare hand as he lets out the pain which doesn't seem to end. He doesn't care how the blood which is dripping same as his tears dropping on the floor.

After deciding what to do to stop the pain, he quickly left the empty room and takes the elevator to meet Shownu on the parking lot.

Shownu was shocked meeting Minhyuk with tears all over his face, blood on his hands and a emotion he couldn't explain.

"H-hey Minhyuk are you okay?" He worriedly asks

"Give me the key" Minhyuk plainly command

"Is there something wrong happened back there?" He looks at him sincerely but all he receives was a emotionless stare from his friend "Shownu give me the key"

He sighs before slowly giving him the key. Minhyuk gets it quickly and enters the car immediately

"Minhyuk where are you going?!" He freaks out seeing him starts the engine without him on the car

He doesn't know why but he feels pity when Minhyuk just stares at him and dashed out to the parking lot. Just then he remembers something that he heard from the news.

"MINHYUK DON'T GO TOO FAR! IT WOULD BE RAINING HEAVILY TODAY!" He shouts but he knows, Minhyuk doesn't hear it.

"What just happened?"


Minhyuk hits the road with a full speed on his car while tears are still pouring non stop on his eyes. He just wanted to get out of that building as fast as he could.

He doesn't understand a thing. He doesn't know what went wrong. His heart is drowning with pain that no one is trying to save it. He grins his teeth because of anger. He is angry, really angry.

3 years of loving that boy with all of heart, he can't accept the fact that he doesn't love him anymore. Why all of the sudden? Maybe he is too possessive that he doesn't know what is happening around him. But can he blame that to him? He is possessive because of him, only him. What's wrong with that? Maybe it has nothing to do with him, but to the latter.

He feels more pain knowing to himself that he expects too much. He expects that man to be with him when times get rough and soft. He expects that man to love him to whom he is and doesn't care what others think. He expects that relationship to last and be together for the rest of their lives but now, it doesn't seem like happening and that's what makes him feel angry for trusting him with his words. His words he thought its true but turns out to be a lie that he cannot even see it coming. Out of all his expectations, he doesn't expect this. He doesn't expect the man of his life leaving him with only one reason why he wanted to end things up with him. Probably the most painful reason no one wanted to hear in their whole life.

He doesn't love him back anymore .

"What a precious words"

He smirks crazily thinking those words. Those words who hurt him in just one go. No mistake at all.

He sighs deeply after forcefully stops his car on the middle of the road and doesn't care to other people beeping on his back. He thinks for awhile as an heavy rain finally becomes one to his feelings. He looks at his window and sees a country site near the road. He looks closely on the stiff mountain and finally starts the engine right away.

When he was about to exit the road and take the other side, someone is calling his other phone on the car eagerly. He keeps ignoring it from time to time but accidently answers the last call before going out of the car

*picks up*

Minhyuk : WHAT IS IT?!

Shownu : where are you?! I cant contact you in the other phone! What happened?!

Minhyuk : do you care?!

Shownu : of course I care Minhyuk!

Minhyuk : it's none of your business already!

Shownu : Lee Minhyuk get back here in the building please! Don't hit the road since it's raining so bad already. Something might happened to you

Minhyuk : then let it be

Shownu : don't be so stubborn! If it's Hyungwon then let it pass for awhile! Don't take it so seriously

Minhyuk : what will I not take seriously hyung?! that he breaks up with me like a damn garbage bag ready to be thrown away?! IS THAT IT?!

Shownu : M-Minhyuk I-I d-don't under-

Minhyuk : you don't understand?! NEITHER AM I!

Shownu : L-listen. We will talk about this. Just go home for awhile and don't freaking go anywhere-


Minhyuk throws his phone inside his car and walks to the camp. He is not bothered to the rain that keeps pouring onto his clothes. Just when he was about to enter the camp, someone blocks his way

"Sir there is no camping today as you can see in the weather. I'm sorry." The personnel said while holding Minhyuk's shoulder

"Back off" He commanded

"Sir the camp is close please understand" He doesn't listen and still pushes the personnel. He walks quickly inside the camping site without turning back with guards on his back.

When he notices the guards, he immediately runs and hide to where he thought no one could see him. He hides carefully while the guards are looking for him eagerly.

After a few minutes, he gets out from his hiding spot and sighs victoriously. When he makes sure no one is following him, he hikes up in the mountain. He was struggling to come up because of his suit. He quickly takes off his wet jacket and shoes and attempts to climb up again.

He succeed to get up and rest for awhile as the rain is starting to pour more heavily on him. He lays on the rocks and opens his eyes to meet up with the raindrops with his teardrops.

He can feel his tears falling from his eyes to the rocks near his face. Even the raindrops cannot fake his tears for he knew what is pain and to what is not.

After the last tear drop fall, he gives all his strength to stand up for he is already weak because of the rain. He slowly walks to reach onto one of the edge of the mountain and when he reached it, he stands up straight. He looks on how high the mountain is. He is scared of heights but this time he is not. Fear doesn't come to himself but instead pain. Pain that doesn't seem to end but might end this way.

He knows he is already crazy at the moment thinking of the craziest thing he might do, foolish thing he guess. He laughs crazily but that laugh turns into whines of tears in just a short period of time

"If you decided to leave me... Why can't you just kill me?... It is easy right? As easy as you said those words with ease. Leaving me with ease. Breaking me into pieces in just a short period of time with ease. Stabbing my heart with a pain on your hands and it was just easy for you right?! How easy can it be to just let me die with your hands?! Making me play with your games. Your stupid games that I thought its real but eventually keeps me playing like a fool because I always lose to you. How happy you are now?! Winning all those games?! I thought I was your prize! I thought... I freaking thought you are way more different from all those winners who just wanted to win and make the losers feel how stupid and fool they are for losing the freaking game! I THOUGHT!... But you are just like them. And I'm like those losers who gave up. I gave up. I quit ."

He closes his eyes while he holds his heart as tears are making him hard to breathe. He raises his head up and when the last tear drops, he was ready.

He forwards his one foot on the air and looks down once again above. After a few seconds, he lower his lower body and cleanse his fists.

2 -

"Ah hi?"

Minhyuk was surprised when he hears someone's voice. He cursed that person for ruining his perfect timing to jump. He turns around and looks at the person with a grumpy face.

"Who are you?!" He shouts in Japanese

"Argh I hate it when I need to look at the dictionary" the latter whispers as he takes out his dictionary to find the words. Minhyuk raises his eyebrows while observing the serious long hair boy while finding something on the book

"Ah!" He points out to him after finding out what he was saying awhile ago

"I'm" the stranger points out to himself while speaking with an awkward Japanese

"Jeonghan" He smiles brightly after figuring out what he was asking

Minhyuk was filled again with confusion but this time, a different one. A strange one.

"What do you want?!" He shouts with frustration

He sees the latter being stress again while re opening his Japanese book

"How I wish Japanese and Korean language are similar" he whispers with annoyance. Minhyuk hears it that made him smile a little

"Are you Korean?" He asked

Jeonghan looks at him surprisingly as he heard korean word on the person. Even if he doesn't really understand what he said as a whole, he still tries it.

"Korean? Oh yeah. Korean!" He points again to himself while smiling innocently

Minhyuk just looks at him and asks him once again what does he want from him but still in Japanese that made Jeonghan frustrated translating it.

"Argh! I even say Korean and he still speaks in Japanese. Just wow" Jeonghan protest in his whispers that his capable to hear in Minhyuk's ears. Minhyuk raises his eyebrow and crosses his hands in front of him.

After a few minutes, Jeonghan throws the book into frustration and looks at him again

"Can you speak English?" He said while gesturing those english words from his hands

Minhyuk nods slowly "yes"

"Oh" Jeonghan rubs his nape as he whispers again "why did I ask that? I can't even speak English as well!"

Minhyuk sighs and looks at him "look, I'm in the middle of something and you just ruin it. Now please can you tell me what do you want from me and get lost?" (English)

Jeonghan just stares at him as those english words are not sinking into his brain. Minhyuk growls into frustration seeing the man doesn't even understand him until now.

"What do you want?!" (English)

Jeonghan was startled and begins talking nervously "I-I-I'm lost woods. Friend walk first with no me. R-rain heavy. P-people need go d-down evacuation" (English)

Minhyuk got a hard time understanding those words plus his vision are becoming blurry all of the sudden. He shakes his head and holds his forehead "You go straight there and do you see the light?" (English)

"Light yes" Jeonghan said as he follows Minhyuk's fingers pointing onto something

"That's the place. Now go leave" He commanded and turns his back again while he feels dizzy at the moment

Jeonghan scans the path all the way to the light "I think it's impossible to get through this"

The path is already full of rain and a thick fog is covering around it. It is now impossible to be used to go to the evacuation center. Jeonghan sighs heavily and looks again to the guy whom he asked for help.

"Ah sir?" (english)

Minhyuk breathes heavily as he frustrating looks back again to the annoying person

"Why are you still here-?!" He loses his balance when a small rock slides away from his foot. He wiggles his body trying to balance again but he is too late as he slip on the mud. Just when he was about to fall on the edge, he luckily grab on a branch of tree but he knows it is not stronger enough for it to carry his whole body.

He closes his eyes for he knows what's awaiting for him. When he thinks again, he wanted this from the start. He slowly relaxes his whole body.

Just when he was one second closer to release the grip on the branch, he thought his wish will come true as he feels for a second his hands holding nothing at all...

But it's not.

When he felt someone grabs his hands, he opens his eyes again and looks at that stranger.

"What are you doing?!" (English)

"Trying to save you can't you see?! I don't care if you can't understand me but you can already see it right?!" Jeonghan shouts back as he was having a hard time pulling him up

"Why are you so heavy?!"

Minhyuk was in a middle of confusion again. If he doesn't help himself to get up, both of them will end up dead below this mountain. He sighs before pushing himself to get up and helps Jeonghan to carry on his weight

"Thanks for losing heaviness" Jeonghan sarcastically said as he pulls with all of his might and helps the guy to reach the platform once again.

Minhyuk buries his head onto his shoulder as Jeonghan is catching up his breathe while looking at his Umbrella being dragged away by the heavy rain and wind

"Great now I'm all wet" He murmurs

"Leave" Minhyuk said while his head is still cannot be seen

Jeonghan looks at him with a wide eyes open "why you- You can speak Korean! You still make me struggle with those Japanese and English language of yours!"

"Just leave me will you?!" Minhyuk finally lifts his head as annoyance is filling him up

Jeonghan looks at him "why would I leave you with that kind of state?! Look at you!"

"Do you even care?!" He tries to get up but eventually his whole body is trembling because of coldness

Jeonghan stares at him for awhile and slowly moving closer to him "a-are you alright?"

Minhyuk doesn't answer as he doesn't have the strength. The coldness is slowly swallowing his body. It makes him die bit by bit.

Jeonghan touches Minhyuk's nape and he quickly removes it when he feels how cold that stranger is right now. He panics even more when a strong wind blows on their direction. He doesn't know why but he quickly covers the stranger with his whole body before the wind might even touch him.

Minhyuk feels a little warm and looks at the pretty boy who did that to him. He slowly raises his eyebrow and tries to lift his arms to push him.

"You're rude-" just when Jeonghan was about to say something, the rain becomes heavier. He panics once again and quickly holds the man in his shoulder to stand him up

"Why are you so heavy?!" Minhyuk doesn't have any strength anymore to do something. His whole body is now even weak with the rain wrapping in his whole body. He doesn't know what the other guy is doing now to him.

Jeonghan eventually put the other arm around his shoulder and holds his waist to support him. He manages to do that and quickly thinks on how will they get away from there

"Where will we go?! I didn't even know this place!" He tries to communicate with the stranger but he sees him shivering so much. He was alarmed. He tries to walk quickly on the mountain. He feels useless in a minute seeing nothing but winds and rains on his sight. He thought any minute now this rude guy on his arms will probably die because of the extreme coldness.

Suddenly, a wind blows some of the fog and sees a little house more like a cottage for him. He immediately moves on that sight and when they reached it strugglingly, there is no one home. He feels stupid for a minute thinking someone might actually live there with this kind of weather. He puts the man on the floor for a second and tries to break the door. After a few tries, he succeed. He gets the man quickly and enters the house.

He was quite enlighten seeing the house full of woods since they needed some heat at the moment. He gently release the stranger on the wall and holds his cheeks

"O-oh my, you are really cold" Jeonghan said shiveringly since he too is trembling with coldness. He panics once again seeing the man's lips close to being white and and his body looking so pale. He eyes on the man's shirt seeing it so thin and wet. He thinks for a minute while he tremblingly bits on his fingernails.

"Okay Jeonghan, don't be malicious. It needs to be removed or else he would die"

He closes his eyes because of frustration. He slowly holds the Man's cheeks again and tries to wake him up

"Y-yah S-sir, you need to take off your clothes. I-I have extra here since I have gone here for camping unlike you who comes here to likely die" But he didn't response. Jeonghan growls into frustration and sits completely on the floor.

"Okay Jeonghan you can do it"

He slowly moves his hands on the man's shirt and ed it. He removes it quickly and closes his eyes to not see what he doesn't want to see. He looks at his big bag to see some of his clothes but eventually, almost all of them are slightly wet because of the rain. He guess it is alright for now unlike the other shirt. He takes one out and slowly dress the man in front of him. After doing it, he also gets his blanket and covers it to him to add some heat. He was glad when the man finally moves a little but only to shiver more. He panicked once again and tries to search for more blankets on his bag but that is all he got. He doesn't have a plan to overnight a week in a mountains anyway.

He thinks for another way to make this guy feel more warm and eyes his jacket. Even if it is wet, it still brings warmness to him. He removes it right away and wraps it to the man. Now he is the one who is struggling in the coldness but the stranger needs to keep warm as of now.

Jeonghan stands up after settling the man down. He thinks of a way to start a fire since there are a lot of woods around them. He brings some in front of them and search for his pocket to something that might light the woods he brought. When he finds the lighter, he quickly tries to lights it up but it was no use at all. The lighter is now completely wet.

He holds his hair because of frustration. He sits down away from the man and settle his arm around his body as he is now fully cold. He looks around the house and notice that it is small. It only fits for 2 people he guess since this place is a wood house after all. He felt already the coldness inside his flesh that made him hold his nape to receive the only part of his body which has a little warmness in it

Just then, he sees the man slowly moving his body but no sign of waking up. He still trembles to death. He thinks for a minute but eventually he moves closer to him as he is worried.

He holds the man's neck and feels hot "Y-you have a fever"

All he receives from the man is panting heavily. He becomes nervous seeing him breathes so heavy. His bag is now useless since all of his clothes, blankets or even towel, wrap it around the stranger. Since his shirt is quite long, he cuts an average length on it and wipes the man's sweat all over his face.

"A-are you alright?" He worriedly asked. He tilt his head and sees his bottle with a little amount of water in it. When he was about to get it, someone grabbed his arm

"Omo!" Jeonghan was surprised but he was even more surprised seeing the man looks so hopeless to him

"Please... Please don't leave me" A tear fell out from the man's eyes that made the latter feels awkward at the moment

"I-I w-won't"

"Why did you dump me like that? Like I'm nothing to you?" Jeonghan was speechless. He doesn't know what the guy is talking about

"You know I love you... Am I not worthy to be loved? ... You said you don't love me anymore but why does it feel like you're just lying to me? Or I'm making a fool out me again. I'm just a fool. Fool to be lose in your game. I get it" Minhyuk cries in silence as he closes his eyes that made his tears fall faster. Jeonghan doesn't know why but that words stabbed him in his heart. He feels pain all of the sudden. His heart recognizes again what he did last month. Leaving without a word.

He sits besides him and automatically holds the guy on his head and make him lay on his shoulder.

"You seem to have a hard day... Just rest for awhile" he whispers as he slowly combs the wet hair to make him sleep and rest.

Minhyuk can't understand why but his heart is feeling relax. He doesn't give much attention to it as his whole body needed to go to sleep.

After 2 hours, Jeonghan checks his watch and sees it's already 1:30 a.m in the midnight. He looks at the man again and sees he is sleeping peacefully. He gently places his head on the wall and stands up. He looks at the window and sees the weather is not even lessening, it only gets worse from time to time.

"No one will rescue us with this kind of weather" he said to himself. He feels his stomach is telling him to eat something but his eyes are on the man. He thought he is also hungry. He looks again to his bag and sees if he left some canned goods and luckily, he finds one but only one.

He looks again to the man "you need this more than me"

While he was struggling to open the can with the can opener, Minhyuk is slowly opening his eyes and see a not so familiar face. He moves a little bit and feels his whole body being wrapped by many layers of blankets and clothes. Just then, he looks around the corner and sees his previous shirt on the floor. He widens up his eyes as he tries to sink in why his shirt is there. He slowly moves his hands to his body and felt new shirt on it. When his vision was clear, he now clearly see the man with his back in front of him. The same long haired boy whom he met annoyingly on the mountain.

"YAH!" He shouts that made Jeonghan surprised and jump his whole body on the floor

"You- YOU SURPRISED ME TO DEATH!" Jeonghan exclaimed

"What did you do to me?!" Minhyuk said as he places his arms crossed on his upper body.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes and irritatingly said "don't make it sound like I did something to your body!"

"Why my shirt is changed?!"

"Because you're wet. It will make you feel more sick if it will not be change silly" He answered softly

"Who changed it?!"

"Obviously it's me. Unless you see another person here in the room" Jeonghan raises his eyebrow

Minhyuk shuts his mouth for a second but his hands are still on his body

Jeonghan rolled his eyes again and gets back to opening the can "Put that down. I didn't do anything to you. If I want something from you then I should have remove your pants as well but I don't want something so I didn't. I just wrapped you with clothes and blankets since you are freezing to death. I hope you feel better"

Minhyuk sighs as he can feel that man is not harmless at all. He looks around the room and sees a lot of woods "why didn't you start some fire then?"

Jeonghan looks at him annoyingly "if I can, you can see fire by now"

Minhyuk just pouts but when he thinks of the man's effort, he slowly moves closer to the man and taps him from his shoulder. Jeonghan thought he will say annoying words again but this time, it is warm.

"Thank you" Minhyuk sincerely said in a low voice "but I didn't ask you to save me"

"You don't have to ask me" Jeonghan said back "I wanted to help you"

Minhyuk sighs and continued "it's not that I want you to help me. Is just that... I really planned to die. And you kinda ruined that you know?"

Jeonghan smirks and looks at him completely "it doesn't mean you had a hard day, you need to punish yourself to death. You can just run away you know"

Minhyuk slowly gets back to his previous position "you don't know what I have been through today"

Jeonghan follows him with his eyes "you're in pain"

"What makes you think that I'm in pain?" He looks at him with no emotion at all

He thinks for awhile and sits in front of him "well, you kinda sleep talked awhile ago"

"W-what did I say?" He widens up his eyes

"About someone leaving you" Jeonghan seriously answered

Minhyuk just nods and looks away immediately. Jeonghan can understand him. He doesn't know why but he can.

He tries one last time to open the can and he opens it. He first serve it to the man in front of him

"Here. Sorry if it's not hot. It's just enough to fill our stomach up" Minhyuk tremblingly gets it and looks at Jeonghan while the pretty boy eats his food slowly.

Jeonghan can feel someone his watching him. Without lifting his head up he said "you know, you can ask me anything you want to instead of looking at me like that"

"Why would I" Minhyuk gets back to his sense and starts eating the soup

"Because I'm a stranger and you too. I can never judge you and you can never judge me. Simple" Jeonghan smiles at him brightly while finishing his soup.

After they eat, silence overcome them. Jeonghan just stares at Minhyuk while Minhyuk stares at the window with the hard wind and rain greet him.

"Hmmm" Jeonghan wanted to break the awkward atmosphere and distance since he is sitting opposite to the man on the other wall

After hearing a short noise coming from the man who just destroyed his plan for today, he looks at him

"You speak Japanese, English or even Hangul so good. Where did you learn that?" He asked

"I learn English for our business since I need to communicate with my clients. It would be hard for me to communicate with their language so speaking in English would be better since it's the universal language. Japanese because I need to survive here in Japan. I need to live here because our main building stands here. Lastly, Hangul because I grow up in Korea" Minhyuk explains briefly

"Oh so you're korean?" He added

"Obviously, yeah" he gives him a little smile

Jeonghan nods slowly "What a relief. I'm glad it will be easy for me to communicate to you"

Their communication pokes Minhyuk's interest. He was kind of interested to know the annoying man who ruined his plan for today "why are you here in Japan then?"

"Same as you I guess. I'm here for my family business. I just flew here last month so I'm very new with the language and nature" he explains

"Why do you go camping alone?"

"I'm here with my friend whom I know as soon as I step here. We are in the top of the mountain when the heavy rain starts. It is not easy to get down so I lost him and... I found you" Jeonghan looks at him innocently

Another silence came in their way. Jeonghan decided to go asleep since he doesn't want to feel the coldness flowing inside his body and flesh. When he was about to lay down, Minhyuk asks again a question

"Why did you help me?"

Jeonghan immediately looks at him and dares to look back into his sharp eyes "because I felt you needed one"

"I wanted to die that time-"

"Why?" Jeonghan was shocked when he clearly interrupts the stranger in front of him. Minhyuk was quite shocked as well but as that pretty boy said awhile ago, it's better to open up with a stranger since he needed to release the pain he keeps holding onto.

"I know it's hard to keep the pain you wanted to release. I can be your friend just for the night if you needed someone to listen to you" He smiles that made Minhyuk relax a bit

"Today, someone left me. Probably... Broke up with me. You will never understand why I want myself dead because I can't handle the pain" Minhyuk tries to stop his tears from falling again and was glad that the room is pretty dark for him to hide it

Jeonghan laughs a little "believe me or not, I understand you. When I see you standing on the cliff, I feel you. I really do"

"What do you mean you understand me? You mean you want yourself to be dead as well if you felt the pain which is causing me right now?" He half-jokingly said

"No. Let's say we are in the same game but different character. I don't want myself dead. It will be foolish and stupid of mine if I do that. Well, some people tried to kill me" He laughs sarcastically but continued "but I'm still here. And I have friends who prevents me from death I guess"

Jeonghan feels the pain again remembering what he left behind.

"Friends? Are they with you here?" Minhyuk curiously asked

"No" Jeonghan sadly answered "I left them behind in korea"

Minhyuk nods slowly "they probably missed you by now"

"I hope so... I missed them too" He soullessly said

Just when Minhyuk thought their conversation was over, Jeonghan started it again "is it love?"


"Is it love that broke up with you?" Jeonghan seriously asked

Minhyuk thinks for a second and answered "yeah..."

"I don't know if this will make you feel better because I really don't have the idea on what are you going through right now but don't punish yourself. You are already hurt but you keep on hurting yourself even more. I'm not really good giving advises like this since my best friend is always there to guide me to make me feel that I'm already stupid to what I'm doing" Jeonghan thinks for a second

"Just cry. Cry all the pain out. Yeah it doesn't get rid of the pain but at least you can show it to yourself. You need help. I hope... I can help you just for now" He stands up and walks slowly to Minhyuk's direction and sits beside him.

Minhyuk was confused but was even more when Jeonghan puts his head into his shoulder

"my best friend always do this to me to make me feel better. I hope it works to you" Jeonghan lets out a tear on his eyes remembering the days when his best friend was still there to calm his heart

Minhyuk doesn't know what to do but his tears are starting to fall quickly. Jeonghan's touch on his head touches his heart that made him cry to his sorrow, to his pain.

Jeonghan slowly combs the latter's hair as he rests his chin over his head.

They were like that for an hour

No words are coming out from their mouth.

the pain on their hearts speak for them.

Just then, Minhyuk automatically puts his arm around the pretty boy's waist. He feels comfort. A moment to relax his heart. It is strange he got it from a stranger who happens to ruin his day but eventually made his day. He smiles between his lips as he hugs him tightly.

Jeonghan was shocked because of the sudden affection but he knows this guy whom he doesn't know what's the name, needed a friend right now. Even just for the night.

When Jeonghan felt Minhyuk was starting to fall asleep, He do what he did awhile ago. He gently puts Minhyuk's head on the wall and his arm back to his stomach. Jeonghan smiles one last time after looking at the man who is sleeping peacefully.

He comes back to his previous position and lays on the floor. After laying, the fact hits him hard that he is still freezing to death. He curls his whole body as he can't control the coldness. He tries to close his eyes and forgets the coldness but he can't.

Just then, he felt something warmer all of the sudden.

Minhyuk lays beside him and hugs him together with the blankets and clothes all over his body "thanks for the night. You made me forgot him for a moment"

Jeonghan felt a little awkward but the warmness helps him "you might still have fever. Use it"

When Jeonghan was about to refuse, Minhyuk hugs him even more tightly "you needed it too. Let's just share this. Just done turn around. Our lips might touch you know"

Jeonghan laughs but accept it anyway, he puts his head on the latter's arm and starts resting his eyes.

Minhyuk smiles seeing this pretty boy in his arm.

"You are annoying sometimes but... I feel like you are an angel... A beautiful one" he said as he traces Jeonghan's cheeks with his fingers.

He lays closer to the pretty boy and he knows that time, this angel has already opens a new door into his heart.


Minhyuk smiles once again as he drinks the last drop of wine in his glass. "Wait a little longer my pretty boy. We might be in a different character, but who knows, you might be my prize once I end this game"

He whispers those words to him and slowly closing his eyes.


I don't have any internet connection from the past few days so I only posted this right now. Thank you for your patience 😄 enjoy reading~
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Interesting. Will read asap.
Chapter 22: Omg that was amazing lol I know I'm late but please continue writing!
Boku21 #3
Chapter 22: Great Story n.n thank you for this ♥
chetski #4
Yay happy ending at last! Thank you for finishing this fanfic authornim - will await your new story
Chapter 22: Thank you author-nim! I know it was a struggle to finish this story but I am glad you did. The author is so cute and I hope you will continue writing when you have the time. Take care author-nim!
Jihan4ever #6
Chapter 22: I'm literally crying at 12 in the afternoon. I'm glad that Jihan was able to have a very happy ending! I'm sad that this fanfic is complete but it ended very nicely. This fanfic has come so far and it has finally ended. And I'll be ready for the next game if there will be another one. Good Work Author-nim! Yay to Jihan!
Chapter 22: Finally!!! Phew~~
Chapter 22: Thank you for wonderful game :)
kimyerimislife #9
Chapter 22: Waaah a happy ending for Jihan and Jicheol T.T really worth the wait :)) thank you for writing such a wonderful story authornim!!
iamautumn #10
Chapter 22: waaahhh thank you author-nim for giving us a happy ending !! I'm very happy that they ended up together :))))) but there will be another game??